Wow, we've had a real windfall day today! Firstly FIL called and said that the sale of OH grandad's house has gone through (he passed away earlier this year at the age of 94) and that he'd decided to split his share of the money with us! Second, we finally received a cheque that we've been owed for nearly 2 years for over £600! Thats all in one day! Very pleased as we'll be able to afford to get the central heating system replaced now, before winter

Its not been working properly since we moved in, and apparently it was put in in the 80s, and some of the pipes that have been laid are the wrong size. Good news anyway, we've been saving up for it, but thought we'd have another winter with crap heating in half the house. With the new doors and windows we are getting it should be alot cozier this winter
We went out for lunch to celebrate which was lovely, then popped to town and got Roh some really cute new pjs and some new boots for me (only from Primark

but i want to wear them for work, so they will get knackered, not going to spend out on them!). I also got a couple of books i've been wanting for a while

All in all i feel like i've been really treated today

OH is happy as he bought himself some socks and a cushion

Ahhh, i think we are easily pleased!
Oh we were also naughty and got a Shakeaway, oh my god, yum yum yum i've not had one for ages!!! They are seriously the best things ever! OH made the mistake of letting Roh try some of his, and ended up having to really fight him to stop him drinking it, to the point were the straw actually ripped through the plastic lid to the cup before OH could get it out of Roh's mouth, and he was still trying to suck more! I was wetting myself laughing

Roh went nuts though! I've never seen him like that it really was a full on tantrum! We ended up getting him a banana soya shake to calm him down, which he finished completely! I was convinced he was going to be sick! I guess it just got more expensive to go there, as it looks like we'll have to get him one too now. Not that its particularly bad for him, its just soya milk, a bit of soya ice cream and banana
OH just made me watch Star Wars for the 10,000th know, i used to really like those films......