I needed a giggle so thanks
Emera for the 100% raisin poo story and to
Sarah for the tins of cats one.
Great bargains
Sarah and
Frufru. We might have just bought another buggy

in our defense the Micralite one my H got from Ebay is lovely but has a dodgy wheel and no hood so it is very much for use when you have to leave the buggy outside places or for use in the gym changing rooms. The one we got is a brand new red micralite fastfold. Think I will still use my My3 most of the time for now but the Fastfold will be good if we go away or round town as it takes up very little space in the boot.
Hope OliverWoo's bumped head gets better quickly. That's rubbish Steve tried to make you feel bad about it.
Amy that's funny about the food smearing in his hair. Oliver always seems to have random bits under his chin or up his nose
Loads of drama with my Mum AGAIN!
As she works shifts I keep asking her to let me know her off duty when she gets it (she gets it a month in advance) so I don't book things for those days. She doesn't tell me then gets really annoyed if I have plans.
Today for example she asked when she could see us and said she was off Mon, Tue and Fri so I said I am only free Tues morning and she went nuts! She said I am keeping him from her, I am clingy and wont let him out of my sight, he should be left with people other than me or my husband, it would do me good and it's not healthy that I don't. I should be going back to work as it will help him to develop and will help me to be a better mother-less clingy and more natural.
When I said insulting my parenting isn't going to make me want to spend time with you. Her response was that she wasn't insulting my parenting skills but she was immensley worried about them. She also said that she isn't sure why I cling to him as it isn't for his benefit as he enjoys stimulation with others and enjoys the company of others other than me and his Dad (yes she really did tell me what MY child feels and thinks, and not for the first time!)
Thing is I am not remotely clingy to him, when we arrive somewhere I sit him near me until he gets used to his surroundings then if it's appropriate (someones house etc) I put him on the floor with his toys to play and roll around. He doesn't nap on me...etc (though she tries to get him to nap on her anytime we are with her when it gets to nap time).
She twists everything as I asked why I would dump him in a nursery when he could be with me 1:1 and go to lots of groups/meet with other babies she said I was insulting everybody who puts their child in a nursery! That isn't what I said at all.
Anywhere we have been invited Oliver has been invited too, or one of us has been out and the other stays at home. Also my H and I have always preferred a takeaway and a good movie at home so we haven't needed to leave Oliver anywhere. I am not going to leave him with someone else just for the sake of it, would rather wait until we need to or until he is not a baby anymore. He also is still breastfed and isn't a fan of expressed milk. I feel so sad for Oliver as I had so much fun with my grandparents as a child. At least his other sets of grandparents aren't being like this.
Anyway on a happier note I was thinking about starting a baby and toddler group. I wonder how I would go about it. There are quite a few in this area but I know that a lot of the Mums who go the one which is up to 8 months have all said that they wish there was a follow on one on a Friday. I am sure it would be easy enough to hire a local hall, get toys from NCT sales or Ebay, get insurance....and to go to some of the baby groups and tell Mums about it. It's still very much an idea at the moment but perhaps I will be brave and try and do it!