Amy - I can't believe that someone has been spying on you here and revealed all to Kerry

Besides, its not as if you have not tried to talk to Kerry about things

Boo to Alex being poorly and rubbish sleeping. I hope he gets better and settles down for you soon so you can have some much deserved
Maybebaby - bummer about the job

Hopefully the next one will be yours

I know what you mean about nursery fees. Joni's nursery is £44 a day

so sending her 2 days a week is going to cost us about £381 a month

I really hope we qualify for some tax credits!
Emera - you definately deserve a payrise, you work so hard and have increased their sales so much, I hope they see sense and agree it for you
Sarah - Ah the elusive spark

Hubby and I have a kind of unspoken arrangement that we will both pitch in with chores once Joni has gone to bed which usually leaves us with an hour before we need to get ready for bed to spend time together. Then over the weekend we always try to have a nice meal together and do something outdoors with Joni. I think a date night is a great idea

Well done with all the business bookings, clearly your services are top notch
H&F - you are doing so well honey, I saw the pic on fb today with Amy in the carrier and you are looking really trim! I read lots of books on overeating etc when I lost my weight in 2007. I found that half of what I read was not for me but that most books gave good pointers for maintenance. In particular ' thin for life' was very good and might be worth a borrow from the library - it is not a diet plan as such, but a book about weight loss and maintenance strategies of people who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off.
Ooops, out of time, sorry!
Modo -

love the new fb pics xxxxx kisses to you and Bobby xxx
Got to run as I am supposed to be going over to see a friends new house at 10.30, I put Joni down to nap at 9 but she is still awake

so I might just get her up and hope she has a wee snooze in the car. SHe will nap at my friends house at lunch so I really wanted her to have one nap in her cot but nevermind, best laid plans and all
Joni has cut another top tooth and has come down with a snotty nose today, BOO, but is otherwise fine. Still shuffling backwards instead of crawling and also now bum shuffling sometimes. Better go xxxx