Argh, Sarah, google is NOT YOUR FRIEND!!! Don't freak yourself out googling things! If it makes you feel any better, Roh does similar things to what you described Oliver doing. He does it in the car (when we are there, i've seen him do it a few times this week as we've been in the car alot) and he'll also do it in his highchair after meals. I'm pretty sure its a tired thing. He'll just stare right ahead of him in to space. In the highchair he puts his arms above his head when he does it, but not in the carseat, as the straps are too wide really. Anyway, he'll stay like that for 5-10 seconds, and even if i move his arms or wave my hand infront of him he won't react at all.

if i hand him a spoon or a toy or something then he'll usually snap out of it. I guess i've never thought to worry about it before, as i figured he was zoning out as he was tired. Plus, he ignores me quite alot when he's not wanting a cuddle, so i'm used to it
I'm sure Oliver is just fine and was just off in fairyland for a few seconds
Well, we've had a nice day

Roh LOVES his Makka Pakka, he got a big smile, and then later was looking in his Makka Pakka story book, and then at the toy, then back at the book, and babbling away and smiling

We went and got our fruit smoothies, and had lunch in the park. I let Roh try my smoothie, which was a mistake, as i then had to fight him for it

Next time i'll have to see if they can do him a little one, thats a treat i won't mind him having, as its all just fruit, and carrots and some ice

After lunch we went to the toy shop and treated Roh to a few little toys, then he had a 3 hour nap (not suprised, he's been missing his naps recently with all the business) so OH and i made a really good start on clearing the garden

We've cleared 8 big binbags of stuff

Its made such a big difference! Although there is still loads to do, its good to have made a start

I did Roh a birthday tea of all his favourite foods and made him a little sugar free cake. He was a bit full so didn't really eat the cake, but OH and i had some and i saved a bit for Roh tomorrow
I can't believe my little boy is 1 yar old now

All day i was thinking, "this time last year..." He seems so grown up now! He's discovered "sneaking" up on me today

I kept sitting with my back to him, and he would come and pull up on my back and then come round to my front and peer round my arm, giggling all the way of course, so not exactly sneaky! Then he peeps out from behind my arm, and as soon as i look at him he laughs and goes back round behind me again

Fun game
Gah, took me forever to write this post

i'm off to bed!