Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Busy + still ill + tired = a bit poo!

Ah well, starting to feel better, its just taking a long time to shift.

Going to go to sleep now, just wanted to send :hugs: to everyone!

just a quickie

emera - get well soon :hugs:

modo - poor Bobby, hope he's OK tonight :flower:

Mork - hope T's teeth pop through soon :hugs:

maybe - fab pictures :thumbup:

sarah - :cake: :hugs:

Still no Max cat :(work exhausting. :hugs:to all
Evening all!

Modo I hope Bobby is better :hugs: Oliver has had a teething temp for the first time with his canines :(

Emera I hope you feel better soon! Oliver and I have both taken ages to get over our colds, I'm still pretty chesty and Oliver still has a crazy amount of snot :dohh:

Amy :hugs: re Max the cat :( Have you put any signs up? My BIL's cat went missing, they put flyers through all the local houses and through that found out that he'd been knocked down :( Very sad but they were gratefull to know :hugs: Really hope he's just off having a huge adventure and making the most of the weather :hugs:

It was my birthday today - so I'm now 31 :shock: :haha: I've had a lovely day. We went to Leeds for lunch, to an Italian restaurant (San Carlos? Something like that :haha: There are a few I think, one in Bristol?) The food was absolutely gorgeous, sooooooo yummy! Oliver was fairly well behaved but hardly ate, whenever we eat in a nice resturant he always gets excited and barely touches his food :dohh: He did pretty well with dessert though :haha: So after that we went shopping, Steve wanted to buy me something so I ended up with a new Barbour coat. Its lovely, black with a red lining, its gorgeous. It was way too expensive but it'll last years. I want some black Hunter wellies now :haha:

So all in all I've had a great day :) Steve is off tomorrow too so we're going to have a house day and get some jobs done around here as they are mounting up as always!

Sarah: Happy Birthday for yesterday! Sounds like you had a lovely time :D

Bobby still is not going to bed easily and needs to fall asleep in the car. Honestly I'm too depressed to talk about it :(

We are going to playgroup today from 10-11.15am, maybe go out for lunch and visit my Dad in the afternoon who is here for a week. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the Dr to get referred to the MW at 10 weeks and I'm meeting a doula.
Modo what time does Bobby go to bed? Is he tired at that time?

Oliver slept lovely until Steve came to bed at 4.30am, after that he pretty much just wanted boobie all night :hissy: I tried just putting him down and rather than been upset he just had a complete temper tantrum, if it had just been me in bed I would have left him to it :dohh:
Sarah - Glad you had a lovely birthday! The coat sounds really nice. Barbour jackets are such good quality, you'll still be wearing it when you retire! :haha: San Carlos is lovely, yum yum, very posh, the one here is anyway. I've not been there for years actually, it used to be where OH and i would go as a treat. Now we go to Wagamamas, as Roh loves the noodles and swinging in the highchairs they have there :haha: Its a shame that Oliver woke up and went all boobaholic for the 2nd half of the night though :dohh: :hugs: I understand about the early tantrums though. Roh started today about 5 minutes after he got up, as i wouldn't let him wear his red dungerees (they still had a muddy patch on the knee after i washed them, i wanted to scrub it out) he loves them so much! He managed to maintain the tantrum right through breakfast and out the other side, pausing to shove food in his mouth of course :dohh: He's gotten so much more emotional in the last week or so, its taken me by surprise. I thought it was him being ill, but i think its frustration when i stop him doing things.

Amy - Hope your kitty comes home :( My nan's old cat vanished for nearly a month, and then eventually just wondered back into the house looking a bit bedraggled. I bet someone else has been feeding him though, apparently that happens loads. :hugs:

Modo - Sounds like Bobby might need some sort of sleep training? Sorry its getting you down so much i know what it felt like when i was spending 2+ hours with Roh every night :hugs: I'm not sure what to suggest, although i suspect driving him round every night to get him to sleep probably won't make it easier in the long run? Does he sleep in the day, and what times? Does he seem tired for bed, or a bit hyper? :hugs: Hope you get on well with the doula!

Mork - Hope the teething settles down :hugs:

Hmm, i'm starting to wonder if i need to cut back my duties at work. I really just want to keep on doing my job as normal for as long as possible, but i'm shattered at the end of the shift. I've also started getting pains low down under my bump, which sometimes feel a bit alarming. I'm wondering if its just the baby moving to uncomfortable positions, or my ligaments or something, problem is i am finding i just really can't remember how it felt last time, except for a general idea, so i can't compare. I'm also feeling pressure which i think is on my cervix or certainly that area when i have to do alot of the heavier work (not heavy lifting as such, but its reasonably physical stuff, like kneading large amounts etc.) Guess i'm just looking for opinions, what do you think i should do?

