Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Thank you maybe :hugs: you are so lovely :hugs: Good luck today! If Danny complains send him my way :growlmad: Hope you get through it and get some sleep hon :hugs:
h&f - the ww meals i bought were chilli with potato wedges and sausages and mash. chilled meals, not frozen. is the new system better? i'm wondering if i should do it online as theres no ww in gib. but danny says we cant afford it :growlmad: yet he buys a bottle of wine almost every day. surely if he can do that i can do ww online :shrug: but if i bring up the alcohol he gets all pissed off :nope:
modo - i dont think he'll complain as i warned him in advance and i bought him some ribs which he likes anyway! and yesterday he said 'you shouldnt bother with a big dinner when you've been busy all day ' he seems to be appreciating what i do more. i think he realised what hard work it is when we stayed indoors almost all weekend and the kids were bickering and making lots of noise etc. usually i take them out so he can study in peace but the weather was crappy. he has made comments that i just go out to not have to do stuff at home :saywhat: and that i use his studying as an excuse to go out but this weekend i think he realised that i have been doing it for his benefit, not mine, though i do enjoy going out :haha:
Modo :hugs: don't worry about Bobby and your mean Mum, they all do things at different times but it all comes together in the end. My friends little boy is 10 months and crawled yesterday for the first time.....

Maybe so glad Danny is finally realising!! Hope you feel better soon x The WW online is brilliant, I've been doing some of their recipes x

We both have stinking colds and I'd love to spend the day on the sofa eating biscuits - no such luck!

We are supposed to be seeing a friend, but I've had to cancel, so it's me and Will snuggled up at home today. It's my DH's birthday on Sunday, I'm so skint, I have ordered him a card from Will off moonpig, it's really cute. I really should get him something from, Will I have taken his watch in to be fixed thinking that would be nice but it's quite lame really!
LC: Thank you hon :hugs: I know Bobby is fine. I just shouldn't let her get under my skin. Do you like cooking? Maybe you could make him something he likes?

Maybe: That sounds very promising :D Glad he is saw what it's like! Mmmmmm ribs sounds sooo good! I am really hungry but no food allowed till lunch. Its a good idea that you show him these things so he could maybe have some more realistic expectations of you :hugs:
modo - i'm starving too but like you no food til lunch :( it has to be worth it in the end though!!!

lc - i looked at ww online just now and it is about £30 for 3 months so not really that much. i shall see if he's in a good money mood later, probably not though as the car is costing us a lot to fix this month :dohh: £360 last week and £150 this week apparently though i think we should refuse to pay for labour on the last one as they didnt fix the problem last week and left us with a broken car :growlmad: i think modo's suggestion of cooking a nice meal for your DH bday is a good idea :thumbup:
just checked and cant do ww online as i dont have a uk billing address for my credit/debit card :growlmad: honestly you'd think it wouldnt matter so long as you gave payment :(
That's rubbish, do you have any family over here??

I think i will cook him something, I might get some steaks from the butcher xx
yeah my sil is studying in leeds so i guess i could give her £30 and ask her to set it up for me. she's here for the week so i shall ask her. i thought about the 'at home' pack but it costs £90 :wacko:
Maybe that so crap! Hopefully your SIL will sort it out for you :)
Poor Boo so frustrated because he can't crawl. He keeps getting up on all fours and crying :cry: :(
the online one is brilliant maybe that's the one i'm doing....really easy and the recipes are lush.

took Will to the park today and he loved it!!


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Maybe - the chilli and wedges is 6.5 points and sausage and mash is 6.5 points aswell.

I really like the new points system ... you should go on the weight watchers supposrt group site on baby and bump some are doing new system and some are doing the old so its really good to compare and support!

Sorry for not writing properly today I collapsed earlier and am not feeling very good its been a hard day. x
H&F - Sending get well wishes to Amy :hugs: I hope you have a peaceful day with your Nan. Its good that the WW scales did not show a gain. I always retain water like mad after a proper curry, I think it is all the carbs and salt :p
Collapsing is not good :nope: I really hope you are ok :hugs2:

L-C - oh no you're poorly too, sending get well vibes to you ~~~~~~~~ :hugs: Well done of the weight loss :thumbup: The pictures of Will are absolutely gorgeous :mrgreen:

Sarah - I have a pillow in the playpen behind where Joni sits as when she gets excited (or lazy :haha:) she puts her arms up above her head and falls backwards :dohh:
:rofl: about the bin men, I was nosing out of my window round the curtain yesterday when I only had my towel on post-shower just as the bin min walked past. They looked a bit embarassed to see my head and bare shoulders peeking out at them, so I did the only thing you can do in those situations and flashed them.... a big smile that is :winkwink:#
Its not sad to look forward to baby club. I really look forward to out groups and seeing out mummy and baby friends.

