Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Maybe are you sure Danny isn't two men who look the same :haha:

HandF she doesn't hate you! Everything Maybe said was spot on, Oliver does all those things too. He also gets soooo excited to see other people but not me, because he's just soooo used to me always been there! Do you have a play pen? I would really recommend one, Oliver loves to sit and play on his own in this and I don't have to be constantly chasing him around and getting mini tantrums when I take him away from the dangerous stuff! I would really recommend a play pen hun.

On a slightly different note you sound so stressed out babe, did you talk to the dr about how you're feeling? I hope you don't think I'm talking out of place, I'm just worried about you. :hugs:
sarah :rofl: do you think he may have an evil twin? :rofl: i just called him and he's going to leave his mum's in about half an hour so i'm going to jump in the bath and soak there for 20mins in the knowledge that for the first time since he was born owen won;t start crying for me :thumbup:
frufru - hope you survived luch out without too many spoilers :winkwink: poor you bumping your head, I do things like that. I'm a real clutz and get so cross with myself for it :haha:

modo - poor Bobby, it does sound like he is teething, have his top front teeth come through yet? those were the worst for Alex :hugs:

maybe - :shock: your MIL have made me angry too! Have you had time to confront her yet? She sounds like a pushy lady! Glad to hear Danny had a good day, it must be hard not knowing which Danny you'll have for the day. I hope you enjoy a nice soak :flower:

H&F - ditto what everyone else said. You're an amazing mummy and its just Amy exerting (sp) independance. Is Dave being more supportive now? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

The ASDA man came just as I was about to call them and complain he was late :haha: babyclub was lovely, small world though - one of the mums who i have chatted to lots and did baby massage with was talking about redundancy and phased return to work and when I asked it turned out she worked at Pfizer, so does her husband and he sits next to kerry :dohh: kerry is always talking about him and their baby :haha:

I feel sick, i just had a massive pig out :blush:
I nearly forgot! Alex stood for a couple of seconds without holding on today! :shock: I was amazed :cloud9:
Sarah - have spoken to the doctor ... he has asked me to take a few days off so Dave is taking Monday - Wednesday off next week and doing all the mummy things whilst I laze about. He is trying to be supportive! He made dinner and is now washing up so I can rest which is lovely. We have a playpen but it is currently acting as a room divider to protect our steps. Maybe I will try putting it up for a bit as a playpen.

Thank you so much for all the support I was getting so worried I was doing something wrong ... she is a very head strong and independant I just hope she still needs her mummy! All the babys Amys age here are clingy and very mummy dependant - she has also been super grumpy lately but I think thats probably down to teething.

Thanks again ladies. Me and Dave have been dating for 4 years tomorrow so hopefully we are going out for the day and we have bought one of those marks and spencers velentines meals to have tomorrow night - I guess the diet has gone out the window this week! On a plus note I lost 4lbs last week so that 38lbs in total so far.
Amy that's great! You must be so proud :happydance: Bobby hasn't got the top teeth yet we think they are coming soon. Glad baby club was good and it really seems to be a small world!

Maybe: it seems like you have 2 husbands! Is Danny bringing the cot from your inlaws?

H &f: Bobby does it too! Don't worry Amy does love you hon :hugs:
Evening ladies!

Just a quick one from me, I'm still having netbook issues and since its Steve's days off I'm wasting poker playing time :haha:

Amy did I say Yay for Alex enjoying nursery yet? If not then YAY! :haha: Thats so wierd about the baby club lady! Small world indeed!! Clever boy Alex, wow!!!

FruFru OUCH re your head! Thats my kind of trick too :dohh: I didn't realise about kiwi, I love it but is always makes my hands itch . . . maybe I'm allergic!

Modo thats a super cute nappy!! Are you sure? Oliver has days like that with eating too, we still just have the two teeth but I think the teething thing really bothers them sometimes :( The lady at baby club with the big baby . . . . she had a nightmare labour. It sounds like she really needed a c section . . . amongst other things the baby got stuck and they had to break his arm to get him out!! :shock:

Emera poor Roh :( I'm glad he had a better day today though, hopefully he'll keep on getting better. I hope you're feeling better soon too, could you get a camp bed just to make it more comfy when you sleep in his room?

