Hey Maybe! Thats rubbish about your work

If you stayed off until September would that be with the plan that you would have something new lined up by then? I hope you can sort something out, it sounds like you really don't want to go back to your old job and that must be really really horrible
L-C I'm glad you had a better night! And I'm glad that your lump has gone - take the antibiotics anyway, mastitis is soooo horrible!!!! I was thinking the same as you re Japan, so many families are not going to get any good news
We had a nice day, nothing excitng but it was nice. My parents came up so Dad and Steve could run some tests on my car but they still don't know whats wrong

Bloomin thing!! It was nice to see my parents though and Oliver was very pleased to see them which is so cute! Then we had a wonder into town for a few things, and then I cooked pasta with the tomato sauce from the BLW book - its Oliver's favourite though he gets sooooo messy
Tonight I'm just dealing with enquiries and things, my little business is still going really well! I got another booking today, I'm so pleased and pround of my little self
Oh, and my 'No Cry Sleep Solution' and 'No Cry Nap Solution' books have arrived, I had a quick read and they look great! I really love that the lady who wrote them coslept and breastfed her babies, and that she says you can still feed to sleep etc. I read the part about babies who nap on your lap (like Oliver) and it said if you're happy with your baby napping on you, and they are getting long enough naps, why change? I really like her attitude. I don't think Oliver naps for long enough though, so I am hoping to get him napping for longer in his cot. I've sorted his room out now and his cot is all ready for naps - so I think I'll do some reading today and tomorrow and hopefully start getting his naps sorted out asap. Really his night sleep isn't so bad, he wakes twice most nights but then has the odd night when its like he's never asleep, so if I sort the naps out first, then I'll look at night time.
Oh, and I had a letter today from my Surestart centre, where we go to baby club, and we've been invited to do Baby Sign from next Friday! Its only for three weeks but I;m so looking forward to it!
I hope everyone is well and having a good weekend!