Sarah - Glad you got the covers back, the whole thing sounds annoying and unnecessary though!
Maybe - I hope you have a nice weekend and that it cheers Danny up a bit so he stops behaving like such a stroppy teenager!
H&F - You are grieving a loss, MCs are hard to cope with, i was very sad after mine

Don't feel like you aren't allowed to have feelings about it, because you are. I know that you have your responsibilities to Amy, and the wedding coming up to think about, but you can't let that stop you from finding bits of time to let your feelings out

I'm sorry Dave isn't being very understanding

As for his anger management problems, i definitely think seeing someone about them would be good for him, its bad news for him, and for you and Amy if he can lose control of himself to the point where he's smashing things up! My OH is soo calm now, you'd never think it, but he used to have serious anger problems, he'd smash windows, doors, furniture etc. He had some counseling, it really helped!
Well, my hair is ok. It could still definitely do with a cut, i think i was kidding myself if i thought dye would cover that
Went to see my brother and SIL today and met my new nephew

He is soooooo super gorgeous and teeny, i could have just cuddled him all day!!!

Popped a picture on fb. I picked him up and nearly threw him at the ceiling as i'd just been holding Roh, and expected him to be heavier!

I can't believe how teeny he is, i said to Roh, "you were never this small" and my SIL pointed out that actually Roh was a lb lighter

Its amazing how i've totally forgotten what a newborn is like

Told them about my pregnancy too, they were thrilled
I'm absolutely knackered, its chaos when we all get together, 4 cats, a 2 year old, Roh, a dog, a puppy, and my Mum, who's kind of excitable, plus now a newborn..... phew! I'm in bed already!