Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

200 balls! Fun! :D

Roh loves his cousin's ball pool, i wish we had a bit more space here for one.
Yeah I looked at a proper ball pool but we have no space, it works pretty well in the playpen :) the balls were only a fiver for one hundred at BandQ! I am finding then everywhere though :haha:

Well we walked to the post office, as I had a few things to post. Oliver is asleep in his pushchair now, I can't get it into the house (steps) so I'm sat outside with him :haha: it is lovely though, very spring like!

Steve still isn't back, he went at two 'for an hour' :grr: honestly, if I didn't know him better I'd thing he had another woman on the go. I can't even guilt trip him about it because work is work, and he has a lot of responsibility, and I don't want to be a nag. I am pissed off though. He's going to have seen Oliver for about an hour today. He really might as well have just worked a full shift and not wasted a days holiday.
Sarah - can Steve not ask for the hours he has had to go in today back so he can take them another time? I know he has a lot of responsibility but that is not an excuse to call him in when he is on holiday :nope: after all what would they do if you were going away rather than holidaying at home :shrug: I must confess if it was me and I thought work might be calling me while on holiday I would tell them I am going away and turn my phone off :blush:

Joni was given a ball pool for her Xmas but I don't have room for it until the jumperoo is finished with. Plus my Mum keeps telling me I need to wash the balls before using it and just the thought of doing that makes me want to leave it under the bed forever :haha:

Amy - 5 teeth here now, 3 top and 2 bottom. I didn't realise Alex would not take bottles at all, how is he with a sippy cup/beaker? Well done with all the home improvements :thumbup: and fingers crossed for your job applications :hugs:

Maybebaby - I hope you are feeling a bit better :hugs:

Emera - JOni does the same thing to my boobs all the time :rolleyes: I love the new avatar :mrgreen:

Insomnimama - fingers crossed for the job-hunting

JannyWanny - hiya :wave: hope you and Jared are getting on ok.

SOrry if I have missed anyone, I am posting mostly from memory :wacko:

Joni and I had a lovely time at my friends house yesterday. Joni refused her morning nap and ended up having a 2 hour kip on a duvet on my friends living room floor :lol:

Today we have been to the seaside which was lovely. Fish and chips by the sea :p you just can't beat it.

Better go as I am putting Joni to bed early tonight as she has only napped for an hour today :shock: Have a lovely evening and weekend everyone :hugs:
FruFru - Roh's gone to bed early tonight too, he only napped for an hour, he was knackered!

I've made myself a tofu, noodle and greens miso soup, yum yum :)
Oh, and fish and chips by the sea! Amazing, my favourite! I really miss the sea :( We have alot of seagulls here, but its just not the same.
sarah - i cannot believe that woman shouted at Oliver!! How dare she, it does sound like she was ashamed of herself for it. I cant believe how quick some people are to shout at children, particularly in public! I mean I'm not perfect, when my girls really push me I shout but I always regret it and I'd never ever shout at a baby :growlmad: give Oliver a hug from me :hugs: Sorry about Steve, well done for not getting mad over it :hugs:

emera - I love your new avatar - Roh is looking so grown up :hugs: Glad you both had fun with your nct friends :thumbup:

frufru - yep Alex is a little moo, he has a quick suck on a bottle then chews the teat and pulls at it. And he wont drink milk from a beaker :dohh: little fusspot! So when I am at work he has no milk from 7am till 5pm! good to hear Joni is happy napping anywhere :thumbup::winkwink:

well I had Gabriel today, my sister has a lot of concerns about the nursery so i had him for her for a day so she could have a less worrying day. I took both boys to babyclub which was fun. its been raining all day here so we havent been able to do anything else.

nearly forgot - I have an interview on thursday! gulp - I have nothing to wear!!
OOhhhh Amy well done with the interview! Thats really great news!! Do you want to borrow a suit? I have millions :blush:, I can take pics if you like and if you like one of them I can post it to you on Monday :thumbup:

Oliver does exactly the same with a bottle :dohh: For one day he drank properly and now he has one suck and then chews. He does drink quite well from a beaker though (spits it out when he's had enough :haha:) and he'll drink ANYTHING :haha:

How awful for your sister that she is concerned about nursery, I can't think of anything worse! Has she spoken to them?

FruFru I didn't even think about washing the balls :dohh: I did think they would be good fun in the bath though so maybe you could wash them while Joni plays with them in the bath? They might be a pain to dry though :dohh:
Amy - Good luck with the interview!! Can you not just grab a cheap jacket and then accessorize it to look more flash? :haha: i'm laughing at me giving advice on looking smart, funny funny!! I'm pretty much a crusty hippy 24/7, and these days i don't even look funky to go with it :dohh: Oh, also, thanks about the avatar :cloud9: He's looking such a big boy now :shock: I love that picture though, shows his cheeky personality :cloud9:

Sarah - I meant to say, i can't believe that woman shouted at Oliver! :grr: I'm glad everyone gave her evils, and that she was extra nice to him after! I shouted "NO" at Roh today, as he was trying to eat the coals out of my friend's fireplace (seriously, everyone has these coal fire things, and none of them have bloody fireguards in front! They all have crawling babies, what the hell, do their babies just ignore them or something?!? :shrug: ) Anyway, all the other babies stopped what they were doing and looked up, and Roh just totally ignored me and grabbed the coal anyway :dohh: Honestly his hands were so black for ages, and i'm pretty sure he got some in his mouth, as he was chewing and sort of spitting for a while after :dohh: little terror!

