Sarah you are NOT a terrible mum! You are a fantastic mum! You're human as well though! Dave is been a terrible fiance at the moment! Is there somewhere you can go just for a night or two so you can both get some space and get your heads together, and you can get some support with Amy?
Emera I'm sorry you are Roh are both ill!

I hope you are both feeling much, much better soon
Maybe I've had this pile of ironing for about three weeks

I've been doing the other stuff as I washed it but this is a backlog from when I had a cold

I've done an hour and got half of it done, so I'll do the rest tomorrow. I have one of those steam generator irons and it's run out of water, so I have to wait for it to cool right down before I can fill it up again, so I only iron for one water tank
Oliver and I didn't get out today, we were going to go to the supermarket for a few bits (how do I need more stuff after I spent so much on Saturday?!?!

), I got us both ready and then Oliver was so tired and fell asleep

. Steve then said he'd call and get the essentials after work, and I AM going to walk into town tomorrow, so we could get away with not going
For lunch today I made a puff pastry thingy . . . basically pre-rolled puff pastry, tomato puree, cheese and fresh tomatoes, it was yum! Oliver loved it and ate loads, and then spent ages shredding the puff pastry

I also made some savory flapjack from the BLW book . . . I thought it was a bit yuk but Oliver absolutely loves it!

If anyone else has any easy

BLW friendly recipies I could try I'd be most greatfull!