Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Emera don't beat yourself up about breastfeeding, you have done AMAZINGLY well to feed him for so long! If he is content with formula / bottles, well I don't see the problem with switching over. Does he breastfeed for comfort?

Oliver won't take a bottle and breastfeeds a lot for comfort. I have no idea how I will ever stop :haha: I think if I was in your situation, if he wasn't all that interested in breastfeeding, I think I would stop TBH. Esp if its stressing you out :hugs:
Maybe - it is!! :haha:

I guess when you've breastfed three babies you've come across most things? Do you mind me asking how / why you stopped with the others? I just seriously have no idea how or when I will stop. I'm happy to carry on at the moment, completely happy, but I'm not sure if I should be worried or not about Oliver been such a boobie-hollic?!?!
maybe- when I'd had my scare and convinced myself I was preg I was very sad that I wasnt :(I was so sure I was i'd got it all planned out. you never know what the future holds, maybe in a couple of years Danny will come round and want another :hugs: blimey, my doc even sends me letters asking me to get a coil! 2 weeks :shock:

LM - are you NTNP? x

sarah - thats fantastic news about your chair covers :happydance: sounds like its all going to take off for you. you absolutely deserve it :hugs: xxx

emera - thats terrible you dont get sick pay! :hugs: as for breast feeding. maybe and sarah have given great advice already. As for me, i gave up Bf when emily was 9 months old for the same reasons as you are describing. to be honest it felt like i was forcing her to feed. she wasnt interested at all and i couldnt express for my two 12 hr shifts. she wouldnt even take formula. My supply is naff but Alex is still such a booby baby i am torn between BF and not. He makes me sore with his 6 teeth and i can only keep up my supply with domperidone which costs a fortune. There's no point in you continuing if its stressful becasue its meant to be a pleasurable experience. You have done fantastically well already. I am playing it by alex, as long as he does want it (and he really goes for me) I will carry on and pay for domp if i need to...but as sooon as he is not interested then I will give up. Sorry for blurbering on, I just think you have to do whatever suits you and Roh and dont worry at all about the conclusion to that becasue whatever you decide will be the best for you both xxxxx one thing I have learnt from BF 3 is that they are all different in their interest in boobie x

Alex's nursery session went really well :happydance: they said he only cried when other babies cried and they thought he was a read snuggly baby :cloud9::cloud9: i could tell he hadnt been hysterical, he didnt have red puffy eyes or anything. I'm falling asleep again.

Much love to you all, hope you're OK H&F xxxxxxxx
Yay Amy I'm so pleased that Alex was okay at nursery!!! I was thinking about you both today :hugs:
sarah - i am very sad to say that i stopped bf dylan at 5 months due to my mil constantly making me doubt myself bf. she kept going on at me to give him bottles of formula (he had ebm from 4wks) and from that first bottle offormula it was a slipery slope. my supply dropped and i was completely ff him by 5 months. erin was a booby baby who refused ebm and formula! i weaned her at 21 months as i didnt want her to be pulling my bikini top down on the beach when she was almost 2 :blush: i think it was harder for me than for her in the end! with owen i hope to carry on til he's about 2. time will tell!!!

amy - so glad alex was ok at nursery :cloud9:

just fed owen for the 4th time since bedtime :dohh: going to try to get some :sleep: xxx
i need to do something about the night bf, its getting worse :nope: he'll only settle with my boob in his mouth and will cry if i try to move! i cant carry on with the 20 wakings! he goes back to sleep quickly but my sleep is so broken i'm getting no proper rest and my body cant continue like this much longer!
Well we have had a lovely day so far, baby club and then lunch and coffee in Starbucks :haha: followed by a spot of shopping. And then driving home just now I've somehow managed to knock the wingmirrorr of Steves car off :nope: I was going soooo slow and hit someones wheely bin that was stuck right out into the road. Its knocked all the glass out. Argh Steve will be so mad! I'm just giving Oliver a bf and then we are going to walk up that way and make sure the mirror bit can't be rescued. Argh I'm so stupid :dohh:

I have been trying to keep up but time just seems to run away with me!

I will try and remember everything!

