Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Modo - Bobby sounds sooo adorable! :cloud9: 8 teeth, wow! :thumbup: Roh has 7 now, i think anyway, OH and i are too scared to get too close :haha: he's a real biter! And yes, what Bobby is doing is cruising! What a clever little man you have :)

On the birth front, i really think that its rare for births to be what people planned for and hoped for. Nature just tends to do its own thing really :shrug: Next time i'm not making any plans or having any expectations i think, that way i can be open to whatever happens ;) And hey, as traumatic as giving birth often is , i find when i look at Roh and he gives me that cheeky grin.... heh, i'd do it all again and worse in a flash :cloud9:
modo - i agree with sarah&emera with writing your birth story. i felt so out of control with my induction as it was just such a quick thing compared to dylan and erin's birth and got so painful so quickly. i went from 4cm-10cm in 1hr & delivered owen in 5mins after being fully dilated and my body was shaking with shock. owen has 7 teeth with the 8th one ready to pop out!

sarah - personally i wouldnt try to wake oliver up. i like my sleep :haha: owen has no particular routine. he seems to be in a pattern for a while and then it changes :dohh:

i think dylan may have chickenpox. :( he's had a sore throat for two days and tonight he was really poorly and has a rash. it's not blistered yet but we shall see! it is going round so it's not surprising but the lord save me if it is as i'll end up with the 3 of them with it i bet!!!
Emera what an awful situation for your friend, I can't imagine desperately wanting to be with Oliver and Steve and not been able to :cry: Its wonderful that they are safe of course, and they are so lucky, but its still just so awful for everyone involved. I hope they can get back to the UK soon :hugs:

Modo 8 teeth!! WOW! Oliver still just has two :haha: I don't think any of the others are going to be popping up any time soon either, unless they just appear like the first two. The two he has came through mid December, so ages ago! Clever Bobby cruising! Oliver loves to stand at the baby gates and playpen :haha: He cruises along the sofa, the TV unit and his favourite is the bath :haha: (out of the bath not in it :haha:)

Modo I do think it will help to write things out. I'll be really honest though honey - giving birth is such a shock that I think even if things had gone perfectly its still something that is quite traumatic, if you know what I mean? I was so lucky, and had a near perfect birth, and I really couldn't have asked for anything to have been better, but I still find it quite uncomfortable / unnerving to think about - it was all just such a shock and so emotional, so overwhelming. Its a lot to deal with. :hugs:

Maybe poor Dylan! I hope he's feeling better soon :hugs: Have you had it already? Gosh you will have your hands full if they all get it!!!!
Eek! Good luck Maybe :shock: All 3 of them, thats going to be a tough time! :hugs: On the plus side, you should only have to do it this once, it would be worse if it happened when you are back to work. Big :hugs: xxx
emera - you are right! work+chickenpox would be bad!!!

sarah - yeah i have had it! but u can get shingles instead :wacko:
maybe - I thought it was an old wives tale about fevers with teething but the doctor said she reckoned that was it! funny because a dentist once told me they should never have a temperature with teeth coming through. I do think he has a cold too but I think the teeth are making it worse. Danny :grrr: its so much more important to spend time with them before they grow up than it is to have an immaculate house. I get the same from Kerry - ignore him! :trouble: :hugs: good luck with chicken pox - Emily and Holly got it when Holly was a baby, it is good to get it out of the way :thumbup:

sarah - welcome to my world, Alex is awake at 6 every day now :shock: :sleep: I think its a good idea to have a bit more of a routine with your business picking up so well. it will mean you can look forward to the Oliver time :winkwink: Alex routine is awake at 6, mammoth boobie session while i prise my eyes open, breakfast at 8 ish, sleep, lunch at 12.30 ish, sleep, tea at 5.30 ish, bath at 6.30pm, bed asleep by 7.15pm.

modo - :hugs: I know things didnt work out how you wanted with Bobby's birth and breastfeeding but remember the positive things - you have a beautiful little boy and you are a fantastic mummy. like maybe said, every birth is different - mine have got easier with each baby if that helps, and every mums experience of labour is different. It makes me so angry when midvwives let mums down, they can really make all the difference to a mums experience. It took me a long time to get over Emilys birth (5 days in labour and an epidural) but it does get easier with time. 8 teeth - wow!!! Alex is stuck at 6 :haha:

frufru - excellent news about your hours :hugs:

LC - thankyou :hugs: I really hope a tooth comes soon, its been 7 nights now :sleep:

emera - I'm so glad your friend and her family are safe, every time I see the news I just cant imagine living in that devastation. I really hope they can all be together again soon :hugs:

I've just finished some more wallpapering, thats 3/4 of the room done now so getting there. no more interviews but i have been applying. Alex is still poorly, he has a bad cough and is still spiking temperatures at night. i might as well not bother going to bed. he's awake now so I'd better go :dohh: xx
amy - i hope alex gave you a bit of sleep. i know how you feel about wondering if it is worth going to bed at all :hugs:

well dylan still has a rash but the jury is out on whether it is a viral thing or chicken pox. time will tell i guess :shrug:
Right recipes!!

