Thanks ladies
I'm just having one of those days, I've nothing to complain about really
Firstly, Oliver woke up at 4.30am and spent two hours feeding and singing and generally been wide awake before I could get him back to sleep. By the time he fell back asleep it was almost time to get up, as we had an appointment to see the school at 9.30am. I remember thinking I'll set my alarm and just have half an hour, and then I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was almost 9am

So I had to call and say we couldn't make it and rearrange the appointment, they were fine about it but it just set my day up really

So then there was a tomatoey mark on the rug that I JUST got cleaned, right where Steve had sat and eaten his pizza last night, so I had that to clean, then I see that Steve has left the back door unlocked all flippin night

which fair enough could be worse but he has SUCH a go at me if I even leave it unlocked if I'm upstairs for five mins, and when I told him he just said oh, oops.
So Steve worked this afternoon, he'd asked what my plans were and I said I was going to drive to the local farm shop because they sell some specialist local beers, and its my Dad's birthday on Saturday so I wanted to buy some (he loves his beer

) for him. Then I had to get a card etc. Steve said absolutely nothing, and then as he left (literally as he was walking out of the door) he said oh, can I take your car, because mine doesn't have enough diesel to get to work and I don't have time to go and fill up'

Well if he's got up a bit flippin earlier he would have! So he took my car, and said there was a bit in his, just not enough for the 30 miles to get to work.
So, Oliver had his nap, I did my hair to try to make myself feel less pissed off

and then Oliver and I had lunch. Oliver has so many teeth popping through at the moment he's a bit of a grump, bless him. I understand why and everything but it's hard work when he's grumping at me all the time. So after lunch he played for a bit, and then I decided to drive the 2 or so miles to the local Outlet village where I could get a card and a pressie, rather than driving to different places. So that bit went okay, except Oliver was pretty grumpy. I did buy myself some shoes too

as another attempt to cheer myself up
So we got home - by the time we got home the car said we had absolutely zero miles left in the tank, so I worried all the way that we were about to run out of diesel. (Just to add, I won't fill up on my own with Oliver as we don;t have any pay at the pumps locally). So we pull up at home and my MIL is outside with Steve's nephew and niece, Oliver wants his tea and is grumpy, but they come in and then they take all Oliver's toys out of his play pen and put them every flippin where

Ahh, so they go, Oliver has his tea (which he eats

) and then we go up for bath and bed. As I was running the bath, Oliver managed to slip and bang his chin - he starts REALLY screaming so I pick him up and he has blood in his mouth

Long story short he had cut his tounge with his bottom teeth, he cried none stop for half an hour and was SO upset. It stopped bleeding really quickly but I think it was a little swollen and obviously hurt, so he was trying to breastfeed and he just couldn't, which made him even more upset and set me off crying

I managed to get some ibuprofen into him and after about an hour and a half he managed to feed, and within about half an hour of that he was giggling and smiling again - thank god! Bed time was all out by then, so he missed his bath but was asleep for about 9pm, so not too bad. I feel like crap that I couldn't stop him from hurting himself
So now he's asleep, I've cleaned and tidied, so I'm going to go and find something really naughty to eat and go to bed. I'm sure tomorrow everything will be better