Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

l-c - we are having a very similar day ... sorry for not replying to everyone I am shattered Amy doesnt want to sleep and wejust dont know what to do I have literally spent hours crying today. I wasnt going to got to weight watchers tonight as I am so tired but I think I will go just to have a break. I feel like a terible mum.
h&f: :hugs: :hugs:

Muddles: Yay for the tooth! Bobby still only has too :D

Sarah: Hope you feel better hon :hugs:

LC: I feel similar to you you :hugs: I think its a " charming" developmental spurt :wacko:

Frufru: I would be really annoyed at your friend as well!

Maybe: I hope you get the job :hugs: and the kids feel better! Bobby is also being soooooooooo clingy. Its pretty difficult :( Hope the mould gets cleared up :hugs:
LC - :hugs: i know how you feel. it will pass :hugs:

h&f - :hugs: to you too

sarah - hope you are on the mend and little oliver too :hugs:

frufru - i hate being cancelled on at the last moment :grr: and 4 times in a row, that'd make my blood boil!!!

emera - when danny eventually goes to get the cot from his parents flat where it is stored i think i'm going to try what you are doing with roh at bedtime. i used to do that with dylan, though sometimes i was there for 2hrs waiting for him to sleep :wacko:

muddles - hope you have a better night tonight!

amy - hope things at yours are still on an up :hugs:

well today was not the best. just as i was about to leave to do the school run erin's nursery phoned to say i couldnt take her as they had staff shortages :dohh: that meant i had to take both her and owen to my friends flat as she was going to give me some pointers about the job i am applying for as it is her old job. erin was of course excited to be in another person's home and as she has 3 kids about the same ages as mine they played but then started fighting over who would hold the crisp packet :dohh: kids! it helped to talk to her though and on friday i am going to talk to the head of the school where the job vacancy is.

all 3 kids have awful coughs so i am expecting a rubbishy night. owen has been seriously clingy so i ended up putting him in his buggy to watch elmo with erin and he's fallen asleep!

i got an email saying to call the management office of the estate so i shall do that first thing tomorrow and my FIL said he'd give the environmental health people another call. well back to making the supper and tidying up. catch you all later xxx
Hi ladies, can I join you?
My little man was born on 22nd May and was born on the 26th at 00.05, my third wedding anniversary!
Welcome Nel!

Sorryagain for quick post 4lbs off for me this week thats 34lbs in total so that makes me feel good but am now back to the stress of screaming baby and praying for some sleep tonight!
LC - if I could I'd pop round with some freddo's for you :hugs: poor you. I hope you're feeling better, days like that are horrible. Lack of sleep is such a killer. I hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:

frufru - funnily enough my sister has just bought some NUK bottles or I would have taken you up on your offer! as if I'd think you were minging! :roll: she's had a bit more success with them today and thinks he will take from those bottles if he is really hungry. ooooooooo that chickpea curry sounds gorgeous! I'll have to have a look on the internet so see if I can find something similar nom nom!! I'm really lucky with my girls, especially my eldest - they both eat pretty much anything and I'm hoping Alex will be the same. Its so nice when you can all go out for dinner together and not worry whats on the menu. Holly has a friend who will still only eat Turkey Dinosaurs and chips and cheese sandwiches and will only drink blackcurrant squash and she's 9. She gets really nervous about going to friends houses for tea becasue she will literally not eat anything else!.... great news about the 9 month check :thumbup: how strange they dont weigh! Finally I have a couple of friends that constantly let me down and its got to the stage where they say we must meet up soon and I just think yes we must and pigs might fly :rofl: they're lovely people, just thoughtless sometimes.. so I understand your frustration! :hugs:

H&F - sorry Amy is being a bit of a pickle lately :hugs: fantastic weight loss though! :thumbup: =D> hope you get some sleep tonight :hugs:

modo - I like the way you call it a charming phase :haha: I hope Bobby's clinginess (is that a real word :-k?) doesnt last :hugs:

NEL - welcome :wave: its always nice to have new people! what a lovely anniversary present. Alex was due the day after our first wedding anniversary but was born 2 days later :flower:

sarah - hope you and Oliver are feeling better :hugs:

maybe - what a shame about Erins nursery :hugs: I hope Owen gets better soon x

Today we went out for lunch and Alex and I shared a chicken and bacon caesar salad which was scrummy. I also popped in on my sister. Its actually me who will be having Gabriel for the first 4 days she is back at work as the nursery couldnt accomodate that week. So next week I'll have two babies. I'm hoping it will go ok. Gabriel is lovely but wants to be held all the time and Alex is on the move constantly and is desperate to squeeze Gabriel so it could be interesting!

urgh, need to do online ASDA shop now :( xx
:wave: Hi Nel! Your LO was born on my birthday :)
Can I proudly announce that I directed Nel here from GS as I think you're all so wonderful :kiss: haha.

