Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Modo most of the co sleepers (like the arms reach I thonk) only go up to six months, so we have a cot bed, with the side taken off as it would be to be a bed, and we made some adjustments to make the mattress the same level as ours. The cot is between the wall and the bed, and the mattress is moved over to butt up to our, and then you can get foam cut to fill the gap. It's worked an absolute treat for us!

Have you read ina may's guide to child birth? If you are wanting to try to stay natural I would absolutely recommend it, I don't think I would have managed on gas and air if I hadn't read that book :thumbup:

Well I don't know if Oliver was awake all night or if I drempt it :dohh: :haha: I kept looking at the clock and it always said 3am, but I was getting all stressed that he wouldn't sleep. I think it might have been a dream because the next minute it was 7.30am, and I don't feel too tired, and Oliver is very spritely! How unfair that I dream that I can't sleep?!?! :rofl:
Thanks Sarah! In that case I might keep Bobby's old cot (not the cotbed he will be sleeping in that) and try to make the modifications you did. Once baby outgrows it we can get something else I guess.

I downloaded the Ina May book on my ipad. Will start reading everynight before bed :thumbup:

Oh dear Sarah :lol: I think it probably was a dream :hugs: Bobby just turned his nose up at the cheese and chicken omelet I made him for breakfast. I managed to eat my half despite feeling queasy :sick: What was Oliver's breakfast?
Modo I think you'll really enjoy the book :thumbup: I never even finished it but it made a huge difference :) if I get chance I'll take a photo of our set up with Oliver's cot :)

Oliver had porridge for breakfast - we went through a phase of having pancakes with maple syrup and bananas and things like that, but I think he got bored :haha: He's really loving porridge again lately.

Well todays weddings are both done and looked lovely, the second venue was a really lovely - the nicest hotel I've been to for a long time. I was talking to the staff and its about half the price of the bigger hotels! It was immaculate, really gorgeous. I'll put pics on later :)

Right, well now the weddings are done I need to get stuck in and do some house work!
Modo - We are planning to do exactly the same as Sarah has done, we'll modify the cotbed Roh is in to be at the right height for our mattress and cut foam to fill in the gap :thumbup: OH is dead keen on using the Moses basket again (he thinks its all lovely and cosy, and great as we can carry baby to bed with us when we go. I guess he has a point ) So i guess we'll put that in the cotbed to start with to keep OH happy! :haha: This does however mean we will be getting Roh a proper bed :shock: I'm dreading it, hearing his little feet pattering down the hall when he wakes up in the morning :wacko: I guess we can just all 4 of us snuggle up together in the mornings, could be alot worse :)

Oh also, Modo, have you tried the three ginger tea by Pukka? Its lovely and really helped with my sickness :hugs:

Sarah - Glad the weddings went well this morning :) I have had dreams exactly like yours before, that i'm spending all night trying to sleep, then i suddenly wake up and its morning and i feel really well rested....weird eh? I think they are just a variation on the classic frustration dream, like the ones when you are trying to get somewhere or find something, but you never can, you know?
Roh and i have porridge most mornings, he loves it! He used to have banana mashed in porridge every single day. These days i mix it up a bit, toast, weetabix, cornflakes, fruit salad, sausages etc. (not all together!)
This morning we had muesli porridge, Roh decided it needed to be eaten with his hands :dohh: He picked all the raisins out first :haha:

OH has really not talked all that much about the new baby, i guess i haven't been either, Roh is keeping us so busy. One of my friends bumped into him the other day though, and then said to me how nice it was how excited OH was about the new baby. We finally got round to talking about it last night, and omg he's soooo excited, its really cute :haha: He was just like, "yay, we get another little person that i get to love as much as i love Roh!" Awwww! :cry: It made me all teary!

Bleh, i should be doing house work the place is a state, there is saucepan lids on the sittingroom floor i just noticed :dohh: I'm feeling so rotten though i'm just curled up on the sofa watching the formula 1 qualifying :(
Emera we're watching quaifiying here too :thumbup: I've been trying to get some house work done but Steve isn't up yet so trying to clean while keeping Oliver busy and keeping quiet is pretty hard :dohh:

Sooooo cute about your OH been so excited :)

Oh, and re the cosleeping cot arrangement, I have a video monitor which makes it all much easier - I guess in the early days they can't roll / crawl / get up and run :haha: but when they get mobile its excellent. Oliver goes to bed on his own and I just pop the monitor on and keep an eye on him - I dont go in as soon as he wakes up but before he can dive off the bed :haha:
Sarah: Bobby loves porridge too :thumbup: I tend to give it to him when he wakes up at night hungry :dohh: Glad the weddings went well :mrgreen:

Emera: Aww Roh getting a big boy bed :cloud9: Bobby's cotbed would never fit in our room which is why we had to buy the cot in the first place. The morning snuggle sounds lovely :cloud9: Thanks for the tip re the tea. I will def try that :thumbup: It's so great that your OH is excited about the baby :)
Just a couple of pics from todays weddings :)

This one is the really lovely venue, Churchills hotel in York . . . .


