Maybe I hope you have a great time at Disney!
Modo how is Bobby's sleeping? How are you feeling?
Well what a day I've had

This will be long - I need to get it off my chest
To begin with, I bought a footmuff yesterday for my Mamas & Papas Frankie, got it home and it doesn't fit, even thought its the proper M&P's footmuff to match the pushchair

The pushchair on display with the footmuff on had poppers to attatch the muff to the pushchair, but my pushchair doesn't have any poppers! So I called customer services this morning just to see if my pushchair was faulty or anything or what I should do. Well I was on hold for ten mins and then got through, explained the problem, and OMG the woman was SO rude! She had SO much attitude, I ended up taking her name and I'm going to complain about her. I was asking a really easy / simple question and she was just so rude! She end up saying look, just take it back if you don't want it, its not hard is it?'

So I ended up taking it back to the factory shop at Hudderfield (I bought it in York). They were soooo nice, they said they couldn't take it back there and that I'd have to take it to York

I told them the whole thing with the rude woman and everything and the manager ended up coming over and speaking to me. She was lovely and said that when I bought it they should have explained about the poppers, and also they should have said that I had to take it back there if I wanted to return it. I was almost in tears

because I was all stressed out so she said right, sod head office, I'm going to sort this out my way

So she spoke to the guys in servicing (based at the same place) and I'm taking my pushchair in tomorrow and they are going to fit poppers to it!

I'm still going to complain re the 'customer services' woman though!!!
So on top of that, in between speaking to the rude woman and going to the store, the RSPCA came for the ferret. It was nicely asleep in its box / blanket. Well she picked it up, started messing about having a look to see what sex it was (like I care lol!), put it back in the box I had it in while she was messing about - but didn't shut the lid

So obviously it made a run for it, she grabbed it but it bit her so she dropped it and iit ran off

She tried to catch it for about 10 mins and then said oh I'll never catch it, you'll just have to see if you can get it later and call us again

I was SO pissed off! On top of that she didn't wipe her feet / take her shoes off when she came through the house and instead of just walking on the woodern floor walked all over my lovely Habitat rug, so when she'd gone I realised she'd trodden mud all over it
I was feeling so stressed about everything

I felt better after I'd been to M&P's though and then after lunch I decided to be brave and try to catch the ferret, so while Oliver played in the yard and shouted 'Whats That?' a lot

I tried to catch the runaway. It took me about half an hour but I got it in the end

I was so proud of myself - my hand was shaking trying to catch it

I had huge gloves on too

I felt SO much better then though, I was really worried that it would get the chickens

So the RSPCA are coming again tomorrow and no way are they coming through the house, I'll send them around the back. I had to let the mud dry on the rug and then hoover it LOADS, and then clean it, and now it looks okay but I'm so pissed off that a) she let it go and b) she trod mud through my house!!!
Phew! Thats better
I've also had an idea for expanding / changing my business which could really do well and could really fit in perfectly. So my head is thinking about that a lot and I'm trying to make time to research it and stuff on top of everything else. I've managed to get some stuff written down tonight so thats been good
Steve has been telling Oliver about stars, so now he says 'stars' and points to the sky if you ask him where the stars are

Steve took him outside tonight to look at them and he got all excited, So cute! He says so many words now, and he learns so quickly! Its amazing! He started saying 'Ball' today too - we were reading a book with a ball in it, and then he went and dug his ball out from his toy box and brought it to me saying 'ball'