Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi ladies :flower: I hope you're all well! I'm sorry I've been so AWOL, things have been crazy for me for quite a while now :lol:
Daisy is getting so big, she's nearly 30lbs! She's saying a lot of words, although her only phrase is 'out door'. I had fab news yesterday, she had a kidney scan and her consultant says she 99% won't need surgery :happydance:
Anne, have a wonderful time, I hope the kids love it! xx
Emera- I'm glad everything is ok, I can't believe how pregnant you are already!
Sarah- I read about your awful day on FB, the RSPCA woman sounds like a horror :lol: I always find M&P customer service awful, ridiculous considering their proves!
OMG I am soooooooo angry with the shop i brought my pram from! I dont know if you remember me posting that i had to pay out a minimum of £80 to 'fix' it because the tyres are worn and the break isnt working - well, I phoned 2 weeks ago to order it and at the same time asked for a transcript of their exchanges with icandy re the problems. Well i spoke to them earlier and they said that they couldnt provide transcripts as they didnt have them (and then relayed the conversation they had with me a couple of weeks ago almost word for word so they clearly have some sort of note on it!) and so i said how did i know that i really needed the parts they were saying to which she was quite rude! anyway, they havent ordered the part so i demanded a refund of my money they have ad for the past 2 weeks! I am so angry as I so need my pram fixed but am now too angry o ever go back to taht shop and although i demanded icandy contact details i know that they very rarely deal with customers direct as they expect it to be done via the shop - grrrrr am so f*ing angry, all that money spent on what I thought was a quality pushchair and investment :(
Now that rants over - hey all, hope you had good days!!! xx
going to catch up and reply, just wanted to say katie - :hugs: :wave: missed you xx
maybe - I'm too late! Hope Disney is amazing. we are going in January - we've been twice before, I'm not really a theme park person but I love it there! Looking forward to hearing about it. Fab news you like the cleaner :hugs: Owen is so clever :thumbup:

emera - :dohh: be careful Mrs :hugs: hope you enjoy the concert tomorrow, great news about the contractions and the button !!!!!!!!!!!!!

sarah - augh, what a twit that woman was, well done for re-catching the ferrett! that woman sounds like an old cow bag :hugs: love the story about Oliver and the stars :cloud9:

mork - I'm not surprised you are angry!!!!!!!!! :hugs:

modo - when is your next scan? :hugs:

Well I finished at Dartford, I was feeling pretty emotional by the end of the shift and then they brought me out a lovely card, a gorgeous bunch of flowers and a big tub of chocolates. I was reading the card on the way out and cried. I did love the job, its such a privallege to work with premature babies and their familes :cry: I'm so sorry it didnt work out with the travel :cry: Canterbury wont be the same, you dont get the time to build relationships with parents when its just day care. I just hope I dont hate it. Alex woke up when I got home and wanted boobie (he now calls it boobie :blush:) for half an hour so I finally ate tea at 10.30 pm :sleep:
:hugs: to you all :hugs:
Awww Amy I'm sure you'll love your new job too! And less travel will be SO much better for you :hugs: :hugs: When do you start your new job?

Hi Katie! Lovely to see you on here :hugs: We miss you!!

Emera enjoy the concert! And make the most of taking it easy :hugs:

Mork grrrrr I would be SO annoyed at the shop! You should try to contact iCandy . . . . they must be able to help because what about everyone who buys their iCandy's second hand? As you can probably tell though bad customer service is a real pet hate of mine, it really winds me up.

Well yesterday was quite productive - I got the poppers fitted to the pushchair (took flipping ages though :dohh:) and the RSPCA finally came and took the ferret :happydance: I wasn't in at the time but I spoke to the lady on the phone and she sounded a lot more switched on than the last one :haha: Instead of faffing about she just took it i the box that I'd put it in so there was no risk of escape.
Katie: Hope you are doing well.

Mork: Sorry to hear about the pram :( It's pretty infuriating :growlmad:

Emera: Sorry you hurt your bump :(

Amy: I'm sorry to hear to that you are sad about finishing your job :( I hope you really enjoy your new one closer to home :hugs: Scan on 15th at 12 weeks.

Gotta go :wave:
Hey all sorry its a super quick one from me! I am geting ready to go out!!! I am actually leaving the house without my Amy!!! I am only going to a friends house for a Jamie Oliver party and a couple of glasses of wine.