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And this one was just a pretty normal one at a pretty normal / boring / overpriced hotel :haha:


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Wow :shock: LOVE the first set of pics. I do agree agree that the second is boring in comparison but your chair covers still make it look lovely :)
Thanks Modo!

I have another wedding today, its only for 30 and not until this afternoon, so we're going up at about lunch time.

I hope everyone had a good weekend! Apart from weddings. Oliver and I also went to the car boot sale yesterday with my MIL - its getting to be a little routine :haha: We always have a good time though, and my MIL spends all week running around after the other grand kids so its nice to do something with her that she enjoys, IYKWIM :) This week we bought lots of Thomas books, they were 30p each and while Oliver doesn't know how to treat books I'd rather he had those than the full price ones :haha: When he's a bit older I'll buy him the box set :thumbup: I also got him an Early Learning Centre wizz around garage for a fiver! Its lovely and came up like new with a good clean, though it wasn't really dirty. I've seen them in ELC before and liked them so I was pretty pleased, and he's played with it loads already!!
Wow sounds like great deals Sarah :thumbup: We really need to find some carboot sales around us.

"Morning" Sickness has started today. I forgot how bad it was :sick: I tried some ginger tea (not pukka) but I cound't drink much. Will try the pukka next time.
Ergh, i'm feeling TERRIBLE! :cry:

My throat really hurts and my head is pounding :( Worst thing is that today my asthma has started getting bad. It doesn't happen very often these days, i hate it :( I'll have to go to the doctors tomorrow for steroid tablets i think. I was hoping i'd manage to avoid that this pregnancy. Poo, sorry, just feeling really self-pitying this evening, i get very fed up when i can't breath properly.
Also feeling guilty as Roh woke up really snotty this morning, so i'm guessing he's caught whatever this is off me. Poor thing :( I'll just have to try and struggle through work as i really can't afford to take time off for being ill, i don't get paid for it.

Sorry for just grumbling :blush:

Hope you are all ok :hugs:
Oh noooo Modo morning sickness is rubbish - I think the thought of it keeps any broodiness away in my head :haha: It will be over soon though, you'll be fine :hugs: Sucking on ice pops helped me sometimes . . . . but the main thing was getting into a routine of knowing when I could eat and when not to try.

Its been such lovely weather here today, I really hope it'll be like this all week!!

Here are a few pics of todays wedding . . . .


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Awwww Emera I'm really sorry to hear that you're under the weather :hugs: I really hope you're feeling better soon! :hugs:
Hope you feel better soon emera xxx
Sarah - the chairs are lovely :)
Hope everyone else has had a good day xxx
mork - glad you had a nice week with DH and DD

sarah - your wedding pics are lovely

emera - hope you are feeling better soon!!!!

modo - hope morning sickness doesnt last til the 3rd tri for you this time!

amy - how's work? i imagine that your beig quiet on here too means you are snowed under with work and the 3 kids as am i :dohh:

sorry for being AWOL but have been soooooooooooo busy at work. have just finished downloading sheet music to make backing track from, tho god knows how i'm going to get it all done :wacko: i have tons of marking to do too :nope: but it is past 11.15pm now and am exhausted! i will try to get on here more often even if it's only for 5 mins as i miss speaking to you all :flower:
Aw we miss you too maybe, but we understand! Not long till the school holidays!! Xx
Hey Maybe! Hope you are enjoying it despite been so busy! How is Owens sleeping?

Oliver only woke twice last night even though he's full of cold and has a nasty cough, so I was really pleased. He didn't get up until just before nine :thumbup: I really hope we shake our colds soon! I have woken up with such a sore throat :dohh: I think I'll pop into Boots later and see if there is anything we can have.

Oh, and Oliver has started saying 'two, three' - he expects someone else to say 'one' :haha: and he always says three 'threeeeeeeeee' because Steve counts before he throws him about :haha: Also when Oliver is getting ready for bed we usually sing songs, ad he likes the song about the mouse in a windmill in Amsterdam. Well yesterday I'd sung him a few songs and then as clear as anything he shouted 'mouse' and then got all excited when I sang the mouse song!!! I am soooooo loving this age :)
Emera: Hope you and Roh are feeling better :hugs: I am really sorry you are having asthma during your pregnancy :hugs:

Sarah: Your chair covers are gorgeous! Clever Oliver he is saying a lot now :mrgreen: Glad he is feeling better and waking less.

Maybe: So good to hear from you :hugs:

Mork: Thank you! You too :hugs:
Hi everyone.

Not managed to get on over the weekend, ended up working 21 hours in Sat and 8 on Sun, I'm pooped, I only had about 3 hours sleep between urghhh. Still catching up.

Been feeling sick tha past couple of days but not sure if it's tiredness and so thirsty, anyone else get this in their pregnancies?

Will has been up in the nights too with a temp, I think it's his teeth, but will go to the Dr tomorrow if no better.

Will read up and post properly later, lots of love xxxxx

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