Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Ergh took an hour to get Roh to sleep tonight, he's really snotty too, i'm hoping its just the teething though, fingers crossed!

FruFru - Glad the :witch: left the building! Sorry to here Joni is poorly again :( Hope she recovered soon. It sounds just like Roh in november/december he was ill non-stop for weeks on end with one thing after another. Someone on here (i forget who sorry) reccommended Minidex (think thats the spelling we used it all up so i can't check) Its a vitamin supplement for using when LOs are poorly. I started giving it to Roh after about the 3rd illness, i figured anything to help his immune system along :thumbup: We've had a quiet cuddly day too :cloud9: Oh, meant to ask you before, have you read any Terry Goodkind? If not i reccommend him :thumbup: Oh also i saw the ad for Rastamouse...mad! They do let some weird concepts through the net, don't they! I'm suprised in these times of PC madness they weren't concerned about racial stereotyping :shrug: My OH can't wait to watch it mind :haha: he was also grumbling the other day that he missed Octonaunts....way too much cbeebies i reckon :haha:

Muddles - What a shame that there is an age cap to your babygroup. I'm lucky that the one i've been going to is a baby and toddler group, so Roh would be welcome right up to pre-school age :thumbup: Saying that, i'm waiting for him to be old enough to go to the group that runs right nextdoor to my house, that will be soo easy, i can just walk round the fence with him. Its a toddler group though, so he's a bit too young for now.

Maybe - Sorry your day was stressful, wish i could offer some advice about Erin's behaviour, i'd assume its just a phase. My friend has a little girl about her age, so i'll ask her how she deals with it when i see her next :hugs: Also, fingers crossed that your little accident doesn't bare fruit! :hugs: I've never been able to use cycles to predict anything as my cycle runs between 10-50 days :shock: part of why Roh took soooo long to arrive!

L-C - I meant to say, don't worry about being a bad mummy, you are a fab mummy!! :hugs: Roh is constantly keeling over and bashing himself, he's just healed from a cut over his eye, where he fell onto the base of OH's office chair, he had a huge lump and a cut, i thought he was going to get a black eye too, but thankfully not! These things happen, and will keep happening, especially with boys, there is going to be plenty of scraps, cuts, bruises etc. in our futures! Roh has spent all of today letting go of what he's holding on to, standing unsupported for a little while, and then getting excited about it and falling backwards! :dohh: I've managed to save him a couple of times, but also, he sort of needs to learn that he can't start trying to bounce up and down if he's not supported...just yet anyway :winkwink:

Amy - You're brave with your seaside walks , i've been flipping freezing all day at home with the heating on! :cold: bet it was lovely when you got home for a cuppa though! I love the sea air too, even if its bitterly cold :thumbup:

Sarah - I like those prints, especially the one you have of the bunny :)

Modo - Eek, sorry that Bobby is planning to start the sleep regression, fingers crossed its shortlived! I think we are just about heading out of it now, its still a bit hit and miss, but being strict with his sleep routine, for naps and bedtime seems to be helping alot. Good to hear that he's getting less fussy when he's awake though :thumbup:

Wow i'm really chilly, and the heating is on full :cold: We had a nice day today though, just staying in and playing. My friend was passing by and dropped in unexpectedly which was lovely :) The kitchen was a mess and i was still in my tracksuit (not quite pjs, but not properly dressed :haha:) but hey, her little girl is the same age as Roh's, and i've been round hers when she knew i was coming and it was a mess :haha: Anyway, it was great to see her, and Roh and her little girl played really nicely together after the initial 10 minutes of having to hold them back from eachother, as they both wanted to bite eachothers faces! :haha: They are really similar, and at exactly the same developmental stage, so it was very interesting, and also very cute to see them playing :cloud9: Roh had Chilli con carne for lunch, he seemed to really enjoy that, also, he's crazy about raisins, so i've been letting him have some for his snacks, yesterday at playgroup he had the snack they provide there, and i wasn't really watching him closely, but today it appears he ate a rather substantial quanitity of raisins, as his first poo this morning was just raisins and nothing else :sick: I made him mango and banana custard for dessert this evening, which he really liked! Its also another sneaky way of getting alot of milk into him, as i made it with the formula i use for cooking with (i don't like cooking with my precious EBM! Anyway, heating it too much destroys all the antibodies and such) so he had an extra 5oz of milk today, think i'll do that more often :)

Right, well i just made some cupcakes and the icing is set so i think i'll make a cuppa and tuck in!