Amy - with our company if you have negotiated part time hours, the new contract does not start until you return to work. If yor employer is the same hopefully you can go back to FT hours. As for the 'cmon/despair' alternate feeling I think that is completely normal, I am still doing that and we have had since last August to mull things over but are still waiting for our official 'at risk' letters. It is bad as until we get those we know redundancy is coming in the next year or so but not sure exactly when which makes it awfully difficult to plan for IYKWIM?
I am glad that Kerry was able to be the one to speak to you first.
I knew the log I made of Joni's feeding in the early days would come in handy eventually :winkwink: At 4 1/2 months Joni would swap between 6 x 120ml/4oz feeds and 5 x 120ml-150ml feeds per day. To be honest it was not until about 6 months she would consistently take 6+oz feeds and even then 7oz in one go was her absolute max and still is, whereas my friends little girl who is a few days younger than Joni takes 10oz at bed time and has done since about 3 months :shock: Hopefully Gabriel will get better with the bottle feeding the more he does it.

Maybebaby - oh no the winter viruses really have got to us all :sad1: 20+ wakings :nope: oh honey you poor thing :hugs: I really really hope you all get better soon.
Boo to not being able to register for WW

Oh Modo :hugs: Bobby is doing just fine :thumbup: All babies develop at different rates and if anything I would say Joni is behind Bobby with a few things and she a month older than him. Also lets not forget some babies skip some milestone, crawling in particular. My niece did not crawl until 13months and was walking by the following week, another baby I know did not crawl until 15 months and my HV said that was not a problem. It sounds like she was possibly a nervous parent and she probably thinks she is being helpful :rolleyes: You are a great Mummy and Bobby is coming along beautifully :flower:

BBC1's Human World has just been on and there is a rainforest tribe who hunt monkeys. If they happen to kill a Mummy monkey they adopt the baby monkey into the tribe until it is grown, often with a woman breastfeeding the monkey if it is still tiny. To think that most women balk at BF another persons baby in this country.

I bagged myself an absolute bargain today :mrgreen: I have been wanting to get a rucksack style baby carrier for a couple of months now, but not been able to find a suitable secondhand one at a reasonable price. Lady Luck must have been smiling on me today as I sourced one for a tenner :happydance: I picked it up this afternoon and took Joni for a walk through the local woods before dinner :thumbup: I am so chuffed as I had budgeted £35 for the carrier and have managed to get the carrier and a jumperoo for that price :smug:
Here is a snap of me and Joni on our way out

Hubby is still ill and getting worse :( He actually booked today and tomorrow off work so he could have time to recuperate. Work gave him a written warning regarding his absence following his operation last May regardless of the fact all his absence was covered by a sick note and was unavoidable :nope: which means he can't risk anytime off as sick so instead goes to work, struggles through being much less productive than usual and exposing all his co-workers to his illness. Stupid work :growlmad:

Joni has been a little star today, she is still really snotty and drooling like crazy but her mood has been fabulous. She let me have a good look at her mouth this morning and it looks like there are two more top teeth which could make an appearance anytime and there are now white patched on the bottom gums too. Looks like I am going to be sleeping on the futon for the forseeable future :haha:

Righto, thats me for now. Would you believe I have been logged onto the thread all day trying to write this :dohh: Sending hugs and get well vibes to all :hugs:

FruFru wow great news re the carrier - it looks fantastic!! The two of you look very content there :) Bless Joni been such a good girl today :) I really hope your OH is feeling better soon! Thats soooo rubbish re his work!! Typical of banks though in my experience :dohh: I think you should have flashed your bin men more than a smile, they might even take extra bags if you did that :rofl: Hmmm, might have to give it a go :haha: :rofl: :rofl:

L-C Oh wow, that looks like soooo much fun!! I hadn't thought of taking Oliver to the play area in the park but I am sooooo going to now!! I have already told Steve that we have to go next week :haha: I think cooking a nice meal for your OH's birthday is a lovely idea! Or breakfast in bed? Or just lots of little treats like that? Or if it's from Will what about something like a book about Daddy or a boyish book like 'Thats Not My Robot' that they could read together? I think having his watch fixed is actually a lovely gift :hugs:

H&F I'm sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, hope you are okay!! :hugs: Take it easy sweetie :hugs:

Modo :hugs: Your mum is completely out or order to say those things!! Bobby is doing perfectly, there is nothing to worry about at all!! Babies are all so different, he;s doing great!!!! :rofl: at BLW making your doggie fat :rofl: I'm sure Bobby will be crawling really soon, Oliver went through the crying stage just before it all clicked and he started doing it properly. The first time he crawled properly he was trying to grab a yellow duck on the bathroom floor :haha:

Amy I think I would have been very tempted to bf Gabriel too, bless him. I hope he gets on okay next week. Did you have him again today? I'm glad Kerry is been supportive, it does put everything into perspective doesn't it? Its great that he's been so good with the girls too, it sounds like he's doing the man of the house thing and putting his protective wing around you all, if you know what I mean!

