modo - sorry I skim read and missed that you'd sorted the appointment

thats great news and it sounds like your doula is a source of great support already

good news the canine is through
maybe - I love that Owen woke you with kisses

Alex calls it boobie and points at my boobs saying boobie. he has a paady if I say no and when we are at home he wants at least 6 feeds a day, then more in the night. Kerry doesnt like it! I dont really want to stop him but I dont want him to bf past 2 really....
H&F - hope Amy's canines come through soon. How are you enjoying married life?
emera - yay for 24 weeks

I love meetings like that where the time spent apart disappears immediately
sarah - have you been out on a real Thomas train? Alex is currently Thomas obsessed :hehe: I'm just glad we kept the girls Thomas brio set
the full max story is there were a few warning bells with the cat but I put it down to weightloss and time away from home. but then a man was looking round the village for his black female 12 year old cat. I felt sick and went to check the sex of the cat immediately and it was a girl

she was identical to Max though, freakishly. I let her go and she ran home. I think she is the cat the other lady saw so Max has been missing for nearly 2 months and I just cant think what happened to him :'(
good job people like you have fantastic news to make me smile :mork: