Maybebaby - Officially my maternity leave ended on Joni's birthday, but with all last years holiday to use up my first day back is the 8th of June

When I stopped co-sleeping with Joni I really missed her at nights and found it really hard to fall asleep

I tried a few different sleep methods with Joni. Her main problem was she could not fall asleep on her own and could not settle herself back to sleep if she woke. We found that overall any inteference on our part, e.g. talking, patting, cuddling etc, was more of a distraction to her and ended up leaving her to cry it out. It was not a decision we took lightly and not one I would have made without exhausting other options first. However, I firmly believe it was the right decision and Joni is so much better off now. Don't get me wrong her sleep is far from perfect but she can fall asleep on her own and will settle herself back to sleep if she wakes 75% of the time. When she wakes in the night we generally leave her 5-10mins to settle before we go in and check on her.
As for Danny's lie-in

You really do need to INSIST that he returns the favour.
Amy - I hate it when you lose big replies

I know what you mean about the baby to toddler transition. Joni is changing and learning so quickly just now

ooooh easter egg hunt

I am so excited at the thought of Joni running round the garden hunting for eggs when she is a bit bigger

Yuk about the wolfie's! I hope you had a nice family BBQ.
Muddles - 7am!!!!! I am so jealous. Joni has always been a 6am starter, I have tried earlier bedtimes, later bedtimes, blackout blinds you name it. I think she is just an earlier riser

I hope the reading at mass went well, I am sure you were fantastic
Sarah -

I don't think it is too much to ask to spend one evening a week with your Steve, especially with him going in early and coming in late. I think a letter might be a good way of getting your feelings across.
So you are still waiting to hear from work tut tut tut
Mork - Ew spiders I hate them

We get spiders in our house and garden that are the size of your palm and have nicknamed them 'devil spiders'

One of our friends saw one run across the floor here one night and she thought it was a mouse! Thankfully we have not had any in the house for a couple of years which is mainly down to double glazing

Poor you, every 40 minutes

Joni has been waking in the night as she sits up and then cries and gets really upset as she is still half asleep and so I think she feels scared/confused. We are averaging one waking a night with me out of bed for between 45min - 2 hours which is not ideal but I wonder if it is partly developmental as she is learning and doing so many new things at the moment, but possibly also a bit of separation anxiety with her starting nursery

I figure we will give it a week or two and see if things change before contemplating what to try next to encourage a night of unbroken sleep!
H&F - I thought Dave was the one who wanted you to stay at home

Is overtime regularly on offer for Dave? I really don't think I could manage all day with Joni and then working a job all evening where I am on my feet all night
Emera - I love the most recent pic's of Roh
Cor I am knackered today. I have worked so hard in the garden and house the last week to get ready for Joni's party yesterday. I think all that graft followed by a frantic but very fun party has sapped the last bit of energy out of me! I did a big buffet of general party food for the non-babies - sausage rolls, sandwiches, crudite, dips, party rings, iced gems, fizzy pop and so on. Joni loved having so many people, kids and babies to play with, when I took her in the garden today she looked around as if to say 'where is everyone?' My friend made the cake which was shaped like De-li from Waybuloo, it was so cute and tasted great.
Joni's crawling is super-speedy now. She pulled herself up to stand against the sofa in her room tonight to reach her bedtime bunny for a cuddle. This week she also learnt to drink from her sippy cup with no helping hands

I know there is loads more but she is just learning and changing so fast I can hardly keep up with her!!!
RIghto, I would love to chat more but I am off to bed. hugs to you all