Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

:rofl: Sarah I was looking at it for ages thinking.. Why would you have that on your wall?! :lol: Love the one you bought, that's sweet.
Go Oliver, it doesn't stop once they start :lol: Daisy has figured out how to get back down without banging her head (nice work Daisy, it only took a month of bruises and heart attacks!) and spent literally all day standing up and getting down and standing up and getting down.. and so on. I felt tired just watching!
H&F, if that happens to us, I tend to keep her in the pram with a blanket or something behind her and give her unmessy food to eat like ricecakes :lol: I want to get one of those chairs you attach to a normal chair, they look fab. I have actually considered taking the highchair before but fear I would look like a crank :lol:
Emera, that's a lot of cake :shock: Hope yoour ear feels better soon :kiss:
Muddles, I go to story and rhyme and I love it! I hate groups that are less structured though because I feel like a spare part :lol:
H&F thats so bad of the hair dresser!!! What a way to run a company :dohh: I'm sure you'll be able to sort something re the dress :hugs: I had a bride once who's grandfather made her dress - he was soooo talented and it was absolutely stunning. I think thats what he'd done for a living at some point, it really was utterly gorgeous. anyway, she fell pregnant just before the wedding, and her boobs went to two sizes and wouldn't fit! Her grandfather was still making the replacement bodice the night before the wedding but bless him he got it done, and she looked amazing!

Amy I thought you'd like that :haha: Brrrr at the cold - I got caught out my the sun yesterday, it looked so warm but it was sooooo cold! We went to an art exhibition and luckily didn't have to walk too far but blimey it was cold!

Oliver just woke up and when I went in he was coughing like mad, I sat him up and he was sick all over :sick: He then fell back asleep :rofl: I woke him up trying to get him out of his sick covered sleeping bag :sick: but he's settled again now. His cough is horrible :(
Amy and Sarah yes it's only to 8 months, and as Oliver turns 9 months tomorrow I have already been sneakily going an extra 3 weeks anyway.

Oh and how could i forget to say that my H has developed a love of pushchairs! :lol: He bought a cheap lightweight buggy which folds up much smaller than Oliver's My3 one (which I LOVE). It's a Micralite Fastfold. I have to admit it is quite nice so my H has decided we should buy another one of them, one which has a hood, raincover, cosytoes.....etc as the one we got cost £11, has no hood or accessories and has a slightly dodgy front wheel. it's great for using to stop my little rolling escapee from escaping the changing rooms at the pool and the like :rofl:
Katie :rofl: I'm not sure where you'd put that print either :rofl: One of my fave artists is Al Murphy, I have this print in two colours / sizes but I daren't have them framed and put them up because of the swearing! Murphy&Offset=0&PageNo=1
It makes me giggle though, I love his other prints too, esp Paradise and The Rolling Stones :rofl:
Go Oliver, it doesn't stop once they start :lol: Daisy has figured out how to get back down without banging her head (nice work Daisy, it only took a month of bruises and heart attacks!) and spent literally all day standing up and getting down and standing up and getting down.. and so on. I felt tired just watching!

Katie - :rofl: this is what Alex is doing and I so get the tired watching :haha: did you say Daisy is cruising now?

sarah - awww poor Oliver (and you :sick:). ALex was like that with his flu. I hate it when they're ill :hugs: - love that print :haha: xxxx

muddles - :thumbup: yey for your hubbys buggylove :haha: I love my pram but buggies are so handy :thumbup:
hi ladies thanks for the concern. i am less stressed out now. for once my stress had nothing to do with OH!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: the kids were super hyper and owen has been really clingy (teething and terrible cough/cold) and i'm stressed i'm going to not get this job i'm applying for now :dohh: and danny was working 12-8 so was out and my mum couldnt come round as my dad fell down the steps at church a few days ago and his feet are swollen up and he can't walk :nope: erin has been super badly behaved the last few days always saying no to things and doing things she's not supposed to!!! any ideas how to tackle that? :shrug:

i am such a stupid idiot: danny and i were cuddling on the sofa and 1 thing led to another and we dtd with no contraception :blush: i am on CD26 so should be ok but have only had 1 period since having owen! i am so stupid :dohh::blush: i pray that i am not pregnant now as i couldnt cope! how could i be so bloody stupid!!! am so angry with myself!

amy - your walk sounds adventurous!!!

