Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Oh emera, dont feel bad, the best two things you can give your baby are your love and your attention - he will then have the best play mate anyone could wish for! I felt so bad in the past when my lo didnt have the 'in' things i.e. jumperoo, that everyone else seemed to have - but she is no worse off now and the jumperoo has been forgotten already by those babies that had them xxxxx
Just a quick one from me, I'm half way through another ironing marathon :haha:

Thanks for all your advice re the workbench! I think we will get the second one, I'll show Steve later :)

Emera how's your business idea coming along? I think home made flashcards sound like a great idea!! I really want to look at some educational toys but I have no idea where to start :dohh:
Thanks for the cake idea - i hadnt thought of swiss roll for the body!!!!!!! :)
emera - don't feel bad. kids prefer water bottles to toys anyway :haha: homemade flashcards sound great.

mork - how was your sleep last night, or rather your LO's?

sarah - i did some ironing earlier but still have piles to do :dohh:

muddles - great news about oliver's sleep and bf :thumbup: could you ask him to have a word with owen please :haha:

well owen went to bed 2 1/2 hrs ago and has woken 3 times already :dohh: he settles quickly but i literally have to run in and do shush/patt before he wakes properly :dohh:
Settling quickly is great maybe! Dh had to get up with our lo at 5am and take her into the lounge as she was howling-so I got 2 hours uniterrupted!! Lol!! Unfortunately sshh pat only works sometimes :( !
Hope Owen gives you a good stretch of sleep tonight! X
yes thanks all for the workbench help - I think we'll also get Alex the second one although Kerry gulped at the price!

emera - I've got loads of great toys for my girls from charity shops - they love it because they can afford to shop with their pocket money :thumbup: children grow out of things so quickly that you end up with loads of unplayed with junk anyway. that is until I say I am talking it to the charity shop and then they decide they want to play with it again! also Kerrys mum goes to NCT sales and has got some fantastic nearly new stuff for Alex! We're having to really watch the pennies now as I am redundant as from next tues :(

sarah - love the wedding pics, what a gorgeous blue! All that ironing must be good for your skin (the sauna effect!) :haha:

Mork - I made a butterfly cake for Emily's last birthday and I used the exact method emera suggested - we covered the wings in yellow and chocolate buttercream icing and used little jelly sweets to make the wings patterned. It turned out really well :thumbup:

muddles - well done Oliver for sleeping through! :thumbup: :happydance:

maybe - mmmm yum yum, I love homebaked bread :munch: fingers crossed thats it for Owen waking tonight!

LC - Boo to early mornings :( Alex always seems to wake around 6 ish now but he does snuggle with me breastfeeding for about an hour so I semi doze :sleep:

I might sound nuts but I will be sad when Alex sleeps through :dohh: He normally only wakes at 3 ish but thats when he comes in bed with us and I love waking up next to him! He still BF quite a lot in the day, my mum says I should be stopping now and says I am wierd, she always says "bitty" when I feed him :growlmad: :haha: she BF us for a year but she says I should feed him once a day now. Becasue he's my last baby I will let him carry on as much as he wants for as long as he wants. I dont force it on him though :) he does this get into position thing when he wants milk.
Well its my last week at work, its such a strange feeling! my dept is going to Go Ape at Leeds castle on Weds - I am a bit worried because I freak out at heights!
Awww amy, still no joy on the job front hon? Hugs x x
nope, no joy. I feel this constant anxiousness at the back of my mind over it all but I find comfort eating (aka pigging out every evening) helps :haha:
Bless you, I hope that something cones your way very very soon hon. Is it a nursing type qualification that you have? X x
Aww thanks hon :hugs: I do but I let my registration lapse so I have to do a course to re-register. I have been working as a research scientist but now pfizer is going there is no career in science in this area so I will go back to nursing. I just want an easy life really :)
I'm just settling Oliver so taking a little break, amy I thought the same about the sauna effect :haha: I wondered if it would be any good for weight loss bit I think I'd have to wrap myself in cling film :rofl:

I love car boot sales for toys, I only go to nice ones (is it possible to be a car boot sale snob :rofl:) but I just love it! This might sound strange but I like that I can see what the people are like who I'm buying off, which is better (to me) than ebay when you don't have a clue :dohh: I'm really quite picky but I've had some amazing bargains, and then when Oliver has grown out of them I will go along and sell them on again!
had a rubbish night again! i really dont know what to do :nope: he woke fully at 6.20 and wouldnt settle so am bf in bed and he's still awake!!!

on the plus side one of my best friend's waters have just broken and she's having contractions :happydance: like us ladies last year :cloud9: if baby comes soon i will go to the hospital this afternoon. she's team :yellow: so interesting to see what she has!!!!
Hi ladies :wave:

I have been popping on and off all morning trying to reply. I have got down to Mork's post on page 594 but have to go out so will finish off reading and replying later.

