FruFru - Roh goes to bed at about 7.30pm, rather, he goes to sleep at 7.30pm, he's in bed by 7.15pm. Occassionally he doesn't go to sleep until 8pm. But unless there is something wrong, thats the latest he can hold out until. Oh, and horrah, we had a solid poo today

I really hate the exploding bum he's had all week, its such a pain. I guess its worse as we use the cloth nappies, so i actually have to get involved with it, even after its cleaned off him
Amy - Thanks

The doctor was actually very helpful when i went, and they are going to investigate whats going on. I talked to her about how long it took to conceive Roh etc. So i think she's taking me seriously
Sarah - Really glad you heard from work, and that you'll be leaving on good terms

Hope you had a nice time yesterday and the cold hasn't kicked in too much
Maybe - Wooh, thats so amazing that Owen slept for such a stretch! Fantastic

At least you know he can do it now

Now all you need is for Danny to not wake you up, and you might have a bit of proper sleep for once! I sympathise though. OH came to bed at 2am the other day, i'd been asleep for ages. As he got into bed, Roh woke up and started crying (he was teething badly last week) He shook me, said "Roh's upset" and then turned the light off and lay down

What the hell?!? He wasn't even asleep, or even in bed when Roh woke up, why did i have to go!?

Bloody men, honestly!
L-C - Your dog puts the gas on?

Eek! Thats scary! Glad Will's sleep isn't too bad these days
Muddles - Happy Birthday to Oliver!!

(bit late sorry!)
H&F - Sorry to hear Amy is poorly

I hope she gets better quickly! How old is your neice?
Well we had a lovely day yesterday, we went to a big party in Millenium Square in the centre, that had been organised by the BBC. It was all decked out with bunting and tables and deckchairs, and there was a tent where they were doing free pots of tea

The whole event was lovely, a really nice atmosphere

I ended up watching the highlights yesterday evening though, as i'd spent most of the actual wedding chasing Roh about as he was obsessed with roaming about collecting champagne corks

It was great to actually feel a bit of community spirit for once

We've had a quite day today, i've been making a ragdoll for my neice's birthday, so i did that whilst Roh napped, and then we popped to the library, and so i could grab a coffee from work

I've also done tons of laundry today as its the most perfect drying weather! Hot, sunny, and really windy, things are drying in about 30 minutes

Have spent the evening cleaning, and now i'm about to settle down in bed with a decaf tea and my book. Perfect!