Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I have an Ergo, which i love love love! Unfortunately it does up round the waist so it won't be any good in a month or 2's time :( I'm thinking about getting a woven wrap and using that as you can do them up above the bump, just nervous about getting used to tying them, it looks like a real art :wacko:

I'd definately recommend an Ergo though, even though they are pretty pricey, well worth it ;)
sarah - i have a boba 2g, it's great :thumbup: i was between that and the ergo.

emera - i hadnt thought about the babywearing whilst pregnant :dohh: i'm sure once you have used the woven wrap a few times you'll get used to it. my friend has a mei tei and it looks good. have you got a lightweight buggy? i can't imagine carrying an 18month+ baby whilst heavily pregnant!!!

h&f - did you test?

well today was dylan's sports day. it was soooooooooooooo hot at the stadium and lsated 2hrs :wacko: i had to pour water on owen's hair to cool him down so he'd go down for a nap. then we went for lunch to a brazilian buffet place and stuffed our faces :munch::haha: i decided to try and tackle my ironing pile when owen napped half an hour ago (he's been rudely awakened by the other 2 though now :dohh: and is cranky!) anyways i dropped the iron (second time in 2 weeks :blush: ) and have broken it as it won't spray water out and when i put the iron on the clothes water leaks over them :dohh: danny's going to think that i dropped it on purpose to get a new iron :rofl: now how to break the news to him. last week i dropped it and the tip got bent and he had to file it down! anyways i'm off to do some more chores if owen will let me!

oh i nearly forgot as from yesterday owen is much more balanced and has walked about 4/5 meters at a go! :happydance: he still likes crawling though! i'll have to see if i can take some pics/videp.
Hey all,
Blimey maybe - that sounds hot! Hope Dylan got on well in his races.
H&F - did you test?
Sarahwoo - You have Manola's?!!! OMG I am jealous! I too have far too many shoes and should really ebay some, its just i find it so hard to part with them - just in case i want to wear them one day!!
Emera - what a great idea with the wrap, i have been wanting one since t was born - would love to find out how you get on if you do get one!
T is now standing and cruising only holding on with one hand - I am soo not ready for her to walk!
mork - it was non competitive so all the kids got a medal. there was a carousel of activities/races. he liked it :D
Oh yes, our schools do the no winners or losers thing now too! Hope he enjoyed himself taking part! X

Emera the Ergo looks fab, I am very tempted! Oliver just wants to walk the whole time now though so I'd be worried about spending the money and not using it :dohh: If we had another baby I'd get one though :haha:

Mork I have two pairs of Manolos :blush: Steve bought them for me in Vegas the day before we got married. They are beautiful shoes. I wanted Jimmy Choos but when we got to the shop and Steve said 'have any you want' I couldn't find any I liked - I honestly nearly cried :haha: So we went to Manolo Blanhik instead and I couldn't choose between them :haha: I bought sooooo many shoes in vegas though. The exchange rate was amazing while we were there so everything seemed really cheap, I even had to buy another suitcase to bring everything home :rofl:

Phew, I've had a busy day. I'm shattered! Oliver woke at 6am - which is 2 or 3 hours earlier than normal - and had a leeky nappy. By the time I'd got up and got him changed we were both wide awake, and I didn't want to take him back to bed and risk waking Steve as he was working at 1pm today. So I've been on the go since 6am, keeping Oliver amused and entertained which is sooo tiring :haha:, doing housework, the normal stuff. Oliver took a really long nap early afternoon so I did some laundry etc, and then I've spent the evening since he went to bed ironing. Phew!

Steve is off tomorrow so I think we might take Oliver to 'The Deep' in Hull, he likes fish, and its all inside which is good as the forcast is pretty crap :dohh:

A quick question before I go to sleep. How do you all get stains out of baby clothes? Oliver rarely keeps a bib on anymore and so many of his clothes have ended up stained. I've tried vanish spray with no great success, and I'm wondering if any of you have found something that works before I spend a fortune trying different things? Thankyou!

