Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Emera he sounds like he was a lovely boy. So sorry for your loss. I hope the funeral was ok.
If you are worried about weight gain then I am sure if you get permission from your mw then Slimming World let you be a member whilst pregnant. That's so funny about Roh scaring the newly pregnant mums to be, sounds perfectly normal one year old behaviour though :lol: Your ticker picture is lovely, what a cutie. Can I ask what sling(s) you use as I loved my Close Baby Carrier but it isn't very comfortable now as Oliver is right on my front and he grabs anything i get close to! :lol:

Sarah wow what bargains you got at the car boot. At the ones near me you get old tat that you wouldn't give your dog never mind your child! :lol: I used to wear heels all the time too. I miss my heels. In our local 'Home Bargains' store I found Dr Beckmans in wash stain remover sachets which work quite well. I find whatever I use I need to get it in the wash before whatever it is dries in. That's great that Oliver will play with things like playdough. My Oliver would just eat it. My Oliver loves emptying my purse too but his main interests lie with anything that spins, opens or has buttons on it. He follows toddler round at group trying to spin the wheels on the ride on toys or bikes whilst they are trying to ride them or push them, trouble is he likes to tip the toys upside down to spin the wheels, and that's not a good move if someone else is sitting on it! :lol: I have to grab him quickly when I see where he is headed.

Maybe sorry Owen's sleep is still bad. Oliver is a little monkey and wont go to sleep for my H (well he will eventually but not without trying his hardest not to-he motions at the tv in the hope my H will put it on, the phone as he wants to push the buttons, the door as he wants to go out of the bedroom....he doesn't try any of that for me). That must have been very scary Erin jumping in with no armbands, hopefully she wont do it again. I swear Oliver will be in a float suit until he is 25! :lol:

H&F that's great you have done so well with WW. You look great. Congratulations on the BFP. People will probably guess if you use the antibiotics excuse. Could you say your dress has been taken it and you don't want to gain any weight and then worry about it not fitting as your excuse? I know one of my friends at her hen do told her chief bm she was pregnant so the chief bm kept buying my friend 'shots' but they were shots of water. My friend then said she wasn't drinking anything else, as she had overdone the shots! Worked a charm, and no one suspected anything. :lol:

Mork That's great that T is almost walking. It makes them look so little again when they start toddling along by themselves. I hope you get your BFP soon.

Modo Hi :wave: how are you?

LC what work are you having done? Does Will love his bike as much as Oliver does? Oliver motions towards the shed if you step anywhere near it as his bike is kept in there. :lol: Your avatar is really cute. I hope you get your BFP soon.

Amy don't feel bad, these things happen and these days our babies are so quick that even if you were awake he could still have been lying there one minute and diving off the bed the next! Hope your studying is going well. That is bad of Kerry to say that, he could say you were a bad Mum if you inflicted the kid's injuries but you didn't so :grrr:

Sorry if I missed anyone. I had lots of pages to read through and catch up on.

It's so exciting reading about those of you who are pregnant again. I am a little jealous but we are going to wait until after Christmas before TTC again.

Oliver's room is now ready and I have added a few pictures on my fb. I love his room but typical for me I don't like the artwork on the wall and want to paint over it but my H wont let me. Tonight is his last night with his cot in our room. I am going to miss being woken up to the sound of him rattling his cot bars and shouting 'hiya'. Mind you I am sure he will still do those things, they will just be slightly further away and will probably be accompanied by banging on the wall. :lol:

Oliver now has 12 teeth! From April until the start of June he got no new ones, then in the last month he has had 8 teeth come through, and four of those were molars. My poor baby.

Anyway I hear my bed calling so talk soon.
muddles - i love the pics of oliver's room. i wish owen had his own room as i reckon it'd be easier to sleep train him!

sarah - we watched the space shuttle launch. owen was asleep but dylan and erin liked it. dylan has an imaginext space shuttle so i think it was good for him to see how the real deal works.

amy - good news about the laptop :thumbup: if co-sleeping works for you that's great. i enjoyed it whilst it lasted but owen was far too mobile for my liking so the cot is good for me. we still have the first bf of the day in bed. i think most people think i should stop bf but i just dont care what they think. i will carry on for now. i got to 21 months with erin.

well owen is well and truly off with his walking. it's so strange how it just happens from one day to the next. he still crawls too though as he can get around super fast that way.

have any of you who are bf found that your baby has become more obsessed with boobie? at one point owen wasnt too bothered about feeding in the middle of the day but now he pulls at my bra/top and tries to get in there all the time :haha: even at the beach when i'm in my bikini :blush::rofl:
evening ladies :) we went to town this morning and then went for lunch at MIL and stayed there til 6pm. then came home and my mum came round and so i took the opportunity to dash to morrisons whilst she fed the kids :thumbup: it's sad that 'me time' is either going to do the food shop or going to the dentist :rofl:
Aw way to go Owen! Shame it hasn't improved the sleeping :(
T has become a boobie monster in the past few days after she went through a couple of days of only 3/4 a day (I thought she as going to self wean :( ). Now she can't get enough-unfortunately this is at night as well as in the day! Xx
mork i understand how you feel. i quite like it though. am making the most of it as i probably won't be having any more :cry:
Awww - hugs xxxxxx
I too am making the most of it as terrified me going back to work will force us to stop bfing and i also enjoy the weight loss! Especially as i am pigging out the past few days due to af!!!
me too!!! am such a piggy :munch::blush::rofl: going back to work didn't stop me bf erin if that's any consolation!!!
Really??? Did you express or did she just have her boobie more at night on the days you were working?
Sorry everyone else if we are hijacking the thread!
muddles - The nursery pictures look fab :thumbup: Poor Oliver getting 8 teeth at once!!! Alex got 5 through in the last month and that was bad enough :hugs:

maybe - Alex is a breastaholic :haha: I know what you mean about me time, its almost exciting going to Asda on my own :haha:

Mork - I know what you mean about worrying work will affect BF :( . You probably said but when do you have to go back to work? I'll be out of the house 6am till 8.45pm three days a weeks when I start at Dartford and I'm sure Alex will self wean then :(

we got Emily to see the out of hours dentist at 9am this morning :sleep: they've build her tooth back up temporarily and so it looks much better, we'll have to see our dentist asap though. she said the tooth might die in which case she'll need deep root canal treatment :shock: She went into town with her friends for a treat - first time I've let her without an adult. She had a great time though. We went for a meal this evening for Kerry;s mums 60th which was nice. I'd snuck an hours nap with Alex this afternoon as Holly was also at a friends - it was a rare treat :haha:
hey Amy! So pleased Emily's tooth is sorted!
Yay for the nap!
What hours were you working at P? were they not all day? I thought your were ft. I am back in september :( I am really stressing about how I am going to leave T for a whole day - a morning will be hard enough :(
mork - yeah I was ft at P but that feels like nothing compared to long days :( I was FT but I used holiday 1 day a week so it was 30hrs and then I was only in 9 - 4 and made up hours working from home. I used to express twice a day and he was fine at nursery then - he never had milk but was desperate when I picked him up. Dont worry if she still wants to BF she will :hugs: I'm hopeful Alex will too. It would be OK if I didnt have the hours commute each way.
Aw honey, fingers crossed he doesnt self wean just yet xxxxxxxx
Thanks hun, I've got about another month yet so I'll make the most of it. Is T still in your room?
mork are you going back full time too?

amy glad that emily's tooth is sorted for now, hopefully she'll escape the root canal, not pleasant!
mork i think that owen would be fine not bf all day til i come back. as soon as i see him when i've been out without him to morissons ect he comes up to me and wants bf!

oh i forgot to say the other day i took owen into bed for a bf at 6.30am and i was fed up that it was before 7am but he looked at me and gave me a kiss :cloud9: so i was happy for the rest of the day! sooooooo cute! he loves giving kisses (with the appropriate sound effect) and blowing kisses too.
Just a quiick one from me!

Amy yay for the tooth! I hope your dentist can sort things without the root canal work!

Maybe awww, Oliver does kisses too and its sooo cute - he is very cuddly at the moment too and if I'm sat in the floor he will come up behind me and hug me and lay his head on my back, tooooo cute!

Mork boo to going back to work!!!!!

We went shopping and amazingly I didn't buy a thing! We still had a nice time window shopping but I really didn't see anything I wanted! :shock: We had lunch out and a coffee and it was really nice, though Oliver got really over tired and had a mini meltdown in Starbuck :dohh: I finally got him to sleep by going outside by the trees and walking up and down with him in his pushchair about a million times :haha:

I've been getting SO fed up of my hair lately, I always do my makeup but I just leave my hair and its really been looking crap lately :haha: I posted in GS and someone suggested velcro rollers, so that inspired me to look on You Tube and WOW - I never knew there were so many tutorials!!!! So I'm determind to make more effort with my hair, and start looking half decent again :haha:

oh, and a quick q for the ladies who are still bf'ing - do you still wear nursing bras? I have quite a few nice sets and my boobs are still much bigger than pre-Oliver so I only have about three non-nursing bras that fit me. I just find that I look so much better in a nice underwired non nursing bra. I don't want to spend money on wired nursing bras as they are sooooo pricey :dohh: but Oliver still likes to feed quite a lot so I don't know if non nursing bras are just a bad idea for day to day?

Right, I'm off to sleep! Night night everyone! X
sarah - did my fb status inspire you to mention hair? :haha: my god my hair is dreadful, I look so dowdy! Its longer than its been in years, completely split-ended and just drab. I cant stand it, I feel so mumsy! I really need to make an effort so I stop feeling like a slob :haha: I want a cut but its such an effort to get to town. I really need a clothing makeover too!
sarah - i wear a combo of nursing and non nursing bras. i feel better in my new la senza push up bra my boobs are a mess, a small 34B and really saggy. my SIL just had implants and is a 32DD and looks great and i'm jealous! :haha: dont have the money for a boob job and danny wouldnt let me have one anyway in case it went wrong. plus i am scared of general anaesthetic as never had it before.
Amy yes your FB status did inspire me :haha: I just feel really drab too :( i think I need to start making a bit of time for myself - even if it was just a few mins grabbed here and there to do my hair and nails.

I really want to get my boobs done, but I think I'll wait until I have another baby and then have them done, so I have a few years to wait! I've told Steve that he's paying and he seems happy with that :haha: I was a 34b before, I was a DD when Oliver first arrived and I think I vary between a C and a D now. But my boobs are no where near as pert as they were :haha: They do look okay in a normal bra though, but I feel very mumsy now in my nursing bras :haha:

Right, we'd better get out of bed, Oliver is laying next to me with his little head resting on mine, talking away, ahhhh its too cute! But if we don't get up soon we'll still be in bed when Steve gets home :haha:
Maybe-I am going back part time :(
Sarahwoo-I wear wired non nursing bras! I only wear my nursing bra to bed now! I found my back doesn't ache so much if I wear them. My boobs are smaller than they were pre pregnancy! Bit then I am 2 dress sizes smaller than I was then!
As for hair, I had mine chopped three weeks ago-it's now a bob, the shortest I have had it since I was a child and I have to say I love it-so much easier to maintain and never looks ratty! Only thing is it needs doing every 6 weeks ish whereas edits I had my hair cut maybe 4 times a year!!!

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