L-C / Sarah - We have that elc workbench, we were given it by one of OH's friends (he's also given us a slide and one of those push along trike things and a big bag of 2-3 years boys clothes in the past, so generous!) Roh absolutely loves it. He doesn't use the tools yet, except for hitting his Dad over the head with the hammer

But he loves pushing the screws up and down, and he's recently got the hang of pulling the handles on the drill and saw bits, and gets really excited! He plays with it every day, one of his best toys
Maybe - Fingers crossed the weather will improve. There is still time for it to get better!
Muddles - Well done Oliver for sleeping through!

Its like you said, they do it when they are ready
I think Roh just takes after his Mum and Dad, we both love our sleep, and so does he it seems

Although saying that, the other day i woke up, and thought it looked really light in the room, i looked at the clock and it said 10am !!

I totally freaked out, and ran through to Roh's room and opened the blind. I was about to grab him to see if he was ok, when he just rolled over, had a big stretch and yawn, and then smiled at me, grabbed his dummy, and lay down again

He's so lazy in the mornings, I was really suprised i'd slept so late though i almost always wake up naturally at 7.30 -8am if i'm left to my own devices, so i'm always up and about before he wakes. I must have been really tired or something

I tend to go get him up at about 8.30 - 9am, depending, but often he'll get up, and then lay back down again and look at me, as if to say, "just a few minutes more Mummy?"

Anyway, needless to say, getting up at 10am really screwed our day up
I really want to get Roh some toys, but i think we are too broke at the moment

The stuff i want to get him is all learning / educational stuff, and nothing big or expensive, but i still don't think i can find the money

I feel so bad that i can't get him all these nice things i want to get. When i see what other parents are getting for their babies' first birthday, i feel really guilty that we don't earn a bit more money, its only going to get worse as he grows up and starts wanting stuff, and i'll have to say no all the time

Ah, well i guess i'll go search the charity shops on my days off, or get creative and make some of it. I wanted to get some animal flashcards, maybe i can just draw them