Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

muddles - :hugs: I got tears in my eyes reading that :cloud9: your fb pics were great, it looks like such a fun party! I hope Oliver has an amazing time tomorrow :flower::flower:

Emera I hope you had a lovely quiet day today :hugs: I hope the trip to the Dr's went well - it must be so annoying when you are TTC :hugs: :hugs: It was great to read your routine with Roh and the cot - thanks for posting that - so helpful! I love the sound of Roh's cave!

FruFru yay for a good night! Fingers crossed for another! I hope Joni enjoyed nursery today! I need to sort out all my clothes too, I fit in all my pre pregnancy stuff now so I have loads of things I bought last year that are now too big, and although I could wear them they look pretty crap now they are too big. So I need to get rid of them so I'm not tempted to wear them when everything else needs washing or ironing and look like a sack of spuds all day :haha: :blush: I absolutely LOVE your five minutes of reflection, I hope you don't mind if I steal that little gem? I used to say a little prayer in my head every night before I went to sleep, then I complelty lost my faith and stopped doing it. That was a few years ago but I still sometimes get in bed at night and miss having some way to acknowledge what I've been grateful for that day, if that makes sense? I think I might just have to start doing what you do :flower::thumbup:

Amy poor Alex and his poorly bottom! I hope he's better soon :hugs: I find Oliver gets a little red if he's sat on a poo for even a really short time. We've been really lucky thats its only ever just got a bit red. For some reason though, Oliver really only poo's at home :dohh::haha: He tends to always poo at the same time of day when we are at home - but if we are out at those times he waits until we get home :shrug::haha: Goodness knows what he's going to do when we go on holiday :shock: :rofl:

The street party sounds fab!! Oliver and I are watching from home, hopefully Steve is going to finish work early and will be able to get up and watch with us. I have bunting which I'm going to put up before I go to bed :thumbup: I can't wait!!

Muddles awwwww another baby turning one!!! :happydance: The party looks amazing!! I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow! I keep getting a bit tearful thinking about the last year too. I have a keepsake box with lots of Oliver's little things in, normally if I open it I just look through and say 'awwwww' but I got it out the other day and I couldn't even open it. Just thinking about it is making me all emotional!!

We;; I'm trying to fight off my cold!!! I'm completely dosed up on vitamins and I'm trying everyhting I can think of to keep it at bay - including putting LOADS of garlic in my dinner :rofl: I hate colds :dohh:

Oohhhh Just saw the add for the new series of The Apprentice! Yay! I love that show!!!

So I finally heard from work today! :happydance: My boss was actually really sweet. He said they would always have a job for me if I wanted one and was really nice. I'm owed about three weeks holiday which I get paid for next month which will be useful. So thats all sorted :thumbup:

Things with Steve are much better :thumbup: He has a week off next week and I'm hoping we might be able to find time for a good chat to get some things properly sorted out.

Right - I'd better go and put the bunting up and then go to bed! I'm setting my alarm for eight so we don't miss anything! :happydance::happydance:
sarah - awww, how nice to end your job on good terms :flower: I wish alex was predictable with his poo :haha: my mum says I feed him too much fruit but he loves it, especially blueberries! he ate a whole tub from Asda once :blush: hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and that the cold doesnt catch you properly! have you taken echinachea (sp?). good to hear things with Steve are on the up :flower: yay!!! the apprentice :thumbup: I love that show too. night night, hope you get some sleep xxxx
happy birthday oliver :cake:

will post later as have a moany baby to contend with :dohh:
going to try to post but with the 3 kids around it'll probably take a while :rofl:

frufru - :happydance: for a night's decent sleep. hope last night was the same.

mork - the only thing that calms owen is saying 'shush' and patting him on his bottom. the wakings were as often as when he was bf at night but the last 3 days i have seen an improvement and less wakings. i don't take him out of his cot at all once he's in it. if he stands up then i just lie him down. i also play the same music on his rainforest mobile as a sleep cue.

emera - hope you get your periods sorted. when we decided to ttc owen mine went really weird. i even had a 40day bleed :wacko:

sarah - glad things are better with steve :thumbup:

amy - hope you have a lovely day out today. it's raining cats and dogs here again :dohh: hard to believe we were on the beach yesterday!

well the sleep training appears to be paying off :thumbup: now that i have said that i bet that i'll have an awful night tonight :haha: last night we had only 4 wakings :happydance: i can't remember ever having that few! i'm so happy :D i bet now he'll wake 20 times tonight. i have kept going with the shush/pat so i will continue with that. as predicted i will have to keep this short as the kids are starting to take all the toys out and make a mess of the living room which was semi tidy last night :dohh:
i cant believe all our babies are either 1 or almost 1!!! where has the time gone? :shrug: we're having a beach party for owen so hopefully the weather will be nice!!!

have had a lazy day mainly watching the royal wedding and eating :haha:
:cake: :happydance: HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVER :happydance: :cake:

maybe - great news the sleep training is paying off! :thumbup:

we had a fun day :) the only bad thing was Lyra decided to trash the dining room and ruin Hollys riding hat while we were out :( naughty dog! hope everyone had a lovely day xx
amy - glad you had a good day although i'm sorrt lyra trashed things!!!

owen went to sleep 8pm. he woke 4 times between then and 11.30 but then slept til 6! :shock::happydance: of course i kept waking as it was so strange :dohh: but it was lovely to just turn over and ho back to sleep :D he wouldnt settle after that but our wake up time is 7 so i tried to settle him in the cot til then and at 7 he was still awake so took him into bed and bf him and we both dozed off again : thumbup: i was sooooo mad with danny who decided to wake me in the middle of the night to ask if owen was ok as he hadnt heard him! :dohh: why cant he just check on him himself if he's worried? :grr:
Yay maybe!!!!! So pleased for you and Owen! As for dh-grrrrrrrr! Why do they not think and do things themselves sometimes?!!! X
i dont know mork! then today he said i was a bitch in bed :saywhat: i was sleepingand you woke me up to do something you could have done! :grr:
i'm so fed up of doing the food bath bed thing alone :( fine if he's working but he has worked 7am-2pm and then slept from 3pm and is still sleeping and it's 7.40pm :(

I really need to get on and catch up properly!

