Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Emera Happy Birthday Rohan! :cake:
Maybe your new avatar pic is super cute. OMG he STILL hasn't gone to get the cot for you?! :grr:
Sarah I like your thinking about the cot :lol:
Mork that's funny that she recognises the tune from the Gilmore Girls.
Modo well done on making the transition from bottle to cup. Your avatar pic is so cute too. That's great about the shopping cart, despite having a couple of baby walkers Oliver's preferred method of walking is using his box with books in and pushing it across the room as he walks holding onto it. Hmmmm

We went to a 1st birthday party yesterday (it was from 12-3) so Oliver hadn't slept when we went and had a HUGE breakdown as he was knackered and wanted his cot. he wouldn't stop and I could feel multiple pairs of eyes staring at me! It was awful and I kept hearing one stupid woman saying to another Mum 'oooh I am so lucky with my two they are just so chilled out' :grr: (Oliver rarely cries and stops very quickly normally, he was only doing it because he wanted his cot but if he had had his nap at home we wouldn't have made it to the party) then she had to leave a little while later as one of her daughters was doing the exact same thing but because all the people there knew her everyone was like 'awww bless her is she tired...' But to me they were staring, or making comments like the above woman, or 'what a shame when they wont take a dummy' as if I was depriving my baby of something. I left there feeling like such a crap Mum. I really like the lady whose son's birthday it was so it was a shame that happened.

Oliver loves Waybuloo. He gets very excited (shaky arms and everything) and he laughs and squeaks at the tv, especially when De-Li comes on. He also smiles or laughs at the presenters on there, am guessing it is because they are so animated and do the big eyes (he always laughs if you open your eyes really wide and look at him). :rofl:

Just went into the bedroom as Oliver had woken from his nap and was crying. I went in and he was standing in his cot staring at the door and crying. As he would normally sleep for longer I laid him back down and he went back to sleep so bless him think he was crying because he wanted to go back to sleep but he had stood himself up then didn't know how to get back down. :rofl:
muddles - bless oliver not knowing how to lie back down! it's horrid when your baby has a meltdown and people make comments :grr: owen has really bad :hissy: when he is tired!

i think owen has chickenpox :dohh: he has a few spots and definately a blistered one on his scalp :nope: i'm steeling myself for some awful days and nights!
Maybe when Oliver had the pox he was much worse before we knew that he was about to get them, once the spots were out he was much better. Hope Owen doesn't get it too bad.

Got something :sick: to tell you all. After dinner I was getting Oliver's bedtime bits ready and my H was getting a drink whilst Oliver played with his toys (he had no nappy on) and when my H returned Oliver had done a pooh on the carpet, had managed to get it all over his legs, hands, arms, vest and worst of all he was busy eating it! :sick: Got his water cup and rinsed his mouth out then put him straight in the shower and hosed him down much to his delight.
:happydance::happydance::cake:HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROH!!!!!!!!!!! :cake::happydance::happydance:

Muddles :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Thats a classic!!!!!

Maybe oh no!! I hope he's okay :hugs:

Well we planned to have a nice quiet day since Steve is working tonight, and the weather hasn't been great for doing the garden, but then I was looking through some paperwork at lunch time and saw that Steve's MOT ran out a month ago :dohh::wacko::shock::blush: LC is going to tell me off now :haha: So we spent the afternoon sorting that out - and then it failed but only on the hand brake so it's joining it's little friend (my car :dohh:) in the garage tomorrow morning :haha: Damn cars!!!!!!:haha:

I'm usually so on the ball with things like MOT's, I was completely like this :shock:

Oliver did a wierd thing today, it completely freaked me out. We were driving to the garage, he was in his car seat and had been singing away and perfectly happy, then he went quiet and was looking out of the window like normal, and looking like he might go to sleep. So everything was fine. Then I looked back (we have a mirror so we can see him from the front, as he's extended rear facing) and he was staring right ahead, and he had his hands up - like he was doing a bear impression or something. I said to Steve aww look, what is he doing? And as I said it I turned around in my seat and took Oliver's hand, and he just didn't react at all. I shook his hand and still nothing, so I was shouting oh my god, whats wrong with him, whats wrong with him and he was just staring . . . urgh it was AWFUL! :cry::cry: It was probably only about five seconds but it felt like hours :cry::cry: I was ruffling his hair and chaking his arm and then Steve gave me his wallet (Oliver loves it :haha:) and I held it out to him, he took it off me and started playing with it and was completely normal! We got to the garage about two minutes later and I rushed and took him out of his seat and he was just absolutely normal. Steve thinks that he was sleepy and that the motion of the car and the music (that annoying Tiny Temper song was on the radio so it does drone quite a bit :haha:) sent him into a bit of a trance. I spoke to mum and she thinks he was just day dreaming and just ignoring mummy :dohh: :haha: I was worried it was some kind of seasure (sp?) but he didn't 'come around', he just acted like he was ignoring me, and then he wasn't upset or confused or tired or anything. So I think it was nothing, but I was SO freaked out, I can't tell you :cry::cry: I think if he hadn't had his little hands up in such a wierd way I wouldn't have turned around, it just looked so odd. I'm tempted to see the Dr just in case though.
Oh god, I SO shouldn't have Googled . . . now I am def going to take him to the Dr's tomorrow :cry: :cry: :cry:
Argh, Sarah, google is NOT YOUR FRIEND!!! Don't freak yourself out googling things! If it makes you feel any better, Roh does similar things to what you described Oliver doing. He does it in the car (when we are there, i've seen him do it a few times this week as we've been in the car alot) and he'll also do it in his highchair after meals. I'm pretty sure its a tired thing. He'll just stare right ahead of him in to space. In the highchair he puts his arms above his head when he does it, but not in the carseat, as the straps are too wide really. Anyway, he'll stay like that for 5-10 seconds, and even if i move his arms or wave my hand infront of him he won't react at all. :shrug: if i hand him a spoon or a toy or something then he'll usually snap out of it. I guess i've never thought to worry about it before, as i figured he was zoning out as he was tired. Plus, he ignores me quite alot when he's not wanting a cuddle, so i'm used to it :haha:

