Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LC - hope your lates this weekend are OK! hope will's tooth cuts through.

modo - sounds like teething. Owen keeps going through phases like that but it's been 5 months with no new teeth showing so far!

have you seen this :shock::cry: i couldnt believe it when i read about it.
dylan and owen have both been taking it in turns to wake :dohh: it's past 1.30am and have just crawled into bed myself and i can hear owen stirring! sleep baby sleep please! oh no i hear dylan too!!! going to be a long night methinks :nope: hope u r all having more exciting nights seeing as there's noone on here tonight!!!

Maybe I hope the babies settled and you got some sleep in the end!!!!!

L-C those shifts sound like hard work!!!

Steve was off last night so we had a nice evening together, nothing fancy but it was nice just to spend some relaxing time with each other. Things have been really good lately :thumbup: We are going away in about 5 weeks so I was looking for Oliver friendly stuff to do in Cornwall and thinking about what we need to take :shock:

I had a wedding yesterday but it was an early one, everything was done and dusted by 9.30am and we were back home! The room looked lovely too :thumbup:

I think we're having a quiet day today, Steve is working tonight so he's in bed until lunchtime and its raining :dohh: My parents get back from their holiday today so I'm looking forward to seeing them - Oliver will be so excited!

Quiet in here again! I hope you're all off having fun :)

We've had a nice quiet day, I'm just trying to get motivated to list some stuff on ebay :dohh: I keep nipping of to the kitchen and finding chocolate and popcorn :haha: Hmmmm, maybe I'll make a cuppa and then I WILL list some stuff :haha:
morning! hope you're all enjoying a good father's day with your LOs and OHs! Danny is in bed hungover as we had a bbq at his parents and he drunk a bit too much :dohh: he has no idea how lucky he is being able to sleep in. i had a really rubbishy night with Owen as he stayed at the in laws way past bedtime, he fell asleep there, woke up screaming and it was about 11.30pm before we were home and he was settled. i really could do with some extra :sleep: but i don't know why i'm mentioning it as i know it's not going to happen. before the bbq we went to the beach in spain and then stopped off at the supermarket there to get stuff for the bbq. don't know what we'll do today. maybe the beach again but i dont want to go too far away as I don't want the kids to fall asleep in the car on the way back and then not want to sleep at bedtime :haha: i need my evenings for a bit of sanity. right i'm off to call my dad and wish him happy father's day and play with the kids a bit. love to you all xxx :hugs:
Maybe I don't know how you do it, really I don't :hugs:

Have you got any beach tips? We're hoping that when we go to Cornwall we'll be able to go to the beach quite a bit. We've got a UV sun tent thingy and a bucket and spade set with loads of little toys in it, any tips as to other stuff to take for Oliver?

I'm starting to stress a bit about our holiday, I'm sure it'll be fine but I'm trying to work out what we need to take and stuff :dohh:

Right, I'm off to get Oliver to scribble in Steve's card :haha:

well owen hated the sand at first so i put 2 large towels down so he didnt have to touch it :haha: have you thought of a little paddling pool? if you are planning to go into the sea swimming with him then a swim ring may be an idea. also i bought him a little spf 50 tshirt and shorts set from next (you may have seen it in my fb photos it's a Rex from toy story set) also garnier kids rapido sunscreen is good as it's fast and easy to apply. we also have a small beach umbrella as well as the large one and we use the small one to give shade to the buggy and/or paddling pool.
oh sarah most importantly i find that taking a bottle of talc is priceless as it gets rid of sand stuck on kids after the day at the beach :thumbup: i get the kids to take of their swimming costumes and dust them all over in talc and that gets rid of most, if not all of the sand stuck to them before changing them.
Thanks Maybe!! I LOVE the talc idea - I hate it when I get covered in sand and I can't get it off :haha: The sea can be pretty busy / rough / cold down there so I think Oliver and I will stay out of there apart from maybe a little paddle, but a few of the beaches have little shallow pools which we might sit in :haha: A little paddling pool might be fun, I think we'll take one for when we're not on the beach anyway so that might be fun to take :thumbup:
Mork - Wow four more new teeth and signing more :thumbup: Joni started saying Mama but generally says dada all the time. She will say Mama when she has been with my hubby all day and not seen me or if she wakes at night upset or hurts herself.

Emera - 600 flapjacks :shock: Wow your biceps must be bulging after lifting 30KG of oats! I hope you were able to veg out and get a movie in.