Sarah I think you wanted the Nigella banana bread and the low fat banana muffins. The banana bread is on Ms Lawson's website here:

and muffins are as follows:

2 cups plain flour
3/4 cups sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 sunflower/vegetable oil
2/3 cup milk
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large banana's mashed

- preheat oven to 180C/GM4 and get muffin tin and cases ready
- mash bananas. I tend to do this half an hour ahead and put a plate on top of the bowl so the banana's go really runny.
- sift flour, baking powder, bicarb and salt together
- mix in sugr, cinnamon and nutmeg to the flour mix and stir.
- beat egg and add in milk, oil and vanilla extract and beat until combined
- make a well in the centre of the flour mix, pour in egg mix and stir in followed by the bananas. If you like you can add 1/2 cup of raisins or chocolate chips here. I like to do raisins with a 1/2 cup of walnuts pieces too :p
- fill muffin cases 2/3-3/4 full and bake for 18-23mins til golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Timing above is for medium sized muffins and mix will make about 16 of these.

Modo I got the weetabix cake recipe off a slimming forum a few years ago and we absolutely love it in our house :mrgreen:

2 weetabix
1 cup dried fruit (I tend to use 1/2 raisins/sultanas and the other half chopped apricots)
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
1 cup self raising flour
1 beaten egg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 nutmeg

- mix weetabix, sugar, fruit and milk together and leave to soak overnight or for 2-3 hours
- add flour spices and egg. Mix well and pour into a lined 2lb loaf tin
- cook for 1 hr - 1hr 15mins until a skewer comes out clean
- serve cold
NB - You can reduce the sugar in this recipe according to your taste. I personally use 1/4 cup caster sugar plus a 1/4 cup soft brown sugar. Also if you don't have the different spices just use 1 tsp of mixed spice instead.

The cups I use are just the sets you can get in all cookstores though mine actually came from poundland :winkwink:

Sarah I think I promised you a cheesy lentil wedge recipe too but I was at a friends the other day and it is actually in the baby led weaning cookbook which I think you have.

Sorry it has taken me so long to put these on for you both :blush: I have been busy in the kitchen today and got my recipe book down to look up something so thought I would post them now while it is at the front of my mind!!

I have decided I am going to make a date and rhubarb cake with the rhubarb from my Dad's veggie garden. I need to go out and get some more sugar for it though. Joni is napping at the moment (at last!) and I have the leftover chicken from yesterday bubbling away on the stove to make some stock so the shopping will have to be done later.

The sun is shining brightly here today and my washing machine has just finished so I think I will pop outdoors and put it out on the line.

Sending hugs and love to you all. You and your babies are all so lovely :kiss: thinking about you is often my happy place I go to when I have down moments :hugs:
Wow Frufru they look lush, thank goodness I haven't done my shop yet, going to get supplies.

1 cup = 4.5 oz if that helps xx

We had a lush day yesterday and took Will to the beach he loved it! and so did we!

Our night wasn't great but I think Will has a sore throat as he is quite croaky and possibly more teeth just about to pop through.

The sun can't decide whether to come out or not so I think we are going to do a fruit and veg shop then head out anyway x

Hope you all have a lovely day x
it looks like the rash is not chickenpox :thumbup: but i think i'll keep him off school tomorrow in case. today was a bank holiday as it's commonwealth day. danny worked 7am-2pm and so i made roast pork for when he came back and mil came round. owen is really getting the hang of crawling now :cloud9: so i'm glad i have the playpen now :haha:
Emera: thank you hon you girls have been so so so lovely and supportive:hugs: Roh sounds adorable too! Bobby is also a biter :haha: I have this sudden broodiness that seems to have come from nowhere! DH and have talked and have agreed to bring TTC forward to summer 2012. Roh is a grogeous boy and I am not surprised that his smile makes you want to go through the whole thing again. Being a parent is the most amazing thing I have ever done :hugs:

Maybe: Thank you for being so lovely :hugs: I hope Dylan is ok :hugs: I remember getting chickenpox when I was young and how itchy it was! Luckily both you and Danny have had it (Ben hasn't)! In the Middle East when a child gets chickenpox everyone sends their children over so they can catch it and get it out the way!

