Emera the Ergo looks fab, I am very tempted! Oliver just wants to walk the whole time now though so I'd be worried about spending the money and not using it

If we had another baby I'd get one though
Mork I have two pairs of Manolos

Steve bought them for me in Vegas the day before we got married. They are beautiful shoes. I wanted Jimmy Choos but when we got to the shop and Steve said 'have any you want' I couldn't find any I liked - I honestly nearly cried

So we went to Manolo Blanhik instead and I couldn't choose between them

I bought sooooo many shoes in vegas though. The exchange rate was amazing while we were there so everything seemed really cheap, I even had to buy another suitcase to bring everything home
Phew, I've had a busy day. I'm shattered! Oliver woke at 6am - which is 2 or 3 hours earlier than normal - and had a leeky nappy. By the time I'd got up and got him changed we were both wide awake, and I didn't want to take him back to bed and risk waking Steve as he was working at 1pm today. So I've been on the go since 6am, keeping Oliver amused and entertained which is sooo tiring

, doing housework, the normal stuff. Oliver took a really long nap early afternoon so I did some laundry etc, and then I've spent the evening since he went to bed ironing. Phew!
Steve is off tomorrow so I think we might take Oliver to 'The Deep' in Hull, he likes fish, and its all inside which is good as the forcast is pretty crap
A quick question before I go to sleep. How do you all get stains out of baby clothes? Oliver rarely keeps a bib on anymore and so many of his clothes have ended up stained. I've tried vanish spray with no great success, and I'm wondering if any of you have found something that works before I spend a fortune trying different things? Thankyou!