Amy - Oh naughty Lyra! Was it a felt covered riding hat? and if so could you just get a silk to cover it?

Maybebaby - I can;t believe Danny woke YOU to ask if Owen was ok :dohh: and then called you a bitch :gun: that would deserve laxatives in his dinner in my house :lol:
Grr to ants :gun:

L-C - oh poor you :hugs: what a crappy run of ill health! Joni has been under the weather for a month now with a lingering cold and other illnesses.
Crikey about the dogs :shock:

Oh H&F, I hope Amy is feeling a bit better. We have had projectile vomiting this weekend too and exploding poops to boot, on top of the usual cough, snot and congestion :rolleyes:
:shock: for the CO detector, thank goodness you have one and that you are sensible enough to take notice of it.

Emera - thanks for the bedtime info :thumbup: I am glad that Roh's poops have, at last, solidified somewhat. For the last week we have been giving Joni weetabix every breakfast in an effort to try and bind her up a bit. It was going great until she started throwing up and pooing like an olympic medalist!
I am glad that the doctor was receptive to your situation. I thought my cycle had finally started to settle down when my periods started only lasting 7-8 days and I had a 3 weeks gap between them. Then the next period arrived more than three weeks ago and is still here :shrug: Blooming hormones.
I love the video of Roh walking on his knees - so cute :kiss: It is so crazy that Roh has been crawling for 5 months compared to Joni who has been on the move for a matter of weeks.

Muddles - I am glad you had a nice brithday with Oliver. I think your cake looked great! I am so impressed with the decoration, I am rubbish with fondant icing and as such tend to butter ice cakes and shake over sprinkles and glitter :blush: Yay for the cake being dairy free too - there are some great dairy free recipes around, plus if you want to make a cake that needs dairy ingredients there are some great soy products nowadays.

Sarah - great news about the wedding :thumbup: Wow about the toddling with the walker. Joni is still enamoured with crawling and trying to pull herself up on everything in her hand's reach.
I'm not sure if I said so already, but thank you for the baby bargain post about the leapfrog table. We actually ended up with a freebie from a friend when I told them I was getting it for Joni's birthday. But without your info I would not have considered it which would have been a real shame as she LOVES it!
Argh, Roh's just had an allergic reaction to his lunch :( He had tuna mayo sandwiches, and started rubbing his ears, before i knew it he was clawing at his neck and face and screaming :cry: It was so scary! :shock: I just grabbed him out the highchair, stripped him off and washed his head under the shower. He's all come up in hives, poor little man :( I was terrified he'd have a really bad reaction, but fortunately it seems to have calmed down now, and the redness has faded a bit. I've put him to bed for his nap, after calling nhs direct, and then running to the pharmacy for anti-histamines, which is what they suggested. I haven't given him any though, asit's calmed down, and i'm about to go to work. I was going to dose him, but then thought, what if he's allergic to anti-histamines? I'll be at work, and i'm really worried OH won't know what to do if he has a reaction :wacko: I really don't want to go to work, i want to stay and watch him :cry:
Well, he seems ok for now, and i figure if it was going to be a full on anaphylatic reaction then it would have happened right away. I guess i'll just have to tell OH to watch him like a hawk, and phone him a few times to set my mind at rest. Argh, the panic!! :cry:
Oh Emera you poor thing! How awful! I hope Roh is much better now and that everything is okay while you are at work, I'm sure it will be :hugs: :hugs:

I have to dash - we went to see the school we want to send Oliver to this morning, it was wonderful - I absolutely loved it :) They were so nice too, they have a nursery for the children to start at three years old, I said I was unsure about sending Oliver full time when he was three since I'll likely be at home anyway, and they said I could always put him to start and three and then change my mind :haha: and have him start 'proper school' at four. They said if he did go to nursery (and it looked like SO much fun!) I could take him out for 'mummy days' when ever I wanted. Obviously you still pay for the full time care, but some children have a day a week or whatever as a 'mummy day'. I love that idea! And if I'm really busy with my own work then I guess it might be useful for him to be in nursery, and then have a day a week just for us to do something lovely :)

Right, well I'd better dash, Steve and I are going out for dinner tonight :shock: and leaving Oliver with my mum and dad. Ekkkk!!
Oh Emera - I really hope Roh is better, try not to worry too much about him whilst you are at work.

