I guess thinking he's slept through is as good as him doing it

love it! True though
H&F - I haven't been to the doctors about my pregnancy this time as i don't see the point at all, last time, she just said "is it congratulations? Oh, well congratulations then" and gave me a leaflet with the midwives number on it

Waste of time, i just phoned the HV number in Roh's red book and got them to put me through to the MW

I've got an appointment there on the 22nd
Amy - Oh poor poor Alex

Emily must feel terrible too

Luckily the bruising won't take long to go down, but it must have been so scary!

Sounds like you need a bumper sized tube of arnica at yours at the moment! Like Sarah says, karma really owes you now, something really lovely must be on the horizon
Maybe - The holiday sounds great

We are going to the Scilly Isles in September, my FIL wants to go on holiday and has no one to go with so he's taking us along

We are getting there by helicopter
Well we had a poo night, Roh was sooo hot that we put him to bed in only a vest, i woke him up at 11pm to give him more Calpol as his temp was climbing again. Then at 2am he woke up, i assume because he was cold, he cried and cried, and only stopped when i bought him back to my bed and snuggled him up with me under the duvet for a while, he was soooo chilly

By 4am, realised he wouldn'r go to sleep in our bed, as its too fun, he was just climbing about, so spent from 4am-6am trying to get him back to sleep, but he was just moaning the whole time. I think OH and i had about 1 hours sleep

When i got Roh up properly when it was light, i realised that the little sore spot thing by his mouth had turned into a really odd rash, with all proper spots with pus and stuff

Then when i changed his nappy they were also on his hand and his legs, and a couple on his tummy. I totally freaked and went straight to the doctors and waited outside until they opened for 20 minutes. Anyway, the doctor seemed to not really know what the rash was about at all, but then told me he had a chest infection (again, joy) so he has anti-biotics, and i have to go back on friday or before if i'm worried, to have him checked out. I thought it looked a bit like it could be chicken pox? But surely the doctor would have recognized that, and he's not scratching it. Anyway, poor Roh, he's really not himself at all, and i've had a horrible day, being at work all day with hardly any sleep, and worried sick

Bleh, at least he seems ok for now, and is sleeping peacefully, he must be shattered poor thing.
