Phew, well thats 50 done and 9 slipcloths (like table cloths). The other 45 (but I'll end up doing 50) can wait until tomorrow! I have a wedding on Saturday . . . the first of the season! I'm looking forward to it, plus it's paid me more that I'd earn in over a week full time in my old job

so the ironing doesn't feel so bad

I have a summer of ironing evenings ahead . . . hopefully I'll get quicker though
Maybe poor Owen, I hope he starts feeling better soon, and that you have a better night tonight

The baba sounds fab!!
Emera Fab bargains!! And YAY for the Ergo!!! Bless your mum, thats sooooo kind! She sounds lovely

I loved reading your post when you said you were feeling all inspired, its my one of my favourite feelings, I love feeling inspired!! I am intrigued about your business idea, and what ever it is I think you should go for it

You are obviously a very talented person, I'm sure you would make a success of whatever you did

Are you going to tell what your idea is or keep us guessing?

Hmmmm, my guess is something to do with cooking, maybe cupcakes . . . hopefully delivered by post so I can order some
H&F I think you've done so well with your weight considering everything!! I hope you are feeling okay
I have my car back - and it works!!!!!!

The bad news with that was naturally the bill

of just over three hundred quid

What is most annoying is that it turned out to be what we thought it was in the first place . . . Steve changed the part back in January and it didn't fix it so we presumed it wasn't that, as you would! But it must have been a faulty part because the garage changed it again and now its absolutely fine

But we couldn't have known so its just one of those things, I'm not going to get stressed about it. On the plus side my car has had sooooo many tests done and everything else was fine so thats good

Phew, right well I have some emails to answer and things so I'd better go and do that before bed. Tomorrow I'm meeting a bride up at the Devonshire Arms near Bolton Abbey. mum and dad are coming up and I think we're going to go into Skipton for lunch, so it should be a lovely day! And then I have more ironing