Frufru, I don't know how you manage to write such long posts, I start to get cramp in my fingers and then start to wonder what I could possibly be getting up people's noses with in baby club :lol: Glad Joni is doing so well, she's so pretty. I don't think it'd be worth getting a Jumperoo, Daisy hated hers as soon as she got mobile about 2.5 months ago, but she is a bit of a nark so I wouldn't really use her as anything to judge by :lol:
Sarah, I hope you and Oliver feel much better soon :( :kiss: Go to bed and text Steve asking him to call you when he's outside xx
L-C, I get days like that too when I get barely any sleep. It's hard isn't it! Dairy Milks are my down fall :nope: I'm fine and don't buy them or make myself anything bad to eat and then Vinny comes in with chocolate. Bad man.
Amy- Good luck with that :kiss: I think I've missed a bit, how old is Gabriel now? Daisy wants to hit Summer with things, it's unpleasant, mainly because my sister acts like I told her to do it :lol:
Anne- Good luck with the job :kiss:
Emera- You must have so much patience. Daisy is similar to Roh at bedtime and some nights I have to do shifts with Vinny because I'm mentally exhausted :blush:
Muddles- I hope tonight is better :)

Right, I best be going, I can hear Daisy starting to wriggle :dohh:
Thanks for Nel Katie :thumbup::haha:

Gabriel is 4 months now, Alex just tries to grab him and if he gets him he pulls him close and squeeeeeezes his head into him :haha: how old is Summer now? Is Daisy like that with all other babies? Alex always wants to be best friends with them all. He was grabbing at a baby girls bottom at baby club last week and her mum said "ohh Ava, I think you've got a boyfriend!" :blush:
H&F - You are a great Mum!!!!!! I think the fact that you can identify when you need a break from Amy is so important. Joni has days where she is really whingy and just whines all day no matter what I do, mix in a few screaming temper tantrums and her refusing to nap and I am an emotional wreck.
Well done on 4lbs off :thumbup: your amazing progress on WW almost makes me think I might join too :-k
I hope you had a better night :hugs:

Modo - :haha: I like how you refer to our babies less than desirable behaviour as 'charming' :rofl: that is priceless :thumbup:

Maybebaby - Hoping that you had a better night than you anticipated. It is amazing how when you are a kid, who is holding the crisp packet seems like the most important thing in the world - if only life was so simple as adults :rolling: I hope your conversation with the management company goes ok this morning. Oh and fingers crossed for the job application.

:hi: Nel, lovely to 'meet' you. How wonderful that your little man was born on your wedding anniversary :cloud9:

Amy - I'm going to make the curry over the weekend so I will let you know how it goes and, if it works out, pass on the recipe. Crikey, what a shame Holly's friend is so restricted as to what she will eat :( it sounds like it makes her self conscious too. Good luck with double trouble next week :winkwink:

Katie - gold star for you for pointing Nel in our direction :mrgreen: Thanks for the feedback on the jumperoo :thumbup: I think if I could find one for £30 I would get one but lets face it that is soooooo not going to happen :lol:
As for my posts, they are rather long :blush: I can touch type so writing them only takes a bit longer than having a conversation.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I am relieved that I am not the only one who is mentally exhausted by bedtime. I hope Daisy gave you a relatively decent night.

Sarah - I hope you and Oliver are getting better :hugs:

Emera - I hope work has gone ok and Roh's teeth and sleep have been a bit better for you :hugs2:

Well I feel R O U G H today, I am not sure if it is a lack of sleep thing, if I might be coming down with a bug, that Joni got up at stupid-o-clock this morning or that I have had a period for two weeks (and still counting :growlmad:) - probably a mixture of all the above.

I have been to asda a couple of times as Joni's formula is on offer for £5 rather than the usual £7 a box and both times they have had none and keep saying they are having supply issues. I think it is more that they offer a super price and only stock a handful to make you keep coming back in the hope you will buy other stuff every time. It is 2 for 12 in Boots so I think I will get it from there as we are onto the last box in the cupboard. I am a bulk and bargain buyer :blush: :haha:

Well I think I might try to get Joni down for a nap, plus there has been some grunting from the playpen and there is a rather charming odour is the room :sick: now so I think a bum change is in order.