Sarah - I use oxygen bleach in the wash, then hang them out in the sun (sunshine is a fab natural bleaching agent :thumbup:), it works on poo stains on nappies so i tried it on food stains, sometimes it takes them a couple of washes to come out by doing that, but Roh takes after OH and has sensitive skin so i'm scared to use anything more aggressive to get the stains out. ;)

I can't sleep again, i've slept so badly for a while now, i just keep not wanting it to be Thursday and my brother's funeral. I know i'll feel better after though. Plus i'm feeling really sicky :sick: Something i never got as a symptom with Roh, ergh, yucky, its keeping me awake. :sulk: Ah well, at least i have something to blame the tiredness on! :haha:

Sarah, this is the bleach i use, infact all my cleaning / laundry / cosmetics stuff is on this site:
sarah - i use vanish powder and soak the stained stuff in it as soon as it gets stained and then put it in the wash. it got out strawberry stains completely yesterday.

emera - i have felt more sick with each pregnancy. with dylan i only felt nauseous once, with erin it was more often and with owen i was in work trying to stop myself from vomiting :sick:

im going shopping for a new iron later. dan wants me to get the cheapest one but i want a decent one seeing as i'm the one doing the :iron: not him!!!
Hey all -

How is everyone. I have just dragged myself out of bed as I need to go and do the weekly shop today, we have baby yoga and then going to a friends for coffee but I feel so blegh! I feel like I could sleep for a week!

Hope everyone is ok x x x
HandF did you test? I hate doing a big supermarket shop, I do it all online now and its sooooo much better! We went to Sainsburys last week for a change, and because we were passing, which was fine - I don't mind popping in for the special offers :haha:

Maybe a cheap iron is a complete false economy! You need a good one, I have a steam generator and I couldn't go back to a normal iron now!

Well Steve said yesterday that he would get up with us since he's off today. Oliver and I got up at eight, Steve is still in bed. It makes me so flippin mad! Why say you'll do something if you're not going to do it? I've been up twice and he's still not up so sod him. I've a good mind to just go out but it's going to rain any minute :haha: if he had just said he's be up at 10 it would be fine :grrr:

Right, I'm off to do my make up and get ready. If he isn't up by the time Oliver and I are ready we're going without him.
Sarah: I actually prefer the connecta as I didn't get on with my ergo and I am selling it. Connecta is also half the price :flower: I also prefer grocery shopping online. It is sooo much easier.

Emera: :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe: Glad Sports Day went well! Well done Owen!!!! That's great news :) Bobby lost interest in walking but today seems to be trying it out again. He has been taking a few steps here and there.

H&F: Did you test?
Yes I tested and yes I am pregnant - very shocked and now nervous I will be ill on my wedding day or the dress wont fit but hoping everything goes ok. x x x
Wow HandF congratulations!!!!! Were you TTC? You girls are going to be getting me broody - I think Steve is already, haha!

Modo I will look at the connecta, thanks! Though Oliver insisted on walking almost all the time today, he just loves to walk :haha:

Emera I will be thinking about you and your family tomorrow :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Steve got up at 11 in the end :shock: Oliver and I were all ready to go out so he did get a move on and get ready quickly etc. At least he wasn't tired and grumpy. We went out for lunch - Frankie and Bennys - I swear everytime we eat there it gets worse, even though its always at different restaurants. I don't think we'll rush back in a hurry. Then we went to The Deep which was actually really good! Oliver absolutely loved looking at all the fish :) We had a lovely time, and as a bonus when you fill in the gift aid form you get a years free entry, well they ask for a donation. Its about a 45 min drive for us but they encourage people to take a picnic and things, so it could be a really nice cheap day out :haha:

Right, I'm off to do some admin before The Apprentice!

Sarah - no we weren't trying - we were actually preventing and planned to try this time next year! I am very cautious with the M/C's I have had and fears about the wedding and my hen night! Dave officially has super ninja sperm - I swear all he has to do is look at me and I am pregnant!

Right I am off to get some dinner before the apprentice!
Hello everyone, I'm on the last couple of weeks of my course and cramming coursework so hopefully i can get back on here more soon, I miss you all!!!

I've read through and caught up but I am so tired I apologise if this is rushed.