Amy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I thought I was bad :haha:

I don't know about you but I always find that I have absolutely LOADS of one thing too - this time its custard! I literally have about 10 tins of Ambrosia! And I bought three more yesterday and actually thought at the time 'oohhh I don't think we have any custard' :haha:

Thats so true for us too! I always have loads of tins of chopped tomatoes :haha: oh and packets of sugar free jelly crystals :shrug: :haha:
emera - I am always so ashamed when people pop in unannounced :rofl: :blush: :blush: sounds like it worked out lovely though! :rofl: to the raisin poo :haha: Alex does that with blackberries - he seems to poop out just seeds (ouch!) - yummy to the banana and mango custard :thumbup: (make sure you keep it out of your hubbys reach :winkwink::haha:) we've got the fire going 24/7 at the moment to keep the house toasty warm. Hope Roh sleeps well and gets better soon x
We just had another cough till your sick incident here :( I think I might take him back to the drs next week, it doesn't seem to be getting any better at all and he will have had it for a week on tuesday. I had to change his babygrow and it completely woke him up :dohh:

Amy my mum once had 14 tins of chopped tomatoes :rofl: I have six, and I bought them all yesterday (three cats for 50p at Asda, and nice ones too!).

Emera :rofl: at the raisin poo!!! Is the mango custard easy to make? I bought some formula for cooking etc too, I don't know if its just me though, not been used to formula, but it smells wierd? Its SMA, I was buying the cartons which were fine but worked out expensive, so I bought a tin of powder and it just seems to smell really metalic? Anyone know if that's normal?! I've only used it a couple of times as I'm just not sure about it at all. I did wonder if I was using water that was too warm, anyone know if that could make it smell funny? I am clueless when it comes to formula! :dohh:
Obviously that should be three cans of tomatoes not three cats :rofl: :rofl:

I'm on my phone :dohh:
Obviously that should be three cans of tomatoes not three cats :rofl: :rofl:

I'm on my phone :dohh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that did make me chuckle! get down to ASDA for your bargain cats :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Poor Oliver, I hope he gets better. Coughs are horrible :flower:
Sarah i think formula does smell and taste weird myself! Saying that i always taste things and think its a bit odd, but Roh seems to like it, so hey :shrug:

The custard is really really easy!

1 tablespoon of custard powder
However many scoops of formula your brand needs to make up 8oz
1/2 pint of boiling water
1 banana
2 strips of soaked dried mango, or one big slice of fresh mango

Mix the powders together, add a little bit of boiling water and make a paste with the powders, then add the rest of the water, stir and put in the microwave for 1min (depends on your microwave, mine is 900w) Cut up the fruit and mush it with a fork then mix it with the custard. Thats all! By the way, that likely makes about 3 portions, or maybe 2, depends how greedy Oliver is! :D
Oohhhh Emera I think I could make that! Thanks! I would have to buy custard powder though as all my million tins are ready made :rofl:
Sarah - yeah i got powder as then you can make it up without any sugar in, then i thought, hey, why not formula too? :winkwink:

Well just had a nice walk to work with OH, its a lovely day, if a bit chilly! :cold: Then thought i'd treat Roh to lunch out, so popped into my work and got him a kiddies scrambled eggs on toast. Went to my work as i know all their ingredients are free range or organic, and we only eat organic food. He really enjoyed it, despite the fact they have no highchairs, i just sat on one of the sofas and he stood at the coffee table and munched away :) He fell asleep on the way back, and i panicked a bit, as previously that has meant a disasterous nap. As i live in a basement its impossible to just wheel him into the house, so i have to take him out the pushchair and carry him down the stairs. Managed to get him out, take his coat off and into his cot without walking him up, for the first time ever! :happydance: No guarantee he'll stay asleep, but he's done 40 minutes in his cot so far, so fingers crossed he'll make it through! He still has quite a few layers on, but i figured i'd just turn the heater off in his room, hopefully he won't get too hot! I'm just sitting here eating figrolls! The diet is going soooo well! :rofl:

Hope you are all having a nice day! :hugs:
Hey all - I will catch up properly later as we are just about to start a freezer stock check! We are planning on having a very cheap month as we need to save some money and we have so much food in the freezer I reckon we could just eat out of there all month.

For those talking about stocking up on things Daves parents only buy things when they are on offer but last week they were cleaning the cupboards and foound they have 30 tins of beans and 47 tins of tuna!?!

