H&F I'm sorry that Dave isn't been more supportive

I hope you're feeling more upbeat soon, you have so much going on at the moment its no suprise that you're having the odd difficult day!! I hope Amy sleeps well tonight and that you can have a nice relaxing evening and a good nights sleep
You ladies talking about diets put me to shame . . . I just ate most of a large bar of Galaxy and I did the same last night . . . except I ate the whole thing
Modo WOW what a nap from Bobby!!! Hope you had a lovely day

I think as non smokers we will never really understand the whole smoking thing. I've never been addicted to anything and I just can't imagine what it would be like, which just makes it very hard to understand. Re the nappies, I am a bit dissapointed

I really love the idea of them, I love how cute they look, I don't know why I can't get back into using them. I think sposies are just so easy, I don't have to think about them. I think if I went full time it would be easier, but I don't want to use them out and about and have wet nappies in my lovely changing bag

It sounds so silly

I hate to admit defeat and give up on them, I don't know what my problem is

Maybe I should give them another try . . . .

Maybe . . . great bargain on the T Shirt!! I odered Oliver a few bits from Debehnams this morning, they are in 18-24 months so for next winter. I had a code for 20% off and free delivery so I got a Ted Baker dressing gown, Blue Zoo jumper, Blue Zoo scarf and a lovely Jasper Conran coat for just over £18.00!!!!

Even better, I showed Steve and he paid for it

Oliver and I went down to my parents for the afternoon which was really nice, its soooo windy but wasn't too bad driving. I'm really paranoid about the lorrys blowing over onto the car

so I took it steady and avoided lorrys

We had a nice time though and had tea down there which saved me cooking