Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I am so sorry for being so rubbish recently ladies! I promise I will try and catch up properly soon. Really struggling emotionally at the moment and that is making me struggle with Weight Watchers ... it is a constant downward spiral. Anyway I think I am going to have a takeaway tonight and miss weigh in tomorrow I really cant face it and get back on track on Thursday ... my problem is I am petrified of putting all this weight back on.

Anyways again I am sorry for being rubbish.
frufru - I love that you said we are your happy place :cloud9: how completely lovely :hugs:

modo - thats lovely that you have brought forward TTC. oooh a birthday outfit! thats got me thinking :winkwink:

maybe - phew for the chicken pox not catching you all this time :hugs: so sorry to hear you are feeling poop and Danny isnt giving you a break :( get well soon x

LC - aww the beach does sound lovely :hugs:

sarah - whoop whoop for more enquries! you'll have to hire an assistant soon :winkwink: xx

H&F - hope you are ok :hugs: you've done so well with your weight loss, you should treat yourself to takeaway - you deserve a break and you've shown before that you snap back on track :thumbup: :hugs:

well alex still has his cough and nightly fever :sleep: i'm learning to live with the exhaustion!
Amy you are kidding?!?! Someone has not only been reading your posts but has also TOLD Kerry?!?! OMG :shock: When my friend was expecting she told me she posted on Bounty a lot, I was TTC at the time and joined up but didn't really post - every now and then I would come across her posts but I would never, ever have discussed the things she talked about in real life - let alone go and tell her husband things! Who was it? They should be ashamed of thereselves :nope: And they should piss off and stop meddling in other peoples lifes - they obviously have no life to have to read about yours and get there bloomin wooden spoon out. God thats SO pissed me off!!! So what if you say bad things about Kerry? If I couldn't come on here and moan about Steve every now and then I think I'd go bonkers! Argh, that has made me sooooo mad for you!!!! :grr: :grr: :grr:

And breathe . . . . :haha:

Modo the good weather is great isn't it? We didn't get ant sun today, it was warm but quite overcast and damp.

Maybe I hope you're feeling better soon! I'm sorry that Danny hasn't helped :grr:

Argh, Oliver is up, back soon!
Thanks Sarah, things between Kerry and I are topsy turvey at the best of times but now he thinks I spend my life sl@gging him off on here whereas, like you say, if I didnt come here and vent sometimes I would combust!

Alex keeps groaning, I think he'll get me up there soon. His cot mattress is almost vertical :dohh: he just coughs and coughs and coughs! Hope Oliver gets back to sleep for you! :hugs:

I forgot to say, I bumped a car today :blush: I know its no excuse but I am so tired and I was talking to the girls and I thought the car in front had gone so I went to go and bumped his car :blush: it was a gardener. I stopped the car to get out and grovel and he was so nice! and rather dishy! he was more concerned I was OK and said it was his fault for rubbish driving!! :rofl: it was my fault but nice of him to say :haha:

better go, Alex coughing x
urgh, he has another fever so I've given him neurofen :( I just wanted to add the guy I bumped had a towball so his van was fine, my old banger just has another dent so luckily he's not claiming! phew
Amy thats just soooo out of order of her. She should really be ashamed of herself. Its not like you guys have enough to deal with at the moment is it :grr: :grr:

If Kerry and Steve, and all the other men, don't go to work sometimes and have a moan about us then I'd be very, very shocked. But I don't get someone saying to me oohhh Steve was saying this and this and this about you . . . its like the flippin playground! For goodness sake if the men were so bloomin bothered they could just log on and read it for themselves!!!!!!!!!

Oliver STILL has a cough too, thats why he was awake just now. I'm going to take him back to the Dr's. He's had it for literally months. Everytime I take him to the Dr's they say its not on his chest and they don't want to give him antibiotics, but TBH I'm at a point where I'd sooner he had a quick course of antibiotics if it got rid of this cough!!!

Oh, and Amy well done bumping into a dishy gardener!! Well if you're going to do it you might as well do it right :haha: I have to say I'm rather jealous. You bump your car into a dishy and rather lovely gardner - I bump Steve's into a wheely bin :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Story of my life :haha:

Hmmmm . . . .an assistant . . . . you wanna job? :haha: I got another one today :happydance: With my confirmed and provisional bookings (I'm confident that they will all go ahead) I have over 20 bookings!! One of the girls I worked with at the bank worked full time and had her little girl in the nursery there, and at the end of the month she took home £700, so after nursery fees and tax and everything. And I think she paid less nursery fees because she's a single mum. I wouldn't go back full time anyway, but my aim is to make more than £700 per month - since thats what I could have taken home if I did go back full time, and at the moment I'm well on track to do that :thumbup:

I was going to say earlier, H&F, don't be so hard on yourself!! You need a week off now and then :hugs:

I'm going to post this before my computer crashes again, I've written about four posts today and then lost them :dohh:
So my day was quite quiet . . . but nice. I had my hair cut, nothing drastic, just a trim but it was nice and my hair needed it! The hair dresser also kept saying how nice my colour was, she asked where I had it done and I had to admit that I did it myself :haha:

My friend is coming over tomorrow with her little girl, she's buying the Jumperoo. I've had it packed away for a week or so and I haven't missed it, in fact it's quite nice to get some of my lounge back :haha:

My whole day has been tinged with a bit of crappyness because I had a horrible dream last night and it really put me in a funny mood! I hate it when that happens! I know its only a dream and I'm not someone who reads a lot into dreams tbh, but I just couldn't shake it. I've also been quite funny with Steve all day since he was a dick in my dream :haha:

Steve was soposed to be off next week, I was looking forward to it too and today he said he's going to move it back by a week or so. He has some stuff going on next week and he'll end up going in and working on at least two days, and one for more or less a full shift. I'd sooner he had a full week but it's annoying too. I think we really, really need to spend some decent time together, maybe go out just the two of us and spend some time together. At the moment we're both so focused on Oliver, and if Steve isn't focused on Oliver he's on the phone to work, in work, on the internet playing poker trying to relax because of work . . . I don't know . . . I'm just feeling all a bit mixed up. Steve and I used to be so much closer, and I'd like that back because at the moment I just feel really distant. I want to get the spark back :cry: Any ideas?
Morning ladies!

We had another good night :thumpup: For the past two nights Oliver has only woken once! So at least his night sleep is pretty good since his naps are so bad! I feel bad for not realising that his naps were too short before :dohh: At least I can sort them out now though, hopefully!!

Right, time for Breakfast! I need to have a quick tidy up too since I've got a friend coming over, I think I'll go with the 'move the crap into another room' method :haha:

I hope everyone has a lovely day!

Emera I just saw on the news that the british government are putting on a bus from Sendai tomorrow, I hope your friend has been reunited with her daughter and hubby and can get on the bus to come home! X
Amy I am so horrified on your behalf! How DARE that person do that?!!! Everyone has to vent sometimes and to have that person come across your posts and tell Kerry is horrific :growlmad: How could they be so mean?
Sarah: Glad you had a nice day yesterday! I really need to get my hair trimmed as the last time I got it done Bobby was 2 months old :haha: You really should tell Steve how you feel Sarah :hugs: Ben and I get to spend less time alone because we are so focused on Bobby during the day and when he goes to sleep Ben goes up to our loft to work. I did talk to Ben about it and now he does try to stay with me some nights and watch a DVD and then go up to work. Maybe a compromise can be reached? So he can play a little less poker and do something else you can take part in to relax? DVD and a glass of wine maybe? Glad to hear that Oliver's sleeping is getting better :happydance:
amy - i cannot believe that someone told kerry what you have posted! do you know who it is? it must be some sort of lurker as who would bother. i'm so mad for you :grr: this is our safe haven to vent. i dont know what i'd do without it and you girls!

sarah - it is difficult to get time together. can your parents babysit on a monthly basis so you can have a date night once a month? i tend to cook something (usually) a roast and sometimes we switch off the tv and eat at the table (instead of on trays in front of the tv :blush: ) and we have a chat. a drop of wine and then a cuddle on the sofa and watch a film. we don't do it often but it is nice when we do.

modo - how are you doing hun? :hugs:

well i still feel like crap but i went to the meeting with the director for education (one of the education advisors was also there) and we had a good chat (he used to be my spanish teacher for a-levels :haha: ) and he said there was nothing i was doing wrong, it was just one of those things and to keep applying. apparently all 3 of us were strong applicants. i asked about other posts and a music one is scheduled to come out today or tomorrow. it is the same pay grade as the post i hold but it is a middle school. the director is going to find out whether i have to apply for it like usual or whether i could ask for a staright transfer, which would mean i wouldnt need to have to go to interview. i have to call him back later to see whether he's found out from the human resources dept. hopefully it is an option though!
Thanks Modo :hugs: You are right, I think maybe we need a chat. When he gets up and going to see what's happening with his week off and then see if I can't arrange a night out for us and get my parents to baby sit. I'm so so happy with everything in my life right now - Oliver, my business, everything, and our relationship is great in that we don't argue or anything and we get on great, I just feel like I want the spark back. The best way I can describe it is that I'm distancing myself. I don't know if its because I don't want to get hurt now Oliver is here and I have to be strong for him as his mummy. That probably sounds so stupid. Urgh, I don't know :dohh: its just so silly when I really have everything I could wish for right now, I'm so lucky and I just need to get over myself I think :haha:
Maybe that could be great re the job! Fingers crossed for you!!

We always eat at the table, I banned food from the lounge a while ago :haha: I guess we do do things like that already, date night sounds good though! Steve goes out playing snooker with his friend every week or so but its literally about six months before we went out together just the two of us.

