Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarah - :hugs: Poor Oliver with the teething, Roh is the same at the moment, he's not himself at all, he keeps lying down next to me and just moaning, poor thing.

Modo - Grr, to losing posts! :grr:

Well, had my mw and consultant appointments. It was lovely to hear the heartbeat. It was funny though, i heard it 3 times for a couple of seconds each time, then i could just feel loads of wriggling :haha: Playing hide and seek! Anyway, it was enough to be very reassuring :)

Consultants appointment was less lovely. I've been designated high risk, and i have to have scans every week from 32 weeks to check the baby's growth, and also that my cervix isn't shortening. Meh. I'm really not happy about the guy's decision at all. He kept going on about my weight, as my BMI is 34 and 35+ is considered high risk. So he's basically decided to treat me like i'm morbidly obese! :growlmad: Also he kept harping on that i had asthma?!?! :saywhat: i kept trying to tell him its well controlled, and no issue at all as long as i have a flu jab each year. But because i've been hospitalized with it in the last 2 years (bloody swine flu!) he wouldn't leave it alone. :( He was kind of assuming i'd have GD too, which is ridiculous, as i didn't have it last time, so there is no reason to assume i'll have it this time. As for the premature labour, well, fair enough, Roh was early, but there was a good reason, it wasn't fully spontaneous... and he was only 6 days preterm!
Over all he decided i have to stay under consultant care, and has said that i won't be able to have a home birth :cry: I'm really upset :( They will review everything at 34 weeks and might possibly decide to change their minds, assuming everything is going well. In my mind though thats just too late on to be starting to plan to do it at home, its alot to organise in a short time.

Bah, sorry for the massive rant :blush: I'm a bit upset about the whole thing, and i feel like i want a second opinion, but i've got no idea how i'd go about getting one?
emera - :hugs: I do think consultants are over cautious but you never know, you might not put on much more weight, have a really stable prengancy and get signed over to midwifery-led care when you are term :shrug: Did you see your actual consultant or one of his team? what was Roh's actual gestation? you went into labour because of a horrible stomach bug didnt you?
Amy - Yes i had a norovirus :sick: the vomiting irritated my uterus and started contractions. Roh was 36+1 when he was born. I know that the doctor was being over cautious, i know they have to cover themselves. The guy i saw was a senior member of the team, but not the actual consultant, who i've seen before, and he's great. Maybe i should try and get in touch with him?
Emera the heatbeat must have been lovely, I'm sorry that the consultant wasn't so good though :hugs: :hugs: I don't have any advice but you can have some more :hugs:

Modo I hate lost posts!!!! I hope you are okay and that Ben is home and on the mend :hugs:

Well Oliver settled down okay after about an hour of been really upset last night, today I noticed that one of his canines is through so I guess that that was the problem. Poor baby, he was SO upset :( Today we went back to the National Railway Museum and he loved it again, we had a lovely day :)

Yesterday we went back to toddler group for the first time in absolutely ages. We were up and dressed and everything so I though we might as well go and give it a try. Last time we went the other kids were all pushing Oliver about and snatching and stuff. Well this time was MUCH better, with Oliver been that little bit older he was able to stick up for himself a bit more and the other kids seemed to realise and didn't try to take stuff off him, plus we knew more people as more of the mums from baby group were there, now their babies are older. There were a lot of older kids though - the group is for ages one to two - and there was a lot of three / four year olds, and there was LOADS of kids, it was SO busy!! At the end of the group we all gathered together for singing and the organiser said that next week they would like everyone to go, and that they would be having a little party and then introducing all the over twos to the next group, because after that it would be strictly under twos. I totally see where they are coming from, and there is another group for over twos, but OMG some of the mums really kicked off!! They had to get the centre manager out and singing got completely forgotten :haha: It will be so much better though so we're really looking forward to it each week now :haha:
sarah - Alex has two canines coming through and was up in the night with a high temp. Poor boys :hugs: Glad you enjoyed toddler group, keeping it to under twos does sound good, 4 year olds are manic :haha: I guess there are mums who bring both kiddies? The Railway museum sounds fun :thumbup:

emera - :dohh: thats barely premature. YOu should definately try to see the consultant, some of the juniors definately over compensate to cover their backs. I know I was high risk with Alex for different reasons but I got signed off at 34 weeks and I would have gone for a homebirth if not for the pre eclampsia. Its not too late! A friend of mine organised hers at 36 weeks - her baby was born a weel later but was an emergency section in the end for placental abruption :dohh: sorry rambling. But yes, I bet the consultant will be more rational and if not then just enjoy the scans and seeing your baby more :)
Emera: I am sorry that you are still under consultant care :( I really don't want to be under consultant care :( I was monitored the whole time with Bobby's birth and I really don't want that this time.

Sarah: Glad Oliver is enjoying playgroup more :)
I'm full of cold and feel like crap, and I have four weddings in four days starting tomorrow. How come I only get ill when I'm busy or on holiday or something, argh!!! My head is pounding :( Everything is more or less ready for tomorrows wedding though, so I'm going to have an early night.

I've realised I have a wedding on Monday so I can't go to toddler group to see round two :haha: Amy was right, there were a lot of unhappy mums who have two little ones, I can see how that could be hard. But you wouldn't take a toddler to baby group :shrug:

I've completely forgotten everything else I was going to say, my mind is just snotty mush :haha:
sarah - hope you feel better :hugs:

modo - congrats on the :bfp:

amy - how is work?

emera - great that you heard a h/b. sorry your plans for a home birth have been ruined by the horrid consultant :hugs:

LC - owen has had his hair cut 4 times as it grows so quick!

mork - fingers crossed you get your :bfp: soon. when are you testing?

well i am shattered. Owen has been sleeping really badly :( he wakes at least 4/5 times a night and takes ages to settle. it's just taken me over half an hour to settle him now. just waiting 15-20mins before hitting the sack to make sure he's going to stay asleep for a bit. i am struggling at the moment as i have so much to do. the flat is a tip as i cant keep up with the housework. i stay late almost every day at school. when i get home i fel like it is a huge rush to just get the kids fed and bathed and in bed and that i am not getting much quality time with them. have tons of school work to do but it has stayed undone today as i have been wrapping presents and preparing party bags for erin's bday tomorrow! we're having her party in a soft play place. i had to go and collect the bday cake at 8.30 tonight. my arms almost fell off carrying it home.

going to go to bed now. hope you are all well and i hope to be on here again soon! :hugs:
Sarah: hope you feel better :hugs:

maybe: good luck tomorrow and Happy Birthday to Erin!
sarah - get well soon :hugs:
maybe - have missed you! Happy Birthday Erin :cake: I know what its like trying to juggle work and family and the house :hugs: :flower:

doh, Alex awake x
Maybe-happy birthday to Erin. It must be so hard juggling as many balls as you, but it sounds like you are doing ok even if you are frustrated things are not exactly as you would like (hugs).
Thanks for asking re testing-the answer is I have no idea as don't know if I ov'd this week or last week it even if I actually released an egg-definitely had all the lead up on both occasions I think it could have been! So in answer-hmmmmm no idea!!!
Hi to everyone else, sarahwoo hope you are feeling a bit brighter and are definately no worse.
Thanks ladies, I'm feeling a bit better today :) Hopefully if I get a good nights sleep tonight and I'll feel even better tomorrow.

Happy Birthday to Erin!!!

Todays wedding went well, though the venue hadn'y put enough chairs out! Apparently they were six chairs short because they were all in use for a conference :shock: So I had to leave six covers and bows for the venue staff to put on when they could get the chairs. I hope they did a good job, because I always make sure I do all the bows / sashes so they are the same! I am really shocked that a four star, very expensive hotel was short on chairs!! I asked to see the event manager when I was finished just to show them the bows and things, but after half an hour I was still waiting :nope: Some venues look really gorgeous but the staff are hopeless! Also in the room there were dead wasps and spiders all over the windowsills - litterally maybe 20 - 30 dead things, they must have been there ages! I can't believe they don't even clean properly, and they are SO expensive too!!!

Well we booked a little mini break today :happydance: We'd been talking about booking something, we'd thought about London, Amsterdam, Bruge, Chester, but we decided that staying in a hotel would be really hard unless we could get a suite with a seperate lounge, so that Oliver could go to bed and we could stay up and watch TV etc. But all the suites were really expensive :dohh: So anyway, we ended up booking here . . . .
Its only an hour or so from home but I think it'll feel like a different world! It's not far from Pickering either so we can get the North Yorkshire Railway steam train to Witby one day :) We're going at the end of November and I can't wait!!!!!
OMG Sarah :shock: That's so gross about the hotel. I would have been horrified to pay all that money for a dirty room with dead insects and 6 less chairs. I really feel bad for the bride and groom :( Glad to hear you have booked a holiday. The FB pics are gorgeous!
Sarahwoo- holiday sounds fab :)
Modo - 5.23 am - really??? that is wayyyyyy too early!!!
So talking of holidays, we have had a 'holiday' from home this week as dh has been off work. We have been taking day trips, so today we went to our local swim centre and I was SO proud of my dd as she was really a joy to be with once she had got her bearings in a new setting - she even went down the slides that I thought she wouldnt even go near!! Just wanted to share!!!
Hope you are all looking forward to the weekend xxx
Mork - What a little star T is! Glad you've been having a nice staycation :)

Maybe - :hugs: hope the weekend being here gives you a bit of a rest!

