Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Muddles - I thought you cake(s) looked great! :) Probably all the family were far to busy with Oliver to remember to say anything about them :hugs: I like all the stars on them, really good! :thumbup:

I'm on my phone (in bed :haha:) so I'm trying to remember what I want to say - sorry in advance for any typos and for everything I forget!

Muddles :hugs; do you have cake pics on Facebook? I will go have a peep, I bet they were lovely! If it were me I would be saying LOOK AT MY CAKE!!!! to everyone who walked in the door :haha: I'm so glad that you had a lovely day with Oliver :hugs:

Emera your royal wedding party sounds amazing!!!! I would have sooooo loved something like that - I did put bunting in all our windows though which I think looks lovely - we were the only house on the street to do anything so I doubt a street party would have worked here :dohh: We had fun though. YAY for a solid poop, and I'm glad the Drs are helping :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe YAY for Owens sleep!!! And BOO to Danny - the shed door is open!!!

HandF I hope Amy is feeling better soon :hugs:

I'm sure I've forgotten loads :dohh:

So this morning I had a wedding which went really well, I still need to put the pics on facebook. The room looked lovely and everyone kept saying how nice the chairs looked :) it was a nice easy booking :thumbup: Apart from that we had a quiet day, Oliver was a bit grumpy for some reason, and then wouldn't nap :dohh: which just made him worse. Tonight I have literally been ironing all night! Oliver was asleep for 8pm and I ironed until I came to bed at just gone 11. Phew! The kitchen was like a sauna!

We have been a bit of a sick house for the past few days, we've all had rubbish colds. I've not been too bad, but Steve was awful which is really unlike him. I just leep getting really bad headaches which aren't fun, but paracetamol have been sorting them out. Hopefully our colds will all be gone soon :)

Are any of the babies walking unaided yet? In the past few days Oliver has really got so much more steady on his feet, and he is walking around with his vtech walker all the time - esp if we have visitors. He looks at you s he walks along and looks all pleased with himself :haha: Yesterday he was sat on the rug and somehow managed to stand up without holding onto anything. He shuffled one foot but it wasn't enough to be a step :haha: I don't think he'll be long though - eek!!!!!
Wow Sarah clever Oliver walking with his baby walker.

My Oliver is standing all the time, but although he is cruising he is still a bit wobbly so i think it will be another couple of months before he walks unaided.

Yes there are a couple of pictures on fb.
Muddles I found the pic - its a great cake!!! I love the stars!!! Its really lovely :hugs:

I've decided what I want for Oliverwoo's cake, I need to work out what we need to buy now. Also Muddles where did you get Oliver's 'I am one' tshirt from? I love it!
sarah - hope the colds depart your house soon!!! as for walking unaided owen cruises a lot but as he can crawl at lightning speed i'm not sure whether he just prefers to do that to get from A to B! :haha: neither Dylan or Erin crawled. Erin walked 3 days after her 1st bday and was really steady from the start. Dylan walked at exactly 13 months but tried to run and ended up always falling over :dohh: owen walks well with his walker but his balance is not too good unaided so i think it'll be a while soon before he walks unaided.

muddles - i thought your cake looked great :thumbup: glad oliver had a lovely time :)

LC - wow the dogs sound like very hard work! i'm never having a pet :rofl: i have enough with my 3 little monsters :haha:

H&F - how's your dad?

well last night was rubbish. Owen woke 9 times :sleep: i'm soooooooooo tired and then to top it off i went to the cupboards to sort breakfast and there were ants EVERYWHERE inside :sick: so had to empty clean and spray ant killer and make sure it doesnt touch the food! like i don't have enough to do already :dohh:
Urgh Maybe I hate ants! They get everywhere! For some reason every spring we get a few in the house, I put stuff down and then thats it, its very odd. But they are soooo annoying!!
Maybe - Eeek, ants! :shock: I hate them, our kitchen got taken over one year when i was a child, it really freaked me out, they were everywhere! :sick: Also, sorry Owen didn't repeat his great sleep last night. I know that with Roh he seemed to get the hang of it, and them took a huge step back for a few days, and then seemed to realise we weren't going back to the cuddling to sleep, and gave up. Hopefully it will be the same with Owen, and eventually you'll have more sleeping night than waking nights :hugs:

Sarah - I love bunting, i bet your house looked lovely :) I hope all your colds clear up! :hugs: What are you going to do for Oliver's cake? I'm a bit ashamed i didn't end up making one really :blush: I guess because we didn't have a party, but i think i'll definately make him a fancy one for next year :thumbup:

With the walking....Roh is never going to walk i think :dohh: :haha: He is so confident cruising, and walks forwards properly, not sideways, whilst holding on with one hand. He will also stand unsupported for about a minute at a time or so when he's next to furniture. He's never stood up by himself in the middle of the room or anything though, and the second he's not touching any furniture he drops to his knees and either crawls, or does his knee walking to get about. He won't even walk holding on to me. He has staeted pushing his walker whilst standing instead of on his knees in the last few days though. And he plays with the stairgate door if i leave it open, and he walks backwards and forwards whilst stepping over the floor bar. I'm pretty sure he'd be capable of walking if he tried, but he's just not fussed. Plus i think his balance is still patchy, and i'm sure its because he is so tall with long legs, it must make it harder to keep his balance?
I was sort of hoping he'd walk when he started trying to crawl with toys in his hands, but he's developed the knee walking, and so now he just does that all the time :haha: Ah well no rush i guess, it just seems like he's been crawling forever! Well, its been near to 5 months! I'm going to post a knee walking video on fb i think! Its very funny :D

emera - if he can stand for a minute at a time i'd say he's probably really close to walking unaided! owen cant stand on his own for more than 2 seconds!!!

i'm on my phone in the bedroom trying with little success to get him to sleep but he's having none of it!!! think mil let him sleep to late in the afternoon whilst i was at the cinema with d&e :dohh: he's fine when i'm in the room but screams if i go out so am sat on the bed with him constantly standing up and me laying him back down :dohh:
LC - I was so mad with Lyra as I'm sure you were with your naughty dog... I cant help but giggle though :winkwink::haha: Lyra has had poopy nappies before too :sick: I thought they were meant to get calmer as they got older but she gets naughtier by the day! she ruins everything she gets her teeth on :dohh:

H&F - sorry you had a stressful time, hope Amy gets well soon :hugs:

maybe - yey for the good nights sleep - :grr: to Danny!!! that means he must be tuned in to how hard you've had it if he notices how much Owen normally wakes! he should give you a hand with the evening routine :growlmad: I hope tonight is better than last night :hugs: Alex napped quite late today and I had the same problem getting him to sleep!

muddles - I meant to comment on your fb cake photo - I thought it was brilliant!!!!! what sort of cake was it inside? It looks yummy x

emera - thats really great that the doctor took you seriously and great news they are going to investigate :thumbup: I love the clip of the knee walking :haha:

mork - are your nights getting any better? :hugs:

sarah - sorry to hear you've all been poorly :hugs: I was trying to remember when the girls walked but I cant :blush: I'm going to check their baby books. Alex has been standing unaided for longer and longer periods, he stands and plays. He also stands up in the middle of the room and did the same almost step but not quite shuffle. He'll walk holding one of my hands and is super quick with his walker so I was wondering when it would be. I'll be really sad in some ways when he walks, they're growing up so quick and they'll all be toddlers soon.

well we had a nice lazy day in the garden. we had a BBQ and then went for a bike ride/walk. hope you all had a lovely day x
Thanks for the nice comments about my cake, at least some one appreciated it!

Amy it was a sponge cake. It was dairy free though, as I can't have dairy and didn't want to miss out on cake eating :lol:

Sarah the t-shirt is from Next. It was £5.

Maybe I heard that white vinegar gets rid of ants, or sweetener as they eat it thinking its food but because it has no calories it kills them. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.
Hey all -

Hope everyone is ok ... I am having a very stressful evening. We have been out all day when we came home the carbon monoxide alarm was going off ... Dave of course doesnt think its a big deal oh it must have got to hot or something. We ended up going out for dinner with his friends who were waiting for us to come home and him think its all ok. Carbon Monoxide kills - what the hell is the point of having an alarm (that hasnt gone off whilst sitting in the same place in hotter weather than today) if you are going to ignore it?!? Well he eventually called the number in the handbook and they have said to turn all the gas off, open all the doors and windows and not turn anything on or off in the house and an engineer will be with us in the next 3 hours. I just want to leave but we have no where to stay and no travel cot so I have had to put Amy to ed in the dark and just praying it is a false alarm.

Hope your all ok x x x
Oh h&f how stressful for you :( these alarms do pick up the carbon monoxide at a level before it becomes dangerous so fingers crossed if it really was a leak that it was caught before it became harmful. Hugs to you x
I can't remember who had the ants-bit make a continuous chalk line by your back door-ants won't cross chalk apparently!
Emera-the cake sounds Delish! I am sure it was very much appreciated-it seems to be that if you are good at something people start to expect it and therefore no longer feel the need to praise you or even thank you! (grrrr!)
Amy-well, I don't want to jinx things but the lady 2 nights have been better. We think we may have established that she settles better when she has her baby sleeping bag - so we are now frantically trying to find a reasonably priced one tog one as the one we have is 2.5! I would have been so mad if I've of my pets had trashed a room-Lyra is lucky you love her and haven't kicked her out!!!
I'm on my phone so can't see all I have written or remember who I haven't replied to! So sorry if I have missed you and sorry if this post us a garbled mispelt mess!!! I will do better next time!!
Hope you all have a good Monday x x
Sarah-how you doing? Are things better with you and dh
muddles - ooh I love sponge. I'm going to make a sponge cake for Alex. Not sure what shape yet! I bet Oliver enjoyed it :cloud9:

Mork - fingers crossed your nights stay better =D> I was very close to throwing Lyra out :haha: I did make her stay in the garden for a few hours while I cooled off!

