Maybe YAY for the new sling!! Its soooo pretty! I bet you can't wait now
L-C well done for another no boobie night!!
Oliver was sooooo unsettled last night, goodness knows why. I kept feeding him, he'd fall asleep, and then I'd put him down and about ten seconds later he'd be wide awake and laughing his little head off!! God knows what was going on, he obviously found something funny
We went to Mamas and Papas after we'd taken the car to the garage this morning (and had a walk around the park) and bought a Ziko Frankie in Mushy Peas. I got a funky stripey liner for it too

Its actually pretty great, I've just walked into town with it and its very well behaved

plus Oliver was fallen fast asleep in it so it must be comfy

For what we want it for, as a second pushchair, its great, and it was only a hundred and fourty so Steve was pleased
I'm just sat outside the house with Oliver as I don't have the heart to wake him up, he's only had a little snooze in the car so far today, so while he's asleep we'll stay outside, its a lovely day so I don't mind