Amy - Good luck with the interview!! Can you not just grab a cheap jacket and then accessorize it to look more flash?

i'm laughing at me giving advice on looking smart, funny funny!! I'm pretty much a crusty hippy 24/7, and these days i don't even look funky to go with it

Oh, also, thanks about the avatar

He's looking such a big boy now

I love that picture though, shows his cheeky personality
Sarah - I meant to say, i can't believe that woman shouted at Oliver!

I'm glad everyone gave her evils, and that she was extra nice to him after! I shouted "NO" at Roh today, as he was trying to eat the coals out of my friend's fireplace (seriously, everyone has these coal fire things, and none of them have bloody fireguards in front! They all have crawling babies, what the hell, do their babies just ignore them or something?!?

) Anyway, all the other babies stopped what they were doing and looked up, and Roh just totally ignored me and grabbed the coal anyway

Honestly his hands were so black for ages, and i'm pretty sure he got some in his mouth, as he was chewing and sort of spitting for a while after

little terror!
After literally weeks of searching and comparing, probably taking up about 10+ hours, i've finally decided on a carseat for Roh

God, its sooo stressful!
I really really wanted to get an ERF one, but i've thought long and hard, and its just not practical on many levels. Firstly, and least importantly, i can't afford it, but above that, i don't actually have a car. That would mean i'd only be using it in other people's cars, (primarily my mum's which is quite tight in the back) and so i'd constantly be worrying about wether it would fit in or not etc. I genuinely doubt a ERF seat would fit in my mum's car at all, whatever the make, so yeah, i think it would end up being a nightmare!. One of my NCT friends gave us a lift home today, and Roh used her 3 year old daughter's carseat, which was a maxi cosi priori. He looked really comfy in it, and he fell asleep after 5 minutes. She just reached back and reclined the seat with one hand

She also said its easy to fit into the car. I've looked at loads of reviews online, and i see its rated very highly on the safety rankings. You can't beat actually trying one out and a personal recommendation i think. Anyway, her's is an old model, but i checked on Amazon, and they have them on there for under £100. So, just got to convince (ie. tell and demand money from

) OH! Yay, i'm so relieved, its been really doing my head in!!!

Ok, please no one tell me anything bad about them now!