Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Maybe - goodluck tomorrow!! Well done Owen for a fab nights sleep, fingers crossed for a repeat tonight xx

Frufruc - nice to hear from you! Joni sounds adorable, yay for your baragins! Had to giggle at you carting Joni out of nursery like a sack of spuds x Poor Joni really has suffered with her teeth. Will is cutting his canine's, all four and his bottom is paying the price and silly Mummy gave him grapefruit this morning as he loves it and it has just made his poor bottom errupt.

Modo - how are you feeling? xx

Emera - poor Roh, hope his eye doesn't come up, that must have been awaful. How are you feeling now?

H&F am sure you have better just married thing to do than be in here, but hope you are feeling better soon and get away on your honeymoon.

Amy sounds like a great weekend, Alex sounds so cute in his wetsuit. What are your shifts like, how many hours are you doing? I'm working this weekend.

We had a brilliant weekend, we took Will to the sealife centre at my Mum's and he loved it, he was laughing so loudly at the seals, he had everyone in stitches. We went to the beach on Sunday and took him on a pedlo and he just loved that too. We got some great pictures.

We have a kitchen and it looks brilliant, I'm so pleased with it, just need the flooring to go down and it'll be done, only another week to go, but at least I can cook now.

Mork - how are you hun? Where are you in your cycle. I think I ovulated early this month. Well I hope so because I'm seriously lacking motivation to B'dance at the moment.

Hope you've all had a lovely day xxx
Hey hon, af got me yesterday, but i knew i was out this month so ok about it. I only had an lp of 6 days though :( Fingers crossed for you xx
Just a quickie from me, Oliver is still wide awake :shock: :dohh: :haha:

Maybe I hope everything goes well tomorrow!

Emera how is Roh? Bless him!

FruFru I am loving the outside tap :haha: it was only sixty five qud for the plumber too which I thought was good :thumbup:

Not much to report here, I think I might see if Oliver is tired again and go to bed myself :haha:
am sooooooo tired so sorry for not posting properly! i will come on again tomorrow. thanks for your well wishes for tomorrow. going to get to bed i think xx
oh dear just come to bed and owen woken screaming :( i need to sleep to function tomorrow :(
lc - glad the kitchen is done!

frufru - glad you are well! hope joni's canines cut soon! owen's still cutting molars!

emera - glad you had a good time with your mum, minus the mucky pup!

amy - sounds like a good weekend away :) you deserved it! hope all goes well at school for emily tomorrow!!!

sarah - is oliver asleep?

mork - sorry :witch: got you :hugs:

modo - are you better? i still have your breadcrumbs :blush: one day you'll get them and not believe it! will try to post them next week! promise!

think maybe owen has fallen asleep whilst i have been typing on my phone! danny stropped out the bedroom coz he started crying! he has zero patience! he's looking after the kids tomorrow morning whilst i'm at work so he'll finally hopefully see how being on mat leave has not been sitting around drinking coffee! my mum is taking over at 11 when he goes to the bank to ask for his loan for the new bike he ordered! we shall see what happens tomorrow!!!
Maybe he is asleep now :happydance: and I am snuggled up in bed :haha:

We have canines on their way here, Oliver has four molars now. He's been teething really bad lately, poor baby.
I can't wait to hear how Danny gets on with the kids!! About time too by the way! Will he be looking after them on a regular basis while you are at work?

I forgot to tell you all this earlier, its quite funny :haha: When Steve got home this morning Oliver and I had just got up. So Oliver was playing with Steve, and he got a book and went over and plonked himself on Steve's knee (he does this all the time, even if you have something - like a laptop or a cat - on your knee at the time :haha:). So Steve says has he had a poo? And I said well I doubt it so early but he might have, but I haadnt noticed a smell? Steve said no, there's a really hard lump in his nappy, but its really, really hard! Well when he changed him it was a Happy Land vegetable box :rofl: Oliver had a baby grow on so it must have been there all night, though it hadn't bothered him as he slept really well, and I hadn't noticed :blush: ! After I put his nappy on I let him play for a min or two before I put his babygrow on and he must have shoved it in then! Steve was like this :shock: :rofl:
Ergh, i'm so tired, struggling to sleep though as i have indigestion :growlmad:

Sarah - :rofl: :haha: :rofl: i'm actually crying with laughter about the "poo" in Oliver's nappy :haha:
sarah - :rofl: :rofl: brilliant! thats a story to tell when he's older :haha::haha::haha:

maybe - good luck for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe its come round so quick. Please Owen let Mummy have a good sleep :hugs:

emera - hope the heartburn eases up :hugs: how is Roh??

