Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Aww bless you emera, it must be so hard for you, and the pregnancy hormones wont be helping. I think a night off is just what you need, enjoy your ice cream! (is it coconut ice flavour????) xx
Argh I have spent most of today crying for no real reason. I am so scared about my hen do tomorrow - I look horrible in all my clothes and I dont want to tell anyine I am pregnant so it is going to be so hard to avoid drinking.
Emera sorry about the ice cream :blush: :haha: I hope you enjoyed it though :thumbup: Don't feel bad about getting upset hun, these things do tend to come out at the most random moments but it's best that they come out than stay bottled up and I'm sure you friends didn't mind at all, and they can now offer you some support should you need it from them :hugs: You are dealing with a whole lot of emotions at the moment and with all your pregnancy hormones too, well, its a lot to deal with :hugs: I had the feeling sick thing with Oliver, its not fun, but I did learn to deal with it the best I could and got into a routine with it. So I knew when I could eat, when I couldm't, when I had to even though I didn't want to etc. And it was gone by 13 weeks - I know that seems a long time away now but really, you just learn to deal with it.

H&F Bless you, I'm sure you'll look great for your hen do :hugs: Just make your excuses re the drinking - the good old antibiotics trick always works, and if people think you're pregnant, well let them think, you don't need to tell them :hugs:

Wow we've had a lot of rain today!! We were going to walk to the bank but it has been too wet! So we ended up just staying in, my parents popped up so Oliver enjoyed that, we played with some playdoh that I bought yesterday which was quite fun, and I made some coconut ice which was sooooo easy and is pretty yum, though also soooo naughty :haha:

Tomorrow we're off shopping with mum and dad, we're going to go to the designer outlet in York as its all inside, and Oliver can take his trike so he might enjoy it rather than been grumpy in his pushchair - I think a combination of walking and the trike should keep him happy :)
sarah - my sister did some of her doctor training in Hull and we went to the Deep which was pretty cool! I used to work with someone from Hull and he got married there!!

maybe - thanks :hugs: I was half asleep too which is why I blamed myself. wow Erin is a fearless little lass! I'm sure it was frightening but its lovely she's not got the fear of water some children have :hugs:

Mork - boo to the witch :hugs: fingers crossed for next month :dust:

LC - ooo cant wait to hear if you get a BFP! :dust:

emera _ :hugs: for Thursday, it must have been a very hard day :( hope you enjoyed the ice cream :winkwink:

H&F - you'll look fabulous for your hen :hugs: can you try the old cant drink because you are on antibiotics trick???

well another disasterous day for me, Alex walked into the corner of a wall and has an enormous black lump on his head despite having an ice pack on for half and hour :dohh: and then this evening Emily went to a party at Lazer quest and got hit in the mouth with a lazer gun and it smashed off half her tooth :cry: I couldnt help but cry with shock when I saw :( Kerry said I was a bad mum and should have said it wasnt too bad but it really is. I've only just got her to stop crying, she is so upset about it. I hope the dentists can do something that looks as good as new :( I had to take my pass etc into Pfizer as my employment seeking leave ends today and I felt quite emotional as I am going backwards in life careerwise! :dohh:

sorry for the rant, lots of love to you all :flower:
owen has woken 2 times already :( think it's his teeth maybe so have given him some nurofen. could also ne that i am withholding boobie. he's moaning on and off now. i'm leaving him to it. he needs to learn to self settle at night. i hope he starts sleeping longer stretches soon. apart from the 1 freak night he slept til 6am i have only slept in bursts of up to 3hrs at a go, and that's if i'm lucky!

sarah - did you try out the play doh?

emera - :hugs: it's only normal to feel like that. i'm glad that the mums at the group were supportive. you are right in that it is good to work through your emotions. we're here for you if you need anything :hugs:

h&f - i'm sure you'll look fab tomorrow! as for the drinking just either use the antibiotic excuse or drink fizzy water and pretend it's gin :haha:

LC - is af still no show?

mork - how is T sleeping these days?

amy and frufru and modo - hope you are all ok :hugs:
oh amy - huge :hugs: what a crappy day. i'm sure the dentist will be able to do something. kerry was mean to say you are a bad mum, i'd have been in floods too. poor emily :nope: and poor alex for the bump too :hugs:
maybe - aww thanks :hugs: I'd give Owen some neurofen. Alex has a molar coming through at the bottom which he's needed neurofen for for the last week or so. I forgot to say on top of the bruises/grazes on the side of his face and black egg bruise on the forehead he piddled on the bathroom floor then slipped in it and smacked the back of his head this evening! he has also woken up twice (not surprising poor thing) and is dosed up on pain relief! Anyway, you must be soo shattered! owen is a pickle :hugs:
Gosh Amy poor Alex and Emily!! I would have cried at the tooth too :hugs: I'm sure the dentist will be able to fix it though - they really do the most amazing things now! Honestly it'll look perfect when they are finished :hugs: I'm sure Alex's bump will look better tomorrow too, Oliver's bumps always look better the next day :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe I bought some PlayDoh and we had fun playing with it - though Oliver did try to eat it a couple of times :haha: and Steve insisted on mixing some of the colours up to make other colours, which is fine, and I'm sure Oliver will do far worse, but well my OCD side says that all the colours should stay perfect :haha:
Aww poor Alex!! He has been in the wars, bless him :hugs:

Amy I think you deserve a glass of wine!!
Oh Amy what a crappy day :( Hugs xxx
Maybe - T sleeping, hmmmmm!!! we have woken every hour so far tonight and i havent made it to bed yet. Last night she went from 7pm-2aam and then woke at 3.30am, 5am and then every 20 mins or so from there. So, in answer - her sleep is all over the place! I am bfing again in the night as she screams and i dont know what else to do (I know she has probably realised this and this is why she screams). Anyway, lets hope it improves once the next lot of teeth are through!!!! Sorry you are still having such bad nights xx
H&F could you get a nonalcholoic beer or wine so that they are non the wiser? I managed to fool everyone by 'getting tipsy' on schloer when i was pg! If not, I would feign some sort of sickness bug that you have been in bed with most of the day as i know i always suspect if people say antibiotics when not drinking!
Sarahwoo-did you find that oliver ate the playdough? is it ok for them to eat it? I havent got any yet as wasnt sure and T still eats most things!!
Amy - Poor Emily, and Alex too, at least his bump will go down soon enough :hugs: I'd have gotten upset too i think though, it doesn't make you a bad mum, we can't all be superwoman all the time, and we aren't made of stone. If it makes you feel better, OH fell off his bike when he was about 9 and smashed the bottoms of both his top front teeth, so they are both caps now to make them look back to normal. I didn't know for about 2 years of living with him until he told me the story, you can't tell at all that they've been repaired! :hugs:

H&F - I'm sure you don't look horrible, could you pop out and buy some lovely accessories to go with something you already have to jazz it up and make yourself feel great? I always prefer doing that because then i can avoid the depressing trawl of trying on loads of stuff that doesn't fit or looks rubbish and coming home empty handed :dohh: :hugs:

Sarah - Don't worry, any excuse for icecream! :haha: and :rofl: at you wanting to keep the playdough colours seperate! The playdough at playgroup today was black :shock: and had glitter in it, very classy!

Well i had some Coconuterly fair ben and jerrys in the end, very yummy! I popped over to the video shop and rented Black Swan too, i've just finished watching it. Goodness :shock: Its left me feeling very mentally stable! I love Darren Aronofsky as a director, his films are always really intense though and this was no exception. Really enjoyed it though. Think i'll catch up on "help, my house is falling down" and relax a bit! :haha:
sarah - i am OCD with play doh and refuse to let the kids mix the colours :haha:

mork - sorry your nights are rubbish :hugs:

well i was watching eastenders on bbciplayer and dozed off so going to hit the sack, though i still have to make my bed :dohh: night all xxx
ahh this is fab, I swopped my work laptop for a refurbished one from Pfizer (laptop donation scheme is part of their redundancy package) and BnB works on it :happydance::happydance::happydance: hence me being more chatty. I can dip in between studying :happydance:

emera - thankyou that does make me feel reassured :hugs: I will tell Emily that in the morning :hugs: I still havent seen Black Swan but I'd like to.

maybe - haha to playdoh OCD :haha: hope you get some sleep :sleep:

Mork - hope you get some sleep too :hugs:

I still BF Alex when he wakes but last night I was desperately trying to finish an assignment and made Kerry go up - I never normally do. Alex did cry for a while with Kerry but did settle eventually. Mork and Maybe could you get your OHs to step in and break the cycle? I know Danny is rubbish at this but he proved he could do it the other day didnt he Maybe??? I'm very lazy about trying to sort it, I just co-sleep still but thats why we have falling off the bed accidents which makes me feel I should stop..... :wacko:
Emera I haven't seen Black Swan but I'd like to, would you recommend it? Yay for the ice cream :haha:

Maybe I made myself not say anything with the playdoh, I know it doesn't really matter and it'll be good for Oliver to learn about mixing colours to make new colours etc. And it wasn't a big brown blob - yet :haha:

Did anyone else watch the shuttle launch? Oliver was absolutely fascinated! Steve reads Olivers space books to him all the time and he's been showing him the shuttle launches on You Tube, now when ever the shuttle comes on TV Oliver gets sooooo excited :haha: I'm a bit sad that it was the last one though, we're hoping to do the Florida trip in a few years and it would have been nice to have timed it with a launch. Though maybe they will be sending something new up by then :shrug: Or we'll have to go to Russia or China :haha:
Amy we're still co sleeping and I bf Oliver when he wakes up too. It works for us, and he generally only wakes a couple of times, so its fine. Steve would like him to be in his own room now. I've said that I'll work on it when I'm not busy with weddings, so its not so bad if I loose my evenings for a while and get no sleep :dohh: I'd keep him in with me for ages yet tbh, but its Steves bed too, and he's been pretty understanding and supportive of all my parenting decisions, so I guess I'll have to get him sleeping in his room in a couple of months :cry:
sarah - I missed the shuttle launch :( I would have enjoyed it too but I am so caught up in my pathetic little world of stress I keep missing the whats going on :dohh: Alex would have loved it too :hugs:

I am sooooo bored of this coursework!
sarah - Kerry does not like the fact I still BF, he thinks its wrong but I have no intention of stopping :haha:, and thats not for any reason like he wants them for him. We are more like housemates these days! We dont have anywhere else for Alex to go cot wise unless we extend so he's in our room and I'd much rather wake up next to Alex than Kerry :haha: oh and he wakes more when I'm downstairs and he's in his cot than he does when he's in bed with me so I am happy to carry on. I just worry about not waking when he clambers over me. I've got pillows on the floor all down the side of the bed now!
Sarah, i missed Roh in our room / bed to start with, but then once i realised that he was happy in his room, and slept better i got used to it pretty quickly. Plus i love love love going in to him in the morning and he's all sleepy but happy to see me, and i get a big grin and cuddle :cloud9:

I'd recommend Black Swan, its a good film, but pretty intense, and a bit freaky and dark, so if your not into that you might not like it.

Just started watching 8 out of 10 cats since i realised a guy i used to work with is one of the team captains!?! Weird!
emera - that is weird seeing someone you know on TV!

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