Maybe I can't believe your MIL!! Cheeky is not the word, thats so out of order! I think I'd be saying so about the vitamins, why on earth were you giving them to him????? Like Emera said, it could have been dangerous! The evil part of me says to tell her that you've been giving him vitamins too and that you had to take him to the Drs and maje sure he was okay, but thats my evil side :haha: I do think you are married to two men by the way. Def an evil twin :haha: You can feel bad about bitching about Danny when he's not been nasty for a month, and not before :haha: I hope he brings the cot and things from his mothers.

We went to Ikea today to buy new kitchen chairs, and amazingly we managed to only buy new kitchen chairs, and not loads of other crap!! We also called in at PC World to buy a new power lead for my netbook (thats broken too) and they were £50!!!! I bought one online instead for just over a tenner :dohh: I'd buy another netbook before I paid £50 for a bloomin power lead!!!

Hopefully tomorrow we're going to make a good start on sorting out the garden, I really want it to be nice for the spring and summer!! We have quite a bit to do though . . . I think it might take a while :dohh:

A3my - So glad first day at nursery went well! Logan's first day (when he was just over a year) was fine... not a tear (on his part), but the 2nd day was BAD. He screamed and cried bloody murder. It was like he knew I was leaving him this time, but the first time he didn't realize it!

And no - we are NOT NTNP.... we just pull and pray! LOL. I hate hormonal BC, DH won't bother with anything else, and the IUD's are expensive and I can't be bothered! I might kick myself if we end up with an "oops" - but at the same time, I'm willing to take the chance. I told DH though - that if an "oops" does happen, its all on him. Theres no reason why he can't use a condom! He just doesn't want to be bothered.

Maybe- -not crazy at all to have those mixed feelings when you see a BFN!

Sarah - GLad to hear your chair covers are taking off so well! Thats awesome! And I hope you get to stay home from work! I wish I could stay home! JEALOUS! And Good Plan not telling them until you get your bonus!
- Also - ITS GREAT that Oliver is a boobie-holic! Nothing wrong with that at all! Might make it hard to stop when you decide its time... but cross that bridge when you come to it!

Sorry about your husbands car mirror. That sucks. Don't feel stupid. Accidents happen. I know how you feel though. Wish you could turn back the clock right now huh??

Emera - hope your ears are feeling better!

H&F - Sorry you are having a rough patch now with your OH. Me and dH nearly split up after Logan was born. Things were really really bad for a LONG time... probably until Dillon was born actually! We had been together 11+ years before I got preg with Logan, and having a baby really turned things upside down for us. I changed so so much after Logan was born - and DH DIDN'T and I think that was a huge problem! Before I got pregnant with Dillon I was really seriously considering leaving.... but I didn't. Then I got pregnant - (sort of by surprise, sort of not )- But our relationship DURING my pregnancy SUCKED. He was pretty awful the whole time. But then by some MIRACLE - things have really turned around. I can't begin to explain how or why, but they did. I guess he just FINALLY adjusted to being a dad (after ahem - 4 freaking years!) and I finally mellowed out a little about being a mom, and things were finally on an even keel again. KWIM? Its hard to explain. A good book to read is "babyproofing your marriage" - its not a miracle problem solver or anything, but its an easy read and gives some interesting insight. I liked it. I should have read it BEFORE #1 was born. Anyhow - I hope things get better for you and family.
Glad to hear you are going to have a night out together. Hopefully it will do you two some good!

Maybe - I'm sorry you are having a rough time as well. Wish I could smack some sense into that man of yours. Stupid stupid man! Doesn't realize how good he has it!
AND OMG about your MIL and the vitamins. I'd be SUPER PISSED about that! How dare she!?!? I think I'd start slipping her BM in her coffee or something - then tell her about it later and let her know you thought she needed some extra vitamins as well! Oh - wait - she wouldn't like that. Exactly the point!

