Hello everyone :wave: sorry I haven't been around for ages. Our house move went well but the house needed so much more work than we thought. Every little job seems to take a long time, for instance we thought we would chuck some stuff in the loft only to discover that not only was it not boarded it was also still filled with a load of crap! It will look lovely when it's done.
I have so many pages to try and catch up with you all! I did notice you got a BFP Emera that is brilliant news, I am sure that the timing will never be quite right but by the time he/she arrives all that will be forgotten.
Oliver is cruising along furniture, using anything that moves as a baby walker and races round the place with them. He has just started to show an interest in walking outside holding onto our hands. He seems to be concentrating on his talking and he says mumma, add or adda, tickle tickle (which was his first word other than mummy or daddy), hiya, no (which is accompanied by a vigorous shake of his head), at (which we think he means that as he motions at the thing he wants or makes a mmmm sound) and has just started saying daddad to his Grandad. He seems to understand lots too now which is great. He love being outside and spends much of his time trying to get the front door open, which is why it's always locked
or standing at the living room window pulling the net curtains out of the way (the windows are pretty low down) I guess some neighbours have noticed him there as they look each time they walk past and give him a wave if he is there, either that or they are really nosey and look in everytime anyway. 
Hope you are all well.
I have so many pages to try and catch up with you all! I did notice you got a BFP Emera that is brilliant news, I am sure that the timing will never be quite right but by the time he/she arrives all that will be forgotten.
Oliver is cruising along furniture, using anything that moves as a baby walker and races round the place with them. He has just started to show an interest in walking outside holding onto our hands. He seems to be concentrating on his talking and he says mumma, add or adda, tickle tickle (which was his first word other than mummy or daddy), hiya, no (which is accompanied by a vigorous shake of his head), at (which we think he means that as he motions at the thing he wants or makes a mmmm sound) and has just started saying daddad to his Grandad. He seems to understand lots too now which is great. He love being outside and spends much of his time trying to get the front door open, which is why it's always locked

Hope you are all well.