Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

emera - I cant afford it either :haha: I've found a half price deal so hopefully it will be ok. Just a small change can make you feel refreshed cant it! You poor thing working 12 hours! I hope you keep yourself well hydrated and get some opportunities to sit down :hugs:
Amy YAY for getting your coursework done! Phew! When do you find out your results? We are collecting the chair covers on Friday . . . . fingers crossed they are the right ones this time :haha:

Emera bless you, I'm not sure I'd survive a 12 hour shift!!

I soooooo know how you feel re the feeling frumpy and crappy. I am trying to perk myself up a bit too, also on a tight budget. I coloured my hair today, I do it myself and it always seems to come out okay so I'm more than happy to do that. I need to get it cut, I think I'm just going to go to the same place as normal - its just a little salon, they just do cutting so no colours etc. It's about a fiver for a cut, and the girl is really good! I can't believe I used to pay well over a hundred quid to get my hair done and now I colour it at home and pay a fiver to get it cut :rofl:

Steve was off today so we went to get a nail taken out of my car tyre, and then found out that it needed a new tyre, so I ended up getting two :dohh: So from getting one tyre fixed to two new ones - ouch! Then we went to Sainsburys and did one of those shops where you spend a fortune and get home and have nothing in for tea :haha: :dohh:

Steve is doing a sponsored rowing thing tomorrow - on a rowing machine rather than a boat :haha: Its through work so he's going with work people. It means Oliver and I have a day to fill, the weather forcast is crappy so I'm trying to think of something to do to get us out of the house. I really hope summer isn't over - we go to cornwall the week after next, two weeks in a caravan with a 14 month old and a 16 year old - plus Steve - isn't very appealing!!! :haha:
sarah - wow! a hair cut for a fiver - thats fantastic! Mine will cost me £20 :wacko: I just have to get it done though, i like my hair shoulder length but its almost down to my waist and its limp and like straw :sick:
grr to the nail, how annoying! :growlmad:
fingers crossed for the return of summer - I feel the same! I find out if I have passed on 2nd August (gulp). Then they dont want me to start my new job until 12th sept so I was really looking forward to "summer" off with the children.
Ooh, haircut for £5, amazing! Think i can go to the student academy and get one for cheap, but i think its still more than that. I probably could get it done, but i'm trying to save the last of my pennies, as my best friend is going to be visiting next week, and i want to be able to afford to do something nice!

I definately overdid it at work today :blush: I was feeling quite ill by the time i got home. I've had a bath and some food and loads of water and i'm lying with my feet up, so now i'm feeling better :) I probably should be more careful though :wacko: Problem is i just have such a high workload, and it has to all get done, i'm not sure what else to do :shrug: I've asked for more help though :thumbup: At least i now have next week off, so i'm not back in work until 1st August :happydance: I'm soo excited about my friend coming over from Holland, i've not seen her since September! :)
emera - take it easy at work. you have to look after yourself. it's easy to forget you're pregnant when it's not your 1st baby as you have so many other things to do/think about. make sure you get some quality 'me' time :hugs:

sarah - haricut for £5!!! wow! costs me just under £20!!! i'm going to get my hair cut at the end of august before i start work! car trouble seems to be following us girls eh :haha:

amy - i'm sure that you have passed :hugs: hope the weather clears for you!!! what are you going to have done to your hair?

well i'm going to take erin to nursery in a bit and then potter around here for a while and then maybe meet a friend. tonight we're going to the fair in La Linea (spanish town just across the border) it's going to be a late night. i'm going with my parents and my sister and we're taking my little cousin and possibly one of my friends and her little girl are going to join us too. i love the fair i'm such a big kid! :blush: it starts at 8pm so it's going to be a late night for the kids. then again we're going away on saturday for 3 nights so the routine was going to go out the window then anyway! i'll get back on track when we get back on tjuesday!!!

owen's willy is muh better thank god, still a bit swollen but not as red :happydance:
Hey girls,
Amy - I am semi there with childcare - I want a nursery rather than a childminder - but now just have to find one that i like!!!!! Oooohhhh cant wait to see a pic of your new hair - we should have before and after shots!!!! Fingers crossed you have passed and get the job you want xxx
Emera - and I thought I got my hair cut for a bargain price of £10!! Now I am going to have to research again!!!! I really dont know how you do 12 hour manic shifts and then find time to make dresses - I dont even get time to remember to pluck my eyebrows and I am not physically working yet!! Hats off to you!
Sarahwoo- Great that the hair covers are sorted (hopefully). Boo to the tyres :( Maybe you and Oliver will have to go and splash in the puddles tomorrow.
Maybe-boo to your car to! cant believe how much things cost to repair. Yay for Dylans willy be on the mend.
We had to have our window fixed yesterday which wasnt cheap and they borke the glass whilst doing it so are coming back today with a new pane. Seems like it is spend spend spend for us all at the moment. Not good when you are trying to live on just one wage!
Fingers crossed that things improve for us all soon xxxxxxx
Mork I know what you mean! Everything always seems to come at once :dohh: I need to get my air con serviced and charged up too, not sure how much that will set me back!

