Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarah - Glad the weddings went well :thumbup: A runny nose and a little rash on the cheeks is quite classic teething ;) My eye is sore, but i don't think its getting worse. I guess i'll see how it is on Monday :shrug:

Maybe - I agree, you really need to tell Danny that you are having a lie in and that he will get up with the kids. You sooooo need a rest, and he's not going to just suddenly spring out of bed one morning, sort everything out for you, feed and dress the kids and then make you breakfast in bed at 11.30am :nope: You'll have to ask for it. In fact sod asking, tell him!! My OH is generally pretty thoughtful, but i still have to remind him about 10 times the night before if i've asked for a lie in, and even then i still have to boot him out of bed in the :dohh:

Roh has been a real rascal today :rolleyes: I was feeling sick this morning, and i'd made myself a filter coffee as a one off treat, but ended up leaving it on the shelf, as i didn't feel like drinking it. I decided i wanted some tea, so popped to the kitchen to make it, i popped to the loo too, so i was gone maybe 3 minutes...way too long. I heard Roh coughing like he was choking, and then giggling, so ran back in. He'd somehow managed to get my coffee off the shelf (i've no clue how, its way out of reach...i thought anyway) There was coffee all over the sofa, all over the carpet, and all over Roh, and he was holding the mug in both hands and slurping what was left very happily! :dohh: I'm not sure how much he drank, but definately some! He only slept for 45 minutes for his nap this afternoon, nightmare! I learnt my lesson anyway :haha:
Emera :rofl: at Roh and the coffee!! Oliver LOVES to drink from a cup at the moment, its messy but he loves it :haha: He's not quite as messy with a sippy cup but he seems to think sippy cups are watering cans, he likes to tip them up and just watch the water coming out :dohh: He makes the least mess by drinking through a straw :haha:
Maybe - hope you had a lovely day in spain :flower: Kerry is just as bad as Danny in the sense he never lets me have a lie in either :sleep: but Alex only wakes a couple of times a night. Even though you are still on mat leave its a full time job so he has no excuse not to give you a break :trouble: :hugs:

H&F - so sorry to hear the scan wasnt great news :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope Dave is looking after you :flower:

Sarah - :haha: Alex does that with cups too and he is also obsessed with drinking from a cup :haha: I let him play with a plastic one in the bath - I put the cold tap on a dribbble and he fills his cup and drinks it.... and pours it all over himself :haha:

emera - :rofl: I shouldnt laugh but I can just imagine it! What cheeky chappie :haha: I hope it didnt stain everything!

Urgh, a horrid day here - rain ALL day boooooooo. We did get out for a quick walk but both girls got a puncture in their bikes and then the front wheel on Alex's smart trike broke! :dohh: and its only 2 months old but I cant find the receipt :growlmad:
Amy oh no, how rubbish that the trike has broken! Is it something that can be fixed?
Hey all -

I am very angry and upset today. I had a call off the hospital to say a senior consultant had looked at the scan pics and an internal scan shouldve been done as my dates may be out. It is so upseting that my scan could be wrong and the woman has made me give up hope. I have eaten so much today as I have been so upset but have a repeat scan on Wednesday to see whats going on.

Sorry for not catching up with everyone properly its been a long day.
H&F - thats terrible :growlmad::hugs: its such a shame you have to wait until Wednesday. Dont worry about eating! Just look after yourself and do what you need to do to get through the next few days, I cant imagine how hard it must be after all you've been through with the previous mc :hugs:

Sarah the middle part of the plastic of the wheel has come away... Kerry thinks we can superglue it but I dont think it will hold :nope:
amy - erin had a smart trike and it broke too after not much use!

sarah - owen is the same with his sippy cups, he loves to make a mess!

h&f - :hugs: hun! one mc is heartbreaking enough. i had 2 and was petrified of being pregnant after that. maybe your dates are wrong and you'll get some good news on wednesday! hope dave is looking after you :hugs:

we're off to marbella beach in spain later. we're going to have some lunch at a chiringuito (beach bar) and hit the beach! dan booked a table yesterday and ordered paella :munch:

i refused to bf owen during the night and just gave him water. lets see how that goes! he slept 12.30-4.20am then took about 15mins to settle and then slept til 7.15 so not too bad

emera - owen likes to try and drink my tea :haha:
H&F - I really hope you get some good news on Wednesday, god knows you deserve it! :hugs: This must all be so traumatic for you, like Maybe said, just one MC is heartbreaking, to have two and then all this confusing, losing hope and then it being brought back again, its really cruel. I'm keeping everything crossed for you and lots of :hugs:

Maybe - Hope the giving water in the night starts to make a change! :hugs:

Sarah - Roh is exactly the same with his sippy cup, he loves watering the carpet :dohh: What amuses me, is he knows he shouldn't do it, because if he starts i make a little warning noise, and he looks round at me and then starts trying to rub the water in. Its even funnier if there is a muslin around, he'll grab it and start scrubbing at the wet patch! :haha:

Amy - the rain is rubbish eh? How annoying about Alex's trike, i hope you manage to find the reciept somewhere. :hugs:

Well Roh is having an eating day today! What with being ill and the teething, he's barely been eating this last week, so today he's obviously decided to make up for it. I made us french toast sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon as a sunday treat for breakfast (at 10.30am as Roh decided to have a lie in until 10.15am when i got bored and went and got him up :happydance:) I did 3 slices, thinking he'd have 1 and i could have 2. I ended up having less that half a slice :shock: By about 12 today i was starving, so we've just been out for a very lazy late sunday breakfast. I really fancied a full english (not normally my thing, but hey :shrug:) so we went to the cafe up the road. It was absolutely lovely, Roh was so cheerful and interactive, and really let me just relax and enjoy my brunch :cloud9: I got a pain au chocolate and i picked the chocolate out, and Roh ate all the pastry, he then helped himself to most my baked beans, a whole sausage, and all the chips ( just want to establish i don't normally eat chips for breakfast!!! :haha: i just didn't want the hash brown :blush:) After we went for a stroll and some window shopping. :thumbup: After being stuck in the house since Thursday it was sooo nice to get out, even if the weather is a bit dodgy. Ahhh, now i think i'll have a little nap, as Roh just went to sleep, having been chatting away all the time i've been writing this :)
That's amazing how his appetite has come back emera! Well done Roh for the sleeping too:happydance:

H&F: I really hope everything is ok :hugs:

Amy: Sorry about the bike :(
h&f - i missed your post about the consultant looking at the scan. i'm surprised that you weren't given an internal. when i had heavy bleeding and they saw a sac but no baby and no hb that was with an internal at 8wks! the dr didn't even contemplate an external scan!

modo - how are you doing?

emera - sounds like a lovely day yesterday! :haha: at Roh stealing your food. Owen likes to try everyone's food too. i bought him a mini milk icecream at the beach yesterday and he wanted a bit of everyone else's icecream too :rofl:

when we were driving home the car started beeping and flashing a system faliure warning :dohh: danny said the car felt fine so we're hoping it's a computer glitch as last time it was over £600 when we got a warning like that :dohh: FIL is trying to sort out with the garage when we can take it in. danny's on early shifts so i will probably have to take it in with the 3 kids i tow! :dohh:
Maybe I hope you get the car sorted! The garage should be able to just run the diagnostic computer and find out what the problem is :)

HandF like Maybe said I'm suprised you werentt given an internal scan - I was at 6 weeks and also with my mmc at 12 weeks, plus two sonographers had to be there and agree that it was a mmc. I hope you get some answers soon.

I watched the Apprentice final last night and did my ironing, I'm sooooo rock and roll :haha: I was really tired though for the first time in ages, bless him Oiiver slept this morning until half nine so I got to sleep in :happydance:
H&F - Like the others said, i'm really suprised that your scan wasn't internal. When i had my MC, because i had no clue of my dates, they did an internal first, and said they'd do an external after if needed. Sadly it wasn't, and as Sarah said i had to have the agreement of 2 people (ended up that the sonographer grabbed a consultant doctor) that it was definately a MC. :hugs: I really hope everything goes well for you and that this is just a bleed :hugs: :hugs:

Boo Hiss, i'm so fed up of feeling sick :sick: Its not like i feel really really sick, but its just a constant sicky feeling. Eating doesn't help, not eating doesn't help.... Ah well, at least i'll take it as a sign that everything is going ok, i hope! Anyone have any advice on beating it a bit, i never had it last time, so i'm not sure what to do about it? I feel a bit bad complaining about it to be honest, but its not particularly enjoyable :blush:

Well i better go sort the living room out before i go to work, Roh has emptied his ball pool all over the place again :dohh:
Emera-maybe try eating an apple - helped me, oh and the travel sickness bands! xx
Hey ladies -

Thank you for all your support - I have managed to get a scan booked for tomorrow and they have said it will be an internal. I dont understand why it wasnt in the first place I think the woman must have got mixed up with dates or something but I have made a big complaint because its not on.

Emera - I dont know what to suggest for the sickness - I am just constantly dizzy at the moment and occasionally feel sick but nothing like I was with Amy.
H&F its all very strange - I think even if she had your dates wrong she should have done an internal. I should have been 12 weeks and I knew my dates weren't wrong but they still did an internal scan. :hugs: for tomorrow.

Emera don't feel bad about complaining about morning sickness - its horrid!!! I mainly just felt really sick like you, I found that I just learned to deal with it better :dohh: For example, I knew learnt that there was just no point me trying to eat when I first got up - I would have maybe a smoothie (one of the innocent smoothies in a carton so it was easy). By about 11.30am I would feel a bit hungry and would eat whatever I fancied - so it might be a banana or it might be a bag of crisps or a snickers bar :haha: They lunch I might manage a sandwich. By 2pm I started to feel tired, so I would grab a nap if I wasn't at work. By 5pm I could eat tea - again whatever I fancied and I really struggled to prepare it myself. There were some things I could eat most of the time - like Crunchy Nut Clusters :haha: So my tips are eat what you fancy when you fancy it, don;t worry about not eating good stuff, and take it easy. Just drink lots of fluids - fruit juices and smoothies are good. Oh, and ice lollies - I quite enjoyed the odd Calypo and they seemed to take the sickness away for a while :)

Well, what a day :dohh: I went to collect the chair covers from the weekend and one of the hotels - the one furthest away of course :dohh: - has given my covers to another company :dohh: So the other company - who are in Manchester - have my covers and their covers are still at the hotel. So now I have to wait until tomorrow to find out when they can return them to the hotel, and then we will have to go their again - a 60 mile round trip - to collect them :dohh: I'm so annoyed at the other company - its a good job I don't have those covers booked out this weekend! I'm thinking about calling them and telling them that they need to courier them to me, its not only the petrol, its a few hours out of Steve's day off! I'm so annoyed at them. The hotel is going to call me tomorrow to confirm the arrangements and I think I'm going to contact the other company and tell them that they have to get them to me. Do you think that would be unreasonable? If I took someone elses covers I would courier them over or take them myself, I wouldn't expect the other compant to make another trip to the hotel because of my mistake.

So apart from that we had quite a good day, though the weather was a bit rubbish! Finges crossed tomorrow if better as I really need to go to the bank again - paying more cheques in, I wish everyone would do bank transfers :haha:
Sarah - That sounds really annoying! Surely its the hotel's fault though for mixing up the covers in the first place? If its a bigger company or something and they were expecting their chair covers back, then maybe they didn't check them first before they took them. Maybe they were in a rush? I'm assumng they look fairly similar to eachother, or possibly packed in laundry bags? Anyway, i think i'd expect the hotel to send them on to you if the other company take them back there,i'd see it as the hotels error for not being more organised with what items were from which wedding :hugs:

Work was tiring :sleep: I'm currently eating tinned tomatoes on buttery toast, which is one of my favourite comfort foods, it reminds me of being a child :) Its making me feel better. I've also got some soda water, as i think some of the sicky feeling is coming from the horrible bloating i have. :thumbup:

Roh has been making me laugh. When he's walking now, he keeps trying to look at his feet, as if he's wondering what they are doing. Only trouble with that is he keeps tripping over things or like earlier, walking into the wall because he's not looking where he's going! :haha:
Emera :haha: at Roh watching his feet! Oliver walked over things rather than around them and sometimes it takes him ages :rofl:

I see what you mean re the hotel, but the hotel were pretty organised . . . . the other companies covers were bagged up with their company name on and the date of the wedding they were for, so I presume mine were too? They were different fabric / sash colours. It looks like a pretty big company and I think they employ someone to do the pickups, from what I can tell. I think they've just picked up the first covers they saw and not checked :dohh: The hotel should have made sure they got the right ones though, you are right there.
sarah - :grr: to the chair covers!

emera - hope the sickness gets better :hugs: i found lucozade helped!

h&f - :hugs: for tomorrow. hope there's a positive outcome! are you still bleeding?

well i took of owen's nappy at just before 8pm to bath him and his willy was red and double the size it normally is. he'd been a bit mopey but i thought it was because he fell over and banged his head :cry: i felt really bad. i told dan to stay with dylan and erin and rushed to a&e. waited there for 2 hours. they took a swab and gave me a prescription for antibiotics but there are no pharmacies open now so i have to wait til tomorrow to get them :growlmad: FIL is going to get them straight away at 9am when they open and bring them over. i can't believe they won't dispense them from the hospital. in my experience the willy can get a lot worse overnight. with dylan once overnight it turned all pussey and gross and they nearly hospitalised him! owen's asleep now but when he wakes i wont have the heart to refuse him boobie as he's so poorly. i'm never going to get off the night feeds at this rate! anyway i got back from the hospital dylan and erin were up (past 10pm) and not bathed! :shock: dan said he didnt realise they needed a bath :dohh: erin was still in her shorts and t shirt she'd been wearing all day! didnt he realise that? :shrug: so i had to sort owen out and then bath dylan and erin with no help :growlmad: whilst he sat on the sofa in a mood at god knows what :nope: owen just woke so am bf. it's going to be a long night!
Poor Owen! I can't believe you don't have any 24 hour pharmacies!! You would think the hospital would just give you the drugs :grr: I hope things aren't worse in the morning :hugs: :shock: at Danny not getting the kids to bed!! He seriously lives on his own planet!!

I hope your night goes better than you think maybe :hugs:
Oh maybe! Grrrrrrr at Danny - I mean seriously a teenage babysitter would have known better!!!!!!

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