Maybe, I'm sure you'll get there

If you are working together thats half the battle won
H&F I'm sorry to here that, did you have another scan? I hope things go well tomorrow
Hey Modo, how are things? Hows Bobby doing?
I think I'm on track for the weekend . . I'm going to need this holiday by the time we go

Today I sorted the air con in the car, bought some last minute bits and pieces, bought chicken food, took table runners to one of Saturdays weddings hotels, packed most of mine and Olivers things, started giving the kitchen a good clean, packed some other stuff, did some washing, then my indicator bulb went on my car so I went to Halfords and got some new bulbs, and took Oliver to the local farm shop / cafe / petting farm thing to see the sheep and goats and have a cuppa. Phew! I have a bit of ironing to do and I think I'm going to do it before bed just so its done.
Oh, I also watched episode 5 of season 5 of True Blood and I'm gutted that I don't know anyone else whos watching them because I NEED to discuss!!!!