You poor thing maybe. He could be teething, or maybe he is getting over being ill still. Keep trying and hopefully he will start to sleep better in his cot soon.
Awww Maybe I'm sorry you had such a bad night!! Poor Owen, fingers crossed he's feeling better soon!
Oliver is having a day of mega naps lol!! He got up at seven, and by half nine he was looking sleepy so I took him back to bed. Steve was still asleep, and after about twenty mins Oliver fell asleep in the middle of us, so i didn't want to leave him as I wasn't sure if Steve knew he was there or not. So I had a sneeky hours nap too He then woke up a bit, so I fed him again and he fell right back asleep! I popped him into his little cot bit of the bed, and went and got a shower etc, and he slept until half twelve!! And now he's back in bed again! So I'm going to go and have a cuppa and do some laundry.
I hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying this amazing weather!!
I hope everyone had a good day! Everything was fine here, nothing too interesting, we popped to B&Q and had a look around at plants and planters
For the second night in a row Oliver had refused to eat his tea Breakfast was fine, lunch was fine, but at tea time I made Omlette with some veggies for us both and he didn't eat any of it! He usually loves it but He seemed happy enough and played with it all but just didn't eat anything, so I gave him a cheesy bread stick (his fave) which he ate no probs, and then he had a yoghurt and again he was fine with that. He's def teething but its confusing that some things he eats without a problem? Any ideas?
well I wanted to say - maybe - so sorry to hear Owen is poorly and the first cot night didnt work out! Hope he gets well soon
mork - was last night any better for you? Alex has just come out of one of those phases (which I have now probably jinxed!)
emera - love the knee walking Alex also does the foot knee crawl like the olivers I am so intruiged by your idea! hope things are progressing!
sarah - I loved your fb pics of the wedding you did - good job!! lucky you catching up on naps with little man :wink: have you heard anything from your work yet?
muddles - I replied to your BLW thread - I hope Oliver gets over it. xx
Not much to say here, Alex has a bit of a sore bottom for the first time - he is addicted to blueberries and I think his poop was a bit loose and fruity/acidy. he was at my mums today so she let him roam around the garden with no nappy on. its sore for him to sit on though! He's been really good at night the last two nights (touch wood) - he slept from 7.30 pm to 6.30 am with one feed at 4 ish both nights long may it continue (please please )
sarah - alex is getting a bit like that with food. he normally loves boiled eggs but today he grimaced when he touched any of it. he does this little shake in disgust shivver then throws the offending article on the floor he's also decided he hates hummous and salmon, which he used to love! funny boys x
i should go to bed. i have been exhausted and just done minimal clearing in the kitchen and have sat watching bbc3 programme on a bloke who has treacher collins syndrome who wants kids. uh oh owen awake!
Maybe that guy goes to our gym! Apparently he's a really nice chap, I didn't see the programme but I really feel for him - what a difficult decision!
Amy thats just what Oliver does - he shakes his head and chucks everything in the floor I tried feeding the omlette to him tonight and opened his mouth but then just spat it right out again, he didn't even chew it. And then he just wouldn't open his moth and just kept shaking his head. I'm trying to think of something he might eat for tea tomorrow, its tough!!!!
Great sleeping from Alex!! Most of our nights are like that now too, its fab!!!
amy - typical my kitchen is a mess too! i wiped down tge sides but the recipe books are on the counter with the bills!
sarah - i didnt do the washing up, i shoved in in the dishwasher and the pan that cant go in the dishwasher is in the sink for tomorrow
owen's asleep for now. but in my bed the cot will wait til after i see the dr hopefully tomorrow. am going to curl up in bed with my book now. i wish you all peaceful nights
I've got to do my kitchen now, the table is still a mess from dinner too and alex's egg is all over the floor! Kerry is just oblivious to it I think alex woke because of his sore bot so I am probably in for a killer night. Hope you get some sleep maybe
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