Right I am off to put Amy down for a nap and then out in the cold to write down all the food we have in the freezer and then meal plan for the month!
Sarah - cats of tomatoes :rofl: that really made me chuckle :)
To be honest formula does smell pretty icky whatever the brand in my opinion.
On the playpen subject, what about one of these: they are roughly the same size as a travel cot. The Graco pack and play would still be my first choice if I had the room.

Amy - :lol: at bringing the out of date food with you when you moved. We did that too once, now I make sure I triage our cupboards every few months to make sure we use all the older stuff up before it expires.

Emera - fingers crossed the snotty-ness is just down to teeth. Thanks for the tip about Minidex, I will look into it.
I LOVE :kiss: Terry Goodkind. I enjoyed the sword of truth series so much, I did watch some of the tv series on Sci-fy but it was pretty weak to be honest. Richard Cypher was far hotter in my imagination :haha: Hubby and I are currently reading the Raymond E Feist books, there are a good 15-20 in the series now and hubby has been on them for a while so I don't have to worry about catching him up anytime soon :winkwink:
Raisin poop sounds fun - NOT! I have been wondering about giving Joni raisins but am a bit worried about her choking on them as she does not have teeth to bite them in half or anything yet. Does Roh eat the whole or do you cut them up a bit for him, also does he chew them with his teeth, gum them or swallow them whole ? Sorry for all the questions but I am a bit confused :wacko:
I bought some custard powder the other day and made banana custard for Joni which went down a storm :thumbup: Like you I prefer to leave the sugar out and sweeten it with fruit instead :p I had not thought to make it up with formula though so thank you for the tip :thumbup:
Hope you enjoyed the cupcakes and figrolls - I have just eaten about a quarter of a battenberg :p Mmmmmm nom nom nom :mrgreen:

H&F - How is Amy with her cot fear now, any better?
30 tins of beans and 47 cans of tuna :shock: :haha: now that is impressive. They must have a really big kitchen to be able to hoard away that number of tins!
Meal planning for a month is so impressive - I would not know where to start :wacko:

Our cupboard glut is cuppa soups, we must have about 6-7 different boxes.
I found a jumperoo Deluxe last night for £25 on our local gumtree and picked it up this morning :thumbup: Initial signs are that Joni loves it. I don't have the floor space to keep the old activity station too but I am loathed to get rid of it right away as Joni still loves playing in it. What to do :wacko:

Joni is still germ ridden :( We had a cracker of a night again. I am unsure how much was the cold, teeth or just wanting to play :shrug: She is off her food compared to usual today but she is taking lots of milk so that is reassuring.

Righto, best go and wash up and think about dinner for us three. Have a lovely evening all :hugs:
I have been into the kitchen and realised its more like half a battenberg :blush: Oops :haha:
Frufru - she is slowly getting better and she had her nap today without crying once which was fantastic! Thats a great deal on the jumperoo! We were going to get one for Amy but we dont have enough space!

Our plan is to use up everything in the freezer and start again because some things in there are so old they just need throwng away!

The custard recipe sounds ace - I think I am going to buy some custard powder!

Right I am off to change Amy a horrible smell appears everytime she craws past!
the diet is not going well this weekend and i bet i'll not have lost any when i weigh myself tomorrow :dohh: still waiting for :witch: and getting more and more worried! :wacko: does anyone know if for example i ov on friday how many days would i have to wait to test to see if was bfp? i am hoping i am just having a longer cycle!!! being pregnant again doesnt fit into the plans for this year!!!

danny paid £360 to have the car fixed and it's still broken :grr:

owen got another tooth yesterday thats 3 in 5 days!! he's crying will come back later xxx
emera - yey for the coat off into cot manouvre!! :thumbup: sounds like you had a lovely day, figrolls are so more-ish!

H&F - 47 tins of tuna :rofl: thats brilliant, Daves parents much have big cupboards! :haha:

frufru - yey for the jumperoo bargain, boo to colds :flower: I do hope Joni gets better soon and that you get some sleep tonight :hugs:

maybe - you've only just got your periods back havent you? they might be irregular. I remember how petrified I was when I had my scare :hugs: I went and got the pill after that. I hope AF comes soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

today we went to ASK for lunch which was yummy. I had spinach, pesto and goats cheeze calzone, Alex shared with me and loved it.
Maybe I think 10 days is the very earliest too . . . 14 days is more 'normal' for testing. Not good news about your car!!! Whats wrong with it?

H&F You are been very organised re the freezer! I used to throw stuff in the freezer and hardly ever use it but I'm much better now. The tuna and beans make me feel better about the custard :rofl: I'm trying to cut down my supermarket shopping bill and throw away less food too, I'm trying to meal plan but it's a hard habit to get in to!

