Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Thanks everyone Bobby woke up again at 12am and we did the same "dance" for 40 mins till he lay down in bed. It took me 20 mins to manage to leave the room (he complained a few times and I came back in) and close the door. I managed to stay calm the whole time but broke down when I got to bed. Both Ben and I feel a lot better about it this morning and Bobby seems fine. He woke up at 7am.

Thank you for your support last night :hugs:
Its hard isn't it Modo! Sounds like you did an amazing job and like Bobby had a good nights sleep. It will get easier, and Bobbby will get used to it :hugs:
Modo you'll get there, just keep going :thumbup: I hope tonight was easier :hugs:

Emera OUCH at the broken arm!!!! Amazingly I never broke anything while we had ponies, goodness knows how because we did some seriously crazy stuff :dohh: My friend and I both had ponies who were as bonkers as we were so we got up to a lot of nutty stuff :haha: She once had a really nasty fall though - we were galloping along a woodland track and there was a tiny road which went through, we always had to stop before the road because although it was private and gated and never used it was tarmac and very slippy. Well one day her pony wouldn't stop, she slid right over and crushed my friends leg :dohh: She had a full leg cast and still rode as soon as she could work out how to get on :haha: The pony was fine and my friend was more gutted about her saddle been ruined than her leg :dohh: Parts of me really wants to get Oliver into horses when he's bigger, then I remember some of the stuff we did and I think it might not be a great idea :haha:

I realised that my car's MOT ran out on Sunday :dohh: so its booked in for tomorrow. I know it needs the handbrake sorting out (because it basicaly doesn't work!) but I really hope it doesn't need much else!!!!!! So tomorrows plan is taking the car to the garage and leaving it there while Oliver and I walk to the park where we are meeting a friend and her little boy for a walk and a coffee. We used to work together but haven't seen her for about 3 years! Her little boy is about three days younger than Oliver so it should be fun :)
really sorry I havent been on, I will reply to you all properly soon :hugs: Alex is in a snotty poorly high temp sore throat mess. Got antibiotics today but he's woken 4 times already. In for another rough night here *sigh* x
Wow, we've had a real windfall day today! Firstly FIL called and said that the sale of OH grandad's house has gone through (he passed away earlier this year at the age of 94) and that he'd decided to split his share of the money with us! Second, we finally received a cheque that we've been owed for nearly 2 years for over £600! Thats all in one day! Very pleased as we'll be able to afford to get the central heating system replaced now, before winter :happydance: Its not been working properly since we moved in, and apparently it was put in in the 80s, and some of the pipes that have been laid are the wrong size. Good news anyway, we've been saving up for it, but thought we'd have another winter with crap heating in half the house. With the new doors and windows we are getting it should be alot cozier this winter :thumbup:

We went out for lunch to celebrate which was lovely, then popped to town and got Roh some really cute new pjs and some new boots for me (only from Primark :haha: but i want to wear them for work, so they will get knackered, not going to spend out on them!). I also got a couple of books i've been wanting for a while :D All in all i feel like i've been really treated today :) OH is happy as he bought himself some socks and a cushion :haha: Ahhh, i think we are easily pleased!

Oh we were also naughty and got a Shakeaway, oh my god, yum yum yum i've not had one for ages!!! They are seriously the best things ever! OH made the mistake of letting Roh try some of his, and ended up having to really fight him to stop him drinking it, to the point were the straw actually ripped through the plastic lid to the cup before OH could get it out of Roh's mouth, and he was still trying to suck more! I was wetting myself laughing :haha: :shock: Roh went nuts though! I've never seen him like that it really was a full on tantrum! We ended up getting him a banana soya shake to calm him down, which he finished completely! I was convinced he was going to be sick! I guess it just got more expensive to go there, as it looks like we'll have to get him one too now. Not that its particularly bad for him, its just soya milk, a bit of soya ice cream and banana :)

