Mork - Wow four more new teeth and signing more

Joni started saying Mama but generally says dada all the time. She will say Mama when she has been with my hubby all day and not seen me or if she wakes at night upset or hurts herself.
Emera - 600 flapjacks

Wow your biceps must be bulging after lifting 30KG of oats! I hope you were able to veg out and get a movie in.
Sarah - Cor that was a late night on Thursday for Oliver! There are just some nights where the fight to get them down is not worth losing your sanity over.
I can't believe the NHS direct man was so off with you about calling when the Doctors surgery was open

The whole point of NHS direct is to re-assure and advise you when you have health worries

For me I call NHS direct when I have a health concern and am unsure whether it warrants a trip to the nurse/doctor, or if it is out of hours for my surgery and the walk in centre. It sounds like that bloke has a chip on his shoulder about something.
Yay for your quiet night in with Steve

It sounds like you are really getting into the swing of things with the wedding's now
Amy - Have you had any luck with finding a car yet? I hope Kerry was not too upset about the mattress. I know it seems like a loss of money but these things happen. Yesterday hubby was playing with Joni on our bed and he got a bit over-enthusiastic and ended up splitting the central support beam that supports all the slats

For now it is being held together by duct tape

It sounds like Alex's walking is really coming along. How are the girls?
Maybebaby - cor that is a lot of words! I have to say, from spending time with other parents and babies it seems like those with sibvling often start speaking a bit sooner. I hope the highchair poo extravaganza was not too immense.
I am so sorry that Owen's nights are still not on track. Joni has given us a couple of decent nights this week but those have been interspersed with rubbish ones. They are still better than they have been though, so that is what I keep focusing on.

at that article about the poor mother and baby. And to think this is going on in a 'civilised' country. It is just dreadful to think there are mothers who feed their kids nothing but junk, give them no attention and just sit them in front of the TV all day and yet this lady who clearly cares greatly for her child is being called a bad parent

for you. I am sorry that Dan has still not cottoned on to the fact that you also need sleep to function. I really just don't know what to suggest

Loving the talc tip
Modo - Bless poor little Boo, how are his toothypegs doing? Joni's canines seem to be 'quiet' at the moment.
L-C -

about the internet connection and the button

Hubby did that on our netbook not so long ago, of course he would not let me look at it to see if I could help and ended up turning it off in frustration. It was not until the next day when he still could not fix it that he let me look and I fixed it in 5 seconds flat. Men can be so stubborn sometimes
Good luck with lates and Will's new teeth
H&F - What a week for you

Reaching your WW goal and in time for your birthday too
Its been a busy week here. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Joni and I went to lots of groups/playsessions. Then Thursday and Friday were nursery/work days. Work went ok this week. My new contract is for 3 days a week but I have been using up some holiday so only had to do 2 days this week and am doing 2.5 days for the next couple of weeks before starting my full shift pattern in July
I might have said already

but Joni seems to be going through a major developmental spurt at the moment. We have had a little bit of standing un-aided

Bless her Joni will be standing holding onto something and let go with both hands without realising she's done it. Then when she does realise she gets all shaky and has to sit down or grab onto something really quickly
Oh and we have a molar! Hubby thought he saw it yesterday and it was confirmed this morning when, rather unusally, Joni let me have a poke around in her mouth.
We are having a stay-at-home fathers day. Joni picked a card out for hubby and we bought him some lovely fresh coffee from the specialist coffee shop here. Joni got up at 5.25 this morning so I left hubby to have a long-lie. In the end though we had to go and disturb him at 9ish as I needed Joni's teething powder out of my bedside cabinet

We had a nice take-away on Friday night, so instead of going out for lunch today we have got a nice piece of beef out of the freezer to have as a roast this evening.
Righto, thats the little one awake so I best go and get her lunch ready. Have a lovely day all x