:hugs::hugs: to H&F, Dave really does sound like he's being unreasonable. It's so difficult, having a baby and getting married are so tsressful at the best of times. I hope he will hear you out if you are able to sit down with him xx

Emera I hope you are feeling better. I too am thinking of giving up breast feeding, if Will, will let me! Just so I feel happier going back to work, I have little pangs of guilt over it, but they have had the best start and full immunity. I think it will be better for Will and me, it's just getting him off it that's the tricky part!

Maybe, phew at the BFN, I think it will always be an emotional pull seeing only one line but for now that's good. 20 times a night, must be so draining, have you got the cot there yet, do you think that might help? Love the pictures of Owen at the drawers. Yay for WW online xx

Modo, hi, I hope Bobby is still having fun crawling!

Amy love the pictures of Alex and Gabriel, they are so cute, so is your crazy puppy who was looking very peaceful by the fire! I hope you are feeling more positive about the future.

Sarah, glad you've had a nice morning. Yay for more interest in your chair covers! Oops about the wing mirror, hope you can fix it. Sorry you've had a hard time with Steve and the smoking, have you spoken to him about it yet. I would have been fuming about the car! :hugs:

Hi Frufur, hope you and cutie pants Joni are both ok x

We have been busy, we had a hiddieous day last friday and then two teeth appeared! Will now had 5 and the sixth is there ready and waiting, I think it'll only be a few days.

We had a nice weekend, Hubby enjoyed his Birthday and actually liked his watch battery! ha ha We went for a walk and then had cake, curry and watched a film, I drank too much!

Monday night I had a strange one with Will, put him to bed as usual but he screamed and screamed and practically crawled up my arms as if I was dropping him into a snake pit. I took me two hours to settle him, which was very odd. He has been similar all week, it's a like a sudden seperation anxiety, where he cries for a bit before bed. Anyone else had this, he'd fall asleep in my arms and then as soon as I put him down he went mental! It has eased this week.

I didn't lose any weight this week, not surpising given the rubbish I ate the weekend. stayed the same so not too bad.

Hope you are all having a good day xxxxx
We found the mirror, it was all smashed :( its just the glass part so I'm hoping you can just buy that bit and that the rest will be okay. Argh! They are electric heated alll singing all dancing things too so it will probably be stupidly expensive :cry:
sarah - sorry about the mirror!!!

lc - glad you didnt put on weight!!!

ww online users how do u work out points for restaursnt things like the pub cheeseburger i had at lunch :blush:
sarah - sorry about the mirror!!!

lc - glad you didnt put on weight!!!

ww online users how do u work out points for restaursnt things like the pub cheeseburger i had at lunch :blush:
Maybe they do some stuff like weatherspoons, I've been finding a similar alternative?
Sarah: I have quite a few pretty ones :blush: I have a look tomorrow and pick out a pretty one for you to try! Glad you had a good time with your friend. My cousin has a toddler one year older than Bobby and a three and half year old. I should go and visit them! That's wonderful that you are getting so many inquiries :happydance: :happydance: Sarah I really think you are going to do well with this! Sorry to hear about the wing mirror :( I am sorry its smashed :hugs:

Emera: Hope you and Roh feel better soon :hugs: Glad your hubby was nice and made you soup :) Ben is really good like that when I am ill. In regards to breastfeeding good luck whatever you decide!

Amy: wonderful to hear that Alex's session in nursery went well :hugs:

Maybe: :hugs: Sarah is right maybe one day Danny will agree for you two to have another baby. Its totally normal for you to have mixed feelings like that hon :hugs:

LC: Thanks he is! Glad more teeth have arrived :)

We think Bobby is finally going to get toothypeg 3 :) I can feel a bump on his gum and he is dribbling the thickest dribble I have ever seen! We shall see...