Emera - Whatever you decide about the BFing will be the best decision for you! I hope Roh feels better soon! I know the sicky-poos always made me want to keep nursing longer... just because it was such an easy way to comfort them, and also get them some good nutrition at the same time.

In our house - things are pretty calm and peaceful for the moment! Knock on wood it stays that way! Logan is doing fine. Nothing exciting to report. Dillon seems to be working on 2 more teeth. He only has the 2 bottom ones right not, but I can see the top two wanting to push through some day soon!
We went to Chuck-E-Cheese tonight - (an arcade place for kids if you are unfamiliar). Its nightmare for grown ups, but fun for Logan. Dillon slept in his stroller the whole time.
It was nice to do something fun with Logan for a change. He used to be the center of attention, and such a mamas boy... but lately he is all about Daddy. Partly because when I'm home I am always tending to Dillon, and partly because he is into Video games now, so him and dad have really 'bonded". Its a boy thing I guess. Mamas been feeling a bit left out though. He's always been my best buddy - I hate that lately he prefers Dad over me! In the past, I'd tell him I was going to Target or something, and he would RUN to come with me... now he won't come even if I beg him! LOL. He used to be my best shopping buddy - now he would rather stay home with dad. Oh well- couldn't expect my boy to want to shop with me forever! Still don't like it though!

As far as the nursing goes - I don't mind nursing at all and plan to keep going as long as Dillon wants (hopefully 2 years like Logan did), but I HATE HATE HATE pumping and can't wait till he hits a year and I can stop! ITs the most time consuming annoying thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lm - am glad that things with you are good! great idea about the bm in the tea idea :rofl::muaha:

h&f - glad dave is finally being more supportive :hugs:

sarah - good luck with the gardening today! i wish we had a house with a garden but they are few and far between here and mostly over £500,000 so no chance!!!

modo - i'm still waiting for the cot and the playpen :growlmad::dohh:

amy - well done alex! what a clever boy :happydance: i dont get the feeling owen is going to be an early walker!

i forgot i took owen for his check and he weighed 11kg/24lbs :wacko:

i still have to confront mil about the vitamins. it's hard for me as i hate confrontation but she really is bang out of order! i would never do that to anyone's child. it makes me sad as i'm scared to leave them with her niw, especially owen. she wanted to give him a lollipop when he was 5 or 6 months old:saywhat: i said no way, i mean why on earth would you think a baby would need a lollipop? now i'm wondering what on earth she's been giving him the few times i have left him with her for a couple of houre :nope:
LM Aww, your post about Logan preferring Daddy made me well up! Thats my biggest fear with Oliver! He absolutely adores his Daddy already and I can just see the day when he wants to play computer games with Daddy instead of do painting or creative things with me . . . :cry: And shopping :cry: I'll need to think of some really good bribes :haha: We are doing a very similar thing to you re contraception . . . . its kind of NTNP by default of not using anything else :haha: I also HATE hormonal BC and just haven't been bothered to sort anything else out, and Steve is the same as your OH. I think part of his problem is that he wants another baby now, so he wouldn't mind at all if I got pregnant again.

Maybe you really need to have a serious chat with your MIL. I would actually say to her that you don't want her to watch the kids anymore because you dont feel like you can trust her. I absolutely LOVE the breastmilk idea :rofl: :rofl:

Better dash . . . Oliver has got hold of a chair cover sash I ordered for a client and there is an awful smell coming from that way too :sick: Ahhhh its a glamourous life for us Yummy Mummies isn't it :haha:
LM: I dread the day that happens too! Made me sad to read that but I guess its bound to happen at some point :(

Maybe: Your MIL gave Dylan vitamins?!!! I must have missed that post but grrr! Like Sarah said what if you had been giving him some too! I also love LM's idea with the EBM :haha: Why didn't Danny get the cot?!!! HE WAS THERE ALREADY!!!!