Sarah: Bet Oliver gets them all at once like Bobby did! We didn't get much sign of them (apart from the monstrous top ones!) and suddenly they all started coming. Thank you for your kind words :hugs: You really are a good friend :hugs:

Amy: I bet the temp thing is true as well! I actually found that Bobby does poo a lot when he has a tooth coming. I didn't believe it at first because Docs told me it was unrelated but it seems to happen each time :haha: Thank you for your lovely words and support :hugs: I have been happier today which is a def plus. I just think I need to work through these feeling as they come instead of ignore or shut them out. Hopefully I can then move on :) You have all been so kind to me these past few days :hugs: thank you so much :hugs:

Frufru: Thank you so much for the recipes! We miss you so much but are glad you are getting everything you need done. I am trying to spend this last month with Bobby and appreciate it as much as possible before work starts.

Maybe: Glad to hear that it's not chickenpox :happydance: Glad Owen is enjoying crawling and you got more use out of the playpen :happydance:


What's everyone doing for birthday outfits? Need some ideas!
hmm birthday outfit? no idea modo! owen wore dylan's 1st bday outfit the other day. some wide ribbed cord trouser (golden beige) and a baby blue peter rabbit jumper :)
Evening lovely ladies!!

Modo I'm so glad to hear that you had a good day! :thumbup: Thats really fantastic, you are doing so well :hugs: I am going to get around to trying those nappies in the next few days, its taken me so flippin long! :blush: I haven' thought about Oliver's first birthday outfit yet . . . Steve and I need to talk about what we are doing to celebrate it too. We've discussed the cake so far :haha::haha: I remember when we were small one of the children in the village had chicken pox, her parents threw a party and everyone sent their kids to catch it :haha:

Maybe I'm glad it doesn't seem to be chicken pox! I'm not sure what I'd do without my playpen :haha:

L-C I'm glad you had a great day! The beach sounds fab!

FruFru thank you so much for that! Bless you taking all that time to type it up! I will deffo give those a try and let you know how I get on :thumbup: I often think about the lovely ladies on here too, when something fun happens in my day I always think 'oohh I'll tell everyone about that' :haha:

We had a lovely day today, the weather has been so lovely! Oliver and I walked into town, Steve is hosting a fancy dress dinner at work tonight and only thought to sort out his costume on Saturday - typical bloke! The theme is school days, and when he went to the costume hire shop the school boy costume didn't fit him :dohh: Since it was about 4pm on Saturday he didn't really have time to sort anything out, so I got the job of doing it today while he was asleep. Luckily he was happy with what I cobbled together, thanks to the local chairty shops and the local school uniform shop :haha: It was such nice weather though that I didn't mind walking around the shops, and Oliver fell asleep too which was even better :haha:

So as well as sorting out Steve's costume, I also bought a few other bits and pieces, and had a nice walk around. Its amazing how the lovely weather just picks up your mood so much!

I'm just watching 'One Born Every Minute' and dealing with some enquiries :thumbup:

I'm sure I had something else to say but I can't remember what it was :rofl:
sarah yeah men always leave things to the last minute! sounds like you had a good day. i've not been out apart from the food shopping and school run in 2 weeks coz of the crap weather!!!
Maybe I hate not getting out when the weather is bad. It was so lovely today I could have wondered around town all day :haha:
morning all! dylan's rash seems to be disappearing :thumbup: am keeping him off school for today though. i seem to have caught what he had and have a really bad sore throat, headache and my ears feel funny. i hope that i can kick it soon!!!
I am wearing a dress with leggings today! Love the warmer weather :happydance:
ooh modo am jealous :haha: enjoy the weather!!!

i have been feeling awful today. my whole body aches. i have been wearing a long sleeved thermal vest, track suit top&fleece & thermal socks and was still cold :nope: my head aches and the glands by my throat are swollen up&my throat kills :( to top it off danny came back from work 2 hrs, played with dylan for a bit and then gone to sleep leaving me with the 3 kids whilst feeling like shite! i understand he's tired from getting up at 5.40am for his shift but i am running on broken sleep&feel awful. i'd have really appreciated an hours kip! the kids are bathed and fed now and bedtime in about an hour. when danny wakes he can get a takeaway as i'm soooooo not cooking tonight!

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