Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LC - hope will is better soon :hugs:

modo - how's morning sickness? any better?

emera - hope you are well!

mork- yeah about 5 weeks til half term, this is the only term we have half term though, the other 2 terms are straight through!

amy - hope you are ok

h&f - hope all is well with you!

sarah - hope you and oliver are better soon! how cute he is with his counting :cloud9: owen has slept a bit better since i have put him in a 0.5 tog grobag the past 3 nights. he's only woken 2-3 times as opposed to 7-8 the past few weeks since i have started work. io think it may be a bit of separation anxiety!

well work is non stop. have been at it non stop since the kids went to bed at 8.30 and now it is almost 11pm :wacko: i am eating crisps and biscuits as i cant be bothered to get anything better! :dohh::blush:

owen is speaking loads now and says 2 work sentences like 'all gone' (with matching hand gestures :haha: ) 'tata dada' (bye dad). when he likes something it is 'adain', not got the hang of 'g' yet :rofl: if you as him 'what's your name?' he replies 'owen' (though he pronounces it more like 'owa' :haha: )

anyways i'm off to have a shower and make a cuppa and wind down with a bit of tv before hitting the sack. hope you all have peaceful nights :hugs:
LC - dont want to scare you but thirst can be a sign of diabetes so maybe get checked out. maybe it's just that you need to drink more though, especially as when you're working you may not get the chance to drink as much as you need.
:hugs: to you all ladies!

L-C and Modo - Sorry you are feeling sick :( I tried to look at it as a good sign that things were progressing :hugs:

Maybe - I can't even imagine how busy you must be! :hugs: Owen sounds gorgeous!

Sarah - Likewise Oliver sounds sooo cute! I love this age too, its great eh? :cloud9:

Well i went to the doctors, i have a throat and chest infection, fun :( Roh has it too, so we are both on anti-biotics and both feeling sorry for ourselves. The doctor was worried about my asthma, but he checked my oxygen sats and they were still over 90% so he's decided to hold off on steroids, as its not ideal for the baby, but if it gets worse then he says steroids will be better than reduced oxygen to the baby. I has a nebuliser, which really helped and my breathing is a bit easier now :thumbup:

Roh said his first 2 word sentence today, i was soooo proud! :happydance:

He waved at the end of ITNG and said "bye bye piggle" so cute! He always does the nodding and shaking heads along with them too, and says "uh oh" when iggle piggle falls over :haha: Its the only tv programme he shows any interest in :shrug:
Emera Oliver loves ITNG too, though his favourite programme is Thomas :haha: I hope the two of you are on the mend soon! :hugs:

Maybe I can't even imagine how busy you must me!! Phew!

All the talking babies are just soooooo cute!!!!

Well Oliver has been really upset all day :cry: I think its his cough, cold and teething all getting him down, poor baby :cry: He would be playing and then just start crying, or if he fell over and normally he'd just jump up and get on with things he was just sitting and crying. Poor baby, I felt awful for him. Steve has really suprised me too because he just has zero patience, it really annoyed me! Oliver wasn't having a temper tantrum for no reason, he's poorly!! At about 4pm Oliver was crying and Steve got all grumpy and said he 'just wanted to relax before he went into work so he might as well just go in early' :shock: I just said well fine, if thats how you fell, just go to work. I was so annoyed! Then Oliver stopped crying and Steve was all nice again! Seriously I feel like I hardly know him sometimes - he's so great with Oliver when he's okay but he just really can't - or more like won't - deal with him if he's upset. I wish I wasn't such a wimp because I really want to sit Steve down and tell him how out or order he is but I won't :dohh:

So after a bit of a rubbish day Oliver was fast asleep in bed for 6pm :shock: I'm just going to jump in the shower and then go to bed myself, because I expect after an early night Oliver will have an early moring :haha:
sarah - :grr: to steve! men! when owen was screaming at 4am the other day danny stropped off to the sofa moaning about what a crap life he has! half the times he doesnt even hear owen waking and if he does he can just go back to sleep as i'm the one who deals with it :growlmad:

emera - hope you and roh get well soon! owen loves ITNG too!

was going to go to sleep and owen started coughing and crying :dohh: gave him water and he's settled after a bit of fuss but waiting anither 10mins before going to bed in case he wakes again! uh oh there he goes coughing again :nope: i soooooooo need to :sleep:
Maybe Oliver woke just as I was about to get in the shower! Boys eh! :haha:

Gosh what is it with men!!! :grr: Or at least our men :haha: The thing is if I had a conversation with Steve and said that someone else was like that he'd be all 'how terrible, he's a baby, babies cry' etc etc. He KNOWS that he was ill, and normally Oliver is such a good, non crying kinda chap :haha: It upsets me when I think about how Oliver will feel if Steve is this way with him when he's older. Because he really can be so nasty and hurtful but in kind of little tiny bursts. He's never ever physically violent or anything, but he'll just say really nasty things almost as if he just wants to hurt me, and when I ignore it he just goes back to been all nice and its like it never happened :shrug: I always just ignore him but it really, really upsets me. I'd never show it though because its almost like I'd be giving him what he wants. Urgh, things could be better around here at the moment :cry:
sarah - :hugs: danny is the same and will say little things like that.

am so tired. my head is killing me from lack of sleep thanks to owen waking last night :nope: no idea how i'm going to survive work today. i even have after school choir with 54 kids and just me to control them! i want to :cry: sorry feeling sorry for myself! on with the day now.
Hi all sorru for not catching up properly I just dont seem to get the time at the moment I am always running around somewhere!

Well dad goes in for his huge operation today so i think we are all feeling nervous here today and praying it all goes well - please think of him if you get a chance today. Hpefully update later.
H&F I hope your dads op goes well!!

Maybe :hugs: I hope your day goes smoothly :hugs: Lots of :coffee: and more :coffee: :hugs:

Oliver slept pretty good last night, he wanted to snuggle all night which was quite nice really :haha: He seems much better this morning, not as much snot :haha:

I have a bit of a blanket problem :haha: Oliver won't sleep in a sleeping bag any more, basically as soon as he started crawling he would go mad if I put him in a sleeping bag - I think because it restricts him from crawling / walking? But he also hates blankets :dohh: It hasn't been an issue all summer but sometimes when he wakes up in the night he's pretty cold, and I wonder if that's why he's sometimes really cuddly? I've tried blankets and his little duvet but he always wakes up and gets all cross with them :haha: Any ideas? I though about putting him another layer on, like maybe some PJ's over his babygrow and vest? I'll keep trying with the blankets too, I wonder if when its cold he'll just accept them?
What about a fleecey over baby grow sarah??
Yeah I thought about that for really cold nights, I don't want him been too hot though :dohh:

I've had an enquiry from a bride this morning. She wants chair covers, aisle runners, bay trees, draping and candles. She wants a romantic feel 'on a budget'. Which all sounds fine, but she has booked literally the ugliest function room I've ever worked in! I've done two weddings there and its absolutely horrid, the grounds are average, location is average, enterance is okay, but the room is just utterly horrible! The lighting is foul, I've never, ever seen it look good! And ito make it look even remotely 'romatic' you'd need to totally drape it and put uplighters everywhere. And its expensive. Why on earth did she books it?!? :haha: :dohh:

Right, Oliver and I are off for a bath :thumbup:
Morning all,
Maybe sorry you had a rubbish night and have such a busy day ahead - hugs to you xx
H&f - cant believe how time has flown since your wedding - a month already!
Sarah-boo to ugly venue - how about forget the lighting and just use loads of tealights?!
L-C,Emera, Modo - hope you are all ok and that if you are feeling rubbish due to sickness, asthma, tiredness that you start to 'bloom' soon!
Amy - hope you are ok honey xxx
We have had a morning playgroup, T is now asleep and so this pm as its such a lovely day I am going to take her to the beach to wear her out (she sttn monday after doing the same so am hoping it works tonight!!!). She has not yet said 2 word sentences (unless you count bye bye?!!!!!lol) but she does love itng!!!!
mork :happydance::wohoo::dance::yipee: at a full night's sleep! am hoping for one soon!

h&f - hope all goes well with your dad's op. you and your family are in my thoughts :hugs:

sarah - have a look at this link re what you said about oliver not liking grobags any more. am considering one of these for owen as he gets annoyed with the grobag :

well work was ok, sooooooooo tired though. we had a year group meeting at lunch and then i had choir after school, me and 55 kids in the end but it went well :thumbup: then i went home, took over from my mum with the kids, went to morissons with all 3 in tow, then the food, bath, bed thing (my MIL came round for a bit to help out though) and now i have collapsed on the sofa. i have shoved some asparagus in the oven to roast and bought a cooked chicken from morissons and that will be me done for dinner. danny is on nights so i am going to do no work tonight (though i really should do some!!!) and i am going to veg in front of the tv with full control of the remote! :haha:
Hellooooo! Sorry for being quiet - I am shattered after two long days and nearly running out of petrol 30 miles away from home today! I will catch up with you all tomorrow :hugs:

Maybe I'm glad you had a good day - fingers crossed for a good night!