Sarah: Hope you rescued the chair cover sash! Bobby just gravitates to all the naughty things. He is obsessed with the dirty nappy bucket and loves knocking it over (it has a lid), when I move him away he crawls to the wires, when I move him again he goes for the dogs plate, move him along and its back to the wires :dohh:
modo - the cot is in their flat but not the one they live in :dohh: they have a rented flat that they live in and a bought flat that they dont live in :wacko: the playpen/cot etc are in the bought flat but literally it is less than 5 mins walk from our place! it's funny how he can forget stuff but i am not allowed to :growlmad:

modo owen also loves wires! why do they love things that are boring black and not bat an eyelid over their expensive colourful and safe toys :shrug::rofl:
Crawling babies getting into mischief! Love it. We haven't gotten there yet. Dillon is taking his time about things. He rolls all over the place to get where he wants to go, but hasn't figured out how to scootch that butt up yet! Crazy how they all develop different. Logan was crawling at 8 months and walking at 10 months. I kinda doubt Dillon will be walking by a year.... He's in NO rush.
H&F - thats great news Dave is going to take time off to look after you and give you a break :hugs: fantastic weight loss lady! :happydance::thumbup::happydance: wow!! :hugs: hope you have a lovely 4 yr anniversary x

sarah - I love ikea! Good job our nearest store is over an hour away or I'd be an ikea-holic :haha:

LM - pull and pray - I like that :haha: my DH is so worried about me getting pregnant again he has refused s£x since november which is a bit of a relationship killer! and I am on the pill and not having periods! He wanted to get the snip but he's heard it can lead to chronic pain :shock: which he doesnt fancy. My eldest is a real daddy's girl, I think its due to having the girls so close. Logan loves his mommy too though :hugs:

modo - :haha: you describing Bobby going from one "naughty" thing to another made me laugh, thats just what Alex is like. Its exhausting isnt it :haha: great news about Bobby's tooth :thumbup:

The girls had cross country this morning then we had a walk by the sea this afternoon. Alex isnt very well, high temp and croaky throat. He's awake so better go. x
Maybe: I don't know why wires are so much more appealing than there colourful toys :dohh: perhaps because toys don't give their parents heart attacks :haha: GRRRR about the flat being nearby! Why can't he JUST GET IT! :hissy: What can you do to convince him? How about no sex, cooking, cleaning or ironing his precious uniform until he brings it :haha: :lol: I bet you get it the next day :rofl:

LM: Bobby was rolling around to all the things he wanted before he started crawling. I was surprised he wanted to crawl as he was able to get to the things he wanted anyway. You are right though they all develop differently.

Amy: Thank you Amy :hugs: How are the girls doing? How is your milk supply? :hugs: :hugs:


So Bobby got his third tooth today. It was so tough! When the tooth came through he had his arms around my neck and started whimpering, crying then sobbing. It's really heartbreaking :( I gave him some calpol and once it kicked in he was much better. I saw the edge at around 10am when I was changing his diaper and saw the whole bottom part at around 11.30am.

I can't believe how much harder this tooth was compared to the previous two. I mean with the first one I just put my finger in his mouth so he could gum it (I stopped doing that soon after - - ouch!) and just felt it there. No fuss and no indication is was coming. I guess I am not surprised by the difference because this tooth looks huge in comparison to the first.
modo - the girls are good at the moment thanks :hugs: Emily has her first boyfriend which is very sweet. They havent kissed (peck!) or anything but they say they love each other and she's made him a lovely valentines card. She said he makes her really happy which makes her forget that there is bad stuff happening (i.e. redundancies!) :cloud9: so cute. My supply isnt great, it's very much affected by whether I eat well so it makes me be healthy which is good! Poor little Bobby cutting that tooth! The top big ones were bad with Alex too, both his popped through in the night and they were both awful nights. They do seem huge when they come through dont they :shock:! hopefully the other one will come through soon and he can put the horrible experience behind him... for a while! :hugs:
Sarah - I forgot to say I can't believe your friend had a 13lb baby :shock: that is more than twice Joni's birth weight!!
I too L O V E Ikea but our nearest one is Lakeside which is a 2.5 hour drive. When we do make a trip down I always end up buying more than I meant to :dohh:

Modo - Yay for Bobby's tooth. So do you think the top teeth are worse to come through than the bottom ones? Joni only has one of the middle top teeth so far - we call it her snaggletooth :mrgreen: but I can see two more top teeth on the top ready to pop through anytime.