FruFru What a bargain on the Jumperoo!!! :happydance: I love the playpen you linked to! We could do with one that folds down though, we managed to pick one up on ebay though :) Its local so hopefully we can pick it up soon! Its this one:
If its too big for the lounge we can save it for using outside in the summer etc, or just sell it on. I don't plan to leave it up the whole time (but I might tnd up doing :haha:) but it still has to fit without taking over the entire lounge. It already looks like toysrus in here :haha:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that formula smells odd :wacko:

Emera well done getting Roh into the house without him waking up :happydance: We have steps up to our house so we have the same problem in that Oliver has to be carried in and out of the house. He has the habit of if we are out in the car he always falls asleep about five minutes from home :dohh: If I walk into town and he falls asleep in his stroller I tend to wonder around the shops until he wakes up rather than come home and have to wake him as he's like his dad and is such a grump if he gets woken :haha:

I was a little annoyed at Steve today :growlmad: He was sat with Oliver on the sofa, and Oliver was on all fours facing the edge so it was obvious to me that he was going to leap off. I said to Steve 'mind out' and he said oh don't worry, he's not going anywhere'. Within about 30 seconds Oliver had lept off head first - I went to grab him and managed to take most of the force out of his fall but he still hit the ground - and Steve had the cheek to make out it was my fault!! :grr: :grr: :grr: Oliver was fine but I was pretty pissed off that Steve made out I should have caught him - I tried, and at the end of the day he was sat with Steve!! Steve was tutting and shaking his head for ages. Then about an hour later I was sorting the laundry upstairs and Steve was watching Oliver, the next minute I hear a thud and Oliver starts screaming. I went downstairs and Steve had picked him up and he was crying and crying :( I asked what happened and didn't get an answer, so I asked again (and again) and finally Steve confesed that Oliver had been trying to stand up holding onto the floor lamp, and because its a pole he'd lost his grib and swung around and hit his head on the floor. I can't believe he was letting him stand up holding onto a bloomin lamp! To make matters worse Oliver how has a huge bump and bruise on his head :nope: I know that it's one of those things now and that its going to happen now and then, but if I'm watching Oliver and he bumps himself etc Steve always makes me feel so, so bad and goes on and on about it. If he does anything (like today) he just says oh he's fine, its just one of those things'. Its not like I don't feel bad enough as it is if Oliver hurts himsel, I don't need to be made to feel worse!! God it pissed me right off :grr: Feel better for the rant though :haha:

Amy - that lunch sounds yummy! I am oon mmy best behaviuor now as we went out for a curry last night although having people compliment us on how well behaved Amy is was lovely. I am desperate to llose weight again this week so I need to be good until my take away after weight watchers on Wednesday!

I am taking Amy to a new class tomorrow ... I am nervous but really want to meet some new people and make some new friends, hope they will be friendly!
Amy ASK sounds yummy!! We are going to take Oliver to Jamies Italian in Leeds for lunch next week I think, I'm not sure if I should pre-warn them :haha: I feel like I should have a mini dustpan and brush in my bag :rofl:
Oh my, Amy that sounds delicious! I'm really hungry, and we don't have much food in, i don't get the household funds until tomorrow :( Guess i'll have to have beans on toast or something :sigh:

H&F - How big is their kitchen that they could stokepile that much tuna?!? I can only fit about 8 tins in my cupboards before they burst! Likely as most the cupboards are filled with my lovely pans and kitchen equipment, the problem with 2 chefs living in one place, so much kit obssession that there is no space left for food! :haha:

FruFru - I caught an episode of that on sy-fy when i was at my mums, we only have freeview, so i couldn't have watched it anyway, the one i did see i could tell right away that they'd changed too much for me to be able to watch it without going, "no, thats wrong, such-and-such can't happen because...(quote books)" etc. It would have bugged me. For the record, i never really thought Richard was hot, not in my mind anyway, i always pictured him as a younger more buff version of the writer for some reason :haha: Have you read China Mieville? Its more the Steam punk end of things, but i really liked his books alot!

I'm really tired tonight, Roh has been exhausting today, but lovely with it, we had alot of fun playing about this afternoon. I made him a "treasure box" with lots of random stuff in it from about the house, he spent a good long time taking each item out, examining it carefully then putting it down and on to the next thing...cute :) We also watched My Neighbour Totoro, well, mostly i watched it and Roh dipped in and out between ransacking his toybox :haha:

Right, i'm definately too hungry, must eat!


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