Oh, by the way, here's a picture of my bump from a week ago :shock:
modo - falling asleep in the car must be so tiresome for you! have you tried CC or CIO? eventually i resorted to it. the 1st night he cried for over 2hrs :cry: but now he either cries/whinges for a bit or occasionally just lies there and falls asleep.

emera - nice bump :thumbup: i got a lot of pains with owen, less time to rest!

sarah - glad you had a nice birthday :cake::hugs:

amy - sorry max is still missing :hugs:

mork - is t still sleeping ok?

work is so much work :haha: tonight i have maths books to mark and backing tracks to do! been doing housework since i got in and posting from my phone now whilst feeding owen - multitasking!!! :rofl:
Sarah: Sorry that Oliver's sleep went downhill the second half of the night :(

Emera: Lovely bump pic :cloud9: Thank you for the advice.

Maybe: CIO doesn't work as he get's too upset. Glad Owen is sleeping better :hugs:
I managed to get Bobby to sleep in his cot tonight. It took about an hour and he cried the whole time. I feel pretty rotten about it :( Everytime he got up I would lay him back down.

The only reason I did it is because DH post surgery recovery has been slow. Sitting in the car for a long time is painful for him. Bobby doesn't have a fever anymore is no longer ill so I though I should just do it tonight.

Do you think I did the right thing?

I feel like crying myself :cry:
Aw modo, bless you, its so hard when you know they are upset, What you did tonight sounds good to me, you are giving the consistent message that it is sleep time and making sure Bobby knows you are there. At the moment I am laying t in her cot and then sitting by the side of it holding her hand to keep her laying down and to reassure her that I am there as if i leave the room she screams! So not that dissimilar!
And to those of you who asked - yes, T is currently having more good nights than bad nights (have probably jinxed it now lol!!!!)
sarah - sounds like you had a lovely birthday and the coat sounds gorgeous! :hugs: Alex gets like that some nights, it makes me feel sore, empty and like screaming but I grit my teeth through it so he doesnt wake the girls. Hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:

modo - sorry to hear you are having such struggles with Bobby and sleep. I'm sure you want to get on top of it before bubba #2 arrives so thats probably making you feel pressured. Hope you had a nice day today :hugs:

emera - you look fab, what an impressive bump :winkwink: I'm sure the pains are a combination of your ligaments loosening up and doing too much. When do you next see your midwife? I would ask about it. could work give you less of the heavier duties? bless Roh, the red dungarees do sound super cool though :winkwink:

maybe - roll on half term!! I dont know how you do it! I moan about my job but at least when I leave each shift thats it for the day :hugs:

I phoned some local vets today but none of them have seen Max and they said as he is microchipped I would be alerted if anyone did bring him to a vets/police/RSPCA. Thanks sarah :hugs: we did put up posters at the weekend but heard nothing. Kerry has searched all along the roads and didnt find him dead or anything. I think someone has been feeding him and he's decided to move out :(

I had a terrible night with Alex last night, I've had a sore throat for a couple of days and he's had a bit of a snotty cold but last night he was feverish and coughing and snotting everywhere. And crying and crying. I also felt dreadful, like I was going to puke. I had to sit up on the bed with him on my chest breast feeding all night (so I can definately empathise Sarah!). Kerry was in a moody grump which didnt help. so today after I'd taken Holly to school Alex and I snuggled up and slept for 2 hours which was bliss. I'm still not feeling great. I had the flu jab at work yesterday and I think I reacted to it. It does feel like mild flu.

One last story of woe :haha::blush: Holly got thrown off her horse at riding this evening and came home in a right state. She got thrown against the fence because the horse spooked. Her wrist, chest and leg are all briused :( I'm hoping it doesnt put her off riding as she loves it :(

Hope everyone else is ok :flower:
I tried holding hi hand or stroking his foot but it upset him more :( thanks for the kind words. I am starting to feel better about it.
Amy: hope your kitty comes back :( I would be heartbroken too if either of mine went missing :( glad you got a lovely nap with Alex :cloud9: Hope Holly doesn't get put off horseriding but what a scary experience :(
Meant to say - lush bump Emera! Amy, so sorry about max, I hope he comes home soon - i would be beside myself if one of my cats went missing (probably partly why they are house cats lol!), hugs xx
Modo - I missed your posts. Dont feel bad :hugs: you are doing the right thing and Bobby will feel better if going to bed isnt a horrible experience :hugs: I still BF Alex to sleep so one day in the future when he decides to stop I am going to have to address things so that he can fall asleep by himself.

mork - thanks hun. my first cat got killed on the road outside my house so I nearly kept Ruby and Max as house cats :(