Sarah - Cor that was a late night on Thursday for Oliver! There are just some nights where the fight to get them down is not worth losing your sanity over.
I can't believe the NHS direct man was so off with you about calling when the Doctors surgery was open :growlmad: The whole point of NHS direct is to re-assure and advise you when you have health worries :shrug: For me I call NHS direct when I have a health concern and am unsure whether it warrants a trip to the nurse/doctor, or if it is out of hours for my surgery and the walk in centre. It sounds like that bloke has a chip on his shoulder about something.
Yay for your quiet night in with Steve :happydance: It sounds like you are really getting into the swing of things with the wedding's now :thumbup:

Amy - Have you had any luck with finding a car yet? I hope Kerry was not too upset about the mattress. I know it seems like a loss of money but these things happen. Yesterday hubby was playing with Joni on our bed and he got a bit over-enthusiastic and ended up splitting the central support beam that supports all the slats :rolleyes: For now it is being held together by duct tape :haha:
It sounds like Alex's walking is really coming along. How are the girls?

Maybebaby - cor that is a lot of words! I have to say, from spending time with other parents and babies it seems like those with sibvling often start speaking a bit sooner. I hope the highchair poo extravaganza was not too immense.
I am so sorry that Owen's nights are still not on track. Joni has given us a couple of decent nights this week but those have been interspersed with rubbish ones. They are still better than they have been though, so that is what I keep focusing on.
:nope: at that article about the poor mother and baby. And to think this is going on in a 'civilised' country. It is just dreadful to think there are mothers who feed their kids nothing but junk, give them no attention and just sit them in front of the TV all day and yet this lady who clearly cares greatly for her child is being called a bad parent :shrug:
:hugs: for you. I am sorry that Dan has still not cottoned on to the fact that you also need sleep to function. I really just don't know what to suggest :sad1:
Loving the talc tip :thumbup:

Modo - Bless poor little Boo, how are his toothypegs doing? Joni's canines seem to be 'quiet' at the moment.

L-C - :rofl: about the internet connection and the button :dohh: Hubby did that on our netbook not so long ago, of course he would not let me look at it to see if I could help and ended up turning it off in frustration. It was not until the next day when he still could not fix it that he let me look and I fixed it in 5 seconds flat. Men can be so stubborn sometimes :rolleyes:
Good luck with lates and Will's new teeth :hugs:

H&F - What a week for you :hugs: Reaching your WW goal and in time for your birthday too :flower:

Its been a busy week here. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Joni and I went to lots of groups/playsessions. Then Thursday and Friday were nursery/work days. Work went ok this week. My new contract is for 3 days a week but I have been using up some holiday so only had to do 2 days this week and am doing 2.5 days for the next couple of weeks before starting my full shift pattern in July :thumbup:

I might have said already :blush: but Joni seems to be going through a major developmental spurt at the moment. We have had a little bit of standing un-aided :mrgreen: Bless her Joni will be standing holding onto something and let go with both hands without realising she's done it. Then when she does realise she gets all shaky and has to sit down or grab onto something really quickly :haha:

Oh and we have a molar! Hubby thought he saw it yesterday and it was confirmed this morning when, rather unusally, Joni let me have a poke around in her mouth.

We are having a stay-at-home fathers day. Joni picked a card out for hubby and we bought him some lovely fresh coffee from the specialist coffee shop here. Joni got up at 5.25 this morning so I left hubby to have a long-lie. In the end though we had to go and disturb him at 9ish as I needed Joni's teething powder out of my bedside cabinet :dohh: We had a nice take-away on Friday night, so instead of going out for lunch today we have got a nice piece of beef out of the freezer to have as a roast this evening.

Righto, thats the little one awake so I best go and get her lunch ready. Have a lovely day all x
Thanks Frufru Bobby got a bit of a tooth. I felt the sharp corner of a tooth in the back. He was pretty miserable today on our drive to Yeovil :(
modo - sorry to hear that bobby is poorly with his teeth :hugs:

frufru - what a clever girl joni is :D yey for a molar! Owen has woken 2 times tonight so far, the first was with a nice stinky poo :sick: he has settled quite quickly though!

sarah - i hate sand too :haha: it was quite windy on the beach yesterday and sand kept blowing on our towels :dohh:
Wow at all the babie getting molars!! :shock: I daren't feel about anymore as Oliver is a demon for biting :haha:

FruFru your day sounds lovely, I hope you had fun :)

Maybe urgh, sand everywhere would drive me mad :haha: I know it sounds daft but sand is the worst thing about the beach :haha: :rofl:

We had a nice fathers day though Steve was at work for 6pm so we didn't see him for that long. My parents came up and so Oliver and I went out with them for a while which was nice, we hadn't seen them for a week or so with them going away so it was nice to see them.

While we were out my parents bought Oliver some sandles, they are so cute and we popped them on him to show Steve when we got home and Oliver was walking all over the place! I think maybe because they have a bigger base or something? He's a bit wobbly still but he was taking 5/6 steps really well. Mum held his hand and he walked from the lounge into the kitchen without a wobble :shock: I think next week I might need to baby proof the kitchen which will be quite a job, at the moment I don't let him crawl about in there, but when he's walking I guess I should let him in there to wonder. I really don't want my kitchen cupboards emptying though :haha:

So other than that not much to report. We have our toddler group in the morning. We mised it last week with been poorly so we really should go tomorrow.

I hope you all had a good fathers day!

Hey all -

hope everyone is ok - again sorry for being mia its been one of those weekends.

I am just getting ready to go out to a toddler group for the first time - I am really nervous but hope the mums arenice.

will update properly later. x x x
H&F I hope you enjoy toddler group!

We're giving it a miss today, I jut can't get motivated to get ready :dohh: I think I enjoy it just been me and Oliver too much :haha:

sarah - i too think that the sand is the worst thing about the beach :rofl: owen is obsessed with the kitchen cupboards and emptying things :dohh: we have a stairgate in the arch (we don't have a door) so we can keep him out :haha:

well dylan is on half days now so things are more hectic than usual. this afternoon erin has a dance rehearsal and dylan has a party so my mum is taking erin to dance and i will take dylan (and owen) to the party at mcdonalds!

What a weekend!! Ended up working late Sat and Sun and so pretty much did full nights - but I stayed awake lol Luckily there was stuff to do, although sleeping during the day with a baby just doesn't happen, so I'm pooped.

Will has been in agony all weekend with his teeth and has one new one, can't believe there is still 11 to go! He has been much better today though so fingers crossed for a good nights sleep tonight, assisted by wine and pizza mmmmmmm

Hope you are all ok, need to go back through and read the posts properly and then I can post back properly.

Will walks all the time now and I've not seen him crawl for a few days, he loves it to, a bit like forest gump he just walks and walks because he can! Very few words though, Owen is putting him to shame on that front lol
Hey all,
Thankyou frufru for your comment :)
All these babies are growing so fast, i cant keep up! teeth, walking, talking - eeeeekkkk!!!! Anyone else hoping for another one soon?????!! :)
Sarah - wow those Saab's were gorgeous! I would defiantely have gone for one of those! what a fabuolous boot! Glad Oliver's sleep is back to normal. I find that if Alex naps after 3 pm he wont go to sleep until 9pm which is a bit of a nightmare :wacko: lovely to hear you and Steve are getting on really well now :hugs:

maybe - wow thats such a good tip re the talc! I've never heard of that before! :thumbup: i read that story you posted, so sad :cry:

modo - poor Bobby :hugs: I hope the teeth stop hurting him soon

frufru - yeah Joni for standing :happydance: hope you enjoyed your beef :munch:

mork - we went to sign and sign today - is the lady pregnant? I cant tell :dohh: :haha:

H&F - hope you enjoyed toddler time :flower:

LC - wow you must be super tired! I hate nights and I am dreading doing them again soon :nope:

well today I did buy Alex some new shoes - he's been full time walking for a month now and always wants to walk and this horrid rain makes it difficult. He was really sweet when I put them on, he kept lifting his feet really slowly as if he was thinking "wooooh whats going on" :haha: I also bought a new mattress and dumped the old one (shhhh dont tell kerry :winkwink:).

Car hunting was dire - I looked on autotrader the night before and for the price I can afford and the engine, 5 doors, big boot etc I want there were 4 cars within 30 miles :shock: in the end I've gone for a black ford mondeo. I pick it up on thurs, they've given me a curteousy car until then which is fab (a little fiesta).

Right I really must do my horrid coursework :growlmad: I dont want to boooooo. lots of love xxx

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