Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Amy how is Gabriel today? And your Dad? I hope you slept okay :hugs:

H&F I hope the weigh in goes well!!

Maybe :hugs: again, are there any other jobs for you to apply for?

Argh, Steve has just really annoyed me! I'm not sure if you guys will remember but a few months ago I had an issue with parking and a neighbour leaving a note on my car? I posted in GS about it. Anyway, I ignored it and didn't hear anything else until today. My car is in the same space as when it got a note before, its been there since Friday. I wnt out to move it today as there was a space outside the house and I have my pram in the boot, so its easier to have it as close as possible if I go for a walk etc. So I was about to move my car when I notice there is another note on it, this time saying 'This has been here for a week now, its fucking stupid. MOVE IT.' So obviously I didn't move it, I brought the note in, and went and put one on saying if you have an issue, please come and speak to me about it rather than leave very rude notes on my car. No one has been around, but I spoke to one of my neighbours who compeltely backed me up and said how out of order it was. I doubt whoever it is will come around, because if its the guy I think it is he just likes an arguement - I doubt he'll come around since I signed it 'Sarah at 32' so he knows he'd be shouting at a woman :haha: So I thought leave it there until tomorrow, since it is better for me to have it closer to the house, and I have to go out in it tomorrow, and I think he will have read my note and to me, to be the bigger person I should just act like normal and not play his games or lower myself to his level. So Steve got home and I was talking to him about it and I said that tomorrow I'm going to baby club in it so I'll move it then anyway. He said oh no, take my car, don't move it. I said yeah but its a pain having it there when it could be closer, why behave differently because of this guy? So I just got a huge lecture about how if I move it I'm giving in to him and he'll think that I only moved it because he left the note. So I'm soposed to not drive my car just to prove a point? Eh? Does that make any sence to anyone else? To me, not moving it today and putting my note on it shows that I'm not playing his game. So I should just carry on like normal now, and if thats the only space again then I wouldn't think twice but to park there, but I have better things to do than play game with this prick! MEN! I'm so pissed off at Steve :grr:

Phew, I feel a bit better now :haha:

Right, well I have a few enquiries to deal with (:happydance:) so I'd better go and deal with them :)
Sarah - I would move it tomorrow because you need to use it! Dont avoid using your car! Thats the sort of thing Dave would do ...he would leave it as long as possible.

Well i went to weigh in and lost 3lbs yay thats 47lbs in total another 21 ish to go and 24 weeks before the wedding. Also my sister is coming over in April ... 7 weeks from now and she hasnt seen me since I started ww so I want to lose as much as possible before she comes to see if she notices a difference.
H&F you are doing so well!!!!

I'm glad you would do the same as me re the car. Men are just so stupid with things like this!!!!!! :grr:
Sarah - I dont feel like I look any different ... I was just about to try and find a picture of me at my biggest and put the same clothes on now and take a picture! Really hoping to reach goal weight before the wedding! Ideally before my dress fitting in June!
I bet you look completely different! Its when its a gradual change you don't notice. I'm sure you'll reach your goal, you really are doing ever so well!
Modo, you can still post I thin we've all been through that sort of period, I'm not quite out of it yet, hope you are ok xxxxxx

Sarah, men are so funny, why do they cut their noses off to spite their faces!

H&F your sister will see a huge change, I can see it in your photo's, that'll be so exciting to see here. Well done on 3 lb, I stayed the same ooooops.

Amy hope Gabriel is ok today xxx
modo - :hugs:

h&f - well done! i fell off the wagon big time with my depressing news :dohh: determined to be good for the rest of the week. only have 10 weekly points left after yesterday :blush:

sarah - men! they are so pig headed sometimes :hugs:

lc - how's will's sleeping and the diet?

i have a headache. i'm still pissed off about the job. teaching jobs here in gib come out in batches so i have to wait for the next batch to come out and see if there's something suitable there. :( now i have to return to work to a crap workplace full of backstabbers. one of my friends got promotion within the school and she told me over fb chat this morning that people were bitching in the staff room that she shouldn't have got it and that another girl within the school should've :shock: she's also on mat leave so she wasnt there but someone told her. so much for a healthy team environment! cant wait to get out of there.
Modo I missed your post last night - hope you're okay honey!! Please still post, we are all here for you :hugs: Don't feel that you can't post if you are feeling down - it helps to get it out and we can all send you hugs! :hugs:

We missed baby club today, Steve is off so we're trying to think of something nice to do.

My first organic box is arriving today, I'm quite excited :haha:
Sarah have a nice day!!

We have been up since 6 and not sure what to do, I have made a chilli, bolognaise for Will and hung out some washing. OH has just called to say he might be late off - booo!

Maybe the diet is not going very well at all really need to have a word with myself. Tried on my jeans yesterday, they do up but about 40 % of my body is hanging over the top!

Will's sleeping has improved the last two nights, tuesday he fed once at 4:20 am and slept 6:30 pm until 7 am. I on the otherhand was up wondering what the heck was going on!! duh Last night one feed again at 3 am and then up at 6 am, which hurt, but is very good really! He had a temperature at 3 as well, think it was down to more teeth on their way.

I should dash, was going to walk into town quickly before lunch but it looks like it's going to rain and I have washing out xx
It's happen again quite a few times :cry: my mom is over today and he was so excited to see her and put his arms up to be picked up. She picked him up but I said to put him back down in my lap because I wasn't done changing him. As soon as she put him down in my lap he started crying.

A few minutes later my cousin was carrying him and she wanted to give him back to me and he turned his face away from me into her chest :cry:

I feel like shit right now. Like what's the point? What have I done wrong?
Modo - please try not to feel too bad about it. Amy was all over my mum the other day and then when she left she cried for ages ... she never cries when I leave! I know its horrible when they are like it but I think its just a phase they go through and of course he loves you no matter what. I just think its someone different a they see us so much they enjoy different attention.

Also please please dont stop posting here ... everyone has been so supportive whilst I have been struggling and hopefully we can all support you in the same way. x
Modo :hugs: honestly babe it doesn't mean anything! I know it still hurts but really, Bobby loves his Mummy SO much!!! You have to remember too that our babies are used to mummy been there the whole time no matter what, so other people are exciting! Honestly babe Bobby loves you SO much and he always will - he needs his mummy :hugs: You are a fantastic mother and a truely lovely, kind person - don't forget that :hugs:
Thank you so much Sarah and H&F :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I don't know why but everything is really getting me down lately :cry:

H&F - My goodness girl, you've lost sooo, much weight, i bet you look totally different! :) I totally understand what you mean about not feeling any different though. I lost 6 stone bafore i got pregnant with Roh, and as i was buying more clothes as i went along, the ones i used to wear were all packed away by the time i finished losing. I was convinced i still looked the same! It was only a combination if going shopping and picking up all size 18 stuff, then having to go swap it for 16, then 14 then 12, which finally fit ok, and then getting some old stuff out, as i fancied wearing some of it, and it literally fell off! I had to spend a good long time looking in the mirror, and at old photos before i gradually felt like i'd lost any weight. Also, seeing a friend i hadn't seen for 3 years helped. As i went up to her and hugged her and said hello, and she stared blankly at me. I had to tell her who i was, and her jaw dropped. Your sister is going to think you look amazing! :hugs:

Modo - Bless you! :hugs: sorry you are feeling so down :hugs: It seems like we've all been through a phase of that so far. If you are really finding like you are slipping into being miserable then do talk to your doctor hun. Years ago when i had therapy for depression, they said, to help spot if it was coming back, if the down days start outweighing the up days, then keep a very close eye on yourself. About Bobby, Roh can often be the same. If there is a visitor about and he's interested, i better not even try to pick him up or be affectionate, as he gets very angry with me, and screams until i let him go and have fun with the new interesting person. I think its just like H&F said, they have their mummy around all the time, and so seeing different people is exciting and interesting. Actually, i notice it works in reverse now i don't see Roh awake for 3 days a week. On my first day off with him after, he's all over me, and cries if OH takes him. Its like he's saying "No, Daddy, get off i've seen you loads, i want something different" :shrug: I know Roh loves me, and OH too for that matter though, they can be fickle little people! Also, if you are feeling really down, and other people around you are more upbeat, maybe Bobby is picking up on that? Either way, i hope you are feeling less down soon :hugs:

Maybe - I'm really sorry to hear about the job :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sarah - How was your box?!?!? :)

Well, its been nice not to have to work today :thumbup: I'm starting to love Thursdays, they feel like Saturdays now :) I've really done very little apart from play with Roh all day :cloud9: I miss him sooo much when i'm working, i literally haven't seen him awake since Monday morning :cry: We had a lot of fun! I've discovered he really likes the windchime type bells i have hung in the window. I knocked them today when i was opening the blind, and all day he's been going over and standing underneath them and staring up at them and pointing! When i knock them again, he does a massive smile, and then goes off and carries on playing, cute! I also discovered today that Roh has another tooth through! I can't believe OH didn't tell me!! I bet he doesn't even know though, i doubt he would have checked :dohh:

Roh has been standing unsupported occasionally for the last week or so, but today, he's been doing it all the time. And for the first time today he's started walking whilst holding on to my hand! He took about 10 steps. :yipee: Oh course i've been trying to get him to walk about all day since he did it :haha: So exciting! :happydance: I'm so proud. Seems like alot of things all in one day, but then when i don't see him for 3 days, i guess alot of stuff can happen in that time in baby world!