Alex is crying

Emera wow that's a gorgeous bump!!! Def ask work about lightening your load :thumbup: The restaurant was quite posh, I bet its lovely for an evening meal. It was pretty pricey, I was like this at the bill :shock: but Steve's boss was paying as a birthday treat for me so I wasn't too bothered :haha:

Amy I hope Max comes home soon!! We once had a cat 'move out' when I was little. She turned up one day moonths later looking really fat and with her side all shaved - but she'd alreay been spayed :haha: Bless Holly falling off, did she get right back on? I had some horrible falls over the years, its amazing how quick you forget though, when you're young. I hope she's not too achey tomorrow, I always felt worse the next day :dohh: I know a few people who have felt really crap after the flu jab this year, I wonder if its a particularly nasty one? I don't know if I should get it or not :shrug: I always get asked as I have asthma but its soooooo mild now, I haven't really had issues since I was at school!!

Modo I hope Bobbys sleep gets better :hugs: Have you read the no cry sleep solution? Maybe something like that might help? Oliver takes ages to get to sleep some days, others he's fast off within 15 mins. I depends how tired he is really. I'm pretty chilled out with sleep though, and if I really can't get him to sleep I just get him up again and let him tire himself out until I want to go to bed myself. That doesn't happen often mind you.
Modo - It sounds like you are doing the right thing with Bobby. It will be tough for him to get used to the idea that he has to sleep in his cot and not get driven about, but as long as you are consistent, he'll learn that this is how bedtime happens pretty quickly :hugs: I know its heartbreaking, but you know you were there for him the whole time, and if he didn't want you to hold his hand or anything then thats his choice really. I'd say that the trick is, however bad it gets, unless he's ill, just don't ever crack and pick him up. Always do the same thing, every time, and be calm. I find with Roh that its less traumatic if i do things like that, he feels more comfortable faster. Good luck :hugs:

Amy - My next mw app. is at 28 weeks :shock: it seems like a massive gap 16 - 28 weeks! I'm sure work could change my duties if i asked, but i was hoping to go a bit longer until i started asking for things, if you know what i mean? I found today a bit easier, so maybe i was just having an off day yesterday :shrug: Poor Holly, that must have given her a fright! I loved riding when i was young, even though i was allergic to horses (had to take a big dose of antihistamines before each ride :dohh:). I got thrown badly once and the horse was in a panic, so accidentally trampled my arm, which was broken in several places. Ouch! It took a little while to get my confidence back, but i went back to it as soon as my arm healed :thumbup: Fingers crossed Max remembers where his real home is soon!! Hope you and Alex get a better night sleep tonight too :hugs:

Mork - That is exactly how i made the transition to him getting to sleep on his own with Roh, sat there and held his hand until he went to sleep, then just sat there, then sat by the door, then stood by the door, and now i leave him to it. Its all took maybe 3 months total i think? Likely i could have gone faster, but i think it was a process for me too. It took a while before i believed he could go to sleep by himself :blush: Glad T's nights are gradually on an improvement, even if you have the odd bad one :hugs:

Maybe - :hugs: to you, busy lady!!

Thanks for all the bump compliments :happydance: Its cheered me up actually, because to be honest i feel absolutely massive!! :shock: I'm still pleased that i weighed myself today, and despite gaining a couple of lb last week, today i am still exactly what i weighed at the start of my pregnancy, so no gain yet. Given the bump, that must mean its come off other places, no idea where though? :shrug: My aim is to gain nothing until 3rd tri!
Sarah - Crossed posts! That's nice of Steve's boss to pay for a meal! :)
Hi all,

Really sorry I havent been on for a week - with dad being in hospital its been a nightmare to get on the computer but on the plus side he is having a xray today with a drink I guess it shows up some how to see if there are any leaks in the join they made ... fingers firmly crossed for good news as he seems to be making a really good recovery so far.

Also a quick question ... have any of your little ones had chicken pox and if so how did it start? Amy woke this morning with four spots on her face instinctivly I think its chicken pox but she has none anywhere else and no real symptoms. We are supposed to have baby yoga today and I dont know whether to take her!

Hope eveyone is ok I will go and catch up properly!
H&F it normally starts on their body with one huge one then over night loads more come all over, Will's first one was on his nappy line for a couple of days first.

Emera lush bump photo's that's great on the weight front!

Sarah so glad you had a lovely birthday.

Amy I hope max come home safe and sound.

Modo can't remember who but apparently they have separation anxiety at 18 m and 2 years, do you think it could be that? It's so horrible I really feel for you but perseverance is the way forward. You definitely did the right thing! It probably won't take very long either xxx How are you feeling otherwise?

Maybe I don't know how you do it!

Hope you all have a lovely day xx

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