Amy I hate playing petrol roulette :dohh: I'm so glad you got home okay. Do you have your days off now? :hugs:

Mork I hope you enjoyed the beach!! YAY to sleeping through!!!! :happydance:

Well we had a good day :thumbup: Oliver and I had a lovely bath this morning - I could sooooo get into the habit of sharing a morning bath :haha: I also managed to get a few jobs done like cleaning out the fridge, and my ocado delivery came so we have lovely food :thumbup: This afternoon when Steve got up we went to Harrogate and had a lovely wonder around the shops, and then I collected my chair covers from Mondays wedding. Shopping was fun, we bought Oliver a rain coat and matching wellys from JoJo Maman Bebe, he already has two pairs of wellys and a raincoat but I couldn't resist these ones, they are SO cute!! I might sell the others since they are new and I doubt he needs all of them :dohh: We also bought him one of the little life back packs with reins, the dinosaur one, its toooooo cute!!!!

When I went to collect the chair covers I saw the venues wedding coordinator, she's lovely and we always get chatting. She said she'd only just got back in so I said I hope you've been somewhere nice, and she said she'd been at the midwife drop in clinic. So we got chatting, she's 14 weeks and last year she had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. She'd gone to the drop in today for some reassurance, and it had taken the midwife five mins to find a heatbeat. She said when she found it she just burst into tears. She was obviously still pretty shaken up, bless her. So we had a chat about my miscarriage and then having Oliver etc, when I left she said she felt loads better for having talked, it made me feel all helpful :haha: I told her to email me anytime and let me know how she gets on etc. It was really nice to chat with her - but I was half an hour and Steve was a grump when I got back in the car - oops :haha:

So after the excitement of shopping etc, Oliver was late to bed and then took a while to wind down, yesterday he was asleep for half six, today it was just after ten!!!!!

Right, well I have a few things to do before bed, night night all!! X
sarah - it's nice to feel helpful and give people reassurance after mc. :)

amy - glad you got home ok. i looked at the petrol gauge on my moped today and it was on empty! managed to get to a petrol station after school though!

mork - yes i think the sleeping suit things are great. now just to convince danny.......

OMG i am sooooooooooo glad that tomorrow is friday. i am ready to collapse. after school i took the kids to the playground and then it was home, bath, food, bed and i tidied up the living room a bit and cleared the dishes in the kitchen but i seriously cannot do anything else. i'm shattered!!! so having a cuppa and a chocolate (or 2 :haha: ) and think i'm going to have an early night!
Bobby sleeping is driving me insane!!!!!

We can't seem to get him to sleep anymore We put him in bed and he immediately stands up and cries. We then spend the next few hours trying to put him back in bed. He walks to the stairs and we carry him up. We put him back down on the floor and he walks to his bed and reaches up so we put him in. He rolls over, stands up and reaches out for us. If we leave him in he cries. If we pick him up he doesn't want to be put back down until we are back downstairs.

What's going on?!!!!!

The only thing that is working is the car and only if he is tired enough. He wakes up when we park and lets me put him in bed and sleeps. But last night he slept at 9pm. Surely that can't be good?!!! He woke up at 6am!
Maybe - yay for friday! :)

Modo - sounds like Bobby is being really challenging! Is he in a bed he can get out of or a cot still? I know when roh was doing the same thing, just not going to sleep and he'd just cry if we left him, it took quite a while to sort out. We had to put him to bed, and then I lay next to him and held his hand. I'd stay there until he fell asleep, if he tried to get up I'd lay him back down without talking to him or picking him up. I just tried to re-inforce the idea that bed was bed, and once he was in, that was it, even if he got upset. Sometimes he did cry quite a bit, but I would lie there with my arm round him, and stroke his hair, so I was still able to comfort him without actually picking him up. After a couple of months of it taking less and less time ikd just sit near his door, and then eventually he'd let me leave him awake without getting upset. If bobby is reaching for you then maybe donkt give him the comfort he wants until he will lie down in bed, so that will show him that's where you want him to be? Also, I'd suggest that one or the other of you does the whole process, roh gets way too stimulated if OH and I are both there when trying to get him to sleep. Don't know if any of that helps in your situation, but its what we did, and roh is great now mostly.

Ergh, well roh and I are having a pj day again today, OH was off yesterday and let me stay in bed all day, which helped a lot! I'm still feeling crap though and so is roh. Whilst he's been ill all of his canines have come through though, yay!


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