We haven't been out yet but I just got another cheque in the post so I think we'll walk to the bank and hope it doesn't rain :haha:
mork - i know how you feel about the money!

sarah - hope it doesnt rain!

H&F - hope you're ok hun huge :hugs: thinking of you!
Just lost a post :cry:

Bobby woke up from his nap with a temperature of 38.1 for the first time. I gave him some calpol and it has gone down to 37.7. He seems irritated and quite clingy still though :(

Bobby has been walking more and he always has an excited smile on his face when he does it.
Mork - at least you're halfway decided :thumbup: I've used both for my girls and I prefer nursery. Alex loves his, I think they get better social interaction at nursery :flower: crikey, I'd die if you saw a before pic :blush: I honestly look shocking! blobby, dumpy, frumpy and mumsy urgh! :haha::haha: I'm going to start a diet on Monday - I'm hoping the haircut will get me focused :) where did you get your hair cut for a tenner? I'm getting ripped off!! Sorry about your broken window :hugs:

maybe - good to hear the willly is on the mend :winkwink: I looked after two babies with that during my recent ward placement! Hope you have a great time at the fair :happydance:

modo - poor Bobby, I hope he's ok :hugs: :happydance: yey for the walking, it opens up a whole new world to them doesnt it :cloud9:

sarah - I can get my aircon charged etc here for £50. The heavens have opened here too :rain:

emera - yey for having a week off :happydance: does your friend know you are pregant? :hugs:

H&F - thinking of you :hugs: :flower:

Alex finally had his MMR,Hib,MenC combo today :cry: I felt sooooo mean! I'm glad its done though. He's been angry all day and didnt like his legs being touched :( Hop
Oh Amy, hope Alex is feeling brighter tomorrow. I will warn you though that T was not herself for 3 weeks - clingy, not eating, sleeping badly etc.
As for my haircut - it is local to me, so would be about 15 mins drive - I can pm you details if you would like!!
My window is fixed :)
T had some diarrohea earlier - not sure if this was due to her eating apricots or a tummy bug - not sure how many apricots she ate - how many do you reckon it would take to cause loose bowels?
Hope everyone else is having an event free evening xx
Awww Amy I hope Alex is okay :hugs: Oliver was a bit off colour for a day or so and had a lump on each leg for about two weeks! I bet you don't look nearly as bad as you think :hugs:

Mork I'm glad you got the window sorted!!

Maybe I hope you enjoy the fayre!!

We had a lovely day in the end :) We had a quiet morning and then after lunch I called my MIL, who was on her way up to see us anyway, so she spend the afternoon with us. We went to the bank, did a spot of shopping, had a cuppa, just normal stuff but it was nice and Oliver enjoyed spending time with his Nana :) Steve only just got home :shock: They went out for a meal after the rowing thing, then there was some drama or other with one of the guys, I don't know :shrug: I can't be bothered to be annoyed that he asn't back before :haha:

I hope everyone else had a good day!

mork - yes please, that would be great :hugs: I think some people are more sensitive to apricots than others - Kerry can eat quite a lot but I get a dodgy tummy after one dried one! I cant even bear the smell of them they get me so bad :sick: hopefully it was just that :hugs: 3 weeks :gulp: its not surprising in some ways - they get 6 vaccines all at once dont they!

sarah - glad you had a lovely day, do you get on well with your MIL? x
Amy yeah we do get on well! She has her moments :haha: but generally, 99% f the time, she's lovely! Oliver adores her too which is nice :) She's one of those people who will do anything for anyone. She's just about the only person who appreciates what Steve can be like too, if he's in a mood or whatever. I think I did pretty well onm the MIL front :thumbup: It was a completely different matter when we first met mind you - she was absolutey horrible to me - but then from her point of view Steve was still married (he was separated) so I kind of understand that now. I read on here about some peoples MILs and I'm like this :shock:
I'm sat here with BRIGHT red hair dye on my hair, i'm sooo worried i'm going to hate it! :wacko: I just fancied a change and it looked bright and fun.... Will find out in about 10 minutes :wacko:

Oh and Mork, Roh has eaten about 10 dried apricots before and STILL been constipated :shock: It only takes a couple for my friends little boy to have the runs though :shrug:
emera - how did the hair turn out?

mork - not sure about apricots!!!

modo - hope bobby is better

amy - owen was grumpy for about a day after the jabs but then was better! oh and happy birthday! :) :cake:

sarah - glad you had a good day with your MIL.

the fair was great but we got back past midnight :shock: Dylan and Erin are still asleep :shock::shock::shock: we're supposed to be going to the beach today with my friend and her 3 kids. i have a super dodgy tummy though, maybe something i ate in the fair. have been to the loo 4 times already (sorry tmi :blush::haha: ) hope it clears! then tomorrow we're off to torremolinos/benalmadena for the 3 nights. hopefully i'll get back on here later if not have a wonderful weekend and i'll 'speak' to you all on tuesday :hugs:
Hey all -

Just thought I would pop in I am allowing myself one more day of feeling sorry for myself but then the weekend is bringing a new start and I am going to sort myself out. My problem is I comfort eat so I need to keep an eye on my weight I want my wedding dress to fit perfectly!

