Maybe thats so great that you are enjoying your new job! I hope you get some sleep over the weekend and that you have a nice time in Spain!
We had a lovely day, Oliver and I had our play date this morning and it was SO nice! Soft play was okay . . . not really my cup of tea with all the kids running around

but Oliver enjoyed the toddlers bit. My friends little girl is lovely and she and Oliver got on like wild fire! It was SO cute, she kept trying to kiss him and he kept running away
We did a spot of shopping afterwards and I bought Oliver some new shoes, his feet have grown again

I got some really lovely shoes though so I'm happy

Other than that, a trip to Asda, and chasing naughty chickens around the garden and that was our day! I'm just sorting out chair covers (with the help of my magic tumble dryer

) for a wedding on Sunday. I'm having SUCH a nightmare with this wedding

The bride is absolutely lovely (for one

) but she chose a really pretty champagne gold for her bows, and when the full order came they were totally different to the sample and really horrible so I had to send them back and start all over again. So I sent her more samples, she chose another champagne gold which I ordered when she told me on Tuesday - but they STILL haven't arrived

The place I ordered them from knew I needed them quickly, and I even offered to pay more for next day delivery, but I think they sent them standard parcels which takes forever

If they don't come tomorrow god knows what I'll do. I emailed her today to say look, if they don't come, have a think about what you'd have instead. I'm so pissed that I have to stress her out right before her wedding when she's SO lovely but I didn't just want to call her tomorrow and say they haven't arrived, you need to choose again. I have a really gorgeous gold but its a bit darker, she's seen it and thinks its too gold. She's going for a vintagey look. Having seen the gold bows on the chairs though they are really vintage looking so I'm sure they'd look gorgeous . . . hopefully if the ones she wants don't arrive she'll be happy with the darker ones in the end.
So thats stressing me out a bit, and I can't really do anything about it
Phew, I feel better for getting that out. Steve would just go mad that I haven't sorted it, but really it wasn't that easy, I've done things as quickly as I can and any lessons to learn, I've learnt them!! I feel like I'm on a huge learning curve this year.
Well the last load in the maagic dryer is almost done so I'd better dash, love to you all!