Well I just got my wage slip and found out how much bonus I'm getting and its hardly anything, I'm so annoyed! I worked for hard for those last few months so my bonus would be decent :grr: All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't work that hard all year to get such a crappy amount! It's also taken away and tiny doubt I had in my head about going back - sod em!!!!! :grr:

I'm trying to tidy up a bit before my friend comes over but as fast as I am tidying Oliver is messing everything up :haha: He's soooooo like Steve :haha: :rofl:
well i cant transfer. i need to apply for the job. closing date is end of the month so fingers crossed!!!
Maybe - Fingers crossed for the job! :hugs:

Amy - Thats totally out of order! I'd be soo pissed off! :hugs:

Sarah - Glad your business is going so well :thumbup: Shame your bonus was so poor, like you said, at least you won't even feel slightly bad about not going back :winkwink: I take home less than £700 a month, and thats without paying for childcare, i'm working 25 ish hours a week too :shock: Makes me realise i really deserve that payrise. Mind you, i did go in to this job knowing it was badly paid :haha: Still, i think i deserve a raise :thumbup:
Thats for posting about the bus thing :hugs: I haven't heard anything from my friend since she said she was going to walk to Sendai, i hope she's ok, i'm assuming she is, although it got very very cold over there. I've got my fingers crossed.
I think the suggestions of having a date night, or even one night a week set aside where Steve won't play poker (and you won't be on here :haha:) so you can just relax together and maybe watch a movie are good ideas. I know exactly what you mean about wanting the spark back. OH and i regularly have to catch ourselves and realise we aren't spending enough quality time together, mostly we have one day a week together, and we'll set aside an evening too where we spend it together, not doing our seperate things :thumbup:

Right, knackered from work, going to bed, night!! :sleep:
emera - i think you deserve a pay rise too!!! especially with the price of childcare! erin goes to nursery 3 mornings a week and that costs about £240 a month :wacko: it's ok when i'm working but as i'm unpaid now our savings are paying for that and our mortgage and danny's wages cover bills and living expenses. how are your ears these days?

Amy - I can't believe that someone has been spying on you here and revealed all to Kerry :nope: Besides, its not as if you have not tried to talk to Kerry about things :shrug: Boo to Alex being poorly and rubbish sleeping. I hope he gets better and settles down for you soon so you can have some much deserved :sleep:

Maybebaby - bummer about the job :sad1: Hopefully the next one will be yours :hugs: I know what you mean about nursery fees. Joni's nursery is £44 a day :shock: so sending her 2 days a week is going to cost us about £381 a month :wacko: I really hope we qualify for some tax credits!

Emera - you definately deserve a payrise, you work so hard and have increased their sales so much, I hope they see sense and agree it for you :)

Sarah - Ah the elusive spark :rolleyes: Hubby and I have a kind of unspoken arrangement that we will both pitch in with chores once Joni has gone to bed which usually leaves us with an hour before we need to get ready for bed to spend time together. Then over the weekend we always try to have a nice meal together and do something outdoors with Joni. I think a date night is a great idea :) Well done with all the business bookings, clearly your services are top notch :mrgreen:

H&F - you are doing so well honey, I saw the pic on fb today with Amy in the carrier and you are looking really trim! I read lots of books on overeating etc when I lost my weight in 2007. I found that half of what I read was not for me but that most books gave good pointers for maintenance. In particular ' thin for life' was very good and might be worth a borrow from the library - it is not a diet plan as such, but a book about weight loss and maintenance strategies of people who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off.

Ooops, out of time, sorry!

Modo - :kiss: :hugs: love the new fb pics xxxxx kisses to you and Bobby xxx

Got to run as I am supposed to be going over to see a friends new house at 10.30, I put Joni down to nap at 9 but she is still awake :dohh: so I might just get her up and hope she has a wee snooze in the car. SHe will nap at my friends house at lunch so I really wanted her to have one nap in her cot but nevermind, best laid plans and all :rolleyes:

Joni has cut another top tooth and has come down with a snotty nose today, BOO, but is otherwise fine. Still shuffling backwards instead of crawling and also now bum shuffling sometimes. Better go xxxx
Hey all -

Sarah just wanted to say your buisness sounds like its going brilliantly! If you were closer I would book you for my wedding!

Well we are ok - I am being brave today and going to a local mummy meet up off net mums ... its their first meet up so hopefully everyone wont already know each other and we can make some new friends. Also we are looking to book a holiday!!! Only to Poole for a week but it will be lovely to get away!

Hope everyone is ok. x
Morning everyone. Like a few of you, I am still unemployed, and as mat pay runs out at the end of April, I am now stuck applying for jobs whose top salary is $10,000 below what I made when I was last working :hissy: I want to cry.
Insomnibaby is doing really well. She is terribly clingy though and the boys never were so this is a whole new ballgame for me. I finally found a carrier that won't hurt my back so am wearing her quite a bit, but now Insomnitoddler has gotten used to being ferried around in a stroller and he resists walking for very long. :rofl: So there I am with a baby on my back, dragging a toddler home from the playground while the eight year old walks beside. We make quite the spectacle. :rofl:

I hope everything clears up for everybody re: jobs, money and OH's. If it ain't one thing, it's t'other, right? ;)

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