Just had to say WOWEEEE to maybe that is great news, I really hope this is the start of some sleep for you! ggrrr to DH x

Sarah I hope you have managed to keep your cold away, I have one, I can't believe it, I had a cold, the trotts, an eye infection and now another stinker of a cold (and more girl stuff just as extra special icing on the cake!)

I will come back on properly tomorrow.

Big hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxx
hey LC :wave: nice to hear from you :D it must be taking up so much of your time doing shifts and looking after will :hugs: how's his sleeping going?
Hey all -

Really sorry I havent been around have had my sister over and my niece who is the worst behaved little girl I have ever met she is a complete nightmare and they have driven my mum and dad crazy this week! Also Amy is poorly and projectile vomiting everywhere.

Hope your all ok. x x x
H&F hope Amy gets better soon that must be awful xxxx

Maybe his sleeping is much better but I usually have to get up to him once, just to offer water, then he goes off. He might stir once more. Much much better but not proper uniterrupted sleep. I have everything crossed for you tonight.

I'm down to one bf at bedtime only now, which is great although my milk is running out, so I think I might be stopping soon.....trying to hang on until 12 months, Will still loves it!!

Amy I meant to say on the subject of dogs trashing the place, our dog, managed to turn on the gas on the hob it must have been on the whole time we were out (4 hours!!!), it stunk. He was on the scrounge for food and there was none! Oh and I left a dirty nappy on the side (in two nappy sacks) and didn't get the chance to put it outside and he ate it not before smearing it all over the cream living room carpet! It's like a zoo here. It's the second time he has had the gas on now!
FruFru - Roh goes to bed at about 7.30pm, rather, he goes to sleep at 7.30pm, he's in bed by 7.15pm. Occassionally he doesn't go to sleep until 8pm. But unless there is something wrong, thats the latest he can hold out until. Oh, and horrah, we had a solid poo today :happydance: I really hate the exploding bum he's had all week, its such a pain. I guess its worse as we use the cloth nappies, so i actually have to get involved with it, even after its cleaned off him :sick:

Amy - Thanks :hugs: The doctor was actually very helpful when i went, and they are going to investigate whats going on. I talked to her about how long it took to conceive Roh etc. So i think she's taking me seriously :thumbup:

Sarah - Really glad you heard from work, and that you'll be leaving on good terms :thumbup: Hope you had a nice time yesterday and the cold hasn't kicked in too much :hugs:

Maybe - Wooh, thats so amazing that Owen slept for such a stretch! Fantastic :happydance: At least you know he can do it now :thumbup: Now all you need is for Danny to not wake you up, and you might have a bit of proper sleep for once! I sympathise though. OH came to bed at 2am the other day, i'd been asleep for ages. As he got into bed, Roh woke up and started crying (he was teething badly last week) He shook me, said "Roh's upset" and then turned the light off and lay down :shock: What the hell?!? He wasn't even asleep, or even in bed when Roh woke up, why did i have to go!? :growlmad: Bloody men, honestly! :dohh:

L-C - Your dog puts the gas on? :shock: Eek! Thats scary! Glad Will's sleep isn't too bad these days :thumbup:

Muddles - Happy Birthday to Oliver!! :cake: (bit late sorry!)

H&F - Sorry to hear Amy is poorly :hugs: I hope she gets better quickly! How old is your neice?

Well we had a lovely day yesterday, we went to a big party in Millenium Square in the centre, that had been organised by the BBC. It was all decked out with bunting and tables and deckchairs, and there was a tent where they were doing free pots of tea :thumbup: The whole event was lovely, a really nice atmosphere :) I ended up watching the highlights yesterday evening though, as i'd spent most of the actual wedding chasing Roh about as he was obsessed with roaming about collecting champagne corks :wacko: It was great to actually feel a bit of community spirit for once :)
We've had a quite day today, i've been making a ragdoll for my neice's birthday, so i did that whilst Roh napped, and then we popped to the library, and so i could grab a coffee from work :thumbup: I've also done tons of laundry today as its the most perfect drying weather! Hot, sunny, and really windy, things are drying in about 30 minutes :happydance: Have spent the evening cleaning, and now i'm about to settle down in bed with a decaf tea and my book. Perfect! :)

Sarah sorry that things were not so good with Steve, hope you can have a good chat and sort things out. Glad you ended work on good terms.

Maybe :happydance: wow for the amazing sleep! Hope this means the start of lots of decent sleep for you, you deserve it. :grr: for Danny for waking you up though!

H&F Hope Amy is better soon.

Modo Is Bobby liking bunny number 2 as much as bunny number 1?

Thanks Maybe, Sarah, Frufru, Amy, Mork and Emera for wishing Oliver a happy birthday. We had a lovely day at the zoo just the three of us on his birthday then today was a bit crazy as we had my Mum and Nan round in the morning then my H's family round this afternoon. I can't believe my baby is one already this year has gone so quickly! As we had the different families coming at different times I had to make two cakes, I have to say although i didn't think they looked good I was quite gutted that no-one even noticed them or made any comment about them at all :cry:

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