Emera - I am glad Roh has had a better appetite for food and milk :thumbup: I think you are so right about nursery being harder for us than for the babies :dohh:
Cor the feet filling must have been really quite freaky! I thought our all up the back right up to her shoulders and half way down her legs was bad :wacko:
Joni always manages to hide food in places t eat later no matter how rigorously I clean up after dinnertimes :dohh:

Maybebaby - I am really glad Danny actually gave you some time alone :happydance: even if he did forget the cot and playpen :rolleyes: I would be seriously pissed about your MIL giving Dylan vitamins :growlmad: it is not her place :nope:

H&F - :hugs: for you lady. Joni has a habit of only wanting to play with the things she can't too :dohh: she also pushes away and twists around away from you when you hold her. Like everyone has said it is just a phase. You are a lovely Mum :hugs:
I am glad that you have been able to speak to Dave and he is being more supportive now. Enjoy your lazy days and your anniversary meal :)

Amy - :happydance: for Alex's standing :mrgreen: Boo for poorly Alex :sad1:

LM - pull and pray :rofl: I am really pleased that your hubby has finally embraced fatherhood, even if it did take him 4 years :winkwink: I hope Dillon's teeth arrive with minimal fuss. EBM in the tea for Maybe's MIL I love it :haha:

We have been at home today, we were supposed to be going to meet my BIL & family today but in view of the daily exploding poops we decided to reschedule for next week. We still had an exploding poop today but not as bad as previous days. I have cut out kiwi now and also bought Joni some Acidophillus to help her colon recover.

Oh balls, Joni is awake so better go xx
A3my - A boyfriend???? ACK! SO glad I don't have girls! I'd be having a heart attack if I were you! LOL! It is sweet though!

We went to the store to get Valentines for Logan's friends at school and he insisted on buying a heart shaped box of chocolates for "Andrea", but then said if he was geting her one, he also needed to get one for Jasmine and Niyah too. SO sweet! LOL. My little ladies man. The rest of the kids in his class are boys - they are all getting Valentines Skittles packs.
lm - wow that's a lot of valentines :)

amy - hope alex is better! aww emily has a boyfriend, how sweet! i didnt have my first boyfriend til i was 18 :blush: our comprehensive schools here are not co-ed so not much exposure to boys :haha:

frufru - how are joni's poos?

modo - poor bobby with his tooth :hugs:

we had a nice day. we went to a friend's house for a bbq. the weather was glorious! the kids had loads of fun. they have a boy dylan's age and a little girl 1yr 7months but she's really advanced for her age talking and walking wise. they also invited another couple who are friends of ours and have a boy erin's age and who also goes to nursery with erin. when they saw each other they ran to each other waving and erin shouting 'joel!' and joel shouting 'erin'. the kids were really well behaved and we had fun! today i am taking d&e to see tangled in the cinema with my friend and her kids. mil supposed to be looking after owen :wacko: it'll be my chance to say something about the vitamins! wish me luck!!! have a lovely day all :hugs:
Amy: That's really sweet about Emily having a boyfriend glad it's making her happier :cloud9: Sorry to hear about your supply hon :hugs: Hopefully eating well will make it better :hugs: Where Alex's next set worse? I mean these are the biggest teeth right? Boo has been better today I have been giving him teetha before meals and making soft food which seems to help. How is Alex doing?

Frufru: for us the top tooth was most def the hardest :( I dreading the second one but then hopefully it will be over for a while. Glad to hear Joni's poop has been better :hugs:

Maybe: Glad you had a nice time at the BBQ. It's really cute that Erin and her friend called each others names out! Good to hear that they were well behaved. You should def talk to you MIL she just can't do stuff like that!

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