muddles - it's a shame that at 8 months oliver isnt considered a baby for baby clubs :wacko:

sarah - sorry to hear about your wedding show. hope you can drum up some business in other ways! poor oliver being sick :hugs: that happened to owen on the way to my mums the other day.

katie - i took our highchair on holiday with us up the coast in spain when erin was a baby :haha:
oh i forgot owen has 3 teeth - all on the bottom!! the top middle 2 are raring to come through though!
Maybe: What CD do you usually ovulate? CD 26 should be fine though :hugs: I don't know what to suggest about Erin but I think I have heard that it is a phase they go through. How old is Erin now? Well done to Owen with his teeth! Bobby still has two although he is always teething.

Sarah: I like the print! It really made me giggle :lol:

H&F: Wow that hairdresser sound so rude!!! Your cake sounds so lovely its making me hungry :lol:

You girls are all so lucky you can take your babies to playgroups and such. Everything local to me seems to take place during Bobby's naps :(


Bobby woke up at 11.50pm last night. I think the sleep regression has started. He woke up briefly at 5.30am and then at 6.30am and he was crying each time :(

On the plus side he seems less fussy :happydance: He actually let me put him down to play while I made breakfast and again when I cleared up. That really was bliss! I am hoping that he will settle down again and I will get my happy little boy back :)

My sister came over yesterday and DH and I have been showing her how to care for Bobby so she can hopefully babysit him sometimes. It would be great to go to the movies or out to dinner. I think in the beginning we would wait till he is sleeping before going out and then we will see how it goes :)

Anyway I am going to go through the posts again to make sure I didn't leave anyone out.
Katie: How long has Daisy been pulling herself up now?

Sarah: I am sorry Oliver is not feeling well :( Hope he feels better soon :hugs:

Muddles: Happy 9 Months Oliver :kiss:

Emera: You should so do the blog! I would also try out your yummy recipes. Glad you enjoyed lunch :) Sorry to hear about your ear infection :hugs:

Amy: your baby club sounds so cute. Sometimes I worry that Bobby is missing out by not going to these things :( I am sure that Alex will grow to love his nursery :hugs: It has been really cold here as well! I put a blanket on Bobby as well as the cosy toes when we go out now. Brrrr! Your dinner sounds yum!
modo - i'm glad that bobby is more settled. i have no idea when i ovulate! cycles before owen were 21-33 days.
Have you read Taking Charge of your Fertility? It's really good :thumbup: I read it when TTC to help me get pregnant (It worked in 1 month!) but you can use the same method for avoiding getting pregnant. I am going to be tracking my Basal Temp as I am getting sick of persona.
L-C - Poonami :haha: I had forgotten that description :rofl:
I hope you are still finding WW ok. What channel is Elmo on, I don't think I have ever seen it :-k Speaking of kids programs there is a new series called, I kid you not, 'Rastamouse' starting on cbeebies next week :lol:
I hope Will is feeling a bit better now. Sorry he took such a tumble :hugs: you are not a bad mum at all, babies are just so darn quick!

Katie - bless Daisy trying to play with Summer. Joni really likes to play with other babies too, she like to stroke their faces and eat their feet/shoes :haha:
Sensory rooms are well lush, I wish I could find one here to take Joni too.

H&F - yay for the cakes but BOO for the hairdresser. How flipping rude :growlmad: Like Sarah said that is no way to run a business. Clearly she does not appreciate the value of customer recommendation and word of mouth :shrug:
I am sure that you can find a seamstress that could take your dress in more.
I hope you have had a nice meal tonight :p

Emera - thanks for the link to your SIL's blog, it looks really fun so I have bookmarked it to have a proper gander later :thumbup:
Mmmmmmm :cake: they look good, though I imagine you are probably sick of the sight of them after making that many!
Earache is just the pits :sad1: hopefully the doc's can prescribe you some antibiotics to clear it up.

Modo - great news that Bobby seems to be getting back to more his usual self. I hope the night wakings pass quickly for you.

Amy - Joni likes to rub her dribbly face on other babies too, it is her interpretation of kissing :kiss: I am sure that Alex will settle into nursery just fine :hugs:
Brrrrrrrr :cold: I hope you have warmed up now. We went for a walk yesterday too and it was well chilly!!!