Sarah - I think thats dreadful about the chairs and dead insects at the venue, there is really no excuse for that sort of thing at all, especially not in a venue thats rated 4 star, i'd be appalled personally! The pictures of Oliver at the train museum place are so adorable by the way! :cloud9: The break you've booked looks fabulous, just the sort of thing i'd enjoy, i'd be jealous if i hadn't already had more holidays this year than i've had in the last 8 years! :haha: Hope you are feeling well again by now :hugs:

Everyone else i hope you are all well :hugs:

Well, seems like we've finally fully weaned Roh off bottles :happydance: I've tried a few times, but we've always ended up going back after a few nights when he's stopped taking any milk. He seems to have really taken to the beakers, so thats great :) Also cutting the dairy out of his diet seems to be working too! He's much less phlegmy and wheezy, and his poos are better too! He's now having goats milk on his cereal and in his bedtime beaker, and then soya milk at lunch / afternoon snack. He has soya yogurts too. He's still having some cows milk cheese in his diet, but not very much. I think we will stick with this, as he seems happy, and his appetite is more even too, all in all i think its doing him good :thumbup:
Finally his top 2 canines have broken through the skin, phew, its been a week of bad nights since we got back! I'm hoping now the really painful bit is done it will ease off a little, fingers crossed. Saying that though i can see that the bottom 2 aren't far off, so we might just head straight on to those :dohh:

I'm feeling rotten. I'm definately coming down with something, my throat is raw, and i feel generally rough. Poo, i really don't have time for a cold, or throat infection or anything. Rubbish. Went and bought the basic basic lemsips, i can't have any of the good stuff being pregnant! :sulk: Ah well, hopefully Roh will go easy on me this weekend..... yeah right! :rofl:
Emera I hope you're feeling better soon! My cold is improving a bit but its on my chest now, I'm coughing all the time and I think I might loose my voice :dohh: I'm the same as you and can only take paracetamol due to breastfeeding. Having said that, its now two years since I've been able to take anything, so I guess I'm used to it :haha: Well done with the bottles! Oliver has one of his top canines through - the others are on their way - they are sooo the worst teeth!!!

Mork I'm so glad you've had a fab week! :hugs:

Modo what are you doing up so early!!!!!

I'm glad its not just me who thinks its bad re the bugs and the chairs at the hotel. . . . . oh Olivers awake, I'll keep posting from my phone in bed :haha:
I'm back! :haha: Didn't want to waste what I'd typed on my netbook :haha:

So as I was saying, I'm glad you all think it was bad at the hotel. I presume that the conference was going to finish before the ceremony and they were going to put enough seats in for the guests, but having worked in hotels conferences have a terrible habit of running over. I'm just so shocked they don't have enough chairs!!! And the bugs were just awful. Such lazy housekeeping. If there had actually been a member of staff around I would have told them to clean them up, but there were no staff at all :dohh: I went back today for my covers and I was pretty suprised that they were all there :haha: though they were just thrown in a heap rather than bagged up. I just got the impression that the staff were lazy and crap tbh :shrug:

I have two more weddings tomorrow, and an early start. My parents are coming up for eight thirty :shock: :haha: I have everything ready though, I was so busy getting everything sorted tonight that I forgot to have any tea :dohh:

Oliver has my cold, I feel so bad that I gave it to him :(
Mork: T is so clever :) I am up early now every day be cause of Bobby's teething. He is drooling like a fiend! Tour stayaction sounds great :D

Emera: Yay for the bottle weaning and the improvement in the wheeziness! Bobby only has goats milk. I hope that you get a break now that the top two canines have broken through :happydance: Bobby's haven't come out yet but he drools so much!

Sarah: sorry that Oliver has your cold :( :hugs: Sorry the staff were jerks to your chair covers. I think you are right and they are just plain lazy :nope: I can't get over how bad it was :nope: Good luck with toms weddings!
Woke up very nauseous but didn't throw up thinking I will be getting morning sickness again. I got it up to third tri last time :dohh: Bobby woke up at 4am the usual "I'm hungry" thing. I haven't been able to get back to sleep since.

I have been looking at birthing centres as I really want to ensure I don't get drugged up to the eyeballs again. I really like the idea of them as I really desperately want a VBAC. Have been looking into the co-sleepers (do you recommend yours Sarah?) as we def want to do that this time. Next I will look into what breastfeeding resources are around me because I am desperate to get that right this time. I know it seems early to do this stuff but I really feel like I need to be on the ball :lol:


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