We had a good day yesterday - we decided to stain some benches ready to go outside as they have been taking up room in the spare room and I am desperate to start sorting that room out. Then we made some fairy cakes for OH. But he came in from work in a foul mood and we had a huge argument and he smashed in the bathroom door and went crazy so me and AMy went out for a few hours to get away from him. He has calmed down down but I have told him he needs to go and see someone about his anger issues.

Right I best pop off to sort through some stuff in the spare room - I am planning on re-decorating the whole room by myself and making it a beautiful room that me and Amy can play in as it opens up into the garden.

Hope everyone is ok. x x x
h&f - hope you had a productive day. you are allowed to feel sorry for yourself. i cried for days when i mc. it's normal to grieve :hugs:

i went to the beach with the kids. my friend came with her kids but left at 3.30pm. i stayed on til nearly 6pm as the kids were really enjoying themselves. it's really stressful though as they wanted to be in different places! i was hoping that danny would come over when he finished work to lend a hand but he didnt. when i got back home i called him and he was in the pub :grr: there's me struggling with the 3 kids and the beach bag and umbrella and toy bag and buggy etc and he's having a drink because he 'didnt feel like coming' :saywhat: then he proceeded to lie in the bedroom (where he still is) whilst i sorted the kids out and ironed and packed for the weekend :grr: a while ago i went in search of my mobile coz he had used it and he got in a mood coz i was disturbing him (he was dozing in bed) and i got really pissed off and said 'oh sorry for trying to get everything sorted for tomorrow. then tomorrow he'll just get up and expect the kids to be ready and everything sorted. i wish i hadn't bothered getting some clothes prepared and ironed for him. i should have left it to him. i have ironed them but not packed them though, he can pack himself. i think that i've done enough already :growlmad: sorry for the rant again :flower: i dont know what i'd do without you all :hugs:
Maybe :hugs: :hugs:

HandF I agree with Maybe - mc's are so hard to deal with, don't put a time limit on your feelings - you have to allow yourself to adjust and things as you feel you can. Don't hide your feelings away. I am shocked at Dave's behaviour - very shocked :shock: I hope he's ashamed f himself. You almost seem as though you aren't suprised, which is a bit worrying tbh - is he like this a lot?!

Emera how's the hair?! I need pics!!b I tried to colour mine red once, about two years ago, but it didn't take at all and I was gutted! I did mine a dark brown with a reddish hint to it which is quite nice I think :haha: I really need to go and get it cut. I almost let Steve cut it earlier :shock: I only have layers and he's seen it done so many times, and now I don't go out to work I don't worry too much about it going wrong and having to go to work looking like a plonker :haha: But I chickened out. He really wants to have a go though so maybe I'll let him one day, I can always get it put right :haha: He used to bleach my hair for me and he was great at that, and he's coloured it a few times but he takes hours so I do it myself now and just slap it on :haha:

Well I finally got my covers back!!! :happydance: I think the venue have messed up though because from all the bags they are in, they were couriered to the other company! So some member of staff has packed up the wrong ones! And then they were couriered back too which is just annoying - I mean how hard would it have been to send them directly to me and saved me the flippin journey :grr: But I have them back so that's the main thing :thumbup:
Sarah - Glad you got the covers back, the whole thing sounds annoying and unnecessary though!

Maybe - I hope you have a nice weekend and that it cheers Danny up a bit so he stops behaving like such a stroppy teenager! :hugs: :hugs:

H&F - You are grieving a loss, MCs are hard to cope with, i was very sad after mine :hugs: Don't feel like you aren't allowed to have feelings about it, because you are. I know that you have your responsibilities to Amy, and the wedding coming up to think about, but you can't let that stop you from finding bits of time to let your feelings out :hugs: I'm sorry Dave isn't being very understanding :hugs: As for his anger management problems, i definitely think seeing someone about them would be good for him, its bad news for him, and for you and Amy if he can lose control of himself to the point where he's smashing things up! My OH is soo calm now, you'd never think it, but he used to have serious anger problems, he'd smash windows, doors, furniture etc. He had some counseling, it really helped! :thumbup:

Well, my hair is ok. It could still definitely do with a cut, i think i was kidding myself if i thought dye would cover that :haha:

Went to see my brother and SIL today and met my new nephew :baby: He is soooooo super gorgeous and teeny, i could have just cuddled him all day!!!:cloud9: Popped a picture on fb. I picked him up and nearly threw him at the ceiling as i'd just been holding Roh, and expected him to be heavier! :rofl: I can't believe how teeny he is, i said to Roh, "you were never this small" and my SIL pointed out that actually Roh was a lb lighter :haha: Its amazing how i've totally forgotten what a newborn is like :shock: Told them about my pregnancy too, they were thrilled :)

I'm absolutely knackered, its chaos when we all get together, 4 cats, a 2 year old, Roh, a dog, a puppy, and my Mum, who's kind of excitable, plus now a newborn..... phew! I'm in bed already! :haha:

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