After literally weeks of searching and comparing, probably taking up about 10+ hours, i've finally decided on a carseat for Roh :happydance: God, its sooo stressful!

I really really wanted to get an ERF one, but i've thought long and hard, and its just not practical on many levels. Firstly, and least importantly, i can't afford it, but above that, i don't actually have a car. That would mean i'd only be using it in other people's cars, (primarily my mum's which is quite tight in the back) and so i'd constantly be worrying about wether it would fit in or not etc. I genuinely doubt a ERF seat would fit in my mum's car at all, whatever the make, so yeah, i think it would end up being a nightmare!. One of my NCT friends gave us a lift home today, and Roh used her 3 year old daughter's carseat, which was a maxi cosi priori. He looked really comfy in it, and he fell asleep after 5 minutes. She just reached back and reclined the seat with one hand :thumbup: She also said its easy to fit into the car. I've looked at loads of reviews online, and i see its rated very highly on the safety rankings. You can't beat actually trying one out and a personal recommendation i think. Anyway, her's is an old model, but i checked on Amazon, and they have them on there for under £100. So, just got to convince (ie. tell and demand money from :haha:) OH! Yay, i'm so relieved, its been really doing my head in!!! :happydance: Ok, please no one tell me anything bad about them now!
Oh christ, i just looked at the "herbal" drink i bought earlier, i figured it was a bit like Purdeys or something, and i fancied a pick me up, anyway, i was reading the side and it has guarana, caffeine, and taurine in it!!! :dohh: I may as well have just drunk a can of red bull :( I thought i was feeling a bit wired! Crap crap crap! :dohh:
Emera oops!! You're not going to be getting to sleep any time soon!!

The car seat sounds great!! TBH, I really think you've done the right thing. The ERF seats are great but they are a HUGE pain to fit, and I wouldn't feel right putting Oliver in one that hadn't been fitted by the shop. It took them over half an hour and two different people checked that it was in right. Any seat fitted incorrectly is so dangerous, so imo, you're so much better off with a forward facing seat fitted correctly than a ERF seat fitted incorrectly. And you're right that half the time it just wouldn;t fit in the car you wanted to put it in anyway. My parents are going to get a forward facing seat for their car - the one you like sounds great so I think I'll suggest that one to them! I have a Maxi Cosi Mobi and build quality wise etc its spot on :thumbup:
Thanks Sarah, that really makes me feel better about the decision, i know you use ERF, so that means alot.

Damn it, i'm bouncing off the ceiling here :loopy: I drank the damn drink about 5 hours ago now, surely it will wear off soon?
:haha: Five hours ago?!?! I would think it would wear off soon. If it we're me I'd take advantage and get some cleaning done :haha:

I'm glad you feel better about the seat :hugs: I honestly think you're doing the right thing, if we didn't have a car (or only had one seat and had to switch it between our two cars) there is no way I would have bought ERF. The potential for error in fitting is just too great. The shop where we bought our seats said if we ever put the seats in a different car, to take it back to them for them to check before we put Oliver in it, because its so essential to get it right and so easy to get it wrong. So in my opinion, you're actually doing the safest thing for Roh :hugs:
Wow, i knew they were tricky to fit, but i didn't realise how much so, definately the best plan then, thanks :thumbup:

I really hope this wears off soon.... if not i might just end up writing a novel overnight! Or i could just continue making OT replies to posts in the baby club :haha:
Sorry to read and run -

Sarah - I would be so mad at that woman for shouting - how are things with the buisness?

Emera - Did you manage to write a novel?

Amy - Well done on getting the interview - really hope your all ok.

Sorry for rushing off ... Amy is super grump this morning teething and keeps hittung herself and crying ... we have a busy weekend, today we are swimming, shopping and then going to my mums and possibly a walk down the canal! Tomorrow Dave has OT in the morning then we are meeting friends in the afternoon for soft play and dinner at the harvester! So much for a quiet weekend at home.
Morning all!

Emera how's the novel coming along :haha: I might have to buy some of those drinks for the morning-affter-a-bad-nights :haha:

HandF business is going really great thankyou!! How are the wedding plans?

I found out last night that two of the girls I work(ed) with are moving to different departments. One of them is going to the credit team. Considering work still think I'm coming back, and that when I was there my boss knew full well that I really wanted to move to credit at some point (and all my objectives were written around that) I'm really annoyed that I wasn't told that they were recruiting! I know I'm not going back, but I'm so annoyed that they are treating me so shit still. I only found out because one of the guys had posted on the wall of a girl who has left asking if she was going to the leaving do!! I'm not sure how to go about putting my notice in. Shall I just write a letter or shall I ask for a meeting with my boss and go in? And do I tell him that I founf it really unfair that I've been so forgotten about, or shall I just leave it so that we all say our goodbyes on good terms? I'm tempted just to write and leave it there. I have a few things in my desk but nothing I really want back. I don't really want to burn my bridges because one day I might want to go back (to a different department). Hmmm, I'm just not sure!

Sorry for the rant :haha:

Its a gorgeous day here, I think we might make a start on the garden :thumbup:
Well, no novel, i did manage to sleep :haha:

Roh slept well too, he slept from 6.30pm to 8.30am :shock: He must have been shattered :wacko:
We've been to the playground this morning, mostly watching the older children playing, which Roh loves doing. Tried him out on the swings again, he's still not keen.weird child, all his little friends love it, but he just sits there clinging on for dear life giving me evil looks every time he swings near to me :shrug: After we had a picnic in the park, it was great fun, Roh crawled about on the grass for ages and got all muddy knees :haha: It was his first experience of grass, and he sat there for a while pulling handfuls out and trying to eat them :dohh: I didn't get to eat much of my sandwich, as he decided to ignore his food and steal most of mine :haha: I'm now listening to him snoring away and trying to ignore the ironing :blush:

Sarah - About work, thats really wrong that they didn't say anything to you about recruiting. Legally you should be offered all oppertunities available to your peers whilst you are on leave. That includes any payrises for people working at the same level as you, and also any internal promotion, or change of department oppertunities offered to your collegues. I wonder if your boss knows that by not notifying you he is technically breaking the law, as its considered gender discrimination. (almost everything to do with mat leave is covered by gender discrimination). I'd be really pissed off about it, even if you are planning to leave. :growlmad: Anyway, its totally up to you if you want to persue it. I think the best way to hand in your notice would be a formally written letter, and then if they feel the need to have a meeting, so be it. You could put in your notice letter how dissapointed you have been with their lack of contact throughout your leave, and that you feel that it should be improved for the future, so that other people aren't in your situation. Anyway, up to you, i guess it depends how strongly you feel about it. I also think that making a gentle point about it with your resignation wouldn't put you on bad terms for any future possible re-employment ;)

H&F - Hope you enjoy your busy weekend! :hugs:
sarah - emera is right, legally they should tell you about any job vacancies. my head calls me whenever any posts are relesed. about that woman shouting at oliver well that's awful :grr: what a horrid person! hope steve doesnt have to go in to work any more on his hols!!!

emera - we have the maxi cosi priori xp with isofix fittings and my parents have the maxi cosi priori and it's great. we bought it with erin and are using it with owen now.

amy good luck with the interview!!!

i am still ill. my head kills :( yesterday was awful as i was throwing up and dizzy. danny took care of the kids as there was no way i could and my mum took erin later on and after school my mil took dylan and owen. i hope i kick this soon as i feel really rubbish. nothing seems to take the migraine away. anyway :hugs: to all and sorry if i've missed anything now as am lying in bed on my phone as in laws taken the boys out and erin's with my mum xxx
:hugs:maybe - poor you :hugs: I'm glad Danny is looking after you, get well soon missy :hugs: :flower:

emera - I ummed and ahhed over car seats for ages. I agree with the principles behind ERF and in an ideal world thats what I would have gone for but financially I couldnt justify it plus I knew I'd be moving it between my parents car and mine so it had to be easy to transfer and fit. I did loads of research and I have also bought a priori xp. Alex loves it, its so comfortable and I love the recline feature :thumbup:

H&F - wow you sound busy, hope you have a fun weekend :hugs:

sarah - i totally understand your anger at your work for treating you soooo badly! I can empathise as I feel I have been unfairly treated due to maternity leave. I would definately let them know how you feel, I think emera's plan sounds good.

We had a nice walk in the woods today, the sun was shining and it was very springlike :) Alex woke us all up really early coughing again bless him, but he did go back to sleep so we managed to catch up a bit. I've got to go shopping tomorrow so find something semi suitable, I HATE shopping, particularly when I have no money and its for clothes I dont like wearing :haha: oh well!
amy i know what you mean. i spent about £100 on my interview suit and shirt in next and i didnt even get the job :growlmad: you probably have a better lot of shops where you are than here in gib so hopefully you'll find something suitable and not too expensive and get the job :thumbup:

am off to do some chores as have done the bare minimum since i've been feeling rubbish. i'm still not 100% better but much much better than yesterday so going to meet my friend in about an hour to take kids to the new playground. hope it's good! it was originally a lovely one but was destroyed by the sea in the big storm we had in october 2008. i think they've put up a massive wall though so that will block out the sea views! oh well on with the chores :hugs: to all xxx

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