I'll be quick as i'm shattered!
Maybe - Erin looks sooo cute!
Modo - Bobby is sure to catch up in no time! Almost all of Roh's words are variations of "Daddy" in some way or another, it takes a bit of deciphering sometimes, and like Sarah said, it seemed to happen overnight, from da-da ba-ba to words.
The latest word is "bappy" we are still trying to work out what it means, top contender at the moment is "nappy" but we aren't sure...
Sarah - Text at 6am ?!?! Seriously, some people have issues
Poor you with your bad night, i'm glad you both managed some extra sleep though
My SIL often texts at 7am, but i think thats acceptable, plus she has a 6 week old baby, so 7am is practically mid-morning for her
If it helps, none of us had much sleep last night either
Amy - Gabriel looks adorable! Alex too, although he's so sweet i feel like i hardly need to tell you!
Well, i'm pooped! As i said to Sarah , none of us really got any sleep last night, poor Roh has a cold, and he was just coughing and coughing the whole night. I felt sooo sorry for him, he just wanted to be asleep, but kept waking himself up coughing
I kept picking him up for a cuddle and to rub his back to try and ease things, and he kept climbing down off my lap and trying to climb back into his cot! I had to go to work today, and so now i'm really tired. I'm still all awake though, as we had a rep from a doors and windows company come over, as we want new front and back doors, and he didn't leave until 9pm. OH decided to sign a contract and everything
So now i'm here trying to ignore him agonising over bad reviews on the internet
Ah well, i'm sure it will all be fine, and if not, well its a years worth of savings down the drain. Honestly OH can be so impulsive
I don't really care that much, as long as we have new doors before winter, as the ones we've got now are so drafty!
It was our wedding anniversary yesterday, we went out for a nice meal, and OH bought me flowers, lovely