modo - sorry to hear you've been feeling down :hugs: I agree with everything the others have said. You are an amazing Mummy and of course Bobby loves you. When Emily was a baby she was SUCH a Daddy's girl it used to get to me too. I know its so hard but they dont mean to hurt you :hugs::hugs::flower::flower:

maybe - awww I am gutted for you that you didnt get the job :hugs: thats awful how they are backstabbing and bitchy at your work. there's just no need for it. I really hope something else turns up for you :hugs:

sarah - OMG what a complete dick that person was leaving that on your car. I want to punch them in the nose for you!!!! Kerry would have suggested the same as Steve and the other men :dohh: seriously though, some people have such sad little lives that they feel the need to obsess over parking :dohh: you're doing the right thing rising above it! :hugs:

H&F - wow!!! you're like a weightloss machine, you're doing so well! you will definately make your target for your wedding, there's no stopping you :thumbup::hugs:

emera - well done to clever little Roh :cloud9::cloud9: working also makes me appreciate every day off I have with my little man so much more :cloud9: sounds like you had such a lovely day :hugs: how are your naughty ears?

L-C - I'm glad Will's sleep has improved the last couple of nights. I hope your washing didnt get wet :winkwink: hope you are ok :hugs:

thanks for all your thougths of Gabriel, my mum said he didnt have a good night that night, my sister thought he was in pain because the antibiotics he is on for a chest infection were upsetting his stomach but I bet he had a headache :( I felt terrible yesterday, I couldnt get it out of my head. I've been able to put it to the back of my mind today. My mum said the bruising/lumps are improving.

we had a meeting at work and I will get my official redundancy letter on May 3rd :wacko: it still seems surreal to me. I'm feeling a bit all over the place myself :dohh:

Alex's conjunctivitus seems to be clearing up. He had another temp last night though and was awake 2-5 am :cry::sleep: I dosed him up with calpol and he did go to nursery. they said he didnt sleep until 3pm!!! Its the first time he's skipped a morning nap and I was shocked after the attrocious night we had! x
Amy - :hugs: 3rd May seems pretty soon :wacko: Poor Gabriel, at least he's healing now, and the great thing is he'll never remember a thing about it :thumbup: Poor Alex, i'm glad his eyes are getting better, hardcore with the napping today though :shock: Roh does it sometimes, he'll just stay awake all day without a nap,and still be bouncy by bed time. I'm always like :shock: how can you be ok?!? :shrug:

My ears are still being really naughty!! :growlmad: Its driving me mad!! I've had 3 courses of antibiotics now, each stronger than the last, and they are still the same. I'm starting to feel sure that they've mis-diagnosed me now, as surely they should have cleared up? :dohh: Anyway, i'm off back to the doctors tomorrow i think, i'm going to ask them to just amputee my ears and be done with it :haha: Also Roh needs to go too really, he's had what they told me was a viral rash for over 2 months now, and its getting worse...

Why can't doctors just bloody fix stuff!?!?!? :grr:

Anyway, and...breathe :haha:
I was :shock: when I collected Alex from nursery, i thought he'd sleep in the car...but no! He was starting to get a bit fractious by bedtime but I was expecting him to fall asleep into his dinner or something :haha: funny things babies :winkwink:

oh gosh, poor you. Have they swabbed your ears to check the infection isnt resistant to the antibiotics they have prescribed you? they really should have cleared up by now :hugs: and viral rashes dont last 2 months! how frustrating all round. i hate going to the docs over and over for the same thing :growlmad: I hope they sort it out this time xx

I wrote a whole long reply earlier and then lost my internet connection and couldn't get back on :dohh: I'm off to bed now but I will post properly tomorrow.

:hugs: all round

Modo honey extra big :hugs: for you my lovely.

Amy I'm glad Gabriel is doing okay, bless him. How's your Dad?

Emera my veggie and fruit box is wonderful! So full of lovely goodies that look like proper fruit and veg and not perfect plastic ones :haha: I hope you get your ears sorted soon and Roh's rash :hugs:

I'm going to post this and then write some more if my phone let's me as my battery is about to run out!!
I'm sure I missed loads out there, sorry!!!

Well our stupid neighbour hasn't been around, which I'm most dissapointed about! Spineless idiot. I moved my car today, Steve didn't say anything. We had another 'MEN :grr: ' moment today as our bin didn't get emptied to I called the council to report it. The girl was really nice and said it sounded like they had just missed it and she'd arrange for iit to be collected in the next five days. Which isn't great, but the girl on the phone was doing hour best, it wasn't her who left it. I got of the phone and Steve gave me a lecture - apparently I'm too nice. I'm polite, but I'm not a walk over, and I'm actually quite offended that he would say that. So he pissed me off yet again :dohh: I stayed out of his way for a while and I think he knew he'd been out of order. We didn't actually fall out but I was so annoyed - again. He made chocolate cake this afternoon so he's back in my good books now :haha:

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