Sarah - I am so glad that you and Oliver are on the mend :hugs: Bummer about the wedding show :( Joni was so snotty and coughing so much last night that she was sick :sad1:
Its weird how the friends you are closest to shift over time and in response to your circumstances.
Good luck with the playpen hunt. We have been using the playpen for a week now and Joni loves it. It is so funny as sometimes you will be playing with her and she will get really grumpy and whiny, you put her in the playpen and leave her alone and she is as happy as a lark :lol:

Nel - Bless him hanging in there until after midnight. Joni would not even wait for her due date, she was so eager to meet the world she came a month and half early!

Maybebaby - I am sorry you had a crappy day yesterday :hugs: I am hopeless when it comes to cycles etc so have no advice only :hugs:

Muddles - Wow I can't believe your group 'out' babies at 8 months. I guess they look to move babies on when they can crawl? The story and rhyme sessions sound good fun though :thumbup:

Well after one week of good health Joni is poorly again :sad1: It seems to be another cold, but she is so congested she keeps choking on the phlegm and coughing until she is sick :sad1: Poor wee thing. With Joni not being well I think I will leave the curry until she is a bit better. Gutted as I was looking forward to eating it too!

I am pleased to say my 15 day period has now buggered off and left me in peace :thumbup: about blooming time though!!! Hopefully I will get at least a couple of weeks break before it comes back again [-o<

Thanks for the feedback on the Jumperoo :thumbup: I think if I can source one for the right price I will get one as she really does love to bounce!

So it has been a quiet one at home today with lots of cuddles and I expect tomorrow will be more of the same.

Sleep well everyone :hugs:
maybe - :hugs: sorry about your crummy day. I hate days like those where the children play up etc :hugs: I'm sure you'll be safe, its funny Kerry has refused to DTD since our scare (nearly 4 months now :blush:) becasue he is so scared I'll get pregnant again despite me being on the pill and not having periods! :dohh: no more scares for me :rofl:

modo - I'm glad Bobby let you get on with things a bit more, hopefully he's coming out of his fussy stage :hugs: How did things go with your sister? does she feel confident about babysitting? x

frufru - aww poor Joni, not another cold :hugs: Alex has the snots bigtime but luckily no cough. I hope you all get some sleep tonight :hugs:

We went for another freezing seaside walk today with my parents and then back to theirs for a cuppa. Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
FruFru Don't forget that if you buy Joni and Jumperoo you can always re-sell it when she has outgrown it, if you get a bargain you will probably get all your money back! I'm sorry to hear that Joni is under the weather again! Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery :hugs:

Modo I hope Bobby enjoys his time with your sister! We are hoping to leave Oliver with my parents one night (just for the evening) while we go out for dinner :)

Katie the sensory room sounds great! Is that at your surestart centre? Our has one and I have thought about hiring it out . . . . maybe I should!

I've been on the hunt for a playpen today but with no luck, I went to Mamas & Papas, Ikea and Babies R Us :dohh: I want a proper play pen but not a HUGE one, and they are all just so damn big! I want one the size of a travel cot but not a travel cot :haha: They all just seem massive and expensive, and since I'm not sure how much I'm going to use it, it seems silly to spend so much. I've got my eye on one from ebay, it looks quite big but its lightweight and looks like it might fold up quite small, and its not so much money if I don't use it and resell it. Its one of those that you can turn into a tent type thing with a roof which looks like fun, esp in the summer for the garden!

I just spend about two hours sorting out the kitchen cupboards :dohh: I was going to do all sorts tonight but thats one of those silly jobs that you start and just can't stop :haha: I'm glad its done though, I didn't think it was so long since I last sorted them but I was throwing stuff away from 2009! :rofl: I think I've half filled the wheelie bin :dohh:
Amy your walks sound so lovely! I love a good bracing walk and then a cuppa to warm up :) It always feels so good to get some fresh air and blow away the cobwebs!
sarah - :haha: I did the same in our cupboards a couple of months ago - its amazing how stuff can get hidden away. We had tins that went off in 2004 :haha: the embarassing thing is we didnt even live here then so we must have brought them from the old house :rofl: x
Amy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I thought I was bad :haha:

I don't know about you but I always find that I have absolutely LOADS of one thing too - this time its custard! I literally have about 10 tins of Ambrosia! And I bought three more yesterday and actually thought at the time 'oohhh I don't think we have any custard' :haha:

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