Hope everyone is getting on ok - Emera please keep resting!

Will catch up properly soon!!! x x x
Hello everyone! Are you all ok? Its awfully quiet in here!!! xx
Hey Mork! I'm here :) Not much to report though, i had a wedding today which went very smoothly and then just normal Saturday stuff. Steve's son came up which was nice, it would be nice to see more of him but I think he's a busy teenager :haha:

Oliver wants to draw ALL the time at the moment, I put all his 'art' stuff in a box and he drags it around with him until you set him up at the table. Very cute :)

I hope everyone else is well!
Sarah - How cute of Oliver dragging his stuff around! Roh is the same, but opposite tactic, he sits himself at the table and then points at the pots with the crayons etc. in and shouts loudly until he is provided with materials! :haha:

Is it just Roh who never shuts up these days? He seems to have developed his own language and i've no clue what he's on about most the time, but he just talks non-stop! He's also developed a sudden hair brushing obsession! He'll try and brush his hair with everything, including any food he's eating :dohh: I gave him a hair brush and he brushed his hair for ages, and then came over to me, and brushed mine for ages too, he does it all the time now! Weird as we never really brush his hair or brush our hair infront of him :shrug:
Emera Oliver loves brushing hair too - ours and his - and also with anything :haha: He tends to wallop you around the head rather than brush your hair though :rofl: He's another chatterbox too and says more and more words, though he has a few words / phrases that he says A LOT that I still have no idea what he means :haha: His fave is still 'What's that?' - he says it soooooo much drama like he's seen an alien, when he's actually pointing at the cat or a leaf of something. He also still says 'what's that' when he jolly well knows what it is, but we figure that we ask him the same things again and again too even though we know the answer :haha:
Oh, and talking of hair, I put rollers in mine today and Oliver thought they were great and put them in his too :haha: They are the velcro ones so they just stay where you put them, he was very proud of his roller :rofl:

Also he thinks everything is a phone, which I guess says we are on our phones too much :dohh: :blush:

I have such a horrible headache. I've had a stressy evening (long story) and my head is thumping. To make matters worse Steve is brasso-ing his coffee machine and now all downstairs smells soooo strong of Brasso, its making me feel sick. I'm off to bed :thumbup:
sarah - thanks hun, I start my new job in 2 weeks. Needed a rest after all that travel :haha: good news the ferrett has gone :thumbup: Alex also loves drawing all the time - he's drawn on the walls :blush: :dohh:

Modo - not long until the scan then :happydance: how are you feeling?

H&F - hope you had a great night out :hugs:

Mork - hey Mork, did you have a nice birthday??? :cake: :hugs:

emera - Alex chatters non stop these days and its also gobbledegook with the odd recognisable word dropped in :haha: how sweet Roh brushed your hair :cloud9: Alex is just obsessed with the girls old Thomas brio set (thank god we kept it!) at the moment.

we went out for dinner with friends last night. lovely food and wine. Kerry spoilt things by taking offence to something I said and getting angry in front of our friends. I tried to talk to him at home about it but he was just evil so it was all spoilt and I went to bed in tears :( such a shame as we never get out

tonight we attempted taking Alex to the village fireworks. he HATED it :dohh:
Awww, Amy, sorry Kerry was a grump :( I had a moment when we went to London on thursday, we were having a lovely time and suddenly OH started tlking about stuff that happened years ago, and then sort of went from one mistake i'd made to another sounding all accusing. Of course i burst into tears in the restaurant, so embarrassing, but he just upset me :dohh: Fortunately he apologised, and i got over it, as i didn't want to spoil the day, but i felt a bit tense the rest of the evening. such a shame. Its so easy to spoil what can be a nice time. :(

I considered taking Roh to the big display here, but decided against it, i hate the noise of fireworks personally, i was a bit worried it would scare him. Sorry Alex wasn't keen :hugs:

Its sounded like bloody world war 3 all night here tonight, its doing my head in! I'm such a fireworks scrooge! :haha: I hate it!