Maybe I hope you're okay :hugs:

Wow its soooo windy here tonight!!! I haven't seen a forcast so I have no idea if we should have expected this or not but blimey its stormy outside!!!

We had a lovely day :thumbup: Baby club was really nice, though now Oliver is all over the place he spent most of it crawling off and trying to steal toys from the smaller babies :dohh: Its a good job he's cute :haha: We then went to Starbucks with one of our mummy friends from baby club and had a wonder around the shops, which was so, so nice. We have a lot in common and its so nice to just natter away with someone who is like me :haha: We also got talking about going back to work, and she thinks I need to be brave and take a leap of faith to be full time self employed. I think I agree :) While we were shopping we popped into Clarks to look at baby shoes and while we were there I asked the assistant at what age I could get Oliver fitted up with 'proper' shoes. She said as soon as he was crawling . . . I didn't realise they did pre-walkers! So I got him measured and bought him some really cute little crawling shoes, they are so sweet!!

I hope you all had a good day too :hugs:
Hi all,

I've been lurking about for the last couple of days, but haven't gotten myself together to post. I'm just having a little bout of depression, so probably its best not to share this mood. There is no reason for it, just feeling all down for a few days. Just wanted to post quick and say :hugs: to all those who are poorly or have poorly babies/OHs to take care of!
Also, massive :hugs: to Amy, so sorry to hear about your jobs, it must be really stressful to have everything up in the air right now. I managed a restaurant a few years ago and the company i worked for went bust, i remember how awful it was having to tell all my staff that their jobs were gone, and worse than that to tell them that there was no pay coming for the month we'd just worked. Alot of them had families, it must have been a total nightmare for them. It was for us as me and my OH both worked for the company too, and lost our jobs and lost 5 weeks pay each. I can totally sympathise. :hugs:

Well thats all i'll go crawl into bed, hope you all get some sleep tonight :hugs:
Huge :hugs: Emera . . . I hope you're feeling better soon :hugs: Feel free to 'talk' on here though honey, we all do it so don't feel you can't share. I'm sure you know that sometimes it helps just to get it all out . . . so please do if you think it might help :hugs:
emera - :hugs: hope you feel less down soon xxx feel free to let it out here, god knows i do!

sarah - glad oliver enjoyed the play group! i think your mummy friend is right and you should go for it with your business :thumbup:

h&f - thanks for the points advice :thumbup: i really want to do ww online so i shall see if SIL will do it for me and i'll pay her.

modo - poor bobby being frustrated about crawling. owen's not too bothered about crawling but he gets upset and angry when he is trying to pull himself up and cant coz he's in the wrong position. bless!

LC -great pics of will in the park!

frufru - i like the carrier you have bought, and what a bargain! i want one but DH is having none of it :haha:

amy - hope you are ok sweetie :hugs:

well i tested today and :bfn: but i won't start to breathe a sigh of relief until i get a :bfn: this time next week at least as we only had the slip up a week ago today so even if i was pregnant it's unlikely a :bfp: would show yet :dohh:
LC: Will is gorgeous!!!! We have a little playground at the end of our street. I going to try and take Bobby there today :)

H&F: Hope you are ok hon :hugs:

Frufru: :lol: at flashing the binmen...your smile :lol: I fell for it! Thank you hon for the reassurance about crawling:hugs: Well done for getting a bargain carrier and I love the pic you and Joni are both gorgeous :hugs: Sorry your hubby is still unwell :( Its just shocking the way his work treated him when he was recovering from his operation. Surely that can't be legal :nope: I had a similar situation with illness and work like your DH, not as bad as your hubby but tt pretty horrible :( Poor Joni hope her teeth come in easily and with minimal sleep disturbance :hugs: Have you had any luck with switching to a sippy cup? I have given up for now as Bobby will only drink a little bit from it.

Sarah: The dog is def getting chunkier! Sometimes if she sneakily gets something particularly naughty she has to go without dinner :lol: Glad to hear that the crying means that he will crawl soon. DH and I don't mind when he crawls its just we hate seeing him so upset :( I also agree with everybody that it sounds like you should focus on your business full time. It sounds like that's where all you passion and enthusiasm is, so go for it :thumbup:

Maybe: Poor Owen :( I find the frustration quite sad because I am used to being able to help and I can't with this. I guess it just is something I will have to get used to! Woot for the :bfn: and hopefully it will still be that way next week. I got my :bfp: with Boo 10 days after ovulation so you should def test again. Don't worry though hon it does sound like it was probably after you ovulated.

Emera: I am so sorry to hear that hon :hugs: I have also had similar struggles and I can understand how bad the lows are. Just know that we are all hear for you :hugs: Please do share your feelings with us hon. We are all here for each other through everything (whether good or bad) so do tell us how you feel :hugs:

Thanks girls for your reassurances :hugs:

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