Ergh, feeling really ropey

Both my ears are infected AGAIN!!! At least the doctor finally took swabs to find out what treatment i need rather than throwing random anti-biotics at me and hoping for the best

I'm feeling poo, i can't chew at all as my jaw hurts so much. To top it off, poor Roh is poorly too, he has some random virus thing, he's all covered in a rash and his temperature keeps spiking, plus he's off his food, and was sick this evening

Poor mite

I reeeally don't want to go to work tomorrow

Oh well, i'm sure we'll all feel better soon!
I'm going to go to bed now Roh's finally asleep, i really just wanted to pop on to say

to H&F

Sarah is right, Dave really needs to man up. Honestly, it sounds like he's being really unreasonable. You need to take the time to relax a bit, try to get your head straight so that you can feel calm about everything, and then have a talk with him, because he really needs to sort his priorities out! I've noticed though that my OH takes things in alot better if i'm really calm when i'm pissed off with him, and just lay everything out without getting emotional. I can find it pretty difficult if i'm feeling upset about things, but i usually just write everything i want to say down before hand, get it out my head, and then sit there with the peice of paper and read it all out. He really needs to appriciate that you are actually depressed and exhausted, not just having a grumble or being hormonal, and that you need him on side and helping. I really feel for you hun
- Sorry if that didn't make much sense, its the wrong end of the day really, hope you get what i mean
Also, happy 9 months to Oliver!
Right off to bed with me,

all round