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
frufru - good luck getting joni to nap! lie down and rest when she does, it sounds like you need it :hugs:

have called the management company and the guy there told me to call environmental health :dohh: so i have called them and the guy i need to speak to is out lecturing and not back til 10.30. i will leave it til 11.30 and if he hasnt returned my call then i shall be calling again. it's just not fair that i am being given the run around i feel :grr: ok off to try and get owen to nap. catch you all later xxx

Frufru the curry sounds lush, let us know how you get on!! Hope it wasn't a poonami that Joni prepared for you! I'd be a bit gutted about your friend too, how strange that she keeps asking all the time, she obviously has no idea x

H&F 4lb!!!!!!! well done hun.... are you feeling better today? I'm finding the WW ok but it's only day 2...

Maybe - Will loves Elmo, we have a whole stash on skyplus to bribe him with. Hopefully once you have the cot Owen will carry on with his improved sleeping, how have the past couple of nights been?

Hi Nell and welcome xx

Amy - thank you for the freddo offer x Two babies, crikey I can hardly manage with one!

Katie - I'm a dairy milk fan too, used to take full advantage of the 3 for a £1 at tesco, which was very bad!

Well our day/night have gone from bad to worse, we do have a tooth though. Will's temperatures have calmed down thankfully, and he ate a bowl of bolognaise and pasta last night wahooooo. So I very niavely thought we might be in for a good night. We were up every hour and a half and for a couple of hours between 4 and 6 am, which I particularly enjoyed. I have no idea what is going on, me and OH were bickering during this urghhh.

So today he slept for an hour and a half this morning and was quite chirpy when he woke up so we were friends again, especially after he ate a whole bowl of food for lunch, then......

he fell and hit his chin on the coffee table and his bottom teeth have hit his new top tooth and it was bleeding so much, he was really quite brave (better than me). I feel dreadful, I have been trying to look but all I can see is dark blood where the new tooth is, I feel so tired and like the worst Mummy in the world! I will keep an eye on it and see how it goes x
lc - you are most certainly not the worst mummy in the world. babies will fall over! please dont beat yourself up about it :hugs: sleepwise owen is back to rubbish sleep :dohh: he is teething his top 2 and has a cold!!!

h&f - how is the new ww points different to the old one? i only have the old books and too strapped for cash to do ww online!
Amy - She's not normally like that with bigger babies, but Summer is only 11 weeks so can't really interact! To be honest I think she just wants to play, she's started 'giving' me things when she's playing, like a toy or whatever, and she tends to try and give things to Summer except obviously Summer just lies there looking at her so Daisy ends up hitting her with it. Daisy is really really excitable too and sometimes her hands get too excited and she hits her. My Mum always holds Daisy's hand and strokes Summer's head with it to try and show her to be gentle but it doesn't work because without supervision, Daisy just gets too scratchy :lol:
Frufru- I'm the same, I type pretty fast but I just get distracted :lol: I'm like that IRL too though, my conversations tend to kind of bounce off the walls iykwim!
L-C- :hugs: You're not the worst Mum ever! If it's any consolation, Daisy fell last week and hit her head on the fireplace (it's wood, not granite or marble) and I felt horrendous, even worse because I'd been putting off baby proofing it because I didn't want to ruin it. Needless to say I went out a couple of hours later and bought padded edging stuff for it!

I'm tirrred but I can't be bothered going to bed :lol: Daisy has woken up twice since 7.45! We went to the sensory room today, she loved it and I could really see how much she'd come on in the two weeks since we last went! I'm going to take the plunge and go to Musical Minis at the Childrens Centre on Monday, I'm nervous :lol:
Hi all -

Well we are all feeling much better today and Amy is currently fast asleep in her cot and I can say I am going to be fast asleep in bed very soon!

Maybe - the difference with the new system is that fruit and most veg are free I just find it encourages me more to eat healthier foods as they are less points whereas the foods that I used to eat so much of like pizza are very high points!

We also went cupcake tasting today and they were delicious! My hairdresser cancelled on Monday so I rebooked for tomorrow so I am going to be waiting to see if she turns up ... hopefully she will come as I want her to be reliable enough to do my hair for the wedding! I also need to go to Asda tomorrow to stock up on Amy's formula whilst its cheap!
frufru - hope you're feeling better :hugs: a two week period :shock: poor you! Mine have gone since taking domperidone and its so nice!

maybe - hope you had some success with env. health ? Love Dylans quote of the day :sick: x

LC - :hugs: dont worry its not your fault, Alex seems to have at least 3 head bonks a day at the moment with wanting to stand all the time! He had a huge lump yesterday where he pulled up on the stair gate we have on the lounge (to keep the crazy exhausting puppy out!) and he twisted himself and fell backwards onto a bar :dohh: really hope you get some sleep tonight :hugs:

Katie - I think Alex should meet Daisy - she sounds like his match :haha: I took him to his nursery for a taster session and there was a baby 3 weeks younger than him sat in a bumbo and he REEEEALLY wanted to play with her. He kept grabbing her head and squueeeezing his dribbly face into her :blush: I bet they are dreading having him there now! he made the little girl cry :blush: he needs someone like Daisy to play with then he'd learn that he tends to hurt LOs :blush: I was so embarassed but its not because he's rough, he just loves snuggling!