Mork - sorry you are out this month :hugs:

LC - I've only got my first two weeks of shifts - the first week is bad - 9-5 mon and tues, 12.5hr shift weds and 12.5 hrs Fri. Wont see Alex and the girls hardly at all :cry: it will take me an hour to get to work and hour back! But after the first two weeks it will be three 12.5 hr shifts a week :( I am sooo jealous of your new kitchen. Mine is so bad I have a phobia of people coming round :blush::haha: pics???????

So I think we're ready for Emily to go to secondary school tomorrow :shock: the worst thing is going to be buses when I am at work - as we live in the sticks there's only one bus home and she'll have to get a bus from school to the bus station then sit around for 20 mins before she can get the bus home, otherwise she can get one of the main route buses and I'll drive and collect her. I reckon we've spent close to £300 on uniform and school equipment :shock: :sick: so I am currently doing a cheap online weekly shop.

love to all :hugs:
I forgot to say, I had Alex's feet checked and they were a size bigger so it was new shoes for him! I'm glad the first pair were half price! I thought his old shoes were small as he kept pulling at them!
Emily got of to school OK. I felt sick watching her go! Hopefully she'll have a great day.
Maybe - hope you have a good day too x
Maybe - hope its going ok xxx
Amy - hope Emily went off to school without any hitches ok. Gosh your first week of shifts is a bummer! But afterwards I guess three 12.5 hour days isnt too bad as you then get 4 days with the kids. Hugs xx
Sarah-Lol re the nappy incident!! :)
Emera-boo to indigestion and it wrecking your sleep :( Hope you managed some in the end.
L-C - sending lots of bady dust to you!
H&F - did I say already that you looked gorgeous on your wedding day? you did :) Hope you are having a lovely honeymoon x
Me, well...... T is now getting much more confident with her walking and wants to do it when we are out now - still holding on to something when out but unaided at home. Sleep is a bit hit and miss but I think that it is teething as she has lots of little dots and bumps on her gums. Words-we seem to get more sounds and possible words each day-this morning i could have sworn she pointed at the door and said 'door' but will she do it again-nah!!!!!
I really would like to have a rant that has been bothering me for a while now, so hope you dont mind (wont be offended if you stop reading now!!).... right, I am SICK of people making assumptions without asking ME if they have the correct understanding of things. For example, in my real life - there are obvisouly assumptions being made about me by certain people yet nonone has actually asked me! Then there are internet forums, I am fully aware that anyone who uses the internet can read anything i post in here and that this has been the case since day 1, and i am sure that there must be people who know me that read some of the posts, I also think that there is always a possibility that someone may read this thread who knows me - but, I cannot say that someone who knows me is reading the thread to be nosey about me as they may just be interested in mums with babies this age, have been following someone elses story on the thread or just looking for general advice! They may also be being nosey but that is ok too! Anyway, rant over - I have it off my chest now!! Those of you that carried on reading - thankyou! Anyone that I have bored - sorry! Anyone reading this that takes offence sorry, I have no problem with anyone reading this as I wouldnt have posted if i did!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Anyway aapril/may/juune mummies-hope it is sunny where you are and that you are having a good day xxxxxx
mork - i'm sorry that people are making assumptions about you that are unfounded :( maybe T is saying 'door' it's one of owen's favourite words. he loves plating with doors and i'm afraid he'll catch his fingers!

amy - hope emily had a good day. sorry your shifts are crappy :hugs:

sarah - :rofl: at the 'poo'. Danny will be looking after the kids shift permitting with my mum helping out when needed. today he was ok. he even tidied up a bit :shock: hopefully it'll continue! :)

well the first day back at work was fine. it was inservice so no kids :thumbup: we had meetings all morning. it's going to be really hard work for me though! i am teaching all the music for the whole school and then the rest of the time am in year 5, i have an english and maths set and am also doing spanish and RE. anyways i'm shattered as owen woke 2 times last night and erin woke once at 4am :dohh: am hoping for a better night tonight as tomorrow there are kids to contend with!
Thanks Maybe :)
Fingers crossed you have a good night tonight, how did danny get on with looking after the kids??
Mork - T sounds fab, I could swear Alex says words sometimes but cant get him to say it again :dohh: I know what you mean about hating people reading about you on forums and making assumptions :hugs::hugs: try not to let them get you down!

maybe - :hugs: well done for getting first day done! So will you not need nursey for Owen? thats fab

Emily had a good day apart from one rude mean teacher upsetting her at the end of the day. finally we had a sunny day too! and its meant to be a nice weekend :happydance:
Mork - Totally know what you mean about the words, Roh has said Mummy once now, not directly to me, but after OH said, "lets go wake Mummy up" i heard them over the monitor. When he came in the bedroom he jumped on the bed and shouted Daddy! as usual. He's not said Mummy again since :dohh:
On the other hand i rarely know what he's on about, he's spent all today saying buppy and bappy, in fact he woke me up at 5am saying it, i've no idea what it means!?

