Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

i am the queen of procrastination to :haha: i need to clean the flat but the fact that it is 28 degrees indoors is really putting me off! good luck with the coursework!!!
Emera - I was really sick with Amy so I am hoping this time we are having a boy and maybe I will be less ill. So far this pregnancy I havent been sick but I have felt nauseus a number of times touch wood I dont get sick. I also met Jo Frist today and she said Amy was gorgeous! I couldnt stop smiling!

Hope everyone is ok I am just off to make a cuppa before Amy wakes up!
Hey ladies!

Urgh, I think Oliver and I are coming down with colds :dohh: we're both full of sniffles and he had a temp last night, I'm feeling a bit feverish and fed up :( We haven't done much today, we have been looking at moving some investments about and things so I've spent ages working out numbers and options, my head hurts now :wacko: And we still haven't decided what to do, so I feel like it was all a bit pointless :(

Also, Steve said yesterday that we could go to the Great Yorkshire Show tomorrow, so I was sooooo looking forward to it, but then today he said he's arranged for his son to come tomorrow so we can't go :( I'm so disappointed, I wish he'd never said we could go now. I think it just slipped his mind but :grr: :grr:

So all in all I'm in a crappy mood :haha: :dohh:
Ah Sarah, will you be able to do something else nice tomorrow??

H&F wow suppernanny! where was that?

Will update properly later, lots of love xx
sarah :hugs: hope you feel better soon and oliver too! as for steve, men just dont think do they? :grr:

h&f how exciting to meet supernanny :D

am still sniffly but feel better than yesterday. went out for coffee with a friend this morning and then stayed in all afternoon apart from a quick trip to morrisons. erin and i gave each other makeovers :haha: there was glitter eyeliner everywhere :rofl:
H&F - How exciting, and lovely that she complimented Amy ;)

Sarah - Argh annoying day it sounds like. I'd be really fed up too if OH said we could do something and then forgot and planned something else :grr: I suppose if you and Oliver are feeling worse with your colds tomorrow, then maybe you wouldn't have felt like going anyway. I hope you manage to avoid full on colds! :hugs:

Amy - I was always totally hopeless with coursework! :haha: Oh, and i'm umming and ahhing about whether to find out the gender with this one, in a way i'd like it to be a suprise, but then on the other hand i doubt i'll be able to stop my curiosity when the time comes. :blush:

Maybe - The makeovers sound fun! Glad you're starting to feel a bit better :thumbup:

Ergh, i've had a, mmm, stressful day, although i think alot of it must be hormones :dohh: I had to do my child tax credit renewal, which i never understand at all, the way they lay everything out etc. just doesn't seem logical to me, and the wording is always really odd, it just throws me. I decided to phone up to do it, and the phone call was just a nightmare, i was so angry by the end of it :growlmad: The stupid woman wasted about 20 minutes assessing me for working tax credits, which i know i'm not eligible for anyway, and proudly told me i wasn't entitled to anything, NO REALLY?!?!?!? All i wanted to do was to change my working hours and complete the renewal, it should have taken like 2 minutes :dohh:

Roh has a temperature :( He also has a weird, sore, spot like thing near his mouth, and one on his bottom? I'm thinking its just a spot of dribble rash and nappy rash... I'm just clutching at things because i don't know whats wrong, he doesn't have a viral rash or anything. I suspect he has an ear infection. Either way, we are definately off to the doctors in the morning!

Bleh, right, i think i should get an early night i get the feeling its not going to be a good night seeing as i've already been in to Roh twice since bedtime. Poor little man :(
maybe - 28 degrees :shock: I couldnt move let alone do housework :haha:

H&F - wow how exciting to meet her, I need her to come and sort out me and my girls :haha:

sarah - booooooooooooooooooo to Steve, I hope he's in the shed :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

emera - I HATE tax credits, I had so many problems with them overpaying me :grr: :trouble: I hope Roh is OK :hugs:

Well just when I thought things couldnt get worse Emily tried to pick Alex up today from a squatting position and ended up throwing up forward onto his face. He screamed till he went blue :cry: I nearly rushed him to hospital. Where our kitchen tiles end and hall laminate begins there is nothing in between and he hit the edges :cry: he has a massive bruise on his cheek and under his nose is so swollen his face and lips are all distorted. His mouth was bleeding and he's got a chip out of one of his front teeth :cry: I was shaking and hysterical, I feel sick thinking about it. He went all pale when he stopped crying, I called my doctor sister for advice and she said he would continue to scream due to immense pain if he'd broken his jaw or anything sinister. He seemed OK an hour later and managed some tea but he looks like he's been in a car accident :( my poor little boy
emera - poo roh! hope he's better today

amy - how scary, poor alex. poor emily must feel awful too. at least they are his milk teeth he's chipped. you're not having much fun as far as teeth are concerned lately :hugs:

well i am taking erin to nursery a bit late today as dylan has no school so we can be more relaxed.
Emera poor Roh, I hope everything goes okay at the Dr's :hugs: We don't get tax credits any more but I had to fill in a form for last year because my self employed figures were an estimate. The form was written in such a stupid way that I put the figures in wrong twice :haha:

Amy oh no! Poor Alex! I hope he's a bit better today, poor little guy! I'm sure he'll be okay soon :hugs: is it just a little chip on his tooth? Karma owes you something nice big time - I don't suppose you were the one winner of the Euromillions last night? That's about the size of what Karma owes you :haha: :hugs:

Oliver is jumping on me so I guess we'll get up. Steve said he'd get up with us but he's rolled over and gone back to sleep :dohh: I think we'll just leave him to it. I don't think he realises quite how pissed off I am about the whole great yorkshire show thing. I was SO looking forward to it - Oliver would have loved it :( I don't think we're doing anything today now. Steve still needs to finish the garden and has been making excuses for the past two months, so he might make a start on that. And we might take Oliver to the castle again later, he can have a run around on the grass.

I hope everyone has a good day!

Morning all.

Amy- How awful - I really hope alex is a bit better today. Bless him. I really hope your all ok.

Emera - How are you feeling? have you been to your doctor about the pregnancy? I have been putting it off due to the m/c's but I guess I should go at some point soon!

Maybe - makeovers sound like fun. There is mess everywhere when I do myown make up let alone if I let Amy join in when she is bigger!

Sarah - I hope you have a good day today and Steve makes it up to you somehow.

Well I am off to the shops again today ... I am sure Amy thinks Merry Hill is her second home! Then we have baby yoga and then I have weight watchers tonight.

Hope everyone is ok x x x
Well Oliver managed to break his cot this morning :haha: I think he was just getting too big as its just three sideis as a cosleeper. So we're having a big move around and putting Olivers cot bed in our room (as a cosleeper again, but its much more sturdY and strong) ) and putting Steve's huge wardrobe into Oliver's room so that he can but his suits away when he comes home from work, rather than hanging them on the back of the door and forgettiing to move them :haha: I'm quite pleased as it was Steve's idea so I'm taking it as him saying that we can cosleep a while longer yet :happydance:

So I'm quite pleased that we are getting some stuff done and not wasting the day. It will be much better when its done too :thumbup:
sarah - yey to steve not minding you co-sleeping! i have been bf owen at night lately as he's been off colour :( i'm never going to get him off boobie at night at this rate :haha: he sleeps in his cot at the foot of our bed, there's hardly any room to walk in our bedroom!

h&f - sounds like a busy day. make sure you make some time for yourself!

well i just booked us a 3 days away break at a hotel in estepona :happydance: 680 euros (so about £650) for 3 nights with breakfast buffet included. here's the link if you want a peek. we decided that portugal was just too far as owen's not the best traveller at the mo, maybe next year! it's a spa hotel so maybe danny will let me escape for a facial or something whist he looks after the kids :thumbup:
Maybe woo hoo, sounds fab!!!

I'm not sure that Steve doesn't mind :haha: But I guess he's willing to continue for now, I think he realises the benefits. I still feed Oliver in the night, last night he woke up when I went to bed and then slept right through util eight! Usually he wakes at about 4 so I was pretty impressed - I did have to think about it for a while though, a lot of the time when he wakes me up in the night I can hardly remember :haha: I guess thinking he's slept through is as good as him doing it :rofl:
I guess thinking he's slept through is as good as him doing it :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: love it! True though ;)

H&F - I haven't been to the doctors about my pregnancy this time as i don't see the point at all, last time, she just said "is it congratulations? Oh, well congratulations then" and gave me a leaflet with the midwives number on it :dohh: Waste of time, i just phoned the HV number in Roh's red book and got them to put me through to the MW :haha: I've got an appointment there on the 22nd :thumbup:

Amy - Oh poor poor Alex :hugs: Emily must feel terrible too :( Luckily the bruising won't take long to go down, but it must have been so scary! :hugs: Sounds like you need a bumper sized tube of arnica at yours at the moment! Like Sarah says, karma really owes you now, something really lovely must be on the horizon :hugs:

Maybe - The holiday sounds great :thumbup: We are going to the Scilly Isles in September, my FIL wants to go on holiday and has no one to go with so he's taking us along :thumbup: We are getting there by helicopter :shock:

Well we had a poo night, Roh was sooo hot that we put him to bed in only a vest, i woke him up at 11pm to give him more Calpol as his temp was climbing again. Then at 2am he woke up, i assume because he was cold, he cried and cried, and only stopped when i bought him back to my bed and snuggled him up with me under the duvet for a while, he was soooo chilly :cry: By 4am, realised he wouldn'r go to sleep in our bed, as its too fun, he was just climbing about, so spent from 4am-6am trying to get him back to sleep, but he was just moaning the whole time. I think OH and i had about 1 hours sleep :dohh: When i got Roh up properly when it was light, i realised that the little sore spot thing by his mouth had turned into a really odd rash, with all proper spots with pus and stuff :shock: Then when i changed his nappy they were also on his hand and his legs, and a couple on his tummy. I totally freaked and went straight to the doctors and waited outside until they opened for 20 minutes. Anyway, the doctor seemed to not really know what the rash was about at all, but then told me he had a chest infection (again, joy) so he has anti-biotics, and i have to go back on friday or before if i'm worried, to have him checked out. I thought it looked a bit like it could be chicken pox? But surely the doctor would have recognized that, and he's not scratching it. Anyway, poor Roh, he's really not himself at all, and i've had a horrible day, being at work all day with hardly any sleep, and worried sick :( Bleh, at least he seems ok for now, and is sleeping peacefully, he must be shattered poor thing.

:sleep: Night!
sarah - I'm glad you found your productive day therapeutic! :rofl: re:thinking he's slept through is as good as him doing so :haha: I do know what you mean though, I'm the same with Alex :haha:

maybe - wow that hotel looks fabulous!! How exciting!! :happydance:

H&F - hope WW goes well :thumbup:

emera - oh no!!! poor little Roh for having another chest infection :dohh: that does sound like chicken pox :shrug: I hope you and hubby get some sleep tonight, thats the trouble when they have temperatures isnt it! I always find Alex wakes up freezing due to being stripped off once the calpol works. And your holiday also sounds amazing - a helicopter!!! :shock: :hugs:

Well Alex had a good day at nursery and is looking a lot better. I cant believe he and Emily ruined the same tooth! Good job his is a milk one :dohh: Its not a huge chip but I can feel it when he BF :wacko:

Its Holly's 10th birthday tomorrow - we've got her a purple bike and cant wait to give it to her! :flower:
amy - happy birthday to holly :) :cake:

emera - re the chickenpox, no doctors do not recognise it until it is all blistered up :dohh: i was told it may be chickenpox when i took owen when he caught it off erin.

well i am really pissed off as the hotel emailed me saying that the max occupancy is 4 guests to a room!!!! so why on earth was i allowed to book it in the 1st place :shrug: they said we could stay in a suite but that is over 300 euros a night :( think am going to cancel it and try and find somewhere cheaper. i put in on the booking search engine 1 room with 2 adults and 3 children and that came out. i think it's so bad they let you book it! i hope they dont charge my credit card!!!
Happy Birthday to Holly!!! I hope you all have a great day Amy :hugs: :hugs:

Amy I'm glad Alex is a bit better, bless him. Ouch re feeling the tooth! :shock:

Emera poor Roh!!!! What ever he has sounds horrible, poor baby :hugs: I have no advice but I think chicken pox only gets itchy when it scabs over? I might be wrong though!!! I hope you find out what it is and see some improvement soon. And that the anti-b's take affect :hugs: :hugs: Karma has quite a debt to you too!

Maybe that's so rubbish re the hotel! How annoying! I hope you find somewhere better :hugs:

Well I spent most of yesterday sorting the bedrooms out. Steve did the heavy job and moved the furniture - then he watched Oliver and his son came up - while I sorted out all the stuff. The contents of a HUGE wardrobe, plus the stuff that was in Oliver's cotbed, plus general sorting out - OMG when I saw all the stuff I could have cried! It took me about three hours but the result is excellent, Oliver loves his new bed and our room looks much bigger. Its amazing how moving things around can make sure a difference!

Right, well I think its time for breakfast! Oliver and I are going to walk into town after breakfast because I really need to pay some cheques in. I keep forgetting :haha: It looks like a nice day so it will be nice to have a walk :)
sarah - i agree a few changes can make all the difference!!!

well i cancelled the hotel booking and gave up with online reservations and did it the good old fashioned way and went to the travel agent. so for £585 we're going to torremolinos to a 4* hotel half board so it is a better deal. it's right by the marina so there'll be loads to do in the evening after dinner if we want to go out for a while.
Amy - happy birthday to Holly, I really hope Alex is ok today hun that sounds awful. I get the impression this is a new phase where they can do so much have no control. Will is covered in bruises and had another acciden form for me to sign from nursery today :-(

Maybe - that's rubbish about the hotel, it looked sooooo lovely xxx

Sarah - hope you had a nice walk into town and yay for a productive day yesterday, feels good when it's done! I'm hoping that'll be the case with our kitchen. We are living in a dust cloud with no kitchen!

Emera - hope you have a better night tonight and that Roh is much better in the morning, sounds horrible poor thing xx

H&F - hope you got on ok at WW and shopped til you dropped, not long to go now!

Lots of love xxxx

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