Modo - Roh has 10 teeth too, i think anyway, its almost impossible to check properly, but he seems to have the 8 front ones and 2 molars one each side on the bottom. I'm pretty sure there is another one coming through on the top at the moment, but since i got the Amber necklace his symptoms have really eased off. Either its coincidence, or its working
Amy - Beach sounds great, i could do with a trip to the beach, maybe we can all jump on the train to Weston on Thursday if the weather is nice

OH will likely want to get some gardening and DIY done though

Oh, and Roh is a pointer too, its so cute, i think exactly the same as you!
Sarah - Roh LOVES books too, he still likes to rip them up given the chance, but now i read him a story every night and he sits and looks at the book and seems very interested

We like Monkey Puzzle at the moment. Oh and Postman Bear, as Roh has got the hang of lifting the flaps etc. without tearing them
Maybe - Getting a shot might be a good idea, save you panicking if AF is a couple of days late
L-C - Sorry the

got you

Have you been trying for long? Fingers crossed for this month
Well, i had a horrible day yesterday, i don't know what went wrong really. Roh was being difficult, and seemed intent on breaking as many things as possible

I'm pretty sure i'm hormonal now, and on top of feeling pretty emotional about my brother i guess i must have a pretty short fuse

Not a good combination really. I ended up really properly shouting at Roh, poor him

Of course he burst into tears because Mummy was being scary, but i just carried on shouting. I think i realised i was being irrational, as i plonked him in his cot and went and sat in the garden for 5 minutes to calm down. I did and still do feel terrible

I never normally shout at him, just a stern loud "No" sometimes if its needed. I gave him lots of cuddles and said sorry lots afterwards, but that still doesn't make it ok that i lost my temper

I think i probably need to get better at walking away a bit earlier, before i blow my top if i carry on feeling like this.
Today has been much better though, i tried out my woven wrap that i've made this morning, its fine actually, and very comfortable. I was too scared to take it off whilst we were out with it, as i was worried i wouldn't be able to tie it back on without the video to follow

Roh and i went out for a walk round the village though, which was lovely, and to the post office depot to pick up the parcel of nappy wraps i'd ordered. On the way back we stopped at the grocers and Roh pointed out all the fruit

I bought a few cherries which we shared on the way home. Yummy

Anyway, i've got to go to work shortly, so i better go sort the washing up before i go, as i doubt OH will do it