Emera wow second tri! Already! Woo hoo! Don't you go making me broody

Well done with your weight!

I would have done the same re the boob biting - OUCH!
Oliver is another one obsessed with bellys / boobs

He loves to sit on my knee facing me and poke my belly

He thinks is especially funny if I poke his too, what is it with these boys?

He's a complete boob-a-holic still, if I'm getting changed and he sees my boobs he gets all excited
Amy I hope your cat's okay! My parents have a rescue cat and she has hardly any teeth at all, they had had her about a year when they found out
Maybe Oliver did want to feed all the time when his molars were coming through. I also find if we're at home he wants it all the time, where as today we've been busy and out and about, he hasn't 'asked' (ie shoved his hands down my top

) all day.
Well Steve went to the races with work today, he had to be at work for just after 10am but he 'forgot' to set his alarm

I had arranged to go to the car boot sale with my MIL so she came around just after 9am and I woke up to her knocking on the door - thank goodness! So Steve was in a bit of a rush but wasn't late, and we still made it to our car boot

The weather wasn't great so it wasn't as good as normal, but I still got the CUTEST jacket for Oliver (its a hoody blazer - OMG its sooooooo gorgeous!!), a RochaLittleRocha jacket for the spring, and a toy workbench to put in the loft for now - it was so cheap I couldn't say no

This afternoon we went to see my parents, and had lunch there, so we've had a busy day!
I also bought Oliver a whole load of Thomas trains on ebay, he loves the 'My First Thomas' stuff but most of it is discontined now! I found someone selling them close by and she was fine with collection, so I've bought him 36 trains and trailers for just over thirty quid! Bargain! I was all excited