H&F - hope your hairdresser turns up!

well as I said to Katie, we went to Alex's nursery for a settling in session. I was meant to sit back and pretend I wasnt there but it was a disaster. Firstly I had to wake him up to take him in so he was in that "just woken up clingy" stage. Then he made a baby girl cry and it was me that had to stop him, they seem to plonk babies in bumbos and just leave them which worried me slightly. Alex will throw himself out of one now so I hope they dont try that with him. he also hurt his face with a metal bell and cried, then got stuck under a chair and cried. I kept saying he was a happy baby but they really didnt believe me! He ended up hysterical and wanting boobie for comfort so I BF him. Not quite how I imagined and I am just feeling sick about leaving him now. Babies are too young for nursery :cry: the toddlers were quite happy doddering about but the babies really werent getting the time and attention I can give Alex at home. We have two more settling in sessions the week after next but I cant stay for those. urgh, I hate it! x

Oh my goodness I've got soooo much to catch up on!!

First of all, thank you all soooo much for your 'Get Well Soon's' :hugs: Oliver and I are both feeling much better. I ended up following Emera's advice and sitting in the bathroom with the shower on hot for about an hour :dohh: it did work though and we were both breathing a bit better after that. Oliver finally fell asleep at about 11pm, and I fell asleep too so Steve almost didn't get let in :haha: Luckily I heard him knocking. Oliver actually slept pretty well after that, and we got up at about half eight. I was feeling soooo rough and ended up waking Steve up to look after Oliver so I could go back to bed. I felt awful for asking as Steve had only had about five hours sleep himself. I got up at about 10, and took Oliver for a long bath to get some more steam. He seemed much, much better though which I was glad about, though looking after a very active baby when you feel ill is sooooooo hard!!! At about 5pm I fell asleep, so Steve fed Oliver his tea and got him ready for bed, and then woke me up at seven. I put Oliver to bed and then went to bed myself at half eight . . . and we both slept pretty well until half eight this morning!!! I think he woke up maybe twice . . . . argh it was sooooo nice!! All the sleep did the trick too and we've both been much, much better today :)

Not such good news . . . . I'm no longer doing the wedding show in Ripon :( Steve had booked it off as Holiday but now has to work :( It would have ment that I had to set up and be on my stand on my own for three days, so it just wasn't possible. Plus if Oliver had an 'I Need Mummy' moment there would have been no one on my stand. Event though I got a good price it was still going to cost quite a bit, so I would have needed to really make the most of it, so it just wasn't going to work out. I'm a bit gutted as I was really looking forward to it but well, never mind!!

We are just waiting for a takeaway to arrive. I wasn't hungry until Steve said 'do you fancy a Dominos' :dohh: Now I'm starving :haha:

Right . . . . I'll post this message and then go try to catch up!!

Awww Amy :hugs: poor you and Alex :hugs: How many hours will be be in nursery each week? Bless him wanting snuggles, thats so cute! If you lived closer I'd look after him for you :hugs:
sarah the original plan was for two days (9-4) and one day with my mum and dad and one day with my Dad while my mum was at work but my Dad has admitted he doesnt think he can manage Alex on his own and I've had to admit to myself that it would be too much for him so the nursery will have him for three days a week. I'd be so much happier if he was a toddler/at least 1. It makes such a difference. Emily and Holly were both toddlers the first time I left them with a childminder. The staff are all nice people and not lazy, its just they have 3 children each and they dont seem to have time to sit and play like you can at home. I think I've made it worse for myself and him that Ive never left him with anyone, except Kerry for 15 mins once. I just never wanted/needed to :( urgh, I'm sure it will all be OK and I'll be super organised about time so that when we get home he gets lavished with love and attention. I dont want him to feel abandoned :(

Really sorry to hear about the wedding show but great news you are feeling better xxxx
Awwww Amy I'm sure when he gets into the swing of it he'll be fine. Three days isn't so bad! And like you say, when he's with you again he'll be sooooo spoilt!! Bless him! Its just something new that you both have to get used to, and today not going too well can't have been nice at all. But in another way, maybe him not settling too great will mean that he will get extra attention when he goes back!

I have been distracted by pizza :haha: and now Oliver has woken up, but I promise a proper catch up tomorrow!!

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