H&F - crikey, what a stressful nightmare! i'm glad he called the number in the end - you're right, its so dangerous you cant ignore it!!! I hope it all gets sorted out quickly :hugs:

Well I've organised a little family BBQ for Alex's birthday, I have no idea what to get him! Kerry wants to get him a little toy workbench with a hammer etc as he loves banging things.
H&F I hope you get things sorted soon - thank goodness for the alarm!! We have two, I'm so aware of these things now we have Oliver.

Mork things are much, much better with Steve thanks - he has a week off after today, and we are even going out on Tuesday night!! :shock: I'm really looking forward to it! YAY for good sleeping!! Oliver is the other way around - he goes absoluetly nuts if you put him in a sleeping bag now :dohh:

Muddles do you want a Dairy Free Easter Egg? I have one here looking for a home but I don't know anyone who is dairy free! (LONG story :haha:) I would love to post if to you if you will eat it as I hate to think of it going to waste!

Amy Alex seems to be at a similar stage to Oliver with the walking - he loves to stand to play and has tried climbing a few times too :shock: Every day he seems to stand for longer and longer - every time I leave him with Steve I come back and Steve is tring to get him to walk :haha: He's so funny flying around with his walker too :cloud9:

Maybe I hope Owen settles soon and then has a good night :hugs:

Emera the cake I want to make for Oliver is three presents on top of each other . . . its pretty big though so we might just make a one 'present' cake, and maybe some cupcakes or something :) I love the knee walking :haha:

We are still the house of the sick :dohh: I am still really sneezy and now I have a really horrible cough, and I feel like I am going to loose my voice, and Steve is the same. My eyes have felt soooo tired all day. I have a huge list of things I wanted to get done tonight, I've done quite a bit but I think I might just have to leave the rest and go to bed, I've been late to bed for a few nights no and I'm wondering if I'm feeling tired on top of the cold. Oh well, fingers crossed we'll all be better soon!
OOhhhhhh Amy I LOVE the idea of a little workbench!!!! I had no idea you could buy them- Oliver would LOVE that - he's always hammering at stuff too :haha:

We haven't got Oliver much, mainly because he's bound to get quite spoilt by everyone else. We have (so far) bought him a lovely bedding set from Mamas & Papas, with a quilt since he can have one when he's one - not that I expect he'll use it :haha: We've also got him a baby laptop thing - hopefully that might keep him off mine - and the fully set of Thomas DVD's (Steve loves Thomas :haha:) I've also ordered lots of Crayola Beginnings things and a few other bits.

My parents have bought in a push along / ride on Thomas and a Cosy Coupe . . . plus no doubt absoultely loads more stuff.
aww sarah - grab yourself a nice cup of tea and get to bed :hugs: I always find tea really helps colds! Alex has also tried climbing, we have a stairgate on the bottom of the stairs so he's never been able to attempt steps before but we have some rickety old steps going up to our beachut and he climbed up those when we were at the beach. he's also come down a step too - so sweet, he turns round and backs down it. its only a little step from my parents garden onto their patio but i love how his thought process worked :cloud9: they do sound identical in the walking stage, I wish they could get together and swap hints and tips :haha: anyway, you should get yourself to bed and get well for tuesday :) :hugs:
sarah - nearly missed your last post! it is a cool idea, I think we'll also get him a sandpit. we went to mothercare today and they had one on display/to play with and Alex loved it! he ate the sand but hey! it was only £15. Thomas is pretty cool :) we have a whole Thomas Brio set from when the girls were little that I cant wait to get out for Alex. We also have a few DVDs from when the girls were younger. oooh crayola beginnings! cool idea! xx
Thanks Amy :hugs: I'm having a mint aero and then going to bed :haha:

It would be so fun to get them together - we will all have to meet up one day!!!!

Awwww how cute about Alex and the steps!! I love watching Oliver work things out, its so sweet. We have stair gates too - our stairs are SO steep. I'm used to them now but visitors always mention how steep they are - my mum hates them and normally goes down them on her bum if no ones watching :rofl: :rofl: Oliver's climbing has mainly been on unstable objects - like his little toy box which is on wheels :dohh: He also stands in front of the TV reaching forward and lifting a leg up - so trying to climb even though there's nothing to climb on :rofl:
Ooohhhhh a sand pit!!!!! Now I want to get a sand pit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Steve gave Oliver some Crayola Beginnings pens today . . . . I have a photo . . . hang on a sec . . . . .

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