Muddles -

bless you and the poop incident

what a sight that must have been!
Amy - Your beach days sound magical

fingers crossed that you find a suitable job soon, and the same goes for
Insomnimama too.
Emera - I am glad Roh had such a lovely birthday. On the milk front, Joni has cut her milk intake right back. We are lucky if she takes 3-4 ounces twice a day. I spoke to my HV about it and she said as long as Joni is eating a balanced diet with lots of calcium rich foods then not to worry. Thai fisherman trousers are so comfy, Roh will be so cool (looks and temperature :winkwink) for the summer.
Sarahwoo - wow 95 chair covers

I am glad you have finally got your car sorted out, bummer about it costing so much though.
Modo - I hope you are nearly sorted for your return to work. Well done on transitioning Bobby from bottles to his cup. Joni seems to be drinking less and less milk all the time and seems to be getting the hang of drinking larger quantities from her cup so I wonder if she will end up weaning herself of bottles
Maybebaby -

yay for the cot

Well done for starting and sticking with the sleep training. We had to re-visit sleep training after our disasterous trip to Scotland and it is still just as hard to let Joni settle herself to sleep now as it was back in November

I think that as a mother, listening to your child cry and not rushing to their side is always going to be a be a struggle, even when you know that there is nothing you can do to help.
H&F -

to you honey, karma certainly owes you big time!
L-C - I hope you are settling back to work ok and that Will is enjoying nursery.
Well I am sorry I have been AWOL for so long. After the whole horrible holiday I have throwing myself into sorting out the house/garden and getting Joni settled into nursery in an attempt to keep my mind busy, trying not to dwell on the time of year. However, now I have no choice but to face the calendar as it is Joni's birthday tomorrow
It is hard to believe that a year ago I was sitting hooked up to a trace telling the midwife that I was not having contractions but was experiencing some constipation cramps

you would have thought the fact my waters had broken would have given me a clue
Joni is totally awesome

She is crawling now and getting more adventurous in her exploration of our house everyday. She has had one full day at nursery for the last two weeks and absolutely loves it! I really don't think I have anything to worry about with regards to leaving her at nursery when I am at work which is such a relief
Better go as it is past my bedtime

night night lovely ladies xxx