Sarah - the school sounds lovely, have a brilliant evening tonight.

Right I made the desicion rather than getting someone to make Amy's birthday cake I am going to make it myself and spend the money I wouldve spent on a fairy toadstool tent!

Argh anyway must dash need to pack away the bits I bought in town today before amy wakes up from her nap!
sarah - the school sounds great!

h&f - i'm making owen's cake too!

emera- :hugs: so scary!!!

well i'm sooo broody after going to the hospital to see my friend and her teeny 5lb13oz baby girl!!! gorgeous! and then i get a text from another friend who has just got :bfp: today! sooooo soooo broody!!!

tomorrow is SIL bday so i'm making the bday cake and she and my in laws are coming for afternoon tea :) i made cards with the kids.

i'm in my bedroom trying to settle owen but am really fed up as he's been in the cot half an hour and still keeps standing up :nope: he has balanitis. i took off his nappy earlier and his willy was red swollen and pussy :sick: i had to take him to the private dr as the GHA (gib equivalent of NHS) was shut :dohh: so that cost me £40 in consultation and almost £20 for medicine!
Ouch maybe that sounds painful! how was your night?

Sarah great news about the school!

Emera you poor thing that sounds so scary, I hope he is ok now, what do you think it was?

Frufru the latest pictures of Joni on FB are great she is so cute getting so grown up!

H&F yay to making our cakes, I say that though there is a chance I'll pop and buy one last minute when I run out of time xx
L-C - I am the same about the cake! We are going to a friends 1st birthday on the 14th so I have no idea when I am going to have time to make it!

I have spent all morning trying to find somewhere to honeymoon and have found a gorgeous place in Guernsey but its a it expensive for a week away but I guess that is the price of holidays these days!

Right I will update properly later but we have baby yoga at 1.30 so I really need to get ready to go out! x x x
Emera Oh no poor Roh. What do you think he reacted to? How is he now? We bought Oliver a Smart Trike for his birthday (it was on offer at 25% off, otherwise we couldn't have afforded it at the moment), a little monster clock and a windmill thing for the garden. Other people bought him loads of things. We tend to buy things from NCT sales or Ebay and big things like the exersaucer we borrowed from someone. Also if Roh is anything like Oliver he always seems more happy to play with non toys-like plastic spoons, boxes, my hairbrush.... :lol:

H&F I am sure you will have a lovely honeymoon and the money will be well worth it, it's lovely to relax after the big run up to the wedding and stress of it all too. Is your carbon monoxide leak fixed now?

Maybe sorry you had another bad night. Hopefully Owen will suddenly start to sleep better. You are doing so well getting him to settle quickly and getting him to sleep in his cot. I am sure it will get better soon. What flavour baby did your friend have?

Sarah that school sounds lovely. I love the idea of 'mummy days.' How was your night out?

Frufru yes there are great dairy free alternatives. I bought a great allergy free cook book which is free from all major food allergens. That Leapfrog table is great no wonder she loves it.

L-C That's what I thought (I'd run out and buy a cake) but then I remembered that the shops were not 24 hour like normal as it was the bank holiday! Eeeek so if mine went wrong we would have had to have cup cakes. :lol:

Mork I saw a Hungry Caterpillar cake which looked cool it was green cup cakes then a round sponge cake with red icing and a face.

Amy Ignore your Mum! Babies cut their feeds naturally when they are ready. Sorry to hear you haven't found a new job. At least with nursing you should always be able to find work.

Did anyone watch Fastfood Baby on BBC3 last night? OMG the things the children were eating and I couldn't believe a 19 month old was drinking up to 6 cans of coke a day! To think we worry whether our babies are getting enough milk or are eating enough fruit/veg or are having too much salt....

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