Modo - It sounds like you are doing the right thing with Bobby. It will be tough for him to get used to the idea that he has to sleep in his cot and not get driven about, but as long as you are consistent, he'll learn that this is how bedtime happens pretty quickly

I know its heartbreaking, but you know you were there for him the whole time, and if he didn't want you to hold his hand or anything then thats his choice really. I'd say that the trick is, however bad it gets, unless he's ill, just don't ever crack and pick him up. Always do the same thing, every time, and be calm. I find with Roh that its less traumatic if i do things like that, he feels more comfortable faster. Good luck
Amy - My next mw app. is at 28 weeks

it seems like a massive gap 16 - 28 weeks! I'm sure work could change my duties if i asked, but i was hoping to go a bit longer until i started asking for things, if you know what i mean? I found today a bit easier, so maybe i was just having an off day yesterday

Poor Holly, that must have given her a fright! I loved riding when i was young, even though i was allergic to horses (had to take a big dose of antihistamines before each ride

). I got thrown badly once and the horse was in a panic, so accidentally trampled my arm, which was broken in several places. Ouch! It took a little while to get my confidence back, but i went back to it as soon as my arm healed

Fingers crossed Max remembers where his real home is soon!! Hope you and Alex get a better night sleep tonight too
Mork - That is exactly how i made the transition to him getting to sleep on his own with Roh, sat there and held his hand until he went to sleep, then just sat there, then sat by the door, then stood by the door, and now i leave him to it. Its all took maybe 3 months total i think? Likely i could have gone faster, but i think it was a process for me too. It took a while before i believed he could go to sleep by himself

Glad T's nights are gradually on an improvement, even if you have the odd bad one
Maybe -

to you, busy lady!!
Thanks for all the bump compliments

Its cheered me up actually, because to be honest i feel absolutely massive!!

I'm still pleased that i weighed myself today, and despite gaining a couple of lb last week, today i am still exactly what i weighed at the start of my pregnancy, so no gain yet. Given the bump, that must mean its come off other places, no idea where though?

My aim is to gain nothing until 3rd tri!