emera _ I am very sorry for whats happened. I cant imagine how you are feeling, he was only a year younger than my eldest daughter... I'm so shocked and here for you with the others, whenever you need us xxxxx

mork - I wondered if she was pregnant because of the way she kept rubbing her stomach and she said her latest thing was being forgetful - wondered if it was a pregancy thing

. Glad you all enjoyed the zoo - I expect it was the local zoo near us as we've got the year passport too - I think its great! Its so cool when you can just pop in! Good luck with TTC
sarah - hehe, it sounds like Oliver is a strawberry fan! Alex is the same with raspberries - we've got a load growing in the back garden and he helps himself :hehe: I'm glad being a step mum worked out so well for you in the end, Steve's son sounds great and he's lucky to have such a lovely stepmum

I also agree with the others about the house price, houses auction guides are always lower
maybe - :hehe: to grounding yourself. I've done that many a time! hope you enjoyed aqualand
frufru - ahh poor Joni watching her friend play, and what a sweet little friend she sounds!. Joni does suffer with her teeth doesnt she
modo - i also have too much crap - I'd like to hire a skip to clear it all, I'm fed up with it all

try not to worry about Bobby not eating, Alex has days like that and they wont starve themselves
H&F - Sorry to hear you've been down

9 weeks to go! exciting times xx
LC - Hope your four days in a row are going ok

good luck with ttc !
Kerry may keep his job... we find out next week. we went out for the afternoon today which was nice. Tomorrow is meant to be lovely but I am doing a long day at the hospital

thinking of you