OH just made me watch Star Wars for the 10,000th know, i used to really like those films...... :dohh:
oh Amy, poor Alex, sounds exactly like what Roh and I had :hugs: Hope he feels bettter soon. Good news is that the antibiotics helped loads, and Roh got over it way quicker than me, so just try not to catch it yourself! :hugs:
Amy I hope Alex settles and has a good nights sleep, and that he's feeling better soon :hugs:

Emera YAY for such a great day!! It sound lovely :thumbup: Great to hear that you can get your heating sorted too! We noticed a HUGE difference after we got our windows done . . . . we still loose loads of heat around the front door but I really didn't want to change the door :dohh:

We had a nice day, took my car to the garage and then met my friend and her little boy at the park which was a lot of fun but soooooo cold!! We walked home from the park and as soon as I closed the door it started raining like crazy - I was sooooo glad we weren't caught in it!! My car failed its MOT :cry: but it wasn't too bad, it just needed a couple of things and it should be ready tomorrow. So all in all I was pretty pleased with it.

Tonight I've managed to do a WHOLE load of ironing - there was SO much of it!!! I always say I won't let it build up again but I always do :haha: I think we just need to have less clothes :haha:
Tonight I've managed to do a WHOLE load of ironing - there was SO much of it!!! I always say I won't let it build up again but I always do :haha: I think we just need to have less clothes :haha:

Or just learn to love the creases!!! :thumbup: :rofl:
Hey girls, my turn to whinge-wtf is going on with t's Sleep????! After sleeping through we have had two awful nights if her waking every hour screaming. She has no temperature, and the usual stuff is all ok. I don't think it's teeth but have given her calpol and that seems to have no effect on the length of time she will sleep! It's so hard cause I just don't know why!!!!
Emera-great news for you :)
Sarah-boo to car, but at least it's fixable.
Amy-poor Alex, hope he's on the mend.
Hi to everyone else! (and maybe-it's the weekend!!!!!!) xxx
Mork could it be a touch of separation anxiety? Bad dreams?

Oliver went to bed last night at 7pm after refusing to nap all day :dohh: He woke up at about 11pm so I went to bed and settled him, then he woke when Steve came to bed at 6am, then he went back to sleep. When he woke up I felt like I'd slept in, I looked at the clock and it was 10.45am!!!!!!
Sarah - Thats a hell of a lie in! :shock: Lovely :)

Mork - Must be very confusing for you with T sleeping well for once and then going to the other extreme. It sounds a bit like how Roh can be when he's doing some development. I find there is no reason for it, no teething, not hungry, no temperature, but he'lll still be really disturbed at night, and sometimes moody in the daytimes with it. It could be simply that new bits of her brain are firing up, and its just causing her to feel odd and its unsettling her? :hugs: Hope it passes soon!

Argh, well i'm really hoping that Roh is going through some developmental phase too, we had the full on tantrum yesterday, and before over his clothes for the day, and another 2 today! I mean full on, lying on the floor screaming (not crying, screaming) flailing round if i try to pick him up. Its a nightmare! The first one today was because i wouldn't let him stick his hand in my hot cup of tea, second one today was because he really wanted to unlock the door when we got home, but couldn't get the key the right way, i was trying to help him, but he was shouting at me and pushing me away, anyway i tried to take the keys off him and he turned round and hit me in the face with them, quite on purpose. He managed to cut my cheek with the key :dohh: So of course i told him off, took the keys off him, and then dumped him in his cot so i could put the buggy away and the shopping etc, and also sort my bleeding face out. He spent the whole time screaming at the top of his lungs :wacko: I managed to settle him down, and he's gone to sleep now. I'm knackered, i've no idea what to do with him when he's being like that. :shrug: Mmmm, tantrum fun! Guess i knew this would come, just thought he might wait a bit, like until he was 2 or something at least :wacko:
Emera we those tantrums too - I'm the same, I'm really not sure how I should deal with them
Yay Modo! :happydance: Clever Bobby getting the hang of it, and well done you, good work :happydance:
modo - hope bobby does a repeat performance tonight!

mork - i can sympathise with you re the weird sleep!!! hope she sleeps through soon.

h&f - hows your dad? was it chickenpox amy had? owen had it before summer so did erin, though dylan escaped it!!!

amy - how's work?

emera- owen has major tantrums too :dohh: i try to either ignore them or try distraction!

sarah - what a great lie in! a lie in for me is 6.30am :dohh: am dreading the clock change!!!

well i went out with the girls from work last night. we had dinner and then drinks. i left at 3.30am :shock: havent stayed out that late in years! was a good laugh though :D i was not laughing when owen woke at just before 6am though :sleep: we got a mcdonalds for lunch and just had a lazy day in. dylan swore at me earlier :cry: as i didnt let him go to my mil house (she wanted to rest) my fil was here and told him off and i punished him in his room. he's so defiant at the moment.
Wow Maybe 3.30am!! :shock: I'm glad you had a good night out though, I hope you managed to catch up on some sleep over the weekend :hugs:

Not much going on here, pretty busy with wedding stuff so thats good :thumbup: I'm also trying to get some kind of order to my housework and I'm working through the house 'decluttering'. I feel like I'm swimming against the tide though, I just don't seem to be getting anywhere!! My parents came up yesterday and since it was raining they had the day playing with Oliver and I got a whole load of house work done which was great. I just need another month or so of days like that :haha:

Oh, and I got my car back, all together including the actual MOT it only cost a hundred and twenty quid which I was really pleased with! Steve's car goes in on Tuesday for a service, new tyres, and something doing to the power steering, that's going to cost a lot more but at least thats Steve's bill :haha: Well, he will buy expensive tyres - I got some lovely part worns fitted to mine for fifty quid for two - and they were goodyears and like new - Steve's tyres and well over a hundred pounds each!! :shock: Men eh! :haha:

Not much else to report. We're getting a towel radiator fitted in the bathroom next week and I'm all excited about it :haha: I'm soooo sad :dohh:

I hope you're all well :hugs: xx
Sarah - I'd be excited about a towel radiator too! :happydance: Also, could your parents pop over to mine for a day so i can get some housework done aswell? :haha:
I'm seriously losing the fight here! OH does the washing up about twice a week and puts some laundry through, but always leaves it on the side to dry, and the clean laundry all bundled up and not folded in a basket. He'll tidy round a bit (as in put away Roh's toys and clear up his coffee cups) but it wouldn't occur to him to run the hoover round or do a quick dust. He thinks he's being really helpful, which i suppose in comparison to before, he is :dohh: It just means that there is always alot for me to do when i'm not working, i rarely get time to relax whilst Roh is asleep.
OH got home tonight and i just cried at him! :wacko: Roh has been driving me mad all day, and right before bathtime he tipped my whole glass of squash over the sofa (again!!) and got the leftover pasta from dinner out of the fridge and spread it all over the kitchen floor and down the hall :nope: I was so angry with him, i only left him for literally a minute to go get his pjs and change his bed sheet quickly. Nightmare, i felt bad for shouting at him after of course, and got upset about that too :dohh: So i ended up crying whilst he was on my lap drinking his milk. He just looked up and me, put his milk down turned round and gave me the most lovely cuddle, then patted the tears off my face :cloud9: So sweet, it made clearing up all the pasta, and trying to dry the sofa out alot less annoying after he went to sleep! I'm knackered though, and its work again tomorrow.
Bleugh, don't mind me, i'm just short on energy, and feeling very hormonal, i forgot this bit about pregnancy :rolleyes:
Awwww Emera how cute about the cuddle and the tears! Not about the juice or the pasta though :dohh: :hugs: to you :hugs:

Oliver loves to tip his drinks up, I'm really unsure how to tell him off when he does it. I say 'no' and I take the drink off him for a bit normally. Does that sound about right?

Bless your OH and his 'helping' :haha: Its more than Steve though, he seems to think that if he says 'I was going to do that' to me as I'm doing it then that's as good as doing it in the first place :haha: He washed up the other day, I thought I was in the wrong house :haha: Its a rare day that he does any house work, but he does do some DIY, and its been like this for so long that I'm used to it now. I do wonder if he actually realises how much I do just to stop the house been a complete disaster :dohh:

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