I'm sure Oliver is just fine and was just off in fairyland for a few seconds ;)

Well, we've had a nice day :) Roh LOVES his Makka Pakka, he got a big smile, and then later was looking in his Makka Pakka story book, and then at the toy, then back at the book, and babbling away and smiling :cloud9: We went and got our fruit smoothies, and had lunch in the park. I let Roh try my smoothie, which was a mistake, as i then had to fight him for it :haha: Next time i'll have to see if they can do him a little one, thats a treat i won't mind him having, as its all just fruit, and carrots and some ice :thumbup: After lunch we went to the toy shop and treated Roh to a few little toys, then he had a 3 hour nap (not suprised, he's been missing his naps recently with all the business) so OH and i made a really good start on clearing the garden :happydance: We've cleared 8 big binbags of stuff :shock: Its made such a big difference! Although there is still loads to do, its good to have made a start :) I did Roh a birthday tea of all his favourite foods and made him a little sugar free cake. He was a bit full so didn't really eat the cake, but OH and i had some and i saved a bit for Roh tomorrow :)

I can't believe my little boy is 1 yar old now :shock: All day i was thinking, "this time last year..." He seems so grown up now! He's discovered "sneaking" up on me today :haha: I kept sitting with my back to him, and he would come and pull up on my back and then come round to my front and peer round my arm, giggling all the way of course, so not exactly sneaky! Then he peeps out from behind my arm, and as soon as i look at him he laughs and goes back round behind me again :haha: Fun game :cloud9:

Gah, took me forever to write this post :wacko: i'm off to bed!
sarah - owen does similar things! google is evil. a few years ago when i had constant headaches i convinced myself thanks to google that i had a brain tumor!

emera - glad you and roh had a good day :thumbup:
Thankyou Emera and Maybe, I feel so much better knowing that its not just us lol!! I've just never noticed him do it before, but I guess I have to get used to been ignored :haha: I posted a thread in GS and they all agree with you too, I feel SO much better now :) One of the ladies on that thread said that her baby does it every time that song comes on :haha:

Emera it sounds like you had a wonderful day! Roh sounds so adorable! I keep thinking I should have a peep in Oliver's keepsake box and look at his tiny outfits etc - usually when I look I just think awwwww so cute! But I found one of his tiny scratch mits yesterday that we took in my hospital bag - it was so tiny and it almost had me in tears - and he never even wore it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Right, off to get breakfast - thanks again ladies! :hugs:
thanks sarah! i am glad you're not stressing any more! :thumbup:

i have just come back from the dr. it looks like owen has got chickenpox. i stopped in mothercare on the way home and bought a new thermometer as mine always seems to say the kids have temps of 35.something degrees and the dr took owen's temp and it was raised :dohh: looks like i'll have to wait another week or so til he's better before starting the sleep training :dohh: there always seems to be something getting in my way :dohh: at least danny has a bit longer to get the cot now :rofl::rofl::rofl:

today erin has dance and she probably gets the results of her exam on saturday!!! fingers crossed!!! oh well owen is napping so am going to have a quick :coffee: and then tidy up a bit before collecting dylan in an hour and erin in 2!

:hugs: to all :hugs:
heloooooooo, my stupid internet has been playing up and I couldnt get on here :cry: - I've got a lot of reading to do so I'll get started x
arrrghh Alex is stirring so apologies for this being so quick!

maybe - well done to Erin and you for winning a massive cake! Hope Danny gets the cot for you!!!!!!
LC - hope you feel better. Glad Will has settled into nursery well, it does get easier leaving them :hugs:
modo - well done for transitioning to cups :thumbup:
muddles - :sick: :rofl: be prepared for more poo fun! I have a lot of stories from when my girls were little :sick:
sarah - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I completely understand how you felt and please ignore google!!! I convinced myself Alex had autism when he was tiny thanks to google :grr: :hugs:
emera - sounds like Roh had a lovely birthday :flower:
mork - lovely to "see" you on facebook :)

loving all your new avatars :cloud9:

Well all is OK here - Alex has another cold though and I had no sleep last night :sleep: typical! I braved the gym for the first time since I was 26 weeks preg and ran 5K on the treadmill - I used to run 5 miles 3 times a week. I took it quite slow and was thinking I was doing pretty well at first but then I nearly died!! I was beetroot red for the rest of the day :blush: it was stress relieving though! still no job for me :wacko:
insomnimama - :hugs: its tough isnt it. I am getting pretty worried now....
Me too. :( My maternity leave runs out at the end of the month and I don't qualify for Employment Insurance because I didn't have enough hours due to my having two babies in a row and only being back long enough to qualify for mat benefits. We are pretty well screwed unless I find something right now.

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