Plumber came round today because the stupid button to flush the toilet broke. Cost 195 pounds for him to come (same day), asses the situation, drive and get the part and install it. Ouch my wallet... Doesn't help that yesterday we had an electrician come by for our bathroom lights (same bathroom) turns out all the fuses had blown!
Sarah - happy 9-month-a-versary to Oliver :cake:
Yay for the chair cover leads :thumbup: Oops for the car mirror. I pulled too close to a gate post the other week and scraped a load of paint off the front trim on my car :dohh: I hope it is not too expensive. Steve has to understand these things just happen sometimes :hugs:

H&F - :hugs: I am so sorry that Dave is being such an arsehole :sad1: you are not pathetic and are a great Mum to Amy :hugs2: I don;t really see how he can even consider commenting on your parenting skills when he is the one shouting at a tiny baby! I have to say that I am with Sarahwoo about him controlling the money and using it to inadvertantly control you, that is not on. If he is supporting you being a SAHM then he needs to give you a family allowance aswell as a little bit for just you too. As for the stag weekend and tough shit :gun:

Emera - I can;t believe your ear infection is back again :nope: I really hope the doc's get you fixed up properly asap :hugs: I totally know what you mean about wanting to be there when our babies are ill. I know my hubby will care for Joni well, but he is not me and I grew Joni inside me and it is almost like I physically need to be with her when she is poorly IYKWIM. Oh goodness I sound like a right crank :blush:
Trying to decide whether to continue with BF or not is really difficult. I don't really feel like I can offer any advice as I have not BF for so long. I think it is fantastic that you have been able to BF Roh for so long. If it is possible to continue for a bit longer and this suits you both, then great. If it is no longer viable for one or both of you then you can rest assured you have given him the best possible start in life.

Muddles - Any news or developments on the playgroup?

Amy - I am so glad you had a nice day with Alex and Gabriel. That is a crazy age gap between Holly and Emily :wacko: and to think you went to uni when they were little too!!!!!
I am so pleased that Alex had a good session at nursery :thumbup: I am not back to work until the end of May but was thinking about starting Joni in nursery at the start of April for 1/2 a day then a full day in May so that she is used to going by the time I go back.

Maybebaby - Clever Dylan :mrgreen: I am pleased you got your BFN :thumbup: and no I don't think it is sad to be a little dissapointed.

LM - Have no fear on the BNB secrecy issue, I consider our BnB thread as my sanctuary :blush: I hope you get the result you want.

L-C - I am glad you had a nice BD celebration with hubby and the watch battery was well appreciated :thumbup: I read that nightime separation anxiety is quite common around 7-10 months and they should get over it in a few weeks. More teeth!! Joni still has the one top tooth but there is definately another two on the top row that could pop through anytime.
Well done on staying the same in a celebration week :thumbup:

Modo - £195!!!!!!! :shock: I know flushing your loo is quite important but £195 :shrug: It is weird how these things seem to all come along at once :rolleyes: I hope toothpeg No 3 makes a swift appearance with the minimum of fuss.

Sorry I have not been around much the last few days. As you know Joni has had a spate of waking up for 2-5 hours in the middle of the night recently so is only sleeping 7 hours in total. So whilst she has been doing this I have had to start going to bed about an hour after she does :wacko: which leaves no internet time boo :sad1: Thankfully the last couple of nights Joni has been sleeping through until about 5-5.30 which is a definate improvement :happydance: I am still planning an early night though just in case!!

We have had a really busy week so I have not been able to get on here in the day either. We had a lovely day with a couple of the yoga Mum's and babies on Monday. It was one of the ladies birthday so my other friend and I booked her a massage and watched her little boy whilst she went off for a couple of hours. Then when she got back we all had a lovely lunch together :mrgreen:

We had a lovely time swimming on Tueday. Joni did not even cry when I dunked her :thumbup: I am such a cruel mama!!!!

Yesterday Joni and I went to singing and then spent the rest of the day and evening with my Mum :) Warning potential TMI, do not read if eating!
I was so grateful my Mum was over as Joni did a category 5 poonami which went everywhere :sick: It was so bad she had to have a bath. Joni's poop's have been dreadful all week. They are all extremely runny and every single one has escaped the perimeter defences :sick: I am not sure if it is teething related, if she has a bug or if something she is eating is disagreeing with her :confused: Generally she is still eating and drinking ok which is why I have not sought medical advice yet. Foodwise the only new thing she has had regularly this week is kiwi fruit, so I will cut that out and see if things improve. If we are still getting a daily poonami by sat/sun I am going to take her to the doc's just to get checked out.

I am completely militant about BC :haha: I started taking the pill 3 weeks after having Joni and when I realised I could not be trusted to take it on time I took myself off to the doc's to get the implant fitted! I am just not ready to have another baby right now, after all the ups and downs of the last year I worry that adding a newborn into the mix would break me. But you never know, I might be ready to have another by the time my implant runs out, but then I might just opt for a new implant and get a puppy instead :winkwink:

OKey dokey, I think that is nearly time for me to get ready for bed :blush: I am sorry if I have missed anyone, after 6+ pages I look like this :wacko: :haha:

:hugs2: to you all xx
Really sorry for not replying to everyone - things very tense here ending in me breaking down last night. me and dave still havent spoken about it. x
H&F I hope you are okay :hugs: You know we are all here for you :hugs:

FruFru It sounds like you've had a great time this week! Ahhhh I would LOVE a massage!! When is mothers day? I must speak to Steve :haha: I think a massage, facial and manicure would be an appropriate gift for this mama :haha: Poor you re the spoiler issue!! :sick: I hope that improves soon!

Modo thats soooo kind of you re the pretty nappy! How can I resist that offer? :kiss: Rubbish news re the plumber!!!! They are soooo expensive!! We had to have a plumber out a few years ago and I was soooo afraid to get the bill even though it was paid for by the insurance :haha:

L-C YAY for the watch! :thumbup: Oliver has nights like that too, I end up cuddling him all night :dohh:

Maybe :hugs: re the test :hugs:

Well I told Steve about the mirror and he was fine - phew!! I told him I'd pay for it and he said it was fine. I think he could tell I was really, really sorry. He did then have a long conversation with Oliver about women drivers :haha:

Apart from that whole little incident Oliver and I had a lovely day :thumbup: Baby club was great fun, Oliver was all over the place :haha: I got talking to a mum who's little boy is five days younger than Oliver, he was born on Oliver's due date! She fell pregnant with him when her first baby was three months old :shock: So her first son was one on the 7th May, and she gave birth to her second son on the 13th!! Crazy!! She said it was super hard work but hard work, but that she loved it. She told me about her birth though (her baby was over 12lbs!!!!! :shock:) and my goodness, it made me sooooo grateful that my birth experience was so undramatic!!!!!!

After baby club we went for coffee and lunch with our two mummy friends which was lovely and I also bought myself some new jeans and a top (size 10!! :happydance:) from Next. Its been lovely weather here all day, really springlike which is lovely!!

Right well I have some enquries to deal with (yay!) so I'd better do that, and naughty me hasn't cleaned the kitchen yet after tea so I'd better do that too!

sarah - glad steve was ok about the mirror! good man :thumbup:

frufru - i heard that kiwi is quite an allergenic fruit.

modo- typical that things happen at the same time! hopefully nothing else will break!!!

lc - thanks for the tip. will have a look tomorrow as on phone now :thumbup:

h&f - huge :hugs:

i'm so pissed off with danny he does f all and has expected me to take the rubbish out today even though he had promised this morning to do it. it's the one thing i ask of him and he said he wasnt throwing it coz he couldnt be arsed and i obviously couldnt be arsed anyway :saywhat: i do everything round the home and with the kids he does NOTHING!!! he said i should'v thrown the rubbish when my mum was over!!! i end up having to throw the rubbish at least once a week when the pile's too big and i cant stand it. what an arsehole he is. he insinuated i am a crap housewife and said that i spend my day talking crap (coz i met my friends for lunch - with all 3 of my kids with me so was not a sit back and relax lunch) if he would live a day in my shoes maybe he'd understand how difficult it is. i am so disheartened that he thinks i'm a crap mum/housekeeper when he spends all his free time on the sofa or in bed!!! i'm so fed up. even the little gestures arent there like e.g when i make a cup of tea i make him one but he never does one for me when he makes one unless i ask him. well tonight i just made myself one and sod him. sorry i'm going on again. i felt like not ironing his uniform tonight and saying i couldnt be bothered like him and the rubbish.

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