Maybe - Sounds like work is going to be really busy, you have alot to do!! Glad Danny had a tidy round :thumbup: Hope you get a good night sleep tonight :hugs:

Amy - Glad Emily's first day went ok :) Wasn't it a nice sunny day! We went to the zoo and had a lovely time!

Frufru - Sounds like Joni teethes really hard :shock: Bless her! Roh has 4 molars too, but i think its meant to be the back molars that will come next? Not sure though? Guess it varies. Roh is teething at the moment too, he's very dribbley and a little grumpy. Also keeps trying to chew on my toes, it seems to be a symptom with him? :shrug:

I was hugging OH this morning and Roh came and pushed in between us (as usual) gave me a kiss and then went and got OH's coat and handed it to him, and then said byebye to him and waved! :rofl: :haha: Guess that told OH then! :haha:

Roh is grumping from his teething, and i still have indigestion! Sulky sulky! Also had a big row with OH this evening. As usual though it was lots of shouting/crying, followed by a really useful conversation, so it was probably worth it.

Bah, think i'm getting a headache. Better go to bed!

:hugs: to all x
emera - :rofl: I loved the story of Roh sending your OH to work :haha: thats brilliant. so do you have rubber toes? is that why Roh likes chewing them :winkwink: sorry you still have indigestion :hugs: how's the work/holiday situation? Kerry and I are due a blow up row - its the only way we get to talk properly :dohh:
Hey ladies!

I hope you are own well :hugs:

Amy :hugs: just keep your chin up re work . . . . it will be okay and we are all here for you if you need to vent :hugs: :hugs: How is Alex doing? Hes soooo cute!! Are both your girls back at school now? EEK at the uniform!
I have thought that about the school we have chosen for Oliver, the uniform is sooooo cute but it's also soooooo expensive :haha:

Emera Roh does the cuuutest things!!!!!! I LOVE that he gave your OH his coat :rofl: :rofl: I hope things are okay with your OH now :hugs:

Mork :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe how as work today? I hope you are settling in well! I hope the kids are nice :)

I've been so busy lately trying to get organised, plus we have all sorts of DIY jobs to finish, and I'm busy with my 'work'. Phew! We've almost finished the garden now, I can't wait for it to be done - about time too :rofl:

Oliver has been lovely lately, dispite his teething which is still bad. All four canines look like they could come through any time, it must be horrible :( But he's still been lovely :)

I hope everyone else is doing well!

sarah - glad oliver is being good tempered despite teething!

work is ok, stayed late to talk to some of the other teachers so got out at 2 instead of 12.45 but better get used to the hours as from 14th its back to full days so will be finishing at 3.30 on a good day! dan had taken the kids to his mums for lunch so i went home and had some food and then had a lie down for an hour before they returned at 4.15. bliss!!! felt a bit bad for neglecting the housework tho :haha: well night all it's 1am so am hopefully going to get some sleep. owen's molars are still cutting so he has woken a few times the last few nights, still it's way better than the 20 wakings i had a couple of months ago :thumbup: night all, sweet dreams xx
Maybe I'm glad work went well and that Danny is behaving :haha: YAY for you getting an hours nap! Gosh thats only been about a 16 month wait :haha:

Not much to report here, it was a pretty normal day, Steve worked so Oliver and I pottered about. I have discovered that if he goes to bed on time (bath at 6.30pm etc) he goes to sleep pretty well (for 8pm). If he's too late to bed, no matter how tired he is it will be about 9pm before he's asleep :dohh: So tonight he was just dropping off to sleep when Steve's friend started knocking on the door, and since Steve wasn't back from work yet he just kept knocking / ringing the house phone until I got up with Oliver and answered the door :grr: So then it was half nine before I finally got Oliver to sleep :dohh:

Right, I'm off to get some toast, I'm starving!

sarah - good to hear you've still got lots of work! :thumbup: and you've nearly finished your garden! I would have been fuming at Steve's friend :dohh::haha:

maybe - glad to hear work is going ok and you got a nap!!! woohoo!

we spent the afternoon at the beach today and had a BBQ. Probably the last sunny day here :(

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