H&F - Congratulations!!!! :happydance: very exciting. And fab news about the WW :thumbup: you look amazing in your fb pics :flower:

emera - very excited to see your new ticker :hugs: I thought the write up on your brother was lovely. I'm so very sorry he was clearly a smashing young lad :hugs: Regarding the NT scan, its a tricky one. Alex's was 4.8mm and I was given a 1 in 4 chance that he'd have a chromosomal abnormality. He was also high risk for a heart defect or death in utero. It ruined my pregnancy for me and he was perfect. I'm not sure what i'd do if I was going to have another. You have a few weeks yet to mull it over :flower:

sarah - wow a steam generator - cool! Is The Deep in Hull? Augh, Frankie and Bennys - we went recently and it was utter crap, very disappointing. Glad you had a lovely day though :hugs:

maybe - Kerry always buys whatever iron is on offer and they all end up dying after about a year :dohh: Hope you get a good one! Thanks for asking after me on fb :hugs::hugs:

Grrr, I cant remember what else I was going to say. modo, mork and LC I hope you're all well.

Alex fell off the bed in the night and grazed all over the side of his face :cry: I felt so bad :cry: I'm just so tired I sleep though things that would normally wake me like him crawling over the bed :(

Lots of love :hugs:
Hi Amy! I hope your course and everything is going okay :hugs: We miss you too!! Yeah The Deep is in Hull, not much else in Hull mind you :haha:

Honestly, once you've played with a Steam Gen you'll never go back :haha:

H&F I'm sure it will all work out fine :hugs:
amy :hugs: owen fell off the bed the other day too. i know it makes you feel bad but it's not your fault. it happened when i took him into the bed for the early morning feed and erin came in too and they were playing and i was still half asleep and he fell off.

h&f congrats on the :bfp: i am due on tomorrow and am hoping af arrives as it'd be awful if i was pregnant. we were careless on cd8 so hopefully i wont be!

emera huge :hugs::hug::hugs: for tomorrow. thinking of you

sarah - i hate it when dan says he'll get up and then doesn't :grr: he is getting better though and seems to have realised that when he's on a 2-10pm shift getting up early is the only way he'll see the kids in term time!

well i got my new iron, a philips 2400w one. it's the one down from the one i had. i haggled the bloke down from £58 to £46 so i think it's a good deal. sarah i'd have loved a steam generator one but didnt dare even look at them :rofl:

dylan went to my mum's after school and my friend invited me to go with her to the MOD pool. erin loved it and owen kept putting his face in the water and trying to drink it :sick: at one point we were in the big pool and we didnt notice erin took her arm bands off and she jumped in. luckily we noticed as it was deep and she can't swim :wacko: scary! my friend pulled her back to the surface. i think it scared her into using the arm bands. it scared me! i have great respect for water. erin has no fear and jumps in/under without thinking twice!
Maybe - Eek, that would have scared me with Erin taking her armbands off, at least the little scare will help her see why she needs them, like you said :hugs:

Sarah - F&Bs was rubbish last time i went there too, the food took forever to come too, which was a nightmare with Roh being hungry! The Deep sounds great, Roh loves the aquarium here too, but its £13.50 a go, or £50 for a year, per adult. So a bit pricey, the same as the zoo infact, which is massive, i'm planning to get a family annual ticket to the zoo for Roh's 2nd birthday present :)

H&F - Congratulations :hugs: I hope everything goes well for you this time, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Amy - Poor Alex, don't feel bad though its so easy for it to happen even if you're wide awake :hugs: Hope the last bit of the course goes well for you :hugs:

Thanks for the thoughts and hugs everyone. Not looking forwards to tomorrow, but i'm sure i'll feel better afterwards.

Aww congrats H&F xx
Emera, thinking of you, especially tomorrow xx
Amy, we miss you! Sorry you are so tired from it all at the moment - when does the course finish?
Sarahwoo-OMG I feel your pain not being able to find any jimmy choos! Not that I would ever be told to treat myself to some!!!
Maybe- so so scary re erin and the pool, i would be too scared to take them to the pool again! But, they have to be able to swim when they live by the sea.
Modo - hi, I cant think what i was going to say to you, sorry, have some hugs!
Well, the witch has jumped on me today without warning and i was so positive that this was my month so feeling a bit low tbh :(

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