H&F I'm sorry Dave has upset you
Maybe I'm sorry Danny upset you too
I hope you have both had a nice day anyway

and that everyone else has too!!
We bought a new TV yesterday, ours as starting to do wierd stuff (like the screen was all dark until it warmed up and things) so I think it was on its way out. Steve's been wanting a 'Smart' TV so he ended up buying an all singing all dancing Smart TV with 3D and all that. Its nice, Steve is madly in love with it

but to me its a TV

I watched True Blood though and the quality is better . . . . Eric looked YUM!

Steve is spending every spare moment messing about with the different things it does (internet, etc - I have no idea really

) but its keeping him quiet

I do find the whole wearing funny specs to watch 3D thing quite amusing though - but I can see it ending in tears if Oliver gets hold of the 50 quid a pair 3D glasses
So apart from TV obsession

we've had a fairly quiet day, Steve did a bit of DIY which I'm hoping he'll finish tomorrow.
Oliver has got another molar (so thats three now) and has another just about to pop out so he's been a bit clingy and tearful today, bless him! He seems to cope with the teething pretty well though. He had started sleeping through too, but the past few nights he's had a few night wakings. When we were on holiday he slept in one day until 10.20am

I told Steve that if it was the sea air, we were moving to the coast

but I think it was just all the excitement and new stuff building up and leaving him tired out, poor baby! It was lovely though - Steve and I were both in shock
Oh, I know what I've been meaning to ask, what baby bath, shampoo etc do you all use? Ive always used Johnsons but Oliver had been getting quite upset skin - little pimples on his face that went really dry etc, so I changed to more 'natural' stuff and he's been SO much better. I will need to buy some more soon and I just wondered if anyone had any recommendations?