Sarah - Hope you feel better in the morning! :hugs:
Amy I'm sorry that Kerry was such an idiot on your night out :( And Emera too, why do men do stuff like that? :shrug: So silly :nope:

We thought about taking Oliver to a fireworks display too but I was worried that if he didn't like it he would be sooooo scared and I wouldn't be able to make it stop, IYKWIM. We watched some from a distance from outside the house :haha:
Hi everyone :wave: just waiting for B to go to sleep. He is chattering to himself :haha:

Sarah: oliver sounds adorable! Bobby doesn't say much yet but babbles a lot :lol: bobby also likes brushing his hair too :)

Amy: sorry Kerry became grumpy on your night out :( arguing is never fun but it's even worse in front of others :(

Emera: sorry about your argument with your OH :( that sounded totally out of the blue :( no wonder you got upset :hugs:

We went to soft play today and was a nightmare as bobby refuses to go in the carrier now :cry: so I had to carry the coats, changing bag and hold his reins trying not to drop anything :dohh: felt so incompitent!

After bobbys nap we went to Westfield and bought bobby a jumper, vest and 2 pjs from debenhams. We tried to go to Jaimes Italian Resturant but the waitress was so snooty and made us wait in the bar with bobby. We lasted all of 2 seconds as bobby decided to climb the table. Waitress kept pretending we didn't exist so we left! Went to a much nicer pizza place nearby. I had penne arabiata and Ben had Cous Cous xhicken salad. They forgot bobbys Oder so he ate from our food (shoveled it in !). It was all very nice!

Ok I think bobby is asleep so will attemp to make my escape now! Luckily the fireworks don't seem to bother him despite being loud.

Sorry in advance for the typos ( bet there are loAds :haha:) posting from the iPhone!
Amy-birthday was a bit of a non event, but thanks for asking! Hope Kerry is behaving.
Modo-rude waitress! I would have been really p****d off!
Emera-hope youre ok.
Sarahwoo-gald you enjoyed your safe distance firework observations! we did the same - from indoors-much warmer and drier!
So I am spending all my spare moments searching foran icandy pear to replace my broken cherry, keep getting outbid :(
emera - you are so right, its silly when one little thing spoils a nice time!

modo - nom nom sounds yummy :hugs:

mork - hope you got some nice pressies... good luck with the icandy :hugs:

we had one of those days today, Alex was fine when we got up, well he has a bit of a cold. we had a pj morning then at 10am I went to get him dressed and noticed a wierd rash on his arm - it was peticial (sp?) and non blanching so I was a bit worried and called the out of hour doc. we were seen 40 mins later and before I knew it we were being blue lighted in an ambulance to the acute childrens ward with suspected meningicoccal (sp) septacaemia! he was fine really so it was surreal. the SHO I saw first said it was just a viral rash and I said are you sure, its non blanching??? I didnt think it was serious but I didnt want to take Alex home without knowing for sure. He said he'd check with the registrar. he came back and his words were "if you'd come to A & E with this you'd have been sent home but becasue someone's mentioned meningitus to you you've got it in your head so we'll do a blood test" !!!! I was livid, I hadnt said I was a paed nurse and none of the nurses there had recognised me at that point but I wanted to say excuse me!!! I just want to know my son is safe. you hear so many horror stories. they took bloods and he has a cannula. we waited hours but thefirst results showed no infection markers so we thought we get sent home but then he said becasue meningitus had been mentioned he had to follow protocol and Alex needs iv antibiotics for 3 days until the blood cultures come back which will show any bacterial growth. he let us home but I have to take him back for his antibiotics once a day for the next two days. bleuuurgh, it was just a stressful horrible day. :( the rash is still there.... x
Amy- what a horrible day! :(

SarahWoo - I see you are still going strong with the BFing! We are keeping it up as well- this is the longest I have gone with any of my kids. S was 5 mos (self weaned), and M was 8 mos (supply dried up due to pg with L). I'm not in a huge hurry to wean, tbh. She only feeds once or twice a day and it is comforting to both of us.

Had a great day with the kids - we spent a lot of time out doors, and a lot of time learning and reading which are two of my favourite things to do with the kids. Plus was able to get the house super clean over the weekend, including packing up the pack n play (which we used to suplement L's co-sleeping habit; she never really used or liked the damned thing) :rofl: and moving L into the spare bedroom with her new grown-up single bed. *sniff* She has adjusted quite well actually and I think the fact that I